MIC English Book

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Made in Corrientes

Gobernador de la Provincia
Dr. Horacio Ricardo Colombi

Ministra de Educacin
Lic. Susana Mariel Bentez

Coordinador de Gabinete
Dr. Julio Navas

Subsecretaria de Gestin Educativa

Dra. Gabriela Albornoz

Subsecretario de Gestion Administrativa

C P Mauro Andrs Rinaldi

Secretario General
Juan Breard

Direccin de Educacin Intercultural Bilinge

Lic. Mirta Clarisa Godoy

Made in Corrientes - English Book 1. 1a ed. - Buenos Aires:

Tinta al Tiempo, 2016.

48 p.;29 x 21 cm. (Biblioteca de consulta escolar)

ISBN: 978-987-42-0494-3
Direccin de Proyecto
Direccin de Educacin Intercultural Bilinge
Lic. Mirta Clarisa Godoy

Coordinacin de Proyecto
Direccin de Educacin Intercultural Bilinge
Prof. Clavia Anala Crdoba

Direccin de Planeamiento e Investigacin Educativa

Prof. Natalia Gabriela Lencina
Lic. Aurora Emilce Pino

Direccin de Enseanza Privada

Supervisora Mirta Dominguez

Consejo General de Educacin

Prof. Ramona Yolanda Montiel
Supervisora Nilda Beatrz Sena

Profesores de Ingls
Prof. Etel Itati Aguirre
Prof. Belkis Mara Aranda Ansermet
Prof. Clavia AnalaCrdoba
Prof. Mara Claudia Del Grosso
Prof. Fernando Matas Gimnez
Lic. Mirta Clarisa Godoy
Prof. Mara Sofa Lorenzo
Prof. Roxana Mariel Proz
Prof. Alicia Raquel Villalba
Prof. Ivn Matas Zampedri

NSE. Prof. Mara Sofa Lorenzo
NSE. Edith Alejandra Lencina Malgor
Corrientes es una provincia plurilinge. No todos los nios correntinos aprenden a hablar el es-
paol como lengua materna, muchos hablan guaran, algunos portugus, y aprenden espaol en
la escuela primaria.

Hace algunos aos, la enseanza del ingls tambin se hizo realidad en la escuela primaria En este
contexto tan diverso, aprender y ensear una lengua extranjera como el ingls, no es tarea simple,
especialmente si existen dificultades para acceder a los recursos.

A menudo, los libros de ingls estn contextualizados en pases de habla inglesa e intentan refle-
jar la cultura de los pases anglosajones. Sin embargo, este libro, MADE in CORRIENTES ENGLISH
BOOK 1 es completamente diferente ya que toma a nuestra provincia, nuestras costumbres y cul-
tura como punto de partida. Es un libro de ingls hecho por docentes correntinos para colegas y
estudiantes correntinos.

Sus personajes, Santi y Andy, junto a sus familiares y amigos, y en especial, junto a Tincho, el
Carpincho, nos ayudarn a saludar en ingls, a describir a nuestras familias, a describir nuestros
gustos y preferencias, a contarle a otra persona sobre nuestra ciudad y muchas otras cosas ms
utilizando la lengua inglesa.

A travs de actividades entretenidas que fueron cuidadosamente diseadas segn los conceptos
de las teoras de inteligencias mltiples, la inteligencia emocional, y con mucho aporte de las neu-
rociencias, nuestros nios podrn aprender ingls a la vez que desarrollarn distintas habilidades
cognitivas. No caben dudas que este libro no tiene desperdicio.

MiC English Book 1 ha surgido del contacto de los tcnicos del Ministerio de Educacin con los
docentes de toda la jurisdiccin. Es una respuesta a la necesidad de contar con recursos adecua-
dos a nuestra realidad, como lo expresarn los docentes de ingls en mltiples capacitaciones.

Ser docente, no es un trabajo que cualquiera pueda llevar adelante porque para ser un buen do-
cente se necesita mucho ms que conocimiento, se necesita compromiso y conviccin. El docente
comprometido es aquel que continuamente investiga, busca recursos y comparte ideas con otros
colegas para mejorar sus prcticas ulicas. El docente que hace la diferencia es aquel que puede
tocar las almas de sus estudiantes.

