BEBOP 3 Planning

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Classroom objects, scissors, and classroom actions cutting, painting, pasting, drawing, fingerpainting,
painting, pasting. (Objetos del salón de clase, tijeras y acciones del salón de clase cortando, pintando, pegando, dibujando, pintando con los dedos,
pintando, pegando)

• Learn and review the names of the classroom objects.( Aprender y revisar los nombres de los objetos de clase)
• Learn nine actions. (Aprende nueve acciones.)
• Understand how to say what you are doing now. (Comprende cómo decir lo que estás haciendo ahora)
• Understand the connection between action and object (Comprender la conexión entre acción y objeto)
• Understand and reply to What are you doing? (Comprender y responder a ¿Qué estás haciendo?)
• Count to 30 and recognize the numeral 30 (Cuente hasta 30 y reconozca el número 30)
• Understand a story about teamwork (Comprender una historia sobre el trabajo en equipo)
• Identify the main events in a story (Identificar los principales eventos en una historia)
• tell a new story about classroom objects (Contar una nueva historia sobre los objetos del aula)
• Identify the syllables in words (Identifica las sílabas en palabras)
• Learn how to add two quantities together (Aprende cómo agregar dos cantidades juntas)

Counting Recognizing
Critical thinking skills Fine motor skills
Listening skills Classifying
Understanding Identifying
Naming Counting
Acting out Practicing
Psychomotor skills Narrative Skills

Warm up
Children are invited to dance the song The Bebop Band as they walk around the class and say Hello to
each other and shake hands. Los niños están invitados a bailar la canción The Bebop Band mientras caminan alrededor de la clase y se
saludan y dan la mano.

Hello Bebop Routine. The teacher greets the children by saying in a sing–song voice. Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time for English class (looking at the watch and pointing at it), Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time to start the class (putting the hands up). Children copy the movements and
repeat after the teacher. Hola rutina de Bebop. El maestro saluda a los niños al decir con voz de cantar. Hola, hola, hola (agitando la mano), es
hora de la clase de inglés (mirando el reloj y señalándolo), hola, hola, hola (agitando la mano), es hora de comenzar la clase (poniendo las manos arriba).
Los niños copian los movimientos y repiten después de que el maestro

Flashcards are shown by the teacher, the teacher says scissors and children repeat, then the teacher says
cutting and ask children to repeat. The teacher displays the flashcard of the scissors on the left side of the
board and the flashcard of someone cutting on the right side of the board. The same is repeated with the
other flashcards. a child is invited to go to the front and the teacher says scissors–cutting, and ask children
to draw a line to connect the flashcards. The same is repeated with other children and flashcards. El profesor
muestra las tarjetas, el profesor dice que las tijeras y los niños repiten, luego el maestro dice cortando y les pide a los niños que repitan. El maestro
muestra la tarjeta de memoria de las tijeras en el lado izquierdo del tablero y la tarjeta de memoria de alguien que corta en el lado derecho del tablero.
Lo mismo se repite con las otras tarjetas. se invita a un niño a ir al frente y el maestro dice cortar con tijeras, y se les pide a los niños que dibujen una
línea para conectar las tarjetas. Lo mismo se repite con otros niños y tarjetas didácticas.


Using their Student’s Book, children are invited to tell what they can see. They can answer using Language 1
(Spanish). They listen to the corresponding CD track and point to the school objects/actions, then they listen
to it again and name the objects. Usando su Libro de Estudiantes, los niños están invitados a decir lo que pueden ver. Pueden responder
usando el Idioma 1 (español). Escuchan la pista de CD correspondiente y señalan los objetos / acciones de la escuela, luego la escuchan nuevamente y
nombran los objetos.
Children listen to the song Cutting, cutting, cutting, and point to the school objects in the picture as they hear
them in the song. Children listen to the song again and repeat the lines after the teacher. The song is played
one more time and children are encouraged to sing the song. Los niños escuchan la canción Cortar, cortar, cortar y señalar los
objetos de la escuela en la imagen mientras los escuchan en la canción. Los niños vuelven a escuchar la canción y repiten las líneas después del
profesor. La canción se reproduce una vez más y se anima a los niños a cantar la canción.

Children are asked to take out their gray crayon. Then they have to look for the action pasting and ask them
to circle it with their gray crayon. Se les pide a los niños que saquen su crayón gris. Luego tienen que buscar la acción de pegar y pedirles
que hagan un círculo con su lápiz de color gris.

ASL Activity. Children are shown flashcards of the school objects, name them and do the corresponding sign
for that object after the teacher. Actividad de ASL. A los niños se les muestran tarjetas de los objetos de la escuela, nómbrelos y haga la
señal correspondiente para ese objeto después del maestro.

Activity Book.The instrumental version of the Storysong is played in the background. Children are asked to
point and say the school objects, they are also asked to follow the maze with their index finger to connect the
school object to the action. Then children have to trace the lines in different colors and say the actions. Libro de
actividades. La versión instrumental de Storysong se reproduce en segundo plano. Se les pide a los niños que señalen y digan los objetos de la escuela,
también se les pide que sigan el laberinto con su dedo índice para conectar el objeto de la escuela con la acción. Luego los niños tienen que trazar las
líneas en diferentes colores y decir las acciones.

Wrap up
Each child is given a paper plate and the teacher puts some scissors, glue sticks, paintbrushes, small plastic
containers with paint of different colors, and colored paper in the middle of each table. Children are asked to
draw a mask on their plates, piant and decorate it with small paper shapes. Children are invited to go to the
front and describe their mask using the words in English they have learned so far. A cada niño se le entrega un plato de
papel y la maestra pone unas tijeras, barras de pegamento, pinceles, recipientes pequeños de plástico con pintura de diferentes colores y papel de
colores en el medio de cada mesa. Se les pide a los niños que dibujen una máscara en sus platos, piant y que decoren con pequeñas formas de papel.
Los niños están invitados a ir al frente y describir su máscara con las palabras en inglés que han aprendido hasta ahora.

Goodbye Bebop Routine. The teacher says in a sing–song voice. Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye (waving the
hand), It is time to end the class, Gooodbye boys! (boys are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye girls!
(girls are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye teacher! (pointing to herself or himself and waving the
hand), We had fun today! Goodbye Bebop Routine. El maestro dice con voz de cantar. Adiós, adiós, adiós (agitando la mano), es hora de
terminar la clase, chicos Gooodbye! (a los niños se les pide que agiten sus manos), chicas Gooodbye! (se les pide a las niñas que muevan sus manos),
maestro Gooodbye! (señalando a sí mismo y agitando la mano), ¡nos divertimos hoy!
Warm up
Hello Bebop Routine. The teacher greets the children by saying in a sing–song voice. Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time for English class (looking at the watch and pointing at it), Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time start the class (putting the hands up). Children copy the movements and repeat
after the teacher. Hola rutina de Bebop. El maestro saluda a los niños al decir con voz de cantar. Hola, hola, hola (agitando la mano), es hora de
clase de inglés (mirando el reloj y señalándolo), hola, hola, hola (agitando la mano), es hora de comenzar la clase (poniendo las manos en alto ) Los niños
copian los movimientos y repiten después del profesor.

Children look at the flashcards displayed by the teacher and are encouraged to name the school objects.
Children are given a sheet of newspaper and are asked to fold the sheet in half and cut straight strips, as the
y cut , they have to say I am cutting, I am cutting, I am cutting, then they glue the paperstrips onto a piece of
construction paper using the glue stick, and they say I am pasting, I am pasting, I am pasting, then children
are asked to paint their objects and say I am painting, I am painting, I am painting. Los niños miran las tarjetas que
muestra el maestro y se les anima a que nombren los objetos de la escuela. A los niños se les entrega una hoja de periódico y se les pide que doblen la
hoja por la mitad y que corten tiras rectas. Cuando cortan, tienen que decir que estoy cortando, estoy cortando, estoy cortando, luego pegan las tiras
de papel en una pieza de papel de construcción usando la barra de pegamento, y dicen que estoy pegando, que estoy pegando, que estoy pegando, luego
se les pide a los niños que pinten sus objetos y digan que estoy pintando, que estoy pintando, que estoy pintando.

Children are asked to name the school objects as they point to the correct pictures in their Student’s Book.
Then the teacher says the names of the school objects randomly and ask children to paint to them as quickly
as they can. Se les pide a los niños que nombren los objetos de la escuela ya que señalan las imágenes correctas en su Libro del Estudiante. Luego,
el maestro dice los nombres de los objetos de la escuela al azar y les pide a los niños que los pinten tan rápido como puedan.

Children listen to a track and then they are asked to connect the pictures, the school objects to the action.
Los niños escuchan una pista y luego se les pide que conecten las imágenes, los objetos escolares a la acción.

Children listen to a track and repeat I have a paintbrush, I am painting, then they sit in pairs and say the
dialog with a friend. Los niños escuchan una pista y repito que tengo un pincel, estoy pintando, luego se sientan en parejas y dicen el diálogo con
un amigo.

ASL Activity. The class is divided into small groups. One child in each group has to make the sign of a class
classroom object or action and the other children have to guess and shout its name. The first one to answer
correctly continues with the game. Actividad de ASL. La clase está dividida en pequeños grupos. Un niño en cada grupo tiene que hacer la
señal de un objeto o acción de la clase y los otros niños tienen que adivinar y gritar su nombre. El primero en responder correctamente continúa con el

Activity Book. The instrumental version of the Storysong is played in the background. Children are
encouraged to point and say the actions, then they have to paste a magazine cut–out in the first column, and
piano a picture in the second column. Libro de actividades. La versión instrumental de Storysong se reproduce en segundo plano. Los
niños son alentados a señalar y decir las acciones, luego tienen que pegar un recorte de la revista en la primera columna, y el piano una imagen en la
segunda columna.

Wrap up
Children play Pinocchio, the teachers performs actions and says them incorrectly, for example, he/she says
I have a paintbrush, I am cutting and children say Pinocchio! then the teacher asks a child to say the correct
sentence. Los niños juegan a Pinocho, los maestros realizan acciones y los dice incorrectamente, por ejemplo, dice que tengo un pincel, estoy
cortando y los niños dicen Pinocho. Luego el maestro le pide a un niño que diga la oración correcta.

Goodbye Bebop Routine. The teacher says in a sing–song voice. Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye (waving the
hand), It is time to end the class, Gooodbye boys! (boys are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye girls!
(girls are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye teacher! (pointing to herself or himself and waving the
hand), We had fun today! Goodbye Bebop Routine. El maestro dice con voz de cantar. Adiós, adiós, adiós (agitando la mano), es hora de
terminar la clase, chicos Gooodbye! (a los niños se les pide que agiten sus manos), chicas Gooodbye! (se les pide a las niñas que muevan sus manos),
maestro Gooodbye! (señalando a sí mismo y agitando la mano), ¡nos divertimos hoy!
Warm up

Children are invited to dance the song The Bebop Band as they pretend to paint, cut, or paste. Los niños están
invitados a bailar la canción The Bebop Band mientras pretenden pintar, cortar o pegar.

Hello Bebop Routine. The teacher greets the children by saying in a sing–song voice. Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time for English class (looking at the watch and pointing at it), Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time start the class (putting the hands up). Children copy the movements and repeat
after the teacher. Hola rutina de Bebop. El maestro saluda a los niños al decir con voz de cantar. Hola, hola, hola (agitando la mano), es hora de
clase de inglés (mirando el reloj y señalándolo), hola, hola, hola (agitando la mano), es hora de comenzar la clase (poniendo las manos en alto ) Los niños
copian los movimientos y repiten después del profesor.

The teacher displays the flashcards of the key language on the board, and explains that some words stand
for objects and others stand for actiosn, then the teacher divides the board into two and displays the
flashcard of the scissors on one side of the board and of cutting on the other side, the other flashcards are
displayed around the classroom, two children are invited to go to the front and on the count of three the
teacher says Bring me a flashcard. The children have to collect a flashcard and place it in the correct column
to classify it. The game continues with the other flashcards. El profesor muestra las tarjetas del lenguaje clave en el pizarrón, y
explica que algunas palabras representan objetos y otras representan actiosn, luego el profesor divide el pizarrón en dos y muestra la tarjeta con las
tijeras en un lado del tablero y de cortando en el otro lado, las otras tarjetas se muestran alrededor del salón de clases, dos niños están invitados a ir al
frente y en la cuenta de tres el maestro dice Tráigame una tarjeta. Los niños tienen que recoger una tarjeta de memoria y colocarla en la columna
correcta para clasificarla. El juego continúa con las otras tarjetas

The teacher says the name of the classroom objects in the pictures, randomly and ask children to point to
the objects, the same is done with the actions. Children are asked to tell the teacher. El profesor dice el nombre de los
objetos del aula en las imágenes, al azar y les pide a los niños que señalen los objetos, lo mismo se hace con las acciones. Se les pide a los niños que le
digan a la maestra.

The teacher plays the song Teamwork and children are asked to mime doing the actions in the Storysong.
The song is played again and children have to sing the chorus along with the teacher. El maestro toca la canción
Trabajo en equipo y se les pide a los niños que hagan mímica haciendo las acciones en el Cuento de historias. La canción se reproduce nuevamente y los
niños deben cantar el estribillo junto con el profesor.

The teacher writes number 30 on the board and says thirty. Children are asked to repeat after the teacher.
The teacher draws 30 circles on the board, numbered 1 to 30, children are asked to count along with the
teacher, the teachers repeats 30 many times and invites children to look at number 30 and circle it. El maestro
escribe el número 30 en el pizarrón y dice treinta. Se les pide a los niños que repitan después de la maestra. El maestro dibuja 30 círculos en la pizarra,
numerados del 1 al 30, se les pide a los niños que cuenten junto con el maestro, los maestros repiten 30 muchas veces e invita a los niños a mirar el
número 30 y marcarlo en un círculo.

Activity Book. The instrumental version of the Storysong is played in the background. Children are asked to
draw their faces and hair, then they have to follow the pictures to read the sentence I am pasting two
triangles, each child is given a glue stick and two paper triangles to paste the triangles in the space provided
to make the sentence true. Finally they have to point to the triangles and say the new shape. Libro de actividades.
La versión instrumental de Storysong se reproduce en segundo plano. Se les pide a los niños que dibujen sus rostros y cabello, luego tienen que seguir
las imágenes para leer la oración. Estoy pegando dos triángulos, a cada niño se le da una barra de pegamento y dos triángulos de papel para pegar los
triángulos en el espacio provisto para hacer la oración. cierto. Finalmente, deben señalar los triángulos y decir la nueva forma.

Wrap up

Children are given a piece of dough and asked to form three sets of eleven balls, then they have to count the
balls and tell the teacher how many balls they have. A los niños se les da un trozo de masa y se les pide que formen tres juegos de
once bolas, luego tienen que contar las bolas y decirle al maestro cuántas bolas tienen.

Goodbye Bebop Routine. The teacher says in a sing–song voice. Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye (waving the
hand), It is time to end the class, Gooodbye boys! (boys are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye girls!
(girls are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye teacher! (pointing to herself or himself and waving the
hand), We had fun today! Goodbye Bebop Routine. El maestro dice con voz de cantar. Adiós, adiós, adiós (agitando la mano), es hora de
terminar la clase, chicos Gooodbye! (a los niños se les pide que agiten sus manos), chicas Gooodbye! (se les pide a las niñas que muevan sus manos),
maestro Gooodbye! (señalando a sí mismo y agitando la mano), ¡nos divertimos hoy!
Warm up
Hello Bebop Routine. The teacher greets the children by saying in a sing–song voice. Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time for English class (looking at the watch and pointing at it), Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time start the class (putting the hands up). Children copy the movements and repeat
after the teacher. Hola rutina de Bebop. El maestro saluda a los niños al decir con voz de cantar. Hola, hola, hola (agitando la mano), es hora de
clase de inglés (mirando el reloj y señalándolo), hola, hola, hola (agitando la mano), es hora de comenzar la clase (poniendo las manos en alto ) Los niños
copian los movimientos y repiten después del profesor.

The teacher shows the flashcard or the real object to children and says Paint…..and children are asked to
complete the word by saying …brush. The same activity is repeated with other classroom objects. El maestro
muestra la flashcard o el objeto real a los niños y dice Paint ... ..y se les pide a los niños que completen la palabra diciendo ... pincel. La misma actividad
se repite con otros objetos del aula.

Children listen to and sing the corresponding Storysong along with the teacher. Los niños escuchan y cantan la canción
de cuentos correspondiente junto con el maestro.

