Pasado Simple

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PASADO SIMPLE - (SIMPLE PAST TENSE) El Pasado Simple es un tiempo verbal que se utiliza para describir acciones que han sucedido en un tiempo anterior y que ya han finalizado, por ejemplo: She cleaned herhouse. I broke the window. Ella limpi su casa. Yo romp la ventana.

Aqu vemos su conjugacin que en el espaol equivale al Pretrito Indefinido. Observa que la estructura de la oracin es similar a la del Presente Simple:

Tanto en la forma interrogativa como en negativa se utiliza como auxiliarDID que es la forma pasada del verbo "TO DO" y acompaa al verbo principal en su forma infinitiva. En las negaciones puede utilizarse la forma contrada de DID NOT o sea DIDN'T. En el cuadro superior se emplea el verbo To Play (Jugar) a modo de ejemplo. Al expresar una oracin en Pasado Simple se entiende que la accin no guarda relacin con el presente, como vemos en los siguientes casos: He lost the keys. l perdi las llaves. (Puede que en el presente las haya encontrado). She lent me a book. Ella me prest un libro. (Puede que ya se lo haya devuelto). Tambin es posible indicar el momento en que se desarrolla la accin para indicar el tiempo con mayor precisin: They saw the movie last night. Ellos vieron la pelcula anoche. We went to London yesterday. Nosotros fuimos a Londres ayer. Para poder formar una oracin en tiempo pasado debemos distinguir dos tipos: VERBOS REGULARES y VERBOS IRREGULARES. En el primero de los casos forman su Pasado Simple aadiendo la terminacin ED al infinitivo, mientras que los irregulares reciben ese nombre por no seguir un patrn determinado y en este caso deben estudiarse individualmente. No olvides echar revisar el vdeo de la leccin para practicar la pronunciacin y los ejercicios.

2. Future Will
El Futuro con 'Will' (o 'Will' Future) se utiliza para hacer predicciones de futuro, es decir, para hablar de un futuro no planificado o incierto. Los siguientes ejemplos sern utilizados en la explicacin. Utilizamos dos ejemplos para comprobar si hay cambios en la tercera persona del singular. Yo ir a la universidad. PARA QU SIRVE? Se utiliza para hablar de predicciones de futuro basado en cosas que no son tan evidentes (I.e. I think the weather will be great this summer). Tambin utilizamos esta estructura espontneas (I.e. I'm tired. I'll go to bed). para hacer decisiones l ir a la universidad.

Cuando hacemos promesas (I.e. I promise I will go to the party). CMO SE FORMA? Debemos tener en cuenta que 'will' es un modal, por lo que seguir las normas bsicas de los modales. Lo formamos utilizando 'will' seguido de un verbo en su forma base. AFIRMATIVA: Para formar la afirmativa ponemos seguido de un verbo en su forma base.







Yo ir a la universidad. I will go to the university. l ir a la universidad. He'll go to the university. *1 Debemos tener en cuenta que los modales no tienen una forma diferente para la tercera persona del singular.

*2 Recuerda que la forma contrada de 'will' es diferente ('ll). Adems, la forma contrada slo se puede utilizar con los pronombres personales. NEGATIVA: Para formar la negativa tenemos que negar el modal 'will'. Adems, es importante notar que la forma contrada negativa es 'won't'.




Yo no ir a la universidad. I won't go to the university. * Al igual que en afirmativa, podemos encontrar la forma completa (will not) o la forma contrada (won't) INTERROGATIVA: Para formar la interrogativa tenemos que invertir el modal 'will' y el sujeto.




Irs t a la universidad? Will you go to the university? RESPUESTAS CORTAS: Para dar respuestas cortas debemos utilizar la forma afirmativa o negativa del modal 'will'. Recuerda que las respuestas cortas son muy comunes porque cuando hablamos evitamos repetir lo que ya se ha dicho. Will you go to the university? Yes, I will / No, I won't * Debes tener en cuenta que utilizamos la forma completa en las respuestas cortas afirmativas, mientras que utilizamos la forma contrada en las respuestas cortas negativas. QU DEBO RECORDAR? Esta estructura puede ir acompaada de verbos como 'think, hope, relieve, imagine', etc (I.e. I think I'll buy a car next year). Otros aspectos que debemos tener en cuenta son los siguientes:

Es importante recordar que existen formas completas y formas contradas. Adems, debemos conocer las formas contradas del modal 'will' Recuerda que el 'will' siempre va seguido de otro verbo en su forma base. Para formar la interrogativa debemos invertir 'will', por lo que no necesitamos auxiliar. Este tiempo suele ir acompaado de expresiones que hacen referencia al futuro, como es el caso de 'tomorrow, this weekend, next Tuesday, next month, next year, etc.' Adems, recuerda que existe otra forma de hablar en futuro ('going to'). La diferencia entre 'will' y 'going to' es que 'will' se utiliza para hablar de predicciones de futuro mientras que 'going to' se usa para hablar de planes de futuro.