Este es un libro que refleja el compromiso de nuestros docentes para con la educacin de nues-
tros nios, que son nuestro futuro. Desde el Ministerio de Educacin estamos convencidos de
que todo el esfuerzo que realicemos hoy por ellos dar sus frutos maana.

Por ello celebramos esta obra como la primera de muchas por venir. Porque la educacin es ac-
cin y en Corrientes, vamos para adelante.

Lic. Susana Bentez

Ministro de Educacin
Provincia de Corrientes
My Personal World
1 Greetings. Personal Introduction.
Classroom Language. Instructions.
The school. Classroom objects.
Numbers from 1 to 20. Colours.
Feelings. The family.

My Social Life
Sports and hobbies. Food.
Likes and dislikes.

The World Around Us

The city. Places in the city.
Location in a map.
Buen da chicos!
Quiero presentarles
a su nuevo compaero.
l es Andy y viene de
Estados Unidos.


8 9
1 4. Listen and sing the Hello Song.
5. Complete with your personal information.
1. Look and read. Hello, My name s Andy! I am from Arizona, USA.
This is my first day at school in Corrientes.
Im ten years old, too!
Hi! My name is I am very happy!
Hello! My name Santiago. Where
is Andy. Whats are you from?
Oh! Lets go in!
your name? Im ten years old.
Im from Arizona, Im from Corrientes, How old are you?
United States, Argentina
and you?
How old are you?
My name is
Im from

6. Put the words in order.

is your What ? name

2. Look and match. you Where ? are from

Arizona, U.S.A. you are old How ?

7. Role play.
Argentina Imagine you are from another province or country.
Complete the chart and ask questions to your partners.

3. Complete. Name
your partner

Where are they from?

From From
Santiago is from

10 11
4. CHANT! How are you today?
1. Look and read. I feel
I feel
Look! These are I feel
my classmates!
They are all from What about you ?

5. Read and draw.

Happy Shy Nervous Sad

2. Match.
How are they today?
Santi Happy
6. Read and complete.
Andy At school:
Martn Nervous a. My friends make me feel
Mara 1 2 3 4 Shy b. The teacher makes me feel
c. The break makes me feel
3. How are You today? Tick and write. d. The lesson makes me feel
e. The exam makes me feel

I am
12 13
4. Look at the picture and number the classroom objects.
1. Read. 2 3 9
How do you say this
in English?
Its a pencilcase. Pencil? Pen cil case. Pen 6 1
8 Chair
Schoolbag 5
4 7

5. Complete the crossword with classroom objects.

2. Roleplay the dialogue with your partner. N
How do you say this in English? 3. B

5. 7.

6. E

3. Read and circle YES or NO 6. Trace, listen and colour the objects.
1. The schoolbag is red. YES NO
2. The ruler is yellow. YES NO
3. The table is brown. YES NO
4. The chair is green. YES NO
5. The rubber is orange. YES NO
7. Listen and sing.
14 15
a MESS! 4. Complete the gaps and count the pencils.
Tinchos favourite snack is chip. He goes into the classroom looking for it.

1. Look and count the school objects. one





ten twen

2. Listen and colour.

5. Read and colour.
In my schoolbag I have
got two blue pens,
3. Trace the numbers 11 to 20. three black pencils, two
red books and a ruler.
I havent got a rubber
16 TWENTY 17
My Family
6. Now you! Draw and write!
1. Read the story.
Oh no! Ive lost my
school things!
Wheres my bag?
Lets look around.
In my schoolbag, I have got
Santiago: Mum, wheres my schoolbag?
Mum: I dont know, ask your father
but heres your ruler.
Santiago: Thank you, mum.
I havent got
Santiago: Dad, wheres my bag?
Father: I dont know but heres your marker.
Santiago: Thank you dad.

Santiago: Sis, wheres my bag? Oh! you cant

talk yet... but heres my pencil.
7. Read about Andy again and complete the sentences. Mother: Look Santiago! Theres your bag!
Santiago: Thanks Tincho. You are a good friend!

Have you got a blue Have you got a

................ ? ................ ?

No, I havent
Yes, I have.

8. Role play.

cts are th
What obje ol bag?
in your sc

st of your
Make a li

18 19
2. Read the text and match the classroom objects to 5. Look at Santiagos Family Photo Album and identify
the picture of each family member these family members.

c 1.
1 2
3 1 2.