The teacher points to the first picture and ask children if what they see happened in the story or not, then
they color the correct circle. The activity is repeated using a different color for each picture. El docente señala la
primera imagen y pregunta a los niños si lo que ven sucedió en la historia o no, luego colorean el círculo correcto. La actividad se repite utilizando un
color diferente para cada imagen.

Children cut the cut–outs of the corresponding Storysong, then they are asked to hold them and act out the
Storysong as they listen to it. Los niños cortan los recortes de la canción de cuentos correspondiente, luego se les pide que los sostengan y
representen la canción de cuento mientras la escuchan.

ASL Activity. Flashcards of the classroom actions are put inside a bag, children sit in a circle and some
music is played, then children are asked to pass the bag around, when the music stops the child who is
holding the bag takes out a flashcard and makes the correct sign, other children are asked to name it. Actividad
de ASL. Las tarjetas de vocabulario de las acciones del aula se colocan dentro de una bolsa, los niños se sientan en círculo y se reproduce música, luego
se les pide a los niños que pasen la bolsa, cuando la música se detiene, el niño que sostiene la bolsa saca una tarjeta y hace signo correcto, a otros
niños se les pide que lo nombren.

Activity Book.The instrumental version of the Storysong is played in the background. Children are asked to
count the paintbrushes, in each square and trace a yellow, blue, or green square around each set of 10.
They are asked to color the correct number. Libro de actividades. La versión instrumental de Storysong se reproduce en segundo
plano. Se les pide a los niños que cuenten los pinceles, en cada cuadro y tracen un cuadrado amarillo, azul o verde alrededor de cada conjunto de 10. Se
les pide que coloreen el número correcto.

Wrap up
The teacher forms 5 teams, each team is given six school objects of the same kind, for example, one team
will have six paintbrushes, another six glue stocks and so on. Children are asked to create a pattern on the
ground like,paintbrush– glue stick–scissors–eraser–marker and count the school objects.El maestro forma 5
equipos, a cada equipo se le otorgan seis objetos escolares del mismo tipo, por ejemplo, un equipo tendrá seis pinceles, otros seis tipos de pegamento,
etc. Se les pide a los niños que creen un patrón en el suelo como, pincel, pegamento, tijeras, goma de borrar, marcador y cuente los objetos de la

Goodbye Bebop Routine. The teacher says in a sing–song voice. Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye (waving the
hand), It is time to end the class, Gooodbye boys! (boys are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye girls!
(girls are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye teacher! (pointing to herself or himself and waving the
hand), We had fun today! Goodbye Bebop Routine. El maestro dice con voz de cantar. Adiós, adiós, adiós (agitando la mano), es hora de
terminar la clase, chicos Gooodbye! (a los niños se les pide que agiten sus manos), chicas Gooodbye! (se les pide a las niñas que muevan sus manos),
maestro Gooodbye! (señalando a sí mismo y agitando la mano), ¡nos divertimos hoy!
Warm up
Hello Bebop Routine. The teacher greets the children by saying in a sing–song voice. Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time for English class (looking at the watch and pointing at it), Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time start the class (putting the hands up). Children copy the movements and repeat
after the teacher. Hola rutina de Bebop. El maestro saluda a los niños al decir con voz de cantar. Hola, hola, hola (agitando la mano), es hora de
clase de inglés (mirando el reloj y señalándolo), hola, hola, hola (agitando la mano), es hora de comenzar la clase (poniendo las manos en alto ) Los niños
copian los movimientos y repiten después del profesor.

The teacher shows the flashcard of coloring, says coloring and ask children to repeat. The same is done with
the other words. Children are given a piece of construction paper and crayons, pencils, and some gelatin
powder inside a bottle cap. Some music is played and children are asked to color their construction paper
following the rhythm. Then the music is changed and children are asked to draw an object inspired by the
music they are listening to. Finally, the music is changed again and children make fingerprints and show their
pictures to their classmates. El maestro muestra la tarjeta de colorear, dice colorear y pide a los niños que repitan. Lo mismo se hace con
las otras palabras. A los niños se les da una pieza de papel de construcción y crayones, lápices y algo de polvo de gelatina dentro de una tapa de botella.
Se reproduce música y se les pide a los niños que coloreen el papel de construcción siguiendo el ritmo. Luego se cambia la música y se les pide a los
niños que dibujen un objeto inspirado en la música que están escuchando. Finalmente, la música vuelve a cambiar y los niños hacen huellas digitales y
muestran sus fotos a sus compañeros de clase.

Children look at the top of the corresponding page in their Student’s Book, they are encouraged to say what
they can see. Children listen to a track and point to the correct school object and actions. They listen to the
track again but this time they name the school objects and actions. Los niños miran la parte superior de la página
correspondiente en su Libro del Estudiante, se los anima a decir lo que pueden ver. Los niños escuchan una pista y señalan el objeto y las acciones
correctas de la escuela. Ellos vuelven a escuchar la canción, pero esta vez nombran los objetos y acciones de la escuela.

Children listen to a dialog and tell the teacher the names of the characters as they point to them, then they
connect the person to the action by drawing a line with their crayon, Children can draw lines with their pencil
and their finger as well, using gelatin powder. Los niños escuchan un diálogo y le dicen al maestro los nombres de los personajes
mientras los señalan, luego conectan a la persona con la acción dibujando una línea con su lápiz. Los niños también pueden dibujar líneas con el lápiz y el
dedo, usando polvo de gelatina

Children listen to a track and point to the speakers as they talk, the class is divided into boys and girls, boys
are asked to repeat what they listened to and then the girls. The teacher tapes three pieces of construction
paper to the board and three children are invited to go to the front and color, draw or make fingerprints using
gelatin powder on the pieces of construction paper. The teacher tosses a ball to a child and asks What are
you doing, (name of child)?, then they answer I am coloring with my crayon. Los niños escuchan una canción y señalan a
los hablantes mientras hablan, la clase se divide en niños y niñas, a los niños se les pide que repitan lo que escucharon y luego las niñas. El maestro
pega tres pedazos de cartulina en el tablero y tres niños son invitados a ir al frente y colorear, dibujar o hacer huellas dactilares usando polvo de
gelatina en los pedazos de cartulina. El maestro le tira una pelota a un niño y le pregunta: ¿Qué estás haciendo, (nombre del niño) ?, luego responden
que estoy coloreando con mi crayón.

ASL Activity. The teacher shows the flashcard of the action coloring and does the sign, children are asked to
repeat. The same is done with the other actions. Children are invited to make a sign for the other children to
guess. Actividad de ASL. El profesor muestra la flashcard de la acción para colorear y hace el signo, se les pide a los niños que repitan. Lo mismo se
hace con las otras acciones. Los niños están invitados a hacer una señal para que los otros niños adivinen.

Activity Book. The instrumental version of the Storysong is played in the background. Children are asked to
complete and color or fingerprint the backpack, they are also asked to color the rest of the picture. As they
do each action the teacher asks them What are you doing? and they have to answer I am drawing with my
pencil. Libro de actividades. La versión instrumental de Storysong se reproduce en segundo plano. Se les pide a los niños que completen y coloreen la
huella digital o la huella digital, también se les pide que coloreen el resto de la imagen. Mientras hacen cada acción, la maestra les pregunta: ¿Qué estás
haciendo? y tienen que responder que estoy dibujando con mi lápiz.

Wrap up
Flashcards of the classroom actions are put inside a bag and the other classroom objects and parts of the
body in another bag to play a silly game. A child is invited to go to the front and choose and action and a
word. Then they are asked to say a silly sentence like I am coloring with my eyes. Las tarjetas de vocabulario de las
acciones del aula se colocan dentro de una bolsa y los objetos de la otra clase y partes del cuerpo en otra bolsa para jugar un juego tonto. Se invita a un
niño a ir al frente y elegir una acción y una palabra. Luego se les pide que digan una frase tonta como la que estoy coloreando con mis ojos.

Goodbye Bebop Routine. The teacher says in a sing–song voice. Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye (waving the
hand), It is time to end the class, Gooodbye boys! (boys are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye girls!
(girls are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye teacher! (pointing to herself or himself and waving the
hand), We had fun today! Goodbye Bebop Routine. El maestro dice con voz de cantar. Adiós, adiós, adiós (agitando la mano), es hora de
terminar la clase, chicos Gooodbye! (a los niños se les pide que agiten sus manos), chicas Gooodbye! (se les pide a las niñas que muevan sus manos),
maestro Gooodbye! (señalando a sí mismo y agitando la mano), ¡nos divertimos hoy!
Warm up
Hello Bebop Routine. The teacher greets the children by saying in a sing–song voice. Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time for English class (looking at the watch and pointing at it), Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time start the class (putting the hands up). Children copy the movements and repeat
after the teacher. Hola rutina de Bebop. El maestro saluda a los niños al decir con voz de cantar. Hola, hola, hola (agitando la mano), es hora de
clase de inglés (mirando el reloj y señalándolo), hola, hola, hola (agitando la mano), es hora de comenzar la clase (poniendo las manos en alto) Los niños
copian los movimientos y repiten después del profesor.

Children play the Add More game, the teacher puts two hula hopos at the front of the classroom with a red
crayon inside each, and put the crayons of another color inside two boxes at the back of the classroom,
children are asked to count how many crayons are inside each hula hoop. Then, the teacher draws on each
side of the board a pencil and a plus sign, and models what they have to do: take a crayon from one of the
boxes, put it between their legs, holding it with their knees and walk without letting the crayon fall toward the
hula hoop and drop it inside. Once they drop it, children run back and shake hands with a child from the
same team to continue with the game. The class is divided into two teams and two lines are formed at the
back of the room, children are given one minute to drop as many crayons as possible inside each hula hoop.
Los niños juegan el juego Agregar más, el maestro pone dos hula hopos en el frente del salón de clase con un crayón rojo dentro de cada uno y colocan
los lápices de colores de otro color dentro de dos cajas en la parte posterior del salón de clase, se les pide a los niños que cuenten cuántos lápices de
colores están dentro de cada hula hoop. Luego, la maestra dibuja a cada lado del tablero un lápiz y un signo más, y modela lo que tienen que hacer:
tomar un crayón de una de las cajas, colocarlo entre sus piernas, sostenerlo con las rodillas y caminar sin dejar el crayón cae hacia el hula hoop y lo
deja caer dentro. Una vez que lo dejan caer, los niños corren hacia atrás y dan la mano a un niño del mismo equipo para continuar con el juego. La clase
se divide en dos equipos y se forman dos líneas en la parte posterior de la sala, a los niños se les da un minuto para que caigan tantos lápices como sea
posible dentro de cada hula hoop.

Using their Student’s Book children are asked to point and say the name of the school objects in unison.
Usando su Libro de Estudiantes, se les pide a los niños que señalen y digan el nombre de los objetos de la escuela al unísono.

The class is divided into two groups, the first group is asked to count both sets of glue stick and the second
group to count both sets of crayons in unison. La clase se divide en dos grupos, se le pide al primer grupo que cuente los dos
conjuntos de barras de pegamento y al segundo grupo que cuente los dos conjuntos de lápices de colores al unísono

Children are asked to count all of the glue sticks, draw the correct number of glue sticks to complete the first
sum, the same is repeated with the crayons. Se les pide a los niños que cuenten todas las barras de pegamento, dibujen la cantidad
correcta de barras de pegamento para completar la primera suma, lo mismo se repite con los lápices de colores.

Activity Book. The instrumental version of the Storysong is played in the background. Children are asked to
count the pencils in both circles and circle the correct number, then they color yellow the circle with few
pencils and blue the circle with many. Libro de actividades. La versión instrumental de Storysong se reproduce en segundo plano. Se les
pide a los niños que cuenten los lápices en ambos círculos y marquen con un círculo el número correcto, luego colorearán de amarillo el círculo con
algunos lápices y azul el círculo con muchos

Wrap up
A child is invited to go to the front and ask them to invent and draw a sum like the one the children answered
in their Student’s Book. Another child is invited to solve it. The activity is repeated with other children. Se invita
a un niño a ir al frente y pedirle que invente y dibuje una suma como la que los niños respondieron en su Libro del Estudiante. Otro niño es invitado a
resolverlo. La actividad se repite con otros niños.

Goodbye Bebop Routine. The teacher says in a sing–song voice. Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye (waving the
hand), It is time to end the class, Gooodbye boys! (boys are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye girls!
(girls are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye teacher! (pointing to herself or himself and waving the
hand), We had fun today! Goodbye Bebop Routine. El maestro dice con voz de cantar. Adiós, adiós, adiós (agitando la mano), es hora de
terminar la clase, chicos Gooodbye! (a los niños se les pide que agiten sus manos), chicas Gooodbye! (se les pide a las niñas que muevan sus manos),
maestro Gooodbye! (señalando a sí mismo y agitando la mano), ¡nos divertimos hoy!
Warm up
Children are invited to dance to the song The Bebop Dance and spin around three times as they touch their
nose, then they are asked to jump three times and touch their feet.
Hello Bebop Routine. The teacher greets the children by saying in a sing–song voice. Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time for English class (looking at the watch and pointing at it), Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time start the class (putting the hands up). Children copy the movements and repeat
after the teacher. Los niños están invitados a bailar la canción The Bebop Dance y dar tres vueltas cuando tocan su nariz, luego se les pide que
salten tres veces y se toquen los pies. Hola rutina de Bebop. El maestro saluda a los niños al decir con voz de cantar. Hola, hola, hola (agitando la mano),
es hora de clase de inglés (mirando el reloj y señalándolo), hola, hola, hola (agitando la mano), es hora de comenzar la clase (poniendo las manos en
alto) Los niños copian los movimientos y repiten después del profesor.

The teacher plays some music and says dancing, children are asked to repeat and do the same. The
teacher continues modeling the other actions, and says the actions randomly and asks the children to do the
actions. El maestro toca un poco de música y dice que baila, se les pide a los niños que repitan y hagan lo mismo. El profesor continúa modelando las
otras acciones, y dice las acciones al azar y les pide a los niños que hagan las acciones.

Using their Student’s Book children look at the pictures and are asked to say what they think the Bebop
characters are doing. They can use Language 1 (Spanish), then when they listen to an action they have to
point to the pictures and finally do the actions as they are sung. Usando su Libro de Estudiantes, los niños miran las imágenes y
se les pide que digan lo que piensan que hacen los personajes de Bebop. Pueden usar el Idioma 1 (español), luego, cuando escuchan una acción, deben
señalar las imágenes y finalmente realizar las acciones a medida que se cantan.

Children are asked to repeat the lines of the corresponding Actionsong as they do the corresponding actions
along with the teacher. Children listen again to the Actionsong and are asked to sing along as they do the
actions. Se les pide a los niños que repitan las líneas del Actionsong correspondiente mientras hacen las acciones correspondientes junto con el
maestro. Los niños vuelven a escuchar el Actionsong y se les pide que canten mientras hacen las acciones.

Children are asked to point to the actions as the teacher says them randomly, then they have to take out
their brown crayon and circle counting with it. Se les pide a los niños que señalen las acciones como el maestro las dice al azar, luego
tienen que sacar su lápiz de color marrón y contar el círculo con él.

Activity Book. The instrumental version of the Actionsong is played in the background. Children look at their
Activity Book and are asked to point and say the actions, then they connect the actions to the outcome,
using different colors. Libro de actividades. La versión instrumental de Actionsong se juega en segundo plano. Los niños miran su Libro de
actividades y se les pide que señalen y digan las acciones, luego conectan las acciones al resultado, usando diferentes colores

Wrap up
Children are given a piece of construction paper, watercolors, a paintbrush, a small bottle cap with some
water, scissors, and masking tape to create a simple object or shape on the paper using masking tape, for
example, a tree. Some music is played and children are invited to paint over the paper, after the paintings
are dry the teacher removes carefully the masking tape to let the picture appear, the classroom is decorated
with the paintings. A los niños se les da una cartulina, acuarelas, un pincel, una pequeña tapa de botella con un poco de agua, tijeras y cinta
adhesiva para crear un objeto o forma simple en el papel usando cinta adhesiva, por ejemplo, un árbol. Se toca algo de música y se invita a los niños a
pintar sobre el papel, después de que las pinturas estén secas, el maestro retira cuidadosamente la cinta adhesiva para que aparezca la imagen, el
salón de clases está decorado con las pinturas.

