Sea Wolf

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Storybook Vale Collection.png
Sea Wolf
Sea Wolf.png

These deep hunters will give an uncanny aquatic howl when the moon is visible underwater.

Type: Menu Icon Ingredients.png Ingredient
Ingredient Type: links=:Category:Fish Fish
Placement: 2x1 (Surfaces)
Sells for: Star Coin icon.png 75
Energy: Energy.png+300
Gift Reward: Friendship.png 150
Ripple Color: White
Found: The Bind
From: Fishing

Sea Wolf is a type of fish which can be caught while Fishing in white pools in The Bind.

It can be consumed to regain energy, or used as an ingredient in cooked meals. Once collected it will be added to the Storybook Vale Fish Collection.

Ingredients can be placed in the world by highlighting them inside the Inventory window and selecting Drop. After removing from inventory they can be positioned using furniture placement mode.

Ingredient Specific Recipes

Sea Wolf is specifically required in the following recipes, and other ingredients of the same type can't be substituted.

Image Name Stars Energy Sell Price Ingredients
Lupine Cullen Skink.png
Lupine Cullen Skink ★★★★ Energy.png+1,681 Star Coin icon.png 736 Sea Wolf
Plain Yogurt
Salt-Baked Sea Wolf.png
Salt-Baked Sea Wolf ★★☆☆☆ Energy.png+602 Star Coin icon.png 123 Sea Wolf
Salt Crystal

Quest Objectives

Sea Wolf is an objective during the following quests.

Quest Required Use
Menu Icon Quests.png A Very Scottish Celebration Merida.pngFriendship 10.png 3 Use to cook Salt-Baked Sea Wolf