3 3.

4 4.
b 5.

2 6. Read and Complete the poem about Maras family.
Mother Brother Sister
3. Listen and sing.
4. Listen and draw. Maria has g
o t a small fam

She has go
ther but sh
and a stepfa
hasnt got a
or a
only child.
Mara is an

7. Ask your partner about his/her family and tell the class.
My partner has got

20 21
8. Look at Tinchos family photo and circle the correct answer.

a. Tincho has got / hasnt got a mother Colour the MANDALA

b. It has got / hasnt got a father
c. It has got / hasnt got a sister
d. It has got / hasnt got a brother

9. Read and put the letters in order.

This is my family photo. My rethmo ......................... is Ins and my threaf ....................
is Pedro. They are from Corrientes. I have got a tersis.......................... She is a baby.
She is Elena. I havent got a dog. I have got a capybara. It is Tincho.

10. Draw your family.

11. Write a description.

This is my family photo. My

22 23



24 25
3. Look and circle.
a. Mara CAN / CANT play football.
Martin and Andy are at the Club. There, you can do different b. She CAN / CANT play tennis.
sports. You can play basketball, volleyball, rugby and football.
c. She CAN / CANT play rugby.
You can do gymnastics, yoga and taekwondo.
Andy loves taekwondo. d. She CAN / CANT do yoga

1. Read.
Andy: Martin, Can you do taekwondo?
Martin: Yes, I can.
4. Look and write about Tincho.
Andy: What about football? Can you play football? a. Tincho can run but it cant ride a bike.
Martin: Yes! Its my favourite sport! I love it! What about you? b. Tincho
Andy: No, I cant, but I can skate. Can you skate?
Martin: Yes, I can. Lets go skating.

2. Read and tick.

Sport Martin Andy
5. What about you?
Volleyball a. I can
b. I cant
Tennis c.

Taekwondo d.


26 27
Andy and Santi are playing video games.
2. Complete.
At school, the teacher of English asks the students to complete a famous
persons profile. Help Andy and Santi to complete Danny Sanchezs profile.
Use the information from the chart

Hi! My name is Danny Sanchez. I am years old.

I am from
I like , and .
I dont like , or .
I can and , but I cant

1. Read. 3. Write your profile.

This is Andys favourite football player profile.


Name: Danny Sanche

Age: 20

Country: Mexico

I like: Pasta- carrot

s- water
I dont like: hambur

chocolate- onions
I can: play tennis- do
I cant: play rugby

28 29
Do you like broccoli?

Yes, I do.

1. Read the dialogue.

Lets visit my friend Martin.

Hello Andy!
3. Look and order.
Do you like chipa?
Yes, sure! Mmm, it is delicious!
Hello. How are Here you are. I like it...
you ? Andy, this is Oh, yes!
I dont know. brgeurs
my grannie. She is We like it, too!
Can I try?
cooking chipa.
1. Chipa hotgods
2. Barbecue
Hi! 3. Hot dogs.
4. Chips.
5. Burgers
6. Soup
7. Pasta psata
8. Salad
9. Chicken.
10. Ice- cream



eci ceram

2. Circle the correct option. cihap

a. Martin, Santiago and Andy like chipa / pizza. 4. Read and write.
b. Santiago and Andy go to visit Martn / Mara a. I like
c. Grannie / Dad is making chipa. b. I like cheese. I like and chips
c. Do you like ? Yes, I do.
d. They are at Martins house / school
d. Do you like ?
e. Chipa is horrible / delicious!
e. Yes, I do, but I dont like pasta or ?
g. Do you like barbecue?
h. No, I dont, but I like chipas and too.

30 31
Dad, Santi doesnt like eggs
and bacon for breakfast.
7. Look and complete.
He likes milk and cookies.


Yummy! Yuck!

a. Tincho likes apples but it doesnt like pizza.

b. Tincho grass and water.
c. Tincho hamburguers or soup.
5. Listen and circle. d. Tincho carrots but it ice cream.
a. Mara likes / doesnt like cereals for breakfast.
b. Andy likes / doesnt like eggs and bacon for breakfast. 8. Complete the chart. Ask and answer.
c. Santi likes / doesnt like coffee for breakfast. Do you like.? I like I dont like
d. Martin likes / doesnt like fruit.