Goodbye Bebop Routine. The teacher says in a sing–song voice. Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye (waving the
hand), It is time to end the class, Gooodbye boys! (boys are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye girls!
(girls are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye teacher! (pointing to herself or himself and waving the
hand), We had fun today! Goodbye Bebop Routine. El maestro dice con voz de cantar. Adiós, adiós, adiós (agitando la mano), es hora de
terminar la clase, chicos Gooodbye! (a los niños se les pide que agiten sus manos), chicas Gooodbye! (se les pide a las niñas que muevan sus manos),
maestro Gooodbye! (señalando a sí mismo y agitando la mano), ¡nos divertimos hoy!
Warm up
Hello Bebop Routine. The teacher greets the children by saying in a sing–song voice. Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time for English class (looking at the watch and pointing at it), Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time start the class (putting the hands up). Children copy the movements and repeat
after the teacher. Hola rutina de Bebop. El maestro saluda a los niños al decir con voz de cantar. Hola, hola, hola (agitando la mano), es hora de
clase de inglés (mirando el reloj y señalándolo), hola, hola, hola (agitando la mano), es hora de comenzar la clase (poniendo las manos en alto ) Los niños
copian los movimientos y repiten después del profesor.

The teacher forms small teams, each team is given a puzzle to form school objects, on the count of three,
children are asked to complete their puzzle and shout the name of their school object. The first team to
finish wins the game. El maestro forma pequeños equipos, a cada equipo se le da un rompecabezas para formar objetos escolares, a la cuenta
de tres, se les pide a los niños que completen su rompecabezas y griten el nombre de su objeto escolar. El primer equipo en terminar gana el juego.

A child is invited to go to the front and the teacher asks him or her name to name the school objects and the
actions randomly as they point to them in the Student’s Book. Se invita a un niño a ir al frente y el maestro le pide a él o ella
que nombre los objetos de la escuela y las acciones al azar, tal como los señala en el Libro del alumno.

Using the Student’s Book children are asked to point to the action drawing and then, with their index finger,
trace over the line to connect drawing with pencil as they say I am drawing with my pencil. The same is done
with the rest of the actions or objects. Then children use the colored pencils to trace over the lines, the
teacher encourages children to use different colors to review them. Usando el Libro del Estudiante se les pide a los niños que
señalen el dibujo de acción y luego, con su dedo índice, tracen sobre la línea para conectar el dibujo con el lápiz, como dicen, estoy dibujando con mi
lápiz. Lo mismo se hace con el resto de las acciones u objetos. Luego, los niños usan los lápices de colores para trazar líneas, el docente alienta a los
niños a usar diferentes colores para revisarlos.

Children are asked to sit in pairs, one of them points to the picture in their Student’s Book and says drawing,
pencil and the other one says I am drawing with my pencil, they point to other actions and then switch
roles.Se les pide a los niños que se sienten en parejas, uno de ellos apunta a la imagen en su Libro del Estudiante y dice dibujando, el lápiz y el otro
dice que estoy dibujando con mi lápiz, señalan otras acciones y luego cambian de roles.

ASL Activity. The class is divided into two teams, the teacher puts the flashcards of the actions and the
objects inside two bags. A child from the first team goes to the front and takes an action and an object, then
the child has to make the sign for each one. The first child from the team to say I am (drawing) with my
(gluestick) winsand gets a point for their team, the same is repeated with the other children. The team with
the most points win the game. Actividad de ASL. La clase se divide en dos equipos, el profesor pone las tarjetas de las acciones y los objetos
dentro de dos bolsas. Un niño del primer equipo va al frente y toma una acción y un objeto, luego el niño tiene que hacer el signo para cada uno. El
primer niño del equipo que dice que estoy (dibujando) con mi (pegamento) gana y obtiene un punto para su equipo, lo mismo se repite con los otros
niños. El equipo con más puntos gana el juego.

Activity Book. The instrumental version of the Actionsong is played in the background. Children look at their
Activity Book and are asked to color, cut, draw, paint and paste to make a picture of their school, the class is
divided in small groups that have to focus on a different part of the school. As Children work the teacher
asks them What are you doing? and they are encouraged to say, for example, I am coloring with my
crayon.Libro de actividades. La versión instrumental de Actionsong se juega en segundo plano. Los niños miran su Activity Book y se les pide que
coloreen, corten, dibujen, pinten y peguen para hacer una imagen de su escuela, la clase se divide en grupos pequeños que tienen que enfocarse en una
parte diferente de la escuela. Mientras los niños trabajan, la maestra les pregunta: ¿Qué estás haciendo? y se les anima a decir, por ejemplo, que estoy
coloreando con mi crayón.

Wrap up
The teacher plays some music and children are asked to stand up and dance. When the music stops the
teacher tosses a ball to a child and says drawing, the child who gets the ball says I am drawing with my
pencil. The activity is repeated with different actions or objects. El maestro toca algo de música y se les pide a los niños que se
pongan de pie y bailen. Cuando la música se detiene, el maestro arroja una pelota a un niño y dice que dibuja, el niño que recibe la pelota dice que estoy
dibujando con mi lápiz. La actividad se repite con diferentes acciones u objetos.

Children are asked to turn to their Progress Chart page in their Student’s BookBook and color the number for
Unit 1. Se les pide a los niños que vuelvan a su página de Gráfico de progreso en su Libro de libros del alumno y coloreen el número de la Unidad 1.

Goodbye Bebop Routine. The teacher says in a sing–song voice. Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye (waving the
hand), It is time to end the class, Gooodbye boys! (boys are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye girls!
(girls are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye teacher! (pointing to herself or himself and waving the
hand), We had fun today! Goodbye Bebop Routine. El maestro dice con voz de cantar. Adiós, adiós, adiós (agitando la mano), es hora de
terminar la clase, chicos Gooodbye! (a los niños se les pide que agiten sus manos), chicas Gooodbye! (se les pide a las niñas que muevan sus manos),
maestro Gooodbye! (señalando a sí mismo y agitando la mano), ¡nos divertimos hoy!

EJE TEMATICO games: baseball, hopscotch, jump rope, soccer.

Critical thinking skills
Listening skills
Fine motor skills
Acting out
Psychomotor skills
Narrative Skills

• Learn to name games
• Learn four actions.
• Learn four directional words.
• Practice expressing likes
• Learn how to express what you can do
• Count to 40 and recognize numeral 40
• Understand a story about being active
• Put words together to make compound words
• Develop print motivation and letter recognition.
• Learn about healthy lifestyle
• Identify left and right


Warm up
Children are invited to dance the song The Bebop Band and pretend they are playing a sport as they move
to the music.

Hello Bebop Routine. The teacher greets the children by saying in a sing–song voice. Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time for English class (looking at the watch and pointing at it), Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time start the class (putting the hands up). Children copy the movements and repeat
after the teacher.

The teacher shows children a picture of basketball, says basketball and ask them to repeat the word, the
same is done with the other pictures. One child is invited to leave the classroom and the teacher hides a
flashcard, then the child is asked to come back and look for the flashcard that is hidden, when they find it
they have to name twice, the second time the child names it, they must divide the word into syllabus as they
clap. The same activity is repeated with other children and the rest of the flashcards.

Using their Student’s Book, children are invited to tell what they can see. They can answer using Language 1
(Spanish). They listen to the corresponding CD track and point to the games/toys, when they listen to the
track again they name the games/toys.

Children listen to the song Games are fun!, point to the pictures, repeat the lines and finally sing it.

The teacher names the games randomly and asks the children to point to them. Children are asked to take
out their black crayon and circle hopscotch

ASL Activity. The teacher shows the flashcard of a game, says the name of the game and makes the sign,
children are asked to repeat. The teacher tosses a ball to a child and that child has to say the name of the
game and ask the others to make the sign and point to the correct picture in their Student’s Book.
Activity Book. Children listen to the instrumental version of the Storysong in the background, and using their
Activity Book in the corresponding page, children are asked to point and say the games, then they have to
draw themselves playing one of the games in the space provided. Children are encouraged to look carefully
at the pictures and to try to copy the detail if they can.

Wrap up
Children are taken outside. The class is divided into small groups and each group is given different pieces of
equipment: a basketball, a soccer ball, hula hopos, and a jump rope, the teacher draws a hopscotch grid on
the ground and on the count of three, children are asked to play. Every five minutes, they change activities
so that everyone can play all of the games.

Goodbye Bebop Routine. The teacher says in a sing–song voice. Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye (waving the
hand), It is time to end the class, Gooodbye boys! (boys are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye girls!
(girls are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye teacher! (pointing to herself or himself and waving the
hand), We had fun today!

Warm up
Hello Bebop Routine. The teacher greets the children by saying in a sing–song voice. Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time for English class (looking at the watch and pointing at it), Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time start the class (putting the hands up). Children copy the movements and repeat
after the teacher.

The teacher displays the flashcards of the games on the board and draw a grid around them to make a
graph, then points to the first game and asks a child to name it, children are asked to raise their hand if they
like it. The teachers counts the number of children and writes it in the graph. At the end, children analyze the
graph by saying which game they like the most and which game they like the least.

The class is divided into two groups, a child from one of the groups is asked to name a game and children
from the other group point to it and name it as well, then they change roles.

Children listen to a track and connect the person to the game in their Student’s Book using a black crayón
and then different colors, to review them.

Children listen to a track and repeat questions and answers they listen to, for example, Do you like games?,
Yes , I like basketball, then they work in pairs with questions and answers.

Activity Book. Children listen to the instrumental version of the Storysong in the background, and using their
Activity Book in the corresponding page, children are asked to point and say the games, then they have to
complete the faces to show their likes and dislikes. Finally they have to sit in pairo and take turns to point
and say Do you like the game? Yes, I like soccer.

ASL Activity. A child is invited to go to the front and make the sign of a game they like, the first child to name
it correctly goes to the front to continue with the game.

Wrap up

Children are asked to sit in a circle and think of a game they like the most, then they are asked to say, for
example, I like soccer. All children who like soccer are asked to stand up and change places, the same
activity is repeated with other games, and when the teacher says I like games! they change places.

Goodbye Bebop Routine. The teacher says in a sing–song voice. Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye (waving the
hand), It is time to end the class, Gooodbye boys! (boys are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye girls!
(girls are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye teacher! (pointing to herself or himself and waving the
hand), We had fun today!

Warm up
Children are invited to dance with hula hoops following the rhythm of the song The Bebop Band

Hello Bebop Routine. The teacher greets the children by saying in a sing–song voice. Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time for English class (looking at the watch and pointing at it), Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time start the class (putting the hands up). Children copy the movements and repeat
after the teacher.

The teacher displays the flashcards of the key language on the board, face down. A child is invited to go the
front and turn a flashcard over and name it, the same is repeated with other children.
Children look at the pictures of the Storysong in their Student’s Book and are asked to say what they think
the Storysong is about, and what they think the problem is. Children listen to the Storysong and point to the
corresponding pictures.

Children listen to the Storysong and are asked to snap their fingers when they hear the name of a sport, the
song is played one more time and children are invited to sing the chorus along with the teacher.

The teacher writes 40 on the board, point to it and says forty. Children are asked to repeat forty, the teacher
displays some number cards on the board in the correct sequence, but leaving a space for numbers that are
missing., the teacher scatters the other number cards around the classroom. A child is invited to go to the
front and look for the number the teacher says and put it in the correct place. Other children are invited to
continue placing the numbers until they get to 40. Children are asked to say the names of the numbers in
unison as the teacher points to them and circle number 40.

Activity Book. Children listen to the instrumental version of the Storysong in the background, and using their
Activity Book in the corresponding page, children are asked to draw their face and hair in the first picture,
then they are asked to follow the pictures to read the sentence, I am coloring one ball. Children are asked to
color the correct number of balls to make the sentencie true, the teacher asks What are you doing? while
they are coloring, and encourage them to answer I am coloring one ball.

Wrap up
Some children are invited to go to the front and play a jumping game, each of them are given a jump rompe
and explained that the teacher and them are going to count to 40 without stopping wins. The first child who
jumps to 40 without stopping wins.

Goodbye Bebop Routine. The teacher says in a sing–song voice. Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye (waving the
hand), It is time to end the class, Gooodbye boys! (boys are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye girls!
(girls are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye teacher! (pointing to herself or himself and waving the
hand), We had fun today!

Warm up
Hello Bebop Routine. The teacher greets the children by saying in a sing–song voice. Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time for English class (looking at the watch and pointing at it), Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time start the class (putting the hands up). Children copy the movements and repeat
after the teacher.

The teacher plays some music and says hopscotch, children have to pretend they are playing hopscotch, the
game continues varying the activity the teacher mentions.

Children look at the Storysong in their Student’s Book and are asked to sing along with the teacher.

The teacher points to the picture of hopscotch and asks children if they remember who asked Susie to play
hopscotch in the Storysong. Then the teacher ask children to connect Eddy to the hopscotch using the color
he/she says. The same is done with Flo and the jump rope.

Children cut the cut–outs of the corresponding Storysong, then they are asked to hold them and act out the
Storysong as they listen to it. The class is divided into three groups, Eddy, Flo and Susie, children are asked
to act out the story by holding up their cut–outs when they hear their character talking.

ASL Activity. The teacher says the name of a game, but makes the wrong sign. The first child to make the
sign correctly goes to the front to continue with the game.

Activity Book. Children listen to the instrumental version of the Storysong in the background, and using their
Activity Book in the corresponding page, children are asked to draw pink rectangles around the soccer
games and purple rectangles around the basketball games. Children are asked to count all the people
playing soccer and basketball in the four pictures. Then they identify and color the correct number.

Wrap up
Children go outside and the classroom is divided into small groups, children are asked to act out the story
saying the words in English they have learned so far.

Goodbye Bebop Routine. The teacher says in a sing–song voice. Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye (waving the
hand), It is time to end the class, Gooodbye boys! (boys are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye girls!
(girls are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye teacher! (pointing to herself or himself and waving the
hand), We had fun today!
Warm up
Hello Bebop Routine. The teacher greets the children by saying in a sing–song voice. Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time for English class (looking at the watch and pointing at it), Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time start the class (putting the hands up). Children copy the movements and repeat
after the teacher.

The teacher shows the flashcard of the action climb and pretends to climb, then he/she asks children to
repeat, the same is done with the other words, then a child is invited to go to the front and draw the shape
the teacher says around the picture that he/she says, for example, Draw a triangle around hop.

Children look at the corresponding page in their Students Book, they are encouraged to tell the teacher what
they can see. Children listen to a track and point to the actions, they listen to the track again but this time
they name the actions.

Children listen to a dialog and point to the correct pictures as they are mentioned, then they are asked to
circle the correct picture in their Student’s Book.

Children listen to the dialog again and are asked to repeat Lucy, what can you do?, I can climb. The teacher
tosses a ball to a child and asks What can you do? and that child is asked to answer I can swim. Then the
child is asked to toss the ball to a friend and make the same question.

ASL Activity. The teachers shows the flashcard of the action swim, and makes the sign, children are asked
to repeat. A child is invited to go the front and asked to say and make the sign for an action, then children
circle the correct picture.

Activity Book. Children listen to the instrumental version of the Action Song in the background, and using
their Activity Book in the corresponding page, children are asked to point and say the activities, children are
asked to ask the teacher what he/she can do and check the activities, then they check the activities that they
can do. Finally they sit in pairo and take turns asking and answering What can you do? I can climb.

Wrap up
Children are asked to draw something they can do, they can decreta the bulletin board with their pictures.

Goodbye Bebop Routine. The teacher says in a sing–song voice. Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye (waving the
hand), It is time to end the class, Gooodbye boys! (boys are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye girls!
(girls are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye teacher! (pointing to herself or himself and waving the
hand), We had fun today!

Warm up
Hello Bebop Routine. The teacher greets the children by saying in a sing–song voice. Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time for English class (looking at the watch and pointing at it), Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time start the class (putting the hands up). Children copy the movements and repeat
after the teacher.

The teacher shows pictures children watching TV and playing video games on the left side of the board and
pictures of children playing outdoors or doing sports on the right side of the board and teaches children that
children watching TV and playing video games are not active, the children repeat. The same is done with the
pictures of children playing outdoors or doing sports but this time the teachers says that they are active. The
teacher talks about the importance of being active to stay healthy. Children are asked to stand up, the
teacher says Active! and they pretend to be playing a sport, then the teacher says Not Active! and they
pretend to be playing video games or watching tv.

Children are asked to look at the pictures, point to the first picture and tell the teacher if children are active or
not, the same is repeated with other actions.

