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Education in
Lebanon, Oregon

(Lebanon is Located in Linn County)

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Are there good schools in Lebanon, Oregon?

When determining if Lebanon, Oregon, has good schools, we analyze key factors including math proficiency, reading/language proficiency, students-per-teacher ratio, average teacher salaries, National Blue Ribbon awards, Spelling Bee and STEM/non-STEM national competitions, and more.

Cities, towns, villages, and unincorporated county areas across the U.S. vary widely in size, and the region’s population determines the number of schools available. Big cities have a large number of schools to choose from, while small cities, towns, and villages may have no schools within their geographic boundaries. Since our PhD-Level data analysts are parents, too, we look at children's education through the eyes of a parent who is responsible for taking their kids to school even if it’s 20 miles from home because there are few schools nearby.

Dwellics school data analysis begins with determining whether there are schools within a city’s borders. If we find there are none, we research schools in neighboring locales to find the closest schools. The results you see show all the school options available and the distance they are from each city, town, village, or unincorporated county covered on our platform.

Does Lebanon, Oregon have good schools?

SchoolsNational RankingsPrivate School Enrollment
Elementary schools in LebanonScored 38.86 on a scale of 0 to 100.12.1%
Middle schools in LebanonScored 36.93 on a scale of 0 to 100.17.3%
High schools in LebanonScored 36.22 on a scale of 0 to 100.19%

Dwellics searched for winners of 69 nationwide competitions for school children in both STEM and non-STEM fields and found NaN winners in Lebanon, Oregon in the last 5 years.

Elementary Schools

There are 4 public elementary schools in Lebanon, Oregon. Public elementary schools serving Lebanon, Oregon, are rated 38.86 (with 100 being the best) in the United States according to our research. Among elementary school students, approximately 12.1% are enrolled in private schools in Lebanon.

The average percentage of students proficient in math in Lebanon, Oregon at the elementary school level is 36.5%, and proficiency in reading and language arts is 42.8%.

The average annual salary of an elementary school teacher in Lebanon is $39,410. The average number of elementary school students assigned to a teacher’s classroom in Lebanon is 16.

Middle Schools

There is 1 public middle school in Lebanon, Oregon. Public middle schools serving Lebanon, Oregon, are rated 36.93 (with 100 being the best) in the United States according to our research. Among middle school students, approximately 17.3% are enrolled in private schools in Lebanon.

The average percentage of students proficient in math in Lebanon, Oregon at the middle school level is 34%, and proficiency in reading and language arts is 42%.

The average annual salary of a middle school teacher in Lebanon is $39,410. The average number of middle school students assigned to a teacher’s classroom in Lebanon is 18.

High Schools

There is 1 public high school in Lebanon, Oregon. Public high schools serving Lebanon, Oregon, are rated 36.22 (with 100 being the best) in the United States according to our research. Among high school students, approximately 19% are enrolled in private schools in Lebanon.

The average percentage of students proficient in math in Lebanon, Oregon at the high school level is 23%, and proficiency in reading and language arts is 52%.

The average annual salary of a high school teacher in Lebanon is $39,410. The average number of high school students assigned to a teacher’s classroom in Lebanon is 22.

Evaluating the Lebanon Experience

Unfiltered Perspectives: Real-life feedback from users living in Lebanon

Mountains, culture and climate
Limited resources such as water and the issue of water rights. Additionally, the risk of increased forest fires
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Mountains, culture and climate
Limited resources such as water and the issue of water rights. Additionally, the risk of increased forest fires
See all Pros & Cons

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