6. Write and draw.

I like

I dont like
9. Tell your class about your partner.
My partner likes

32 33
1. Find the name of 10 food and sport items. Draw your favourite food.

heollmisstyinicecreampickoboakup Apple
pickbasketballonmatchyouthereiso Salad
Hot dog
addonlooyogafginsideunrugbyohth Ice cream
parkapplegrtiyrellowsaladandtown Taekwondo
playonthematchtennisslownsnowg Rugby
hotdogfoodonthetablburgernreon Yoga

2. Help Tincho find the chip.

34 35





36 37
3. Read the dialogue and circle the places they visit in the map.
1. Identify Corrientes in the map and colour it.

4. Number the pictures with the names of the places.

1. 2. 3. 4. POLICE
2. Read the dialogue.

6. FIRE STATION 7. 8. 9.
Mr. Adams, Andys father, is in Corrientes.
He wants to visit different places in the city. 5. Match the icons to the names.
Mr. Adams: Hi Boys!
Andy: Hi dad!
Santi: Hello, Mr. Adams. Welcome to Corrientes city!
Mr. Adams: Hello Santi! I want to visit some places.
Andy: Great. Lets take a bus!
Santi: Look! That is Mitre Park. POLICE
Station Pharmacy
In Corrientes, there are four big parks.
Andy: And that is a famous club. 6. Read the sentences and circle true or false.
Mr. Adams: Whats that?
Santi: That is the riverside and Manuel Belgrano
In the map ...
Bridge. You can see a lot of restaurants along a. There is a museum. TRUE / FALSE
the riverside. b. There is a cinema. TRUE / FALSE
Mr. Adams: Wow! Corrientes is a beautiful city!
c. There are two parks. TRUE / FALSE
d. There are restaurants. TRUE / FALSE
38 39
10. Write about your city.
Is there a shopping mall in Corrientes?
1. In my city there is a
P Santi, Im hungry.
Yes, there is.
Is there a restaurant
2. L 2. 5. but there isnt a near here?

3. A In my city there are

4. C
5. 4. 6.
6. S

8. Lets sing! In my city Listen and complete with the words 11. Ask Andy about his city. Complete with Is there / Are there
from the box. a. Is there a zoo?
There is a in my city, b. ................................a bank?
In my city, in my city. c. ................................ any parks?
There is a in my city, d. ................................ any cinemas?
But there isnt a Park e. ................................ a theatre?
There are some in my city,
In my city, in my city.
There are some in my city,
12. Role play.
School In pairs, read the information in your card and ask questions.
But there arent any .

9. Create your song with the words from the box. Your Partner
There is a in my city, School
In my city, in my city . Park
There is a in my city, Cinema
Shopping Mall
But there isnt a Riverside
There are some in my city,
In my city, in my city.
There are some in my city,

But there arent any .
the square.

Where is the restaurant?

Kiosk Pharmacy Police Station
Its opposite
15. Read Mr. Adams s blog about Corrientes city.
I cant find it in my GPS.
Hotel Cinema
Supermarket Square Travel.Blog

Dear bloggers,
Now Im visiting Corrientes. It is a nice city in northeast of Argentina. In Corrientes there is a very
Church School Museum
Hospital beautiful riverside. There are some parks, restaurants and shops along the riverside. There is a club
where you can play different sports.
One of the main squares is Cabral Square. It is opposite the Cathedral. The Cathedral is big!
There is a school next to it. There are also many places around the square; there are hotels,
shops and a pharmacy. There isnt a Zoo near the city but there are many other things to do!

I love this city! Come and visit it.

next to between opposite Write to me about your favourite city!

13. Look at the map in the G.P.S. and circle YES or NO. 16. Draw a map of your favourite city and write a description of it.
a. There is a church opposite the square. YES / NO
b. There is a restaurant between the bank and the church. YES / NO
c. There are two hospitals next to the square. YES / NO
d. There is a kiosk opposite the pharmacy. YES / NO
e. There is a school next to the church. YES / NO
f. There is a supermarket between the hotel and the bank. YES / NO

14. Listen and place the cards in the correct place.

Dear Mr. Adams,

42 43
1. Look and find 10 differences between the pictures.


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