Children are asked to take out their green crayon and circle the active pictures with it.

Activity Book. Children listen to the instrumental version of the Action Song in the background, and using
their Activity Book in the corresponding page, the teacher points to the skates and explains them that
although we say I can skate the activity is called skating. Children are sit in small groupts to point and say
the activities in the border. Children are given small pictures of children playing a sport or doing an outdoor
activity and a glue stick, they are asked to paste the pictures in the frame.

Wrap up

Children play Talent Show Game. A child is invited to go the front and present their talent by saying for
example, I can dance, and demonstrating in front of the other children. The other children go to the front to
continue with the game, if they are shy they can come up in pairs to present a talent.

Goodbye Bebop Routine. The teacher says in a sing–song voice. Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye (waving the
hand), It is time to end the class, Gooodbye boys! (boys are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye girls!
(girls are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye teacher! (pointing to herself or himself and waving the
hand), We had fun today!

Warm up
The teacher acts as a leader and asks children to dance, hop, jump, run, etc. to the right and to the left by
following him/her.

Hello Bebop Routine. The teacher greets the children by saying in a sing–song voice. Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time for English class (looking at the watch and pointing at it), Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time start the class (putting the hands up). Children copy the movements and repeat
after the teacher.

The teacher says Down! ,and crouches down, children repeat and do the same, the other words are also
modelled by the teacher.

Using their Student’s Book children look at the pictures and are asked to say what they think the Bebop
characters are doing. They can use Language 1 (Spanish), then when they listen to an action they have to
point it.

Children are asked to repeat the lines of the corresponding Actionsong as they do the corresponding actions
along with the teacher. Children listen again to the corresponding Actionsong and are asked to sing along as
they do the actions.

Children are asked to say if the Bebop characters in the Student’s Book are up and down, they are also
asked to take out their blue crayon and circle the characters that are down.

Activity Book. Children listen to the instrumental version of the Action Song in the background, and using
their Activity Book in the corresponding page, children are asked to point and say the actions, then the
teacher says Hop to the left and asks children to draw a line from the hop picture to the left_pointing arrow.
The same is done with the other actions.

Wrap up

Children go outside and are asked to go up or down, to the right or to the left, as they climb, hop, pretend to
skate, and wiggle.

Goodbye Bebop Routine. The teacher says in a sing–song voice. Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye (waving the
hand), It is time to end the class, Gooodbye boys! (boys are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye girls!
(girls are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye teacher! (pointing to herself or himself and waving the
hand), We had fun today!

Warm up
Hello Bebop Routine. The teacher greets the children by saying in a sing–song voice. Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time for English class (looking at the watch and pointing at it), Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time start the class (putting the hands up). Children copy the movements and repeat
after the teacher.

Some music is played and children are asked to form a circle, the teacher says Boys can dance and asks
the boys to go into the circle and dance, then the teacher says Girls can hop and asks the girls to go into the
circle and hop. The same is repeated with different actions, alternating between girls and boys.

A child goes to the front of the class and says an action, the other children point to it in their Student’s Book.
This activity is repeated with the other children. Children are asked to point to the arrows and say directos
the arrows are pointing in down, left, right, up.
The teacher tosses a ball and asks the child who catchesit to name an action that is on the page, The other
children stand up and do the actions as they say, for example, I can climb.

I can game., the teacher forms small groups and gives each group a dice and each child bottle caps with
different colors. Children play the game by rolling the dice and counting the squares, if they get to a square
that has an action they have to say I can….. and do the action, if they get to the square that has an arrow,
they have to move one square in the correct direction. The first child to get to the end wins

ASL Activity. A child is invited to go the front, and asked to do and say the action the teacher says. The
same is repeated with other children.

Activity Book. Children listen to the instrumental version of the Action Song in the background, and using
their Activity Book in the corresponding page, children are asked to point and say the games. They have to
paste orange paper on the basketball and yarn on the jump rope.

Wrap up

The teacher divides the board into four parts by drawing a cross and puts the flashcards of the key language
from the whole unit on a table. A child is invited to go to the front and take the flashcard that the teacher says
and put it up left, down right, and so on, on the board.

Children are asked to turn to their Progress Chart page in their Student’s Book and color the number for Unit

Goodbye Bebop Routine. The teacher says in a sing–song voice. Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye (waving the
hand), It is time to end the class, Gooodbye boys! (boys are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye girls!
(girls are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye teacher! (pointing to herself or himself and waving the
hand), We had fun today!


EJE TEMATICO Items of clothing and accesories, crown, glasses, necklace,nightgown,

pajamas,shirt,slippers,swimsuit, and swim trunks.

Critical thinking skills
Listening skills
Fine motor skills
Acting out
Psychomotor skills
Narrative Skills


• Learn to name clothing and accesories

• Learn two actions.
• Learn to express differences
• Learn to use he or she in a present continuous sentence
• Count to 50 and recognize the numeral 50
• Understand a story about a sleepover
• Identify the problem in a story and reten the story with a different problem.
• Learn to share and help others.
• Identify the sounds at the beginning of words.
• Classify ítems of clothing by day and night.

Warm up
Children are invited to dance to the song The Bebop Band and stretch to try to reach the ceiling as they
tiptoe around.

Hello Bebop Routine. The teacher greets the children by saying in a sing–song voice. Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time for English class (looking at the watch and pointing at it), Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time start the class (putting the hands up). Children copy the movements and repeat
after the teacher.

The teacher shows the flashcard of nightgown, says nightgown and ask children to repeat, the same is done
with the other pictures. Flashcards are displayed on the board and a child is invited to go to the front and
clap to divide the word that the teacher says into syllables and finally circle the correct flashcard. The activity
is repeated with the other children

Using their Student’s Book, children are invited to tell what they can see. They can answer using Language 1
(Spanish)but are encouraged to use the words in English they already know. Then they listen to the
corresponding CD track and point to the ítems of clothing, then they listen to it again and name them.

Children sing the song Swimsuits and Slippers !, and as they hear each name of the items in the song they
are asked to point to the correct ítem. The song is played again and children are asked to sing the song.

Different children are asked to name the swimming clothes they see and then to ask other children to name
them as they point to them. Then they have to circle the swimming clothes using an orange crayon.

ASL Activity. The teacher shows children flashcards of ítems of clothing, says their names and makes the
sign for the corresponding word, children repeat them. A child is invited to take out a flashcard from a bag
and make the correct sign, the other children are asked to say the word.

Activity Book. Children listen to the instrumental version of the StorySong in the background, and using their
Activity Book in the corresponding page, children are asked to count and connect the dots to complete the
pictures , then they point to the clothes and name them all together.

Wrap up
Children are given a sheet of paper and are asked to draw the ítems of clothing the teacher says in the
correct order, as if it were a dictation activity..

Goodbye Bebop Routine. The teacher says in a sing–song voice. Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye (waving the
hand), It is time to end the class, Gooodbye boys! (boys are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye girls!
(girls are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye teacher! (pointing to herself or himself and waving the
hand), We had fun today!

Warm up
Hello Bebop Routine. The teacher greets the children by saying in a sing–song voice. Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time for English class (looking at the watch and pointing at it), Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time start the class (putting the hands up). Children copy the movements and repeat
after the teacher.

The class is divided into small groups, each child is given two small cards, children are asked to draw one of
their favorite ítems of clothing on each of the cards to play a memory game. Children have to draw the same
item on both cards. Children in each group are asked to put all of their cards together and mix them up.
Then the place the cards down on the table to play the memory game.

The teacher says a color and asks the children to name the clothes in that color as they point to them. The
teacher tosses the ball to a child. That child has to say and point to an ítem of clothing in that color, the child
should then say a different color and toss the ball to another child.

Children listen to the first track as they point to the correct pictures, then they circle them using red and
purple crayons. Children listen to the second track as they point to the correct pictures, then they circle them
using orange and blue crayons.

Children listen to a dialog and the repeat What are your favorite clothes?

ASL Activity.A child is invited to go to the front, the teacher asks the child to make the sign for an item of
clothing, the first child to name it correctly goes to the front to continue with the game.

Activity Book. Children listen to the instrumental version of the StorySong in the background, and using their
Activity Book in the corresponding page, children are asked to draw and decreta pictures of their favorite
clothes. Then they point and say, for example, My favorite clothes are my yellow dress and my green hat.
Wrap up
Children are invited to sit down in a circle and play Hot Potato with a ball, some music is played and when
the teacher stops it , asks the child who has the ball What are your favorite clothes? and the child is
encouraged to answer, for example, My favorite clothes are my blue dress and my yellow hat.

Goodbye Bebop Routine. The teacher says in a sing–song voice. Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye (waving the
hand), It is time to end the class, Gooodbye boys! (boys are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye girls!
(girls are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye teacher! (pointing to herself or himself and waving the
hand), We had fun today!

Warm up
Children are invited to hop with one foot and then with the other while the song The Bebop Band is played.

Hello Bebop Routine. The teacher greets the children by saying in a sing–song voice. Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time for English class (looking at the watch and pointing at it), Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time start the class (putting the hands up). Children copy the movements and repeat
after the teacher.

Flashcards are displayed on the board and the class is divided into two groups, a child from each group goes
to the back of the classroom and is given a fly swatter. The teacher calls out an ítem of clothing and asks the
children to hit the correct flashcard.

Children look at the pictures of the Storysong in their Student’s Book and are asked to say what they think
the Storysong is about and what the problem is. Children listen to the Storysong again and point to the
corresponding pictures.

Children listen to the Storysong again and are asked to stomp their feet when they hear an ítem of clothing
Children are invited to sing the chorus along with the teacher.

The teacher writes number 50 on the board, point to it and says fifty. Children are asked to repeat fifty.

The teacher draws five sets of ten circles and asks children to count along from 1 to 50. The teacher draws
several numbers on the board from 1 to 50 repeating 50 at least five times. A child is invited to go to the
front and look for number 50 and underline it.

Activity Book. Children listen to the instrumental version of the Storysong in the background, and using their
Activity Book in the corresponding page, children are asked to draw their face and hair in the first picture,
then they have to follow the pictures to read the sentenceI am drawing Eddy’s pajamas. and, of course, draw
in the right side Eddy’s pajamas, to make the sentence true.

Wrap up

Children are given some dough, the teacher says an ítem of clothing and they have to model it as if the
teacher were doing a dictation.
Goodbye Bebop Routine. The teacher says in a sing–song voice. Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye (waving the
hand), It is time to end the class, Gooodbye boys! (boys are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye girls!
(girls are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye teacher! (pointing to herself or himself and waving the
hand), We had fun today!

Warm up
Hello Bebop Routine. The teacher greets the children by saying in a sing–song voice. Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time for English class (looking at the watch and pointing at it), Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time start the class (putting the hands up). Children copy the movements and repeat
after the teacher.

The teacher plays some music and children are invited to dance around, they are also asked to look for the
ítem of clothing in the color the teacher says when the music stops and give it to her or him.

Children look at the Storysong in their Student’s Book and are asked to sing along with the teacher.

In their Student’s Book children have to tell the teacher what the problem is using Language 1 but trying to
use the words in English they have already learn. Then they draw a line to the picture that solves the
Children cut the cut–outs of the corresponding Storysong, then they are asked to hold them and act out the
Storysong as they listen to it.

The class is divided into small groups, children are asked to retell the story using their cut–outs, pretending
to be each of the characters.

ASL Activity. The teacher places the flashcards of ítems of clothing on the board. The class is divided into
two teams, a child from each team is invited to go to the back and another one to go to the front and say
and make the sign for one of the ítems of clothing. The other two children run and circle the correct
flashcard. The first one to do so wins a point for their team, the team with the most points win the game.

Activity Book. Children listen to the instrumental version of the StorySong in the background, and using their
Activity Book in the corresponding page, children are asked to point and say the clothes, then they have to
connect the numbers to the correct swimming trunks to complete the sequence. Children point and say the
numbers in the correct order.

Wrap up
Some children are invited to go to the front and role play the Storysong using real items of clothing as
costumes to represent each of the characters.

Goodbye Bebop Routine. The teacher says in a sing–song voice. Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye (waving the
hand), It is time to end the class, Gooodbye boys! (boys are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye girls!
(girls are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye teacher! (pointing to herself or himself and waving the
hand), We had fun today!

Warm up
Hello Bebop Routine. The teacher greets the children by saying in a sing–song voice. Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time for English class (looking at the watch and pointing at it), Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time start the class (putting the hands up). Children copy the movements and repeat
after the teacher.

The teacher shows the flashcard of the crown and asks children to repeat, the same is done with the other
words, then a child is invited to go to the front and draw the picture that the teacher says.


Children look at the corresponding page in their Student’s Book, they are encouraged to tell the teacher
what they can see. Children listen to a track and point to the correct ítems of clothing. They listen to the
track again but this time they name the items of clothing.

Children listen to a dialog and circle the correct child.

Children listen to the dialog again point to the separes as they talk, then girls repeat the question and boys
the answer, then they swap for the next question and answer. The teacher tosses a ball to a child and asks
What’s (another child’s name) wearing?, and they say (Child’s name) is wearing (a green jacket) and (red)
boots, then the child tosses the ball to another child and makes the same question, changing the name of
the classmate.

ASL Activity The teacher shows the flashcard of the crown, says the word and makes the correct sign,
children repeat it, then children do it too with other words.

Activity Book. Children listen to the instrumental version of the ActionSong in the background, and using their
Activity Book in the corresponding page, children are asked to point and say the clothes, then they have to
draw and color their friends wearing some of the clothes. Finally they take turns to say He is wearing red

Wrap up

Flashcards of the ítems of clothing are put inside a bag, children are asked to sit down in a circle and some
music is played , then children are asked to pass the bag around, when the music stops the child who is
holding the bag takes out a flashcard, for example, a crown, the teacher asks the child What’s (another
child’s name) wearing?, and the child should say (Child’s name) is wearing (a yellow crown) .

Goodbye Bebop Routine. The teacher says in a sing–song voice. Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye (waving the
hand), It is time to end the class, Gooodbye boys! (boys are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye girls!
(girls are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye teacher! (pointing to herself or himself and waving the
hand), We had fun today!
Warm up
Hello Bebop Routine. The teacher greets the children by saying in a sing–song voice. Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time for English class (looking at the watch and pointing at it), Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time start the class (putting the hands up). Children copy the movements and repeat
after the teacher.

The teacher shows the picture of day, says day and ask children to repeat, the same is done with night.
Flashcards are displayed all around the classroomand the board is divided into two, the picture of the day is
displayed on the left and the picture of the night on the right. A child is invited to go to the front, take a
flashcard, name it and put it under the correct column. The activity is repeated with the other children

Children are asked to look at their Student’s Book and trace the lines to complete the sun and the star using
different colors.

Children are asked to point to the correct picture and say day and then night

Children listen to the ítems of clothing randomly and point to them as they name them as well

Children connect the clothes to the sun or to the moon accordingly using different colors

Activity Book. Children listen to the instrumental version of the Action Song in the background, and using
their Activity Book in the corresponding page, children are asked to color the sun yellow and the moon blue.
Then they circle the day clothes with yellow and the night clothes with blue

Wrap up
The teacher puts the real day and night clothes inside a box, the class is divided into two teams. A child from
each team is invitedto go to the back of the classroom. The teacher says Put on night clothes! and the
children run and look for some night clothes to wear, the first child to put them on wins a point for their team.
The team with the most points is the winner.

Goodbye Bebop Routine. The teacher says in a sing–song voice. Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye (waving the
hand), It is time to end the class, Gooodbye boys! (boys are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye girls!
(girls are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye teacher! (pointing to herself or himself and waving the
hand), We had fun today!

Warm up
Children are invited to form walk around the classroom while the song The Bebop Band is played and when
the music stops they have to shake hands and say Hello

Hello Bebop Routine. The teacher greets the children by saying in a sing–song voice. Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time for English class (looking at the watch and pointing at it), Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time start the class (putting the hands up). Children copy the movements and repeat
after the teacher.

The teacher says Curl up!, and curls up on the floor to model the action, children are asked to repeat the
action and do it. Then they play Simon Says varying the actions that the teacher says.

Using their Student’s Book children look at the pictures and are asked to say what they think the Bebop
characters are doing. They can use Language 1 (Spanish), then when they listen to an action they have to
point it and finally they do the actions as they listen to them.

Children are asked to repeat the lines of the corresponding Actionsong as they do the corresponding actions
along with the teacher. Children listen again to the corresponding Actionsong and are asked to sing along as
they do the actions.

Children are asked to point to where they see the action hug in the picture, they circle the action with a red

Activity Book. Children listen to the instrumental version of the Action Song in the background, and using
their Activity Book in the corresponding page, children are asked to point and say the actions, then they put
the actions in the order they happen in the song.

Wrap up
Children play Charades, they take turns acting something out and having the others guess what it is. One
child is invited to go to the front and the teacher whispers an action, the child does the action and the other
children guess what it is.

Goodbye Bebop Routine. The teacher says in a sing–song voice. Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye (waving the
hand), It is time to end the class, Gooodbye boys! (boys are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye girls!
(girls are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye teacher! (pointing to herself or himself and waving the
hand), We had fun today!

Warm up
Hello Bebop Routine. The teacher greets the children by saying in a sing–song voice. Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time for English class (looking at the watch and pointing at it), Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time start the class (putting the hands up). Children copy the movements and repeat
after the teacher.

The teacher places the pictures of the key language facing the board and all mixed up for the children to play
a memory game, they play in teams, the team with the most pairs win.

Children are asked to point and name the clothes of the picture in their Student’s Book.

Children are asked to find and circle the same clothes in the picture, using different colors

ASL Activity. A child is invited to go to the front, say and make a sign for an ítem of clothing, the other
children repeat and point to the ítem in their Student’s Book.
Activity Book. Children listen to the instrumental version of the Action Song in the background, and using
their Activity Book in the corresponding page, children are asked to paste cut outs of clothes to create their
own closet. Then they sit in pairs and take turns to point and say the clothes.

Wrap up

Children sit down in small groups and using sheets of paper, gluestick and scissors, they draw a paper doll
and some items of clothing for them.

Children are asked to turn to their Progress Chart in their Students Book. They are asked to color the
number for Unit 3.

Goodbye Bebop Routine. The teacher says in a sing–song voice. Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye (waving the
hand), It is time to end the class, Gooodbye boys! (boys are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye girls!
(girls are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye teacher! (pointing to herself or himself and waving the
hand), We had fun today!


EJE TEMATICO circus perforemos, acrobat, clown, juggler, ringmaster, dance, malician, strongman.
Critical thinking skills
Listening skills
Fine motor skills
Acting out
Psychomotor skills
Narrative Skills


• Learn to name the circus performers

• Learn three action words.
• Practice saying I can see
• Learn the preposition behind
• Review the prepositions in, on, under, next to
• Count to 60and recognize the numeral 60
• Review shapes and learn to recognize them in the environment
• Understand a story about putting on a circus.
• Talk about the roles of the characters in a story
• Work together to identify the main events in a story
• Sequence a story
• Identify the syllables in words

Warm up
Children listen to the song The Bebop Band and are invited to do funny things as they dance to the music.

Hello Bebop Routine. The teacher greets the children by saying in a sing–song voice. Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time for English class (looking at the watch and pointing at it), Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time start the class (putting the hands up). Children copy the movements and repeat
after the teacher.

The teacher shows children a picture of an acrobat, says acrobat and ask them to repeat the word, the same
is done with the other pictures. One child is invited to go to the front and circle the circus perfomer that the
teacher says.

Using their Student’s Book, children are invited to tell what they can see. They can answer using Language 1
(Spanish) but they are also encouraged to use the words in English that they have learned do far . They
listen to the corresponding CD track and point to the circus performers/props , then they listen to it again
and name them.

Children repeat the lines of the song At the circus!, The song is played again and children are asked to sing
the song.

Children draw their attention to the balloons and are asked to point to and count them in unison,going from
left to right.

Children draw their attention to the ringmaster and are asked to point to him and name him, then they have
to circle him with a purple crayon in their Student’s Book.

ASL Activity. The teacher shows the flashcard of a circus perfomer, says the name and makes the sign for
that word. The teacher does the same with the other performers and invites children to go to the front and
repeat the sign and the word given, and then draw a star around the correct flashcard, flashcards that are
displayed on the board.

Activity Book. Children listen to the instrumental version of the Storysong in the background, and using their
Activity Book in the corresponding page, children are asked to color the key and then follow the key to color
the picture

Wrap up

Children are given a sheet of paper and are asked to draw the circus perforare they like the most. The
bulletin board can be decorated with their drawings.

Goodbye Bebop Routine. The teacher says in a sing–song voice. Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye (waving the
hand), It is time to end the class, Gooodbye boys! (boys are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye girls!
(girls are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye teacher! (pointing to herself or himself and waving the
hand), We had fun today!

Warm up
Hello Bebop Routine. The teacher greets the children by saying in a sing–song voice. Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time for English class (looking at the watch and pointing at it), Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time start the class (putting the hands up). Children copy the movements and repeat
after the teacher.

The teacher tapes the pieces of a puzzle to form a circus performer on to the board , but all mixed up.
Children are asked to look at the pieces and say what they can see. A child is invited to go to the front and
solve the puzzle.

Using their Student’s Book children are asked to point to the performers and name them.
Children listen to a track and repeat it, then they listen again and circle the correct picture

Children listen to a dialog and repeat questions and answers, What can you see? I can see a clown.
Children are asked to sit in small groups and take turns asking and answering.

ASL Activity. .Children play Pinocchio, the teacher makes the sign of a circus performer and says the wrong
name, so children say Pinocchio and say the correct word. Children are invitedto pretend to be the teacher to
continue with the game.

Activity Book. Children listen to the instrumental version of the Storysong in the background, and are asked
to find and circle the circus performers, then they sit in pairs and take turns to point and say I can see a

Wrap up
Children are given some dough and asked to model the circus performer they would most like to be. Then
they walk around the classroom, point to the sculptures and say, for example, I can see a clown

Goodbye Bebop Routine. The teacher says in a sing–song voice. Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye (waving the
hand), It is time to end the class, Gooodbye boys! (boys are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye girls!
(girls are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye teacher! (pointing to herself or himself and waving the
hand), We had fun today!

Warm up
Children are invited to pretend to be a clown, a juggler, or other perfore as they listen to the song The Bebop

Hello Bebop Routine. The teacher greets the children by saying in a sing–song voice. Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time for English class (looking at the watch and pointing at it), Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time start the class (putting the hands up). Children copy the movements and repeat
after the teacher.

The teacher displays the flashcards of the circus performers all around the classroom and says some
riddles, for example, He has an orange nose and children say A clown!.

Children look at the pictures of the Storysong in their Student’s Book and are asked to say what they think
the Storysong is about, they are allowed to use Language 1 (Spanish). Children listen to the Storysong and
point to the corresponding pictures.

Children listen to the Storysong again and are asked to point to the ítem of clothing as they are mentioned in
the story. Children are invited to sing the chorus along with the teacher.

The teacher writes number 60 on the board, point to it and says sixty. Children are asked to repeat after the
teacher. The teacher draws 6 sets of 10 circlesand children are asked to count along with the teacher.
The teacher draws several numbers on the board from 1 to 60 repeating 60 at least five times. A child is
invited to go to the front and look for number 50 and draw a star around it. Children are asked to underline it
in their Student’s Book.

Activity Book. Children listen to the instrumental version of the Storysong in the background, and using their
Activity Book in the corresponding page, children are asked to draw their face and hair in the first picture and
follow the pictures to read the sentence I am painting four balloons, children count an paint the correct
number of balloons to make the sentence real

Wrap up
Children are provided costumes to wear and prepare a circus show, parents can be invite to watch their acts

Goodbye Bebop Routine. The teacher says in a sing–song voice. Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye (waving the
hand), It is time to end the class, Gooodbye boys! (boys are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye girls!
(girls are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye teacher! (pointing to herself or himself and waving the
hand), We had fun today!

Warm up.
Hello Bebop Routine. The teacher greets the children by saying in a sing–song voice. Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time for English class (looking at the watch and pointing at it), Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time start the class (putting the hands up). Children copy the movements and repeat
after the teacher.

The teacher says You are acrobats! and they pretend to be acrobats, then the teacher says Stop! and
children stand still. The activity is repeated by changing the act they have to perform.

Children listen to and sing the Storysong along with the teacher.

Children look at the pictures in their Student’s Book and then connect the band members to the objects.

Children cut the cut–outs of the corresponding Storysong, then they are asked to hold them and act out the
Storysong as they listen to it. They are asked to form small groups and go to the front to retell the story using
the cut–outs, the class is divided into small groups and each of them decides which character they are going
to represent in a stick puppet play.

ASL Activity The teacher displays flashcards of the circus performers on the board, a child says a word and
makes the sign of a circus performer and another child circle around the correct flashcard.

Activity Book. Children listen to the instrumental version of the Storysong in the background, and using their
Activity Book in the corresponding page, children are asked to point and say the circus performer, they also
have to count all the balls in the pictur, finally they color the correct number with their favorite color.

Wrap Up
Some children are invited to go to the front and role play the Storysong with real objects.
Goodbye Bebop Routine. The teacher says in a sing–song voice. Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye (waving the
hand), It is time to end the class, Gooodbye boys! (boys are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye girls!
(girls are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye teacher! (pointing to herself or himself and waving the
hand), We had fun today!

Warm up
Hello Bebop Routine. The teacher greets the children by saying in a sing–song voice. Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time for English class (looking at the watch and pointing at it), Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time start the class (putting the hands up). Children copy the movements and repeat
after the teacher.

The teacher shows the flashcard of the dancer and asks children to repeat, the same is done with the other
flashcards. the teacher reviews the prepositions by putting, for example, the dance behind the magician.


Children look at the corresponding page in their Student’s Book, they are encouraged to tell the teacher
what they can see. Children listen to a track and point to the correct performers and props. They listen to the
track again but this time they name them.

Children listen to a dialog and circle the correct person or animal in their Student’s Book.

Children listen to the dialog again and repeat Where is the clown? and the other child answers, for example,
The clown is behind the dancer, then they sit in pairs and take turns questioning, answering and pointing to
the pictures.

ASL Activity. The teacher shows the flashcard of the dancer, says the word and makes the correct sign,
children repeat it. The teacher says, for example, The clown is next to the magician and asks a child to put
the pictures in the correct position

Activity Book. Children listen to the instrumental version of the ActionSong in the background, and using their
Activity Book in the corresponding page, children are asked to follow the instrucciones to color each rabbit in
a different color, so that they have a visual reference to go with each preposition (in, is the yellow rabbit, on
is the blue rabbit, and so on). Children sit in pairs and take turns pointing to the rabbits and saying The rabbit
is on the hat.

Wrap up
Children are invited to stand up, and play some music. The teacher stops the music and says Stand behind
a friend!, the same is repeated by asking them to stand next to a friend and to sit under the table.

Goodbye Bebop Routine. The teacher says in a sing–song voice. Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye (waving the
hand), It is time to end the class, Gooodbye boys! (boys are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye girls!
(girls are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye teacher! (pointing to herself or himself and waving the
hand), We had fun today!
Warm up
Hello Bebop Routine. The teacher greets the children by saying in a sing–song voice. Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time for English class (looking at the watch and pointing at it), Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time start the class (putting the hands up). Children copy the movements and repeat
after the teacher.

The teacher draws the shapes on the board, points to each of them and asks children to name them in
unison. Then the teacher says Come on everyone, show me a circle, show me a circle, show me a circle,
come on everyone, show me a circle and now stop! and asks children to look for circular objects around the
classroom and point to them


Children are asked to look at the shapes in the picture, the teacher names the shapes randomly and asks
children to point to them as they name them as well.

Children are asked to color the correct shape using different colors.

Activity Book. Children are asked to point and say the shapes and the circus perforemos, then they connect
the objects in the shapes to the correct parts of the picture.

Wrap up
Children are given some dough and asked to make different shaped objects.

Goodbye Bebop Routine. The teacher says in a sing–song voice. Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye (waving the
hand), It is time to end the class, Gooodbye boys! (boys are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye girls!
(girls are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye teacher! (pointing to herself or himself and waving the
hand), We had fun today!

Warm up
Children listen to the song The Bebop Band as they pretend to be a dancer, strongman or magician

Hello Bebop Routine. The teacher greets the children by saying in a sing–song voice. Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time for English class (looking at the watch and pointing at it), Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time start the class (putting the hands up). Children copy the movements and repeat
after the teacher.

The teacher says Bow as he/she models the action and children are asked to repeat after the teacher, the
same is done with other actions.

Children are told by the teacher that they are going to be magicians and perform a magic trick. A child is
invited to go to the front and asked to stand in the doorway with their arms to their sides, then he has to raise
their arms away from their sides so that the back of their hands are pushing against the sides of the
doorframe. he is asked to push as hard as he can on the doorframe for around 30 seconds as the other
children say Abracadabra! Arms go up!. Then the child is asked to step aside and allow their arms to hang
down loosely. Without wanting them to, their arms will go up without any effort!

Using their Student’s Book children look at the pictures and are asked to say what they think the Bebop
characters are doing. They can use Language 1 (Spanish). Children listen to the Action song and are asked
to point to the actions in the picture. They listen to the Action song again and now they are asked to do the
actions as they are sung.

Children are asked to repeat the lines of the Action song as they do the corresponding actions along with the
teacher. Children listen again to the Actionsong and are asked to sing along as they do the actions.

Children are asked to draw a rectangle around the magician

Activity Book. Children listen to the instrumental version of the ActionSong in the background, and using their
Activity Book in the corresponding page, children are asked to circle the correct action to complete the
pattern, they are asked to point and say the actions in unison, finally children are asked to stand up and do
the actions as the teacher says.

Wrap up
Children are asked to pretend to be magicians and invent an act to perform in front of the class.
Goodbye Bebop Routine. The teacher says in a sing–song voice. Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye (waving the
hand), It is time to end the class, Gooodbye boys! (boys are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye girls!
(girls are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye teacher! (pointing to herself or himself and waving the
hand), We had fun today!

Warm up
Hello Bebop Routine. The teacher greets the children by saying in a sing–song voice. Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time for English class (looking at the watch and pointing at it), Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time start the class (putting the hands up). Children copy the movements and repeat
after the teacher.

Each child is given a sheet of paper to fold it in four sections, then they have to draw the circus performers
that the teacher says in the correct order

Using their Student’s Book children are asked to point and say the names of circus performers.

Children are asked to look at the picture in the first row, and tell the teacher which picture is different and
why, then they have to circle the picture that is different using different colors in each row.

ASL Activity. The teacher asks the children to point to the performers in each row and say and make the
correct sign in unison.

Activity Book Children listen to the instrumental version of the ActionSong in the background, and using their
Activity Book in the corresponding page, children are asked to draw a picture of themselves as their favorite
circus performer. Then children sit in pairs and point to the picture and say, for example, I am a dancer

Wrap up
Children sit in a circle and are given a ball, the teachers says the name of a party ítem and then the name of
a toy, children are asked to continue the pattern as they pass around the ball.

Children are asked to turn to their Progress Chart in their Students Book. They are asked to color the
number for Unit 4.

Goodbye Bebop Routine. The teacher says in a sing–song voice. Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye (waving the
hand), It is time to end the class, Gooodbye boys! (boys are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye girls!
(girls are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye teacher! (pointing to herself or himself and waving the
hand), We had fun today!


EJE TEMATICO Family members, actions at home

Critical thinking skills
Listening skills
Fine motor skills
Acting out
Psychomotor skills
Narrative Skills


• Learn to name family members

• Learn eight actions
• Learn two adverbs
• Understand and reply to Is…. questions
• Understand and reply to What’s your (grandpa) doing?
• Count to 70 and recognize the numeral 70
• Understand a story a birthday
• Work together to identify the problem in a story and talk about different solutions
• Learn about ages and human development

Warm up
Children listen to the song The Bebop Band and pretendto be the family members the teacher mentions (the
ones that learned at level 1)

Hello Bebop Routine. The teacher greets the children by saying in a sing–song voice. Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time for English class (looking at the watch and pointing at it), Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time start the class (putting the hands up). Children copy the movements and repeat
after the teacher.

The teacher says aunt and asks children to repeat, the same is done with the other flashcards. then
flashcards are displayed on the board and a child is invited to go to the front, the teacher names a family
member and then the child is asked to draw an oval around the correct flashcard.

Using their Student’s Book, children are invited to tell what they can see. They can answer using Language 1
(Spanish) but the teacher encourages them to use the words in English that they already know. They listen
to the corresponding CD track and point to the family members, then they listen to it again and name the
family members.

Children listen to the song I love my Family, as they point to the pictures. The song is played again and
children are asked to repeat the lines and then sing the song.