El tiempo Future (going to) responde a la pregunta: What is going to happen? = Qu va a pasar? o What is going to be happening? = Qu va a estar pasando?. Se forma: Sujeto + am/is/are + going to + verbo en presente (I am going to work). Sujeto + am/is/are + going to + be + verbo en progresivo (I am going to be working). Syntax: Subject + to be + going to + infinitive USE: We use the future with GOING TO to talk about plans POSITIVE FORM Subject Verb To be Going to I Am Going to He / She / It Is We / You / Are They

Infinitive dance Study Go shopping

Examples: -Marias going -Theyre going to go to -Im going to come home late.

to travel this very expensive

holiday. restaurant.

NEGATIVE FORM Subject Verb To be + Going to not I Am not Going to He / She / It Is not (isnt) We / You / Are not (arent) They -Im not going to go -Juan isnt going to -They arent going to stay at that hotel.

Infinitive Clean Cook travel to the work party. today.

QUESTION FORM Question Verb To Be Subject Going Word to What Am not I Where Is not (isnt) He / She / It Going to Are not We / You / (arent) They Ejemplos: -What are you -What is she -Are they going - Where is Maria going to study?

Infinitive Do Go travel

going to do going to to attend the

later? cook? meeting?

Short answers are with the to be verb - Yes, I am Yes, you are No, he isnt No, they arent ETC

4. Pasado Perfecto (Past Perfect Tense)

El Pasado Perfecto en el idioma ingls es un tiempo verbal que se utiliza para referirnos a una accin que tuvo lugar en un momento anterior a otra accin, aunque ambas hayan sucedido en el pasado estableciendo un orden entre ellas, por ejemplo:

The film had finished when she arrived at the cinema. La pelcula haba terminado cuando ella lleg al cine. (Primera accin: la pelcula haba terminado Segunda accin: ella lleg al cine) Sarah had prepared dinner when her husband got home. Sarah haba preparado la cena cuando su esposo lleg a casa. (Primera accin: Sarah haba preparado la cena Segunda accin: su esposo lleg a casa) Para poder construir la forma afirmativa del Pasado Perfecto debemos utilizar como auxiliar el verbo TO HAVE en Pasado Simple y acompaado por el verbo principal en su Pasado Participio (ya sean verbos regulares o verbos irregulares): I had bought a new car. He had brought the gifts. Yo haba comprado un nuevo auto. l haba trado los regalos.

You had cleaned the house. T habas limpiado la casa. She had lost the credit card. Ella haba perdido la tarjeta de crdito. Para formar una interrogacin deberemos colocar el auxiliar al comienzo de la oracin, luego el sujeto y posteriormente el verbo principal tambin en Pasado Participio: Had I bought a new car? Had he brought the gifts? Haba comprado yo un nuevo auto? Haba trado l los regalos?

Had you cleaned the house? Habas limpiado t la casa? Had she lost the credit card? Haba perdido ella la tarjeta de crdito? Por su parte, la forma negativa se construye poniendo la negacin NOT entre el auxiliar y el verbo principal, por ejemplo: I had not bought a new dress. Yo no haba comprado un nuevo vestido. You had house. not cleaned the T no habas limpiado la casa. l no haba trado los regalos.

He had not brought the gifts.

She had not lost the credit Ella no haba perdido la tarjeta de card. crdito. Tambin puede utilizarse la forma colocandoHADN'T en vez de HAD NOT. contrada de la negacin

READING OF THE PLACE TOURIST IN TO PERU Tourism in Peru makes up the nation's third largest industry, behind fishing and mining. Tourism is directed towards archeological monuments, ecotourism in the Peruvian Amazon, cultural tourism in colonial cities, gastronomic tourism, adventure tourism, and beach tourism. According to a Peruvian government study, the satisfaction rate for tourists after visiting Peru is 94%. Tourism is the most rapidly growing industry in Peru, growing annually at a rate of 25% over the past five years. Tourism is growing in Peru faster than any other country in South America. The most popular countries of origin for tourists are the United States, Chile, Argentina, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Brazil, Spain, Canada, and Italy. Peru is the Peruvian national tourist office. Cultural tourism forms the largest sector of the tourism industry in Peru. Pre-Columbian civilizations most notably the Incan Empire, Chavn, Moche, and Nasca left a large archeological and cultural impact on the nation. The ruins of Machu Picchu are the most internationally recognized of all the ruins of Peru and therefore receive the most tourists. The other popular ruins are those of Chan Chan, Sipan, Kuelap, Nazca lines, Ollantaytambo,Caral, Sacsayhuamn, and Sillustani.

