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Climate in
Lebanon, Oregon

(Lebanon is Located in Linn County)

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Climate in Lebanon, Oregon

What is the climate like in Lebanon, Oregon? There are many important factors that may affect your personal climate preferences including average temperature and humidity, annual rainfall and snow, number of cloudy days, wind speeds, and more.

Climate Comfort: Average Snowfall and Rainfall are included

In a typical year, Lebanon, Oregon temperatures fall below 50F° for 153 days per year. Annual precipitation in Lebanon is typically 44.33 inches per year (highAnalytics team at Dwellics grouped locations into 5 ranges for each metric: Lowest, Low, Moderate, High, Highest in the US) and snow covers the ground 23 days per year or 6.3% of the year (lowAnalytics team at Dwellics grouped locations into 5 ranges for each metric: Lowest, Low, Moderate, High, Highest in the US). It may be helpful to understand the yearly precipitation by imagining 9.2 straight days of moderate rain per year. The humidity in Lebanon, Oregon is below 60% for approximately 33.4 days or 9.2% of the year.

Number of days per year in each temperature range:

  • 130° F
  • 120° F
  • 110° F
  • 100° F
  • 90° F
  • 80° F
  • 70° F
  • 60° F
  • 50° F
  • 40° F
  • 30° F
  • 20° F
  • 10° F
  • 0° F
  • -10° F
  • -20° F
Number of days per year in each humidity range:

Mood Comfort

Sunrise and sunset times vary by region in the United States. The duration of each day and the amount of sunlight can affect people's moods in a significant way. In Lebanon, Oregon, the shortest day starts at 7:48 a.m. and ends at 4:31 p.m. and lasts for 8:48:50. The longest day starts at 5:26 a.m. and ends at 9:00 p.m. and lasts for 15:32:46.

Shortest day:



Longest day:



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Evaluating the Lebanon Experience

Unfiltered Perspectives: Real-life feedback from users living in Lebanon

Mountains, culture and climate
Limited resources such as water and the issue of water rights. Additionally, the risk of increased forest fires
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Mountains, culture and climate
Limited resources such as water and the issue of water rights. Additionally, the risk of increased forest fires
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