The teacher shows the flashcard of the square and the triangle and asks children to point to the triangle and
tell the differences between the shapes. Children point to Grandma in their book and draw a triangle around

ASL Activity. The teacher shows the flashcard of a family member on the board and invites a child to go to
the front and hit the picture that the teacher says with a fly swatter.

Activity Book. Children listen to the instrumental version of the Storysong in the background, and using their
Activity Book in the corresponding page, children are asked to connect the picture to the correct person
using a different color each time, they sit in pairs and take turns to point and say the family members on the

Wrap up
Children are given some dough and asked to model their family with it.

Goodbye Bebop Routine. The teacher says in a sing–song voice. Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye (waving the
hand), It is time to end the class, Gooodbye boys! (boys are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye girls!
(girls are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye teacher! (pointing to herself or himself and waving the
hand), We had fun today!

Warm up
Hello Bebop Routine. The teacher greets the children by saying in a sing–song voice. Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time for English class (looking at the watch and pointing at it), Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time start the class (putting the hands up). Children copy the movements and repeat
after the teacher.

The teacher puts the flashcards of the family members in a box, a child is invited to go to the front, take a
flashcard and say the correct word.

Using their Student’s Book children are asked to point to the correct picture
Children listen to a track and color the correct circle using a crayon

Children listen to a track and repeat Is she your grandma?, and then they repeat Yes, she is my grandma,
then they sit in pairs and say the dialog with a friend.

ASL Activity The teacher asks a child to go to the front and make the sign of a family member and another
child guess which one is it.
Activity Book. Children listen to the instrumental version of the Storysong in the background, and are asked
to look at the faces of the family members that are in the border, children point to them and name them.
Then they paste pictures of their family

Wrap up

The class is divided into two groups, each child from the first group is given a picture of a family member of
one of the children from the second group. Some music is played and children walk around, when the music
stops children have to look for the owner of the picture by saying Is she your grandma?, Yes, she is my
grandma, The first one to find the owner wins.

Goodbye Bebop Routine. The teacher says in a sing–song voice. Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye (waving the
hand), It is time to end the class, Gooodbye boys! (boys are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye girls!
(girls are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye teacher! (pointing to herself or himself and waving the
hand), We had fun today!

Warm up
Children come into class listening to the song The Bebop Band and walk around the classroom pretending to
be grandparents

Hello Bebop Routine. The teacher greets the children by saying in a sing–song voice. Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time for English class (looking at the watch and pointing at it), Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time start the class (putting the hands up). Children copy the movements and repeat
after the teacher.

The teacher displays the flashcards of the family members all around, plays some music and asks children
to move around, the teacher stops the music and says Bring me the grandma!, the first one to do so wins..

Children look at the pictures of the Storysong in their Student’s Book and are asked to say what they think
the Storysong is about, children listen to the Storysong and the teacher points to the pictures, then children
point to the pictures.

Children listen to the Storysong A Family Party! again and are asked to clap their hands when they hear a
family member , finally children are invited to sing the chorus along with the teacher.

The teacher writes number 70 on the board, points to it and says seventy. Children are asked to repeat
after the teacher. The teacher draws 7 sets of 10 circles and children are asked to count along with the
teacher. The teacher draws several numbers on the board from 1 to 70 repeating 70 at least five times. A
child is invited to go to the front and look for number 70. Children are asked to circle number 70 in their
Student’s Book.

Activity Book Children listen to the instrumental version of the Storysong in the background, and using their
Activity Book in the corresponding page, children are asked to color the first circle blue and follow the
pictures to read the top instruction all together Color Grandpa Blue. Children follow the instructions by
coloring Grandpa Blue. Children are asked to color the other circle a different color.

Wrap up
Children are asked to role play the Storysong using different disguises and realia.

Goodbye Bebop Routine. The teacher says in a sing–song voice. Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye (waving the
hand), It is time to end the class, Gooodbye boys! (boys are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye girls!
(girls are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye teacher! (pointing to herself or himself and waving the
hand), We had fun today!

Warm up
Hello Bebop Routine. The teacher greets the children by saying in a sing–song voice. Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time for English class (looking at the watch and pointing at it), Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time start the class (putting the hands up). Children copy the movements and repeat
after the teacher.

The teacher displays the picture of the family members on the board and introduce them, the teacher says
words that children already know in English to describe a family member, She has white hair, she is old, She
wears a dress. Who is she?. The teacher tosses a ball to a child and asks him or her to say which family
member they think it is.
Children listen to and sing the Storysong along with the teacher.

Children look at the pictures in their Student’s Book and the teacher asks them to compare the pictures in
order to find three differences.

Children cut the cut–outs of the corresponding Storysong, then they are asked to hold them and act out the
Storysong as they listen to it. They are asked to sit small groups and retell the story using the cut–outs, and
using the English words they know.

ASL Activity The teacher displays the flashcards of the family members on the board, a child is invited to go
to say the word and do the correct sign of a family member and then the child asks the other child to do the
same as they point to the correct picture in their Student’s Book.

Activity Book Children listen to the instrumental version of the Storysong in the background, and are asked
to point and say the food, count the candles, and color the correct number, using their favorite color.

Wrap Up
Children are asked to draw a picture of the part of the Storysong they likes the most.

Goodbye Bebop Routine. The teacher says in a sing–song voice. Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye (waving the
hand), It is time to end the class, Gooodbye boys! (boys are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye girls!
(girls are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye teacher! (pointing to herself or himself and waving the
hand), We had fun today!

Warm up
Hello Bebop Routine. The teacher greets the children by saying in a sing–song voice. Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time for English class (looking at the watch and pointing at it), Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time start the class (putting the hands up). Children copy the movements and repeat
after the teacher.

The teacher shows the flashcard of the bedroom and asks children to repeat, the same is done with the
other flashcards, then the teacher puts all the flashcards of the actions, the rooms, and the family members
inside different bags, a child is invited to go to the front and pullout a flaschcard of an action, a room, and a
family member. The child is asked to display them on the board and the teacher asks What is your grandma
doing?, then the child is helped to say, for example, She is playing in the living room.


Children look at the corresponding page in their Student’s Book, they are encouraged to tell the teacher
what they can see.Then the teacher points to the correct pictures and ask children to do the same. They
listen to the track again but this time they name the pictures.

Children listen to a track and connect the people to the actions.

Children listen to a dialog and repeat questions and aswers What is your grandpa doing?. He is sleeping in
the bedroom. Then they sit in pairs and take turns pointing to the pictures in their Student’s Book and asking
and answering.

ASL Activity
The teacher shows the flashcards of the actions and the rooms, and says and makes the correct sign for
each and asks children to repeat. Then the teacher displays the flashcards of the actions on the board. A
child is invited to go to the front and circle the action that matches the room the teacher says and makes the

Activity Book. Children listen to the instrumental version of the ActionSong in the background, and using their
Activity Book in the corresponding page, children are asked to choose two family members and draw their
face and hair, then they work in pairs and take turns to point and say What is your mommy doing?, She is
reading in the living room.

Wrap up

Children ase asked to draw and share pictures of their family members doing things in different rooms in
their house.

Goodbye Bebop Routine. The teacher says in a sing–song voice. Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye (waving the
hand), It is time to end the class, Gooodbye boys! (boys are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye girls!
(girls are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye teacher! (pointing to herself or himself and waving the
hand), We had fun today!

Warm up
Hello Bebop Routine. The teacher greets the children by saying in a sing–song voice. Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time for English class (looking at the watch and pointing at it), Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time start the class (putting the hands up). Children copy the movements and repeat
after the teacher.

The teacher shows the picture of the baby boy, point to it and says baby, then children repeat after the
teacher. The same is done for boy and man. The teacher says youngest and shows a picture of a baby and
the oldest with a picture of a Grandpa and explains children how people grow up and can do different things.
Children draw themselves as babies doing an activity they could do then and draw themselves now doing an
activity thy can do now

Using their Student’s Book children are asked to point to the actions in the page and say them in unison,
going from left to right.

Children are asked to tell the teacher who is the youngest person and circle him.

Children are asked to connect the numbers to the pictures in order of age.

Activity Book. Children listen to the instrumental version of the ActionSong in the background, and using their
Activity Book in the corresponding page, children are asked to point and say what the people are doing, then
they draw a triangle around the oldest person in each picture, using their favorite color.

Wrap up
The teacher plays some music and says Baby!, then he/she pretend to be babies. The activity is repeated for
boy and man.

Goodbye Bebop Routine. The teacher says in a sing–song voice. Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye (waving the
hand), It is time to end the class, Gooodbye boys! (boys are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye girls!
(girls are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye teacher! (pointing to herself or himself and waving the
hand), We had fun today!

Warm up
Children are invited to form a circule as they listen to the song The Bebop Band and go to the left, to the
right, in and out

Hello Bebop Routine. The teacher greets the children by saying in a sing–song voice. Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time for English class (looking at the watch and pointing at it), Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time start the class (putting the hands up). Children copy the movements and repeat
after the teacher.

The teacher says dancing and models the action, children are asked to repeat and do the same, the same is
done with other actions. The teacher plays some classical music and then some quick music, children are
invited to dance,jump, swim, and walk following the speed of the music.

Using their Student’s Book children look at the pictures and are asked to say what they think the Bebop
characters are doing. They can use Language 1 (Spanish), then when they listen to an action they have to
point it and finally they are asked to do the actions as they are sung.

Children are asked to repeat the lines of the corresponding Actionsong as they do the corresponding actions
along with the teacher. Children listen again to the corresponding Actionsong and are asked to sing along as
they do the actions.

Children are asked to say which character is swimming with his gradma and circle it with a yellow crayon.
Activity Book. The instrumental version of the Actionsong is played in the background. Children look at their
Activity Book and are asked to connect the people to their shadows, then they point to them and say the
actions, finally they play Simon Says to review all the actions.

Wrap up
Children are asked to stand up and walk as the teachers says Walking, walking, walking…..quickly , quickly,
quickly! and walk as quickly as they can, then the teacher says Stop!, they stand still and the teacher says
Walking, walking, walking…..slowly , slowly, slowly! and walk as slowly as they can.

Goodbye Bebop Routine. The teacher says in a sing–song voice. Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye (waving the
hand), It is time to end the class, Gooodbye boys! (boys are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye girls!
(girls are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye teacher! (pointing to herself or himself and waving the
hand), We had fun today!

Hello Bebop Routine. The teacher greets the children by saying in a sing–song voice. Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time for English class (looking at the watch and pointing at it), Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time start the class (putting the hands up). Children copy the movements and repeat
after the teacher.

The teachers puts the flashcards of Daddy, sleeping, and bedroom on the board, from left to right and reads
the flashcards as they say Daddy is sleeping in the bedroom, the activity is repeated by asking children to
read different sentences, then the flashcards are put on the table and children are invited to put the correct
flashcards on the board to form the sentencie that the teacher says.

In their Student’s Book children are asked to point and say the family members

Children are asked to circle the picture showing the correct family member using different colors.

The teacher tosses a ball to a child and asks What is your daddy doing?, they look at the picture in their
Student’s Book and say He is sleeping in the bedroom. The child is asked to toss the ball to another child as
they ask another question about a different family member, to continue with the game.

ASL Activity.. Children are asked to point to the pictures in each row and say and make the correct sign in

Activity Book. The instrumental version of the Actionsong is played in the background. Children look at their
Activity Book and are asked to point and say the objects in the boxes, they are asked to draw a family
member doing each action. They sit in pairs and take turns to point and say.

Wrap up
The board is divided into three columns, the teacher displays in the left column the flashcards of family
members, in the middle, the actions and the rooms on the right . Two children are invited to go to the front.
One of them chooses a family member, an action and room as he /she says (Grandpa) is (eating) in (the
living room), and the other child selects the correct flashcards.

Children are asked to turn to their Progress Chart in their Students Book. They are asked to color the
number for Unit 5.

Goodbye Bebop Routine. The teacher says in a sing–song voice. Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye (waving the
hand), It is time to end the class, Gooodbye boys! (boys are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye girls!
(girls are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye teacher! (pointing to herself or himself and waving the
hand), We had fun today!


EJE TEMATICO animals, elephant, flamingo, lion, zebra.

Critical thinking skills
Listening skills
Fine motor skills
Acting out
Psychomotor skills
Narrative Skills

• Learn to name animals

• Learn four actions
• Understand the difference between that and those
• Count to 80 and recognize the numeral 80
• Understand a story about drawing classmates
• Retell a story using different characters
• Talk about the characteristics of people and animals
• Identify the sound at the beginning of words and think of other words starting with the same sound
• Learn about endangered animals and find out what we can do to protect the environment

Warm up
Children listen to the song The Bebop Band and pretend to be wild animals.

Hello Bebop Routine. The teacher greets the children by saying in a sing–song voice. Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time for English class (looking at the watch and pointing at it), Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time start the class (putting the hands up). Children copy the movements and repeat
after the teacher.

The teacher shows the flashcard of elephant, says Elephant and asks children to repeat, the same is done
with the other flashcards. Then flashcards are displayed on the board and a child is invited to go to the front,
and circle the correct flashcard.

Using their Student’s Book, children are invited to tell what they can see. They can answer using Language 1
(Spanish), but they are encouraged to the words in English they already know. They listen to the
corresponding CD track and point to the pictures, then they listen to it again and name the wild animals.

Children sing the song From Africa, and are asked to point to the animals. The song is played again and
children are asked to repeat the lines and then sing the song.

Children are shown a flaschcard showing color gray, they point to it and name it after the teacher. Then they
have to look for gray objects around the classroom.

Children are asked to draw a square around their favorite animal.

Activity Book. Children listen to the instrumental version of the Storysong in the background, and using their
Activity Book in the corresponding page, children are asked to draw two more animals that Paul and Lucy
saw on safari.

ASL Activity. The teacher shows a flashcard and makes the sign of that wild animal. Children are asked to
repeat, then a child is invited to go to the front, and pretend to be the animal that the teacher says by saying
it and making the sign.

Wrap up
Flashcards of the wild animals are put inside a bag, children sit in a circle and some music is played, then
children are asked to pass the bag around, when the music stops the child who is holding the bag takes out
a flashcard, names the animal and says a word or phrase in English they know to describe it, for example,
big ears, gray and so on.

Goodbye Bebop Routine. The teacher says in a sing–song voice. Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye (waving the
hand), It is time to end the class, Gooodbye boys! (boys are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye girls!
(girls are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye teacher! (pointing to herself or himself and waving the
hand), We had fun today!

Warm up
Hello Bebop Routine. The teacher greets the children by saying in a sing–song voice. Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time for English class (looking at the watch and pointing at it), Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time start the class (putting the hands up). Children copy the movements and repeat
after the teacher.

The teacher displays the picture of the bird on the board and cover it with a piece of construction paper,
leaving a little part uncovered for the children to try decide which animal it is. The teacher chirps like a bird
and say Listen! What is that?, and then .. That is a bird! and children are asked to repeat. A child is invited to
go to the front and uncover the picture. The teacher covers partially the flashcard of the lion and roars, then
he or she says Listen! What is that?, and children are encouraged to say That is a lion.

Children are asked to point to and name the animals in their Student’s Book.

Children are asked to listen and circle the correct animal

Children listen to a track as they point to the speakers, then they listen again an circle the correct pictures
using different color each time.

Children listen to a track, repeat What is that? and It is a lion, then they work in pairs and say the dialog as
they point to the correct picture in their Student’s Book

ASL Activity. A child is invitedto go to the front, say and make the sign of a wild animal, the other children
repeat and point to the correct picture in their Student’s Book

Activity Book. Children listen to the instrumental version of the Storysong in the background, and using their
Activity Book in the corresponding page, children are asked to connect the parts of the body to the correct
animals, then they sit in pairs and take turns to point and say What is that?, That is a zebra.

Wrap up

The class is divided into two teams, the board is divided in two, a child from each team goes to the front and
does the sound of an animal and say Listen, what is that?, then the child has to name the animal and draw it
on the board. The first child to do it correctly wins and gets a point for their team, The team with the most
points win the game.

Goodbye Bebop Routine. The teacher says in a sing–song voice. Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye (waving the
hand), It is time to end the class, Gooodbye boys! (boys are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye girls!
(girls are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye teacher! (pointing to herself or himself and waving the
hand), We had fun today!

Warm up
Children are invited to walk pretending to be wild animals.

Hello Bebop Routine. The teacher greets the children by saying in a sing–song voice. Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time for English class (looking at the watch and pointing at it), Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time start the class (putting the hands up). Children copy the movements and repeat
after the teacher.

The teacher displays the flashcards of the animals on the board and some words to describe an animal ,
using English words they children already know, such as big, orange, brown, so on, children guess the
animal and circle the correct flashcard as the say Lion!

Children look at the pictures of the Storysong in their Student’s Book and point to the corresponding pictures.

Children listen to the Storysong again and are asked to point to make a lion or elephant sound when they
hear the word. Children are invited to sing the chorus along with the teacher.

The teacher writes number 80 on the board, points to it and says eighty. Children are asked to repeat after
the teacher. The teacher draws 8 sets of 10 circles and children are asked to count along with the teacher.
The teacher draws several numbers on the board from 1 to 80 repeating 80 at least five times. A child is
invited to go to the front and look for number 80. Children are asked to draw a triangle around number 80
and circle it in their Student’s Book.

Activity Book. Children listen to the instrumental version of the Storysong in the background, and using their
Activity Book in the corresponding page, children are asked to follow the pictures to read the instruction
Draw one lion. Children are asked to draw a lion in the space provided.

Wrap up
Children are given a paper late and some materials to make a collage, such as yarn, scissors, gula, colore
paper or wiggly eyes to make Leo’s head.

Goodbye Bebop Routine. The teacher says in a sing–song voice. Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye (waving the
hand), It is time to end the class, Gooodbye boys! (boys are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye girls!
(girls are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye teacher! (pointing to herself or himself and waving the
hand), We had fun today!

Warm up
Hello Bebop Routine. The teacher greets the children by saying in a sing–song voice. Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time for English class (looking at the watch and pointing at it), Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time start the class (putting the hands up). Children copy the movements and repeat
after the teacher.

Each child is given a sheet of paper to fold it in four sections, then they have to draw the animal that the
teacher says in each square going from left to right and from top to bottom.

Children listen to and sing the corresponding Storysong along with the teacher.

The teacher names the animals randomly and ask the children to name the animals and say what color they

Children are asked to connect the matching pictures by using pink for Flo, gray for Eddy, brown for Leo and
black for Susie.

Children cut the cut–outs of the corresponding Storysong, then they are asked to hold them and act out the
Storysong as they listen to it. Children sit in a circle and take turns to role play the Story Song using the cut
outs by pretending to be the characters.

ASL Activity The teacher says and does the sign for wild animal and then asks the children to pretend to be
that animal until the teacher says Stop!. Children should be like statues, they can’t move or laugh, if they do
it they lose. The same activity is done with different animals.

Activity Book. The instrumental version of the Storysong is played in the background. Children are asked to
point and say the animal, then the teacher points to the elephant wiyhout a number and asks children which
number is missing, children draw a square around the correct number, finally children ase asked to say all
the numbers from 70 to 80, in the correct order.

Wrap up
Children are given some dough and asked to model some wild animals that appear in the Storysong.

Goodbye Bebop Routine. The teacher says in a sing–song voice. Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye (waving the
hand), It is time to end the class, Gooodbye boys! (boys are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye girls!
(girls are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye teacher! (pointing to herself or himself and waving the
hand), We had fun today!

Warm up
Hello Bebop Routine. The teacher greets the children by saying in a sing–song voice. Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time for English class (looking at the watch and pointing at it), Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time start the class (putting the hands up). Children copy the movements and repeat
after the teacher.

The teacher shows the flashcard of the giraffe. The teacher says giraffe and children are asked to repeat
after the teacher. The same is done with the other flashcards. The board is divided into two, the giraffe is
displayed on the left side and the picture of two giraffes on the right side. Then the children practice by
saying What is that?, That is a giraffe, and then What are those? , Those are giraffes.

Children look at the corresponding page in their Student’s Book, they are encouraged to say what they can

Children listen to a track and the teacher points to the animals, then children point to the animals. They
listen to the track again but this time they are asked to say the animals.

Children listen to a dialog and put the pictures in the correct order

ASL Activity.The teacher shows the flashcard of the animals, says the word and makes the sign for the
corresponding word, children repeat them. A child is invited to go to the front and say and make a sign for an
animal. Children are asked to draw a rectangle around the correct picture and say That is a tiger!, the same
activity is repeated with other children
Activity Book The instrumental version of the Storysong is played in the background. Children are asked to
complete the pictures, point and say What are those?, Those are giraffes.

Wrap up

Children are asked to sit in a circle, the teacher puts the flashcardsof the animals inside a bag. While some
music is played children are asked to pass around the bag and when the teacher stops the music the child
who is holding the bag is asked to take out a picture and show it to the other children. The child on the right
of the first child should point to the flashcard and say That is a tiger

Goodbye Bebop Routine. The teacher says in a sing–song voice. Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye (waving the
hand), It is time to end the class, Gooodbye boys! (boys are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye girls!
(girls are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye teacher! (pointing to herself or himself and waving the
hand), We had fun today!

Warm up
Hello Bebop Routine. The teacher greets the children by saying in a sing–song voice. Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time for English class (looking at the watch and pointing at it), Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time start the class (putting the hands up). Children copy the movements and repeat
after the teacher.

The teachers shows the picture of the sheep, says sheep and asks children to repeat, the same is done with
the picture of the duck, the teacher explains to the children that these animals are not in danger of extinction
because there are many. The teachers shows the picture of the rhino, says rhino and asks children to
repeat, the same is done with the picture of the tiger, the teacher explains to the children that these animals
are in danger of extinction because there are only a few living in the world. The teacher talks about the
importance of protecting our animals. Children are given a sheet of paper to be fold in two, on the left, they
draw an animal that is not in danger of extinction and on the right an animal that is in danger of extinction.


Children are asked to point and say the animals

Children are asked to circle the endangered animals using different colors.

Children are asked to connect the endangered animals to their shadows.

Activity Book The instrumental version of the Actionsong is played in the background. Children are asked to
point and say the animals in unison, then they color the endangered animals.

Wrap up
The teacher talks about things that we can do to protect the environment, such as recycling, reducing, and
reusing, walking or using bicycles instead of the car, turning off the light, radio or Tv when we are not using
them, using a market bagfor our groceries instead of using plastic bags. Children sit in small groups and are
given a piece of construction paper to make a drawing of the things we can do to protect the environment.
The teacher reinforces the idea of helping the planet and save the endangered animals. Drawing chould be
displayed around the classroom, or if posiible around the school

Goodbye Bebop Routine. The teacher says in a sing–song voice. Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye (waving the
hand), It is time to end the class, Gooodbye boys! (boys are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye girls!
(girls are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye teacher! (pointing to herself or himself and waving the
hand), We had fun today!

Warm up
Children are invited to form pairs, each pair stands up and faces each other, then they hold hands and hop
on one foot and then the other as quickly as they can.

Hello Bebop Routine. The teacher greets the children by saying in a sing–song voice. Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time for English class (looking at the watch and pointing at it), Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time start the class (putting the hands up). Children copy the movements and repeat
after the teacher.

The teacher says Flap! , and models the action, children are asked to repeat. The same is done with the
other actions. The teacher displays the flashcards of the animals on the board, one child goes to the front
and the teacher says Roar!, the child is asked to circle the correct animal. The same is repeated with the
other flashcards.

Using their Student’s Book children look at the pictures and are asked to say what they think the Bebop
characters are doing. They can use Language 1 (Spanish), then they listen to the song and point to the

Children are asked to repeat the lines of the corresponding Actionsong as they do the corresponding actions
along with the teacher. Children listen again to the corresponding Actionsong and are asked to sing along as
they do the actions.

Children are asked which animal roars, they take out a crayon and draw an oval around Leo.

Activity Book. Children listen to the instrumental version of the Action Song in the background, and using
their Activity Book in the corresponding page, children are asked to follow the maze using their índex finger
first and then using their colors. They sit in pairs and take turns to point and say the action and the animal.
Then they play Simon Says.

Wrap up
Children are asked to stand up and play the following game, the teacher says, One, two, three, elephant!
and children say swing my trunk and pretende they are swinging their elephant’s trunk. The same is
repeated to review the other animals and actions.

Goodbye Bebop Routine. The teacher says in a sing–song voice. Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye (waving the
hand), It is time to end the class, Gooodbye boys! (boys are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye girls!
(girls are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye teacher! (pointing to herself or himself and waving the
hand), We had fun today!

Warm up
Hello Bebop Routine. The teacher greets the children by saying in a sing–song voice. Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time for English class (looking at the watch and pointing at it), Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time start the class (putting the hands up). Children copy the movements and repeat
after the teacher.

One child is invited to leave the classroom and the teacher hides a flashcard of an animal, then the child is
asked to come back and look for the animal that is hidden, the other children guide them by saying cold if
they are far from it or hot if they are close. When they find the flashcard they have to reply to the questions
What is that?, saying That is a monkey . The same activity is repeated with other children, hiding different

Using the Student’s Book children are asked to find and circle the animals using different colors.

Children are asked to sit in pairs to role play questions and answers, What is that?, That is a monkey .

ASL Activity The teacher says and makes the sign for an animal, children repeat and point to the correct
picture in their Student’s Book.

Activity Book. Children listen to the instrumental version of the Action Song in the background, and using
their Activity Book in the corresponding page, children are asked to make two handprints separated one from
the other with the help of the teacher, then they decorate them with spots, eyes, nose, mouth, etc, or making,
for example, tigers with orange handprints with black stripes..

Wrap up
The teacher displays two sets of pictures of the animals on the board. The class is divided into two teams. A
child from each team is invited to go to the front, then the teacher says Circle the lion!, the first child to do it
wins a point for their team.

Children are asked to turn to their Progress Chart in their Students Book. They are asked to color the
number for Unit 6.

Goodbye Bebop Routine. The teacher says in a sing–song voice. Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye (waving the
hand), It is time to end the class, Gooodbye boys! (boys are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye girls!
(girls are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye teacher! (pointing to herself or himself and waving the
hand), We had fun today!


EJE TEMATICO Items of food, apple pie, hamburger, ice cream, pizza, salad.
Critical thinking skills
Listening skills
Fine motor skills
Acting out
Psychomotor skills
Narrative Skills


• Learn to name ítems of food

• Learn to name mealtimes
• Learn four actions
• Understand and reply to What do you want?
• Count to 90 and recognize the numeral 90
• Understand a story about role playing restaurants
• Learn to order in a restaurant
• Talk about what we eat at different mealtimes
• Identify sounds and letters at the beginning of words.
• Learn about good table manera.
• Understand boundaries and behavior expectations.

Warm up
Children listen to the song The Bebop Band and are invited to pretend to be giants and elves, as giants they
have to take big steps, and as elves, they have to take tiny steps.

Hello Bebop Routine. The teacher greets the children by saying in a sing–song voice. Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time for English class (looking at the watch and pointing at it), Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time start the class (putting the hands up). Children copy the movements and repeat
after the teacher.

The teacher shows the flashcard of the apple pie , says apple pie and ask children to repeat. The same is
done with the other flashcards , then flashcards are displayed on the board and a child is invited to go to the
front and draw a triangle around the correct flashcard

Using their Student’s Book, children are invited to tell what they can see. They can answer using Language 1
(Spanish) but they are encouraged to use the words in English they already know. They listen to the
corresponding CD track and point to the ítems of food, then they listen to it again and name the food.

Children listen to the song Food I like!, and point to the food.The song is played again and children are
asked to repeat the lines and then sing the song.

Children look at the pictures in their Student’s Book and say the name of the food , they are asked to raise
their hand if they like that food and then asked to circle their favorite food.

ASL Activity. The teacher shows the flashcard of an ítem of food, says and makes the sign for that ítem of
food. Children are asked to repeat, a child is invited to go to the front, the teacher says and makes the sign
of an item of food and asks the child to repeat it and draw the correct picture on the board.

Activity Book. Children listen to the instrumental version of the Storysong in the background, and using their
Activity Book in the corresponding page, children are asked to complete and color the food, then they point
and say the food in unison

Wrap up
Children are given some dough and asked to model the items of food the teacher says.

Goodbye Bebop Routine. The teacher says in a sing–song voice. Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye (waving the
hand), It is time to end the class, Gooodbye boys! (boys are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye girls!
(girls are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye teacher! (pointing to herself or himself and waving the
hand), We had fun today!

Warm up
Hello Bebop Routine. The teacher greets the children by saying in a sing–song voice. Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time for English class (looking at the watch and pointing at it), Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time start the class (putting the hands up). Children copy the movements and repeat
after the teacher.

The teacher puts the flashcards of the ítems of food on the board, a child is invited to go to the front and the
teacher asks the child What do you want to eat? , then he or she chooses a food ítem and is helped to say
for example, I want pizza please, the child pretends to eat it, the game continues with the other children.

Children are asked to point to and name the food items in their Student’s Book

Children listen to a track and connect the child to the food using a different color each time.

Children listen to the dialog again and are asked to repeat What do you want to eat?, I want pizza, please.
The teacher tosses a ball to a child and asks What do you want to eat? and that child is asked to answer, for
example, I want pizza, please. Then the child is asked to toss the ball back ti the teacher and the activity is
repeated with other children.

ASL Activity. The teacher displays the flashcards of the ítems of food on the board, one child is invited to go
to the front and the teacher says I want pizza, please and makes the sign for that ítem of food , the child is
asked to circle the correct flashcard that the teachers says.

Activity Book. Children listen to the instrumental version of the Storysong in the background, and using their
Activity Book in the corresponding page, children are asked to circle the food they want to eat. Then they sit
in pairs and take turns to point and say I want pizza, please.

Wrap up

Children are asked to sit in small groups around a table as if they were in a restaurant, each group is given a
menu and they have to choose what they want to eat. The teacher takes the order by asking them to point to
a picture in the menu and say I want pizza please. Children pretend to eat the pictures on the plates using
toy forros, knives or spoons.

Goodbye Bebop Routine. The teacher says in a sing–song voice. Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye (waving the
hand), It is time to end the class, Gooodbye boys! (boys are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye girls!
(girls are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye teacher! (pointing to herself or himself and waving the
hand), We had fun today!

Warm up
Children are invited to walk around like crabs and say hello to each chile the liste to the song The Bebop

Hello Bebop Routine. The teacher greets the children by saying in a sing–song voice. Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time for English class (looking at the watch and pointing at it), Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time start the class (putting the hands up). Children copy the movements and repeat
after the teacher.

Flashcards of food items are displayed on the board, children are asked to close their eyes and the teacher
puts some flashcard in a different order. Then they open their eyes and have to tell the teacher which
flashcards are not in the same place. A child is invited to go the front and put the flashcards in the original

Children look at the pictures of the Storysong in their Students Book and are asked to say what they think
the Storysong is about, they are allowed to use Language 1 (Spanish). Children listen to the Storysong and
point to the corresponding pictures.

Children listen to the Storysong again and are asked to munch, munch, munch when they hear the name of
an ítem of food. Children are invited to sing the chorus along with the teacher.

The teacher writes number 90 on the board, points to it and says ninety. Children are asked to repeat after
the teacher. The teacher draws 9 sets of 10 circles and children are asked to count along with the teacher.
The teacher draws several numbers on the board from 1 to 90 repeating 90 at least five times. A child is
invited to go to the front and look for number 90 and erase it. Children are asked to look for and circule
number 90 in their Student’s Book.

Activity Book. Children listen to the instrumental version of the Storysong in the background, and using their
Activity Book in the corresponding page, children are asked to color the triangle yellow and follow the
pictures to say the top instruction Color two ice creams yellow, children have to follow the instruction by
coloring two ice creams, then children are asked to color the square a different color. Children have to follow,
say and do the new instruction.

Wrap up
Children are asked to sit in a circle, some music is played and the children are asked to pass a ball around,
when the music stops the teacher asks the child who is holding the bag What do you want to eat? and the
child says I want pizza, please

Goodbye Bebop Routine. The teacher says in a sing–song voice. Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye (waving the
hand), It is time to end the class, Gooodbye boys! (boys are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye girls!
(girls are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye teacher! (pointing to herself or himself and waving the
hand), We had fun today!

Warm up.
Hello Bebop Routine. The teacher greets the children by saying in a sing–song voice. Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time for English class (looking at the watch and pointing at it), Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time start the class (putting the hands up). Children copy the movements and repeat
after the teacher.

The class is divided into two teams, the teacher puts the flashcards of the items of food inside a bag. A child
from the first team goes to the front and takes a flashcardt, then the child is asked to look at it in secret and
draw the picture on the board. The child’s teammates have to guess it in one minute, if they don’t guess ,
that point is given to the other team. The team with the most points wins the game.

Children listen to and sing the Storysong along with the teacher.

Children are asked to circle the food that Eddy, Leo and Flo want to eat using different colors for each.

Children cut the cut–outs of the corresponding Storysong, then they are asked to hold them and act out the
Storysong as they listen to it. They are asked to form small groups, choose a character from the story and
retell the story using the cut–outs.

ASL Activity. Children are given a sheet of paper and are asked to write numbers 1 to 5 on the left and from
top to bottom. A child is invited to say and make the sign of an item of food, then the other children repeat
and draw it next to the number 1 on their sheet of paper. The activity continues with different children and
items of food.

Activity Book. Children listen to the instrumental version of the Storysong in the background, and using their
Activity Book in the corresponding page, children are asked to point and say the food, then they have to
connect the numbers to the correct hamburgers to complete the sequence, finally the sit in pairo and take
turnsto point and say the numbers in the correct order.

Wrap Up
Children are asked to draw the item of food they would like to order in Flo’s restaurant, then their drawings
are displayed around the classroom.

Goodbye Bebop Routine. The teacher says in a sing–song voice. Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye (waving the
hand), It is time to end the class, Gooodbye boys! (boys are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye girls!
(girls are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye teacher! (pointing to herself or himself and waving the
hand), We had fun today!

Warm up
Hello Bebop Routine. The teacher greets the children by saying in a sing–song voice. Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time for English class (looking at the watch and pointing at it), Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time start the class (putting the hands up). Children copy the movements and repeat
after the teacher.

The teacher shows the flashcard of the hot dog, the teacher says hot dog and children are asked to repeat
after the teacher, the same is done with the other ítems of food.The teacher shows the picture of the child
having breakfast, she/he says breakfast and children repeat it, the same is done with lunch and dinner.
The board is divided into three columns. On the left, the child having breakfast, in the middle, the child
having lunch and on the right, the child having dinner. The teacher shows the flashcard of the egg and ask a
child when they like to it, breakfast, lunch or dinner. There is no right or wrong answer for this, it is a personal
preference, then the child puts the flashcard in the relevant column according to their answer. The same is
repeated with other children.

Children look at the corresponding page in their Student’s Book, they are encouraged to say what they can
see. Children listen to a track and the teacher points to the pictures, then children point to the correct
pictures. They listen to the track again but this time they are asked to say the food items.

Children listen to the dialog again, and point to the correct picture, then circlethe correct picture using
different colors.

ASL Activity. The teacher shows children flashcards of the food items and says the word and does the
correct sign for an ítem of food. A child is invited to go to the front, and say if they like this food for breakfast,
lunch or dinner.

Activity Book Children listen to the instrumental version of the Actionsong in the background, and using their
Activity Book in the corresponding page, children are asked to sit in small groups and hand out cut outs of
food and glue sticks for them to share. Children paste pictures of the food they want for lunch.

Wrap up
Children are asked to draw an ítem of food they like on a card. The teacher makes a hole in the middle and
thread a piece of yarn through it for them to wear as a necklace. Children are asked to sit in a circle and the
teacher says Hot dogs!, children wearing a hot dog necklace stand up and change places, the same is
repeated with other ítems of food. The teacher says Food cocktail! and all children are asked to change

Goodbye Bebop Routine. The teacher says in a sing–song voice. Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye (waving the
hand), It is time to end the class, Gooodbye boys! (boys are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye girls!
(girls are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye teacher! (pointing to herself or himself and waving the
hand), We had fun today!

Warm up
Hello Bebop Routine. The teacher greets the children by saying in a sing–song voice. Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time for English class (looking at the watch and pointing at it), Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time start the class (putting the hands up). Children copy the movements and repeat
after the teacher.

The teacher points to his/her elbows and says elbows, children do the same. The teacher sits down and puts
his/her elbows on the table and says elbows up , children are asked to repeat, then he/she models sitting
with her/his elbows pointing down as if he/she is eating dinner and says elbow down, children are asked to
repeat. The teacher draws a child showing bad behavior and then good behavior, children repeat both

Children are asked to point and say good behavior or bad behavior

Children point to the good behavior and draw a happy face next to each example of good behavior

Activity Book Children listen to the instrumental version of the Actionsong in the background, and using their
Activity Book in the corresponding page, children are asked to color the check green, and the cross red.
Children connect the behavior to the correct symbol, finally children are asked to point to the pictures good
behavior /bad behavior all together.

Wrap up
The teacher puts a table in front of the class with a chair facing the children, puts a toy late, fork, knife, spoon
or chopsticks, and some top food on the table. A child is invited to go to the front and the teacher tells
him/her in secret to show good manners at the table. Children say good manners!, the same is done with
bad manners.

Goodbye Bebop Routine. The teacher says in a sing–song voice. Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye (waving the
hand), It is time to end the class, Gooodbye boys! (boys are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye girls!
(girls are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye teacher! (pointing to herself or himself and waving the
hand), We had fun today!

Warm up
Children are invited to choose a partner and dance freely while The Bebop Band song is played.

Hello Bebop Routine. The teacher greets the children by saying in a sing–song voice. Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time for English class (looking at the watch and pointing at it), Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time start the class (putting the hands up). Children copy the movements and repeat
after the teacher.

The teacher says Pass and models the action, then children are asked to repeat, the same is done with the
other actions playing Simon Says


Using their Student’s Book children look at the pictures and are asked to say what they think the Bebop
characters are doing. They can use Language 1 (Spanish), then when they listen to an action they have to
point it and finally they do the actions as they are sung

Children are asked to repeat the lines of the corresponding Actionsong as they do the corresponding actions
along with the teacher. Children listen again to the corresponding Actionsong and are asked to sing along as
they do the actions.

Children are asked to point to the action throw as they say the word. The teacher draws a cross on the
board, children are asked to take out a crayon and draw a cross next to Flo.

Children are asked to point to the action pass as they say the word. The teacher draws a check on the
board, children are asked to take out a crayon and draw a check next to Flo.

Activity Book. Children listen to the instrumental version of the Action Song in the background, and using
their Activity Book in the corresponding page, children are asked to connect the children to the pictures.
Children are asked to point and say the actions all together. The teacher calls out an action and asks the
children to do it as if you were playing Simon Says. The same is repeated with other actions.

Wrap up

Children go outside and form a circle, half of the children are given a small ball, and on the count to three the
teacher says Throw the ball! children with the ball throw it and the other children try to catch it. When the
other children get the ball, the teacher says Pass the ball! and children pass on the balls, as if playing Hot
Potato, then the teacher says Stop! and repeats, reviewing throw and pass several times.

Goodbye Bebop Routine. The teacher says in a sing–song voice. Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye (waving the
hand), It is time to end the class, Gooodbye boys! (boys are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye girls!
(girls are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye teacher! (pointing to herself or himself and waving the
hand), We had fun today!

Warm up
Hello Bebop Routine. The teacher greets the children by saying in a sing–song voice. Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time for English class (looking at the watch and pointing at it), Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time start the class (putting the hands up). Children copy the movements and repeat
after the teacher.

Children are given half of a picture of a food ítem and they are asked not to show it to the other children. On
the count of three, children ase asked to stand up and go around asking and answering What do you want to
eat? I want an apple pie, please, If both have the same food item, they sit down. If they do not, they continue
their search.

Children point and say the names of the food ítems they see.

Children are asked to sit in small groups to play a Food game, children are given a dice and each child a
bottle cap of a different color. Children are asked to roll the dice and count the number of points, then they
count the same number of squares on the game and place their bottle cap there. When they get to a square
with a picture on it, children are asked to name the item of food. When they get to the square with an arrow
on it, children are asked to say down and move one square in the correct direction. The first child to get to
the end wins.

ASL Activity. Children are asked to say and make the sign for the ítem of food that is in the square they
landed on, then they play the game again but this time children say a full sentence, for example, I want a
salad, please.
Activity Book. Children listen to the instrumental version of the Action Song in the background, and using
their Activity Book in the corresponding page, children are asked to point and say the food all together.
Children are asked to sit in small groups and given different materials to decreta the pictures.

Wrap up

The teacher displays the flashcards of the ítems of food all around the classroom, children are asked to
stand up and dance to the music. The teacher stops the music and says I want pizza, please. Children are
asked to run to get the pizza and bring it to the teacher, the teacher will ask them each of the food items.

Children are asked to turn to their Progress Chart in their Students Book. They are asked to color the
number for Unit 7.

Goodbye Bebop Routine. The teacher says in a sing–song voice. Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye (waving the
hand), It is time to end the class, Gooodbye boys! (boys are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye girls!
(girls are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye teacher! (pointing to herself or himself and waving the
hand), We had fun today!


EJE TEMATICO Places to visit, beach, jungle, lake, mountains.

Critical thinking skills
Listening skills
Fine motor skills
Acting out
Psychomotor skills
Narrative Skills


• Learn to name places to visit

• Learn to name forms of transportation
• Learn two actions
• Understand and reply to Where do you want to go?
• Use the preposition by with different forms of transportation
• Count to 100 and recognize numeral 100
• Understand a story about vacation destinations
• Identify the main ideas in a story
• Describe places to visit in English
• Learn about vowel sounds
• Learn about different forms of transportation.

Warm up
Children are invited to dance the The Bebop Band song and walk around shaking their arms to the sound of
the music.

Hello Bebop Routine. The teacher greets the children by saying in a sing–song voice. Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time for English class (looking at the watch and pointing at it), Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time start the class (putting the hands up). Children copy the movements and repeat
after the teacher.

The teacher shows the flashcard of the beach and says beach, children are asked to repeat. The same is
done with the other pictures. The teacher displays the flashcards on the board. A child is invited to go to the
front and point to and name a place they have been to before and ask them to tell the other children what
they like about that place. This activity is repeated with other children.
Using their Student’s Book, children are invited to tell what they can see. They can answer using Language 1
(Spanish) but they are encouragedto use the words in English they already know. They listen to the
corresponding CD track and point to the places to the pictures, then they listen to it again and name them.

Children repeat the lines of the song Which Adventure?. The song is played again and children are asked to
sing the song.

Children are asked to choose a place that they would like to go, then they circle it, using their favorite color.

ASL Activity. The teacher shows the flashcard of a place to visit, says the word and makes the sign for the
corresponding word, children repeat them. A child is invited to go to the front and make a sign of a place to
visit and the other children say if they would like to go there or not.

Activity Book Children listen to the instrumental version of the Storysong in the background, and using their
Activity Book in the corresponding page, children are asked to connect the matching pictures, then they point
and say the places, all together.

Wrap up
Children are asked to sit in a circle, the teacher plays some music and children are asked to pass a ball
around. When the music stops the teacher asks the child who is holding the ball to toss it to another child,
that child is shown the flashcard of a place and asked to say its name.

Goodbye Bebop Routine. The teacher says in a sing–song voice. Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye (waving the
hand), It is time to end the class, Gooodbye boys! (boys are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye girls!
(girls are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye teacher! (pointing to herself or himself and waving the
hand), We had fun today!

Warm up
Hello Bebop Routine. The teacher greets the children by saying in a sing–song voice. Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time for English class (looking at the watch and pointing at it), Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time start the class (putting the hands up). Children copy the movements and repeat
after the teacher.

The teacher puts the flashcards of the places to visit all around the callaron. The teacher pretends he/she is
driving a bus and goes in between and around the tables, the teacher stops in front of a child and asks
Where do you want to go? and he/she says I want to go to the mountains. Children are asked to hold the
teacher’s waist as if forming a train. Then the teacher asks Who else wants to go?. The children who raise
their hand have to form a line holding each other’s waists. The teacher moves around the classroom and the
tables until you get to the picture of the mountains. Children are asked to pretend to get off the bus and stay
there. The teacher repeats the questions until everyone gets to the place they want to go.

Children are asked to point to the correct pictures in the Student’s Book and say the places.

Children listen to a track and connect the first child to the correct place.

Children listen to a track and repeat the sentences Where do you want to go?, I want to go to the mountains
as they point to the pictures in their Student’s Book.

ASL Activity. Flashcards of the places to visit are displayed on the board, a child is invited to go to the front
and the teacher says I want to go to the mountains while makes the sign, The child is asked to point to the
correct flashcard.

Activity Book Children listen to the instrumental version of the Storysong in the background, and using their
Activity Book in the corresponding page, children are asked to draw themselves in the place they want to go.
Children sit in pairs and take turns asking and answering Where do you want to go?, I want to go to the

Wrap Up
Children sit in a circle. While some music is played children are asked to pass around a bag that has the
flashcards of the places to visit inside, then the teacher stops the music and asks the child who is holding the
bag Where do you want to go? then the child is asked to take out a picture and say, for example, I want to
go to the mountains.

Goodbye Bebop Routine. The teacher says in a sing–song voice. Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye (waving the
hand), It is time to end the class, Gooodbye boys! (boys are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye girls!
(girls are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye teacher! (pointing to herself or himself and waving the
hand), We had fun today!

Warm up
Children listen to the song The Bebop Band and are asked to pretend they are flying a plane, riding a car,
etc. as they move to the music.

Hello Bebop Routine. The teacher greets the children by saying in a sing–song voice. Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time for English class (looking at the watch and pointing at it), Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time start the class (putting the hands up). Children copy the movements and repeat
after the teacher.

The teacher displays the flashcards of the places to visit on the board. A child is invited to go to the front and
the teacher describes a place using words in English the children already know. The child is asked to say the
place and circle the correct flashcard. The same is repeated with other children.

Children look at the pictures of the Storysong in their Student’s Book and are asked to say what they think
the Storysong is about. Children listen to the Storysong and the teacher points to the pictures, then children
point to the pictures too.

Children listen to the Storysong Where do you want to go? and are asked to raise their hand when they hear
the name of a place they want to visit. Children are invited to sing the chorus along with the teacher.

The teacher writes number 100 on the board and says one hundred. Children are asked to repeat after the
teacher. The teacher draws ten sets of ten circles and asks children to count along with the teacher from 1 to
100, the teacher draws several numbers on the board from 1 to 100 repeating 100 at least five times. A child
is invited to go to the front and look for number 100 and underline it.

Wrap up
The class is divided into four grops, each group representing one of the characters from the Storysong, Then
they draw and decorate with different materials the place their character wants to visit.

Goodbye Bebop Routine. The teacher says in a sing–song voice. Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye (waving the
hand), It is time to end the class, Gooodbye boys! (boys are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye girls!
(girls are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye teacher! (pointing to herself or himself and waving the
hand), We had fun today!

Warm up.
Hello Bebop Routine. The teacher greets the children by saying in a sing–song voice. Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time for English class (looking at the watch and pointing at it), Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time start the class (putting the hands up). Children copy the movements and repeat
after the teacher.

Flashcards of the places to visit are displayed on the board, the class is divided into two teams, a child from
each team is asked to go to the back of the classroom and given a fly swatter. When the teacher says for
example, I want to go to the beach, children have to run and hit the correct flashcard with the fly swatter. The
first one to do so winsa point for their team, the team with the most points winsthe game.

Children listen to and sing the Storysong along with the teacher.

Children look at the pictures in their Student’s Book and point to them as they listen to the Storysong, then
they draw a dimano in the correct pictures, using a different color in each case.

Children cut the cut–outs of the corresponding Storysong, then they are asked to hold them and act out the
Storysong as they listen to it. They are asked to form small groups, choose a character from the story and
retell the story using the cut–outs.

ASL Activity. The teacher says and makes the signs for the place to visit, children are asked to repeat and
raise their hand if they like those places. The teacher makes and fills in a graph to record the number of
children who like each of the places. At the end, the teacher analyzes the graph and decides which place
they like the most.

Activity Book Children listen to the instrumental version of the Storysong in the background, and using their
Activity Book in the corresponding page, children are asked to count and connect the dos to complete the
picture. Children are asked to point and say the place all together, finally the teacher asks the children to
color the picture.

Wrap Up
Children are asked to change the places the characters want to visit in the Storysong for other places. They
are given a sheet of paper and asked to draw this new version of the Storysong.

Goodbye Bebop Routine. The teacher says in a sing–song voice. Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye (waving the
hand), It is time to end the class, Gooodbye boys! (boys are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye girls!
(girls are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye teacher! (pointing to herself or himself and waving the
hand), We had fun today!

Warm up
Hello Bebop