Tourists also visit the Spanish colonial architecture in many cities in Peru. Some of the most outstanding examples of Spanish colonial architecture are in the cities of Lima, Arequipa, and Cusco. These areas, many built over 500 years ago, demonstrate the superb architectural ingenuity of the colonists during the Viceroyalty of Peru. The city of Lima has many acclaimed museums holding works of art reflecting the diverse history of the country. These museums include the National Museum, National Museum of Anthropology, Archeology and History; Rafael Larco Herrera Archeological Museum, National Museum of Peruvian Culture, and Museum of Italian Art, among many others. There are also many museums outside Lima, including the Regional Museum of the National University of San Martin in Tarapoto, San Martin.

Peruvian cuisine stems mainly from the combination of Spanish cuisine with traditional native Peruvian ingredients, with later influences from the cuisines of China, Italy, West Africa and Japan, due to the arrival of immigrants from those locations. Each of these cuisines has had to be heavily adapted because of a lack or scarcity of many ingredients. For example, it is still impossible to find such commonplace items as lemons, turnips, kaleand chestnuts in Peru. It is next to impossible to find authentic foreign cuisine to this day because of a lack of ingredients. For example, one can not find authentic Chinese dishes such as Mapo dofu. Instead one finds a mixture of Chinese cooking that has been adapted to the ingredients available in Peru known as Chifa.








are corn, potatoes and beans. These ingredients have been combined with a number of staples brought by the Spanish, such asrice, wheat and meat (such as beef, pork and chicken). Many traditional foods, such asquinoa, kiwicha, chili peppers and several roots and tubers which had previously been tossed aside for European products, have seen a resurgence in popularity in recent decades with a revival of interest in native Peruvian food crops. Peru boasts a 2,414-kilometer coastline littered with many beaches attractive to any type of traveler. Beachgoing in Peru is extremely popular among domestic and international travelers alike. Beach resorts and towns are abundant along the coast and many are in popular areas which attract visitors. Two of the most popular beach areas are Mncora and Punta Sal in the Piura and Tumbes departments respectively, and Asia in the Lima Department. The northern beaches of Mncora and Punta Sal have a pleasant beach climate year round whereas Asia is primarily a summertime beach. Because Asia is located near the city of Lima, many beachgoers own houses in that area. In contrast, Mncora is many hours from major cities so visitors usually stay in hotels or resorts. Beachgoing in Peru is affected by fads: Beach homeowners moved from beach to beach resulting from the oversaturation of one beach. In previous years, the beach of Ancon was the most popular of Lima; it

became oversaturated and beachgoers moved south of the city to the beaches of Punta Hermosa, San Bartolo, Santa Maria and Pucusana. In the last decade, these beaches have become oversaturated as well and beachgoers have moved further south to the development of Asia, which has now become extremely popular and is the primary beach destination for Limeans.

Mncora, 17 hours north of Lima by bus and 1.5 hours by plane from Talara, is older than Asia but still a relatively new development. In recent years it has experienced a tourist boom and beachgoers flock there. Its beaches have white sand and the town has many nightclubs and bars frequented by thousands of tourists. The popularity of this beach has become so great that a movie has been made about the beach: Mancora. Punta Sal is another beach a half hour north of Mancora, less popular among young people, and the destination for older people seeking relaxation. Nonetheless it remains a large tourist attraction and is characterized by its white sand beaches and turquoise color waters. Peruvian beaches are popular places for surfing and their waves are world renowned. Peru has also been experiencing a continuous growth in luxury travel. This niche of tourists seeking high-end hotels in unique destinations, travel mainly from the U.S. and Europe to visit Cusco, Urubamba, and Machu Picchu. Recently this segment has been expanding to other area such as the Puno region and Lake Titicaca, as well as Iquitos and the Colca Canyon in Arequipa, as local and international tourism firms have made large investments in hotels and tourism development. Nowadays there are entrepreneurs of the best hotel brands of USA ready to invest millions of dollars (minimum of US$10 million) in 5 star hotels and resorts in the Mancora and Punta Sal area under capital investment or joint venture schemes. The investors are comprised by more than 115 investment funds of USA and Europe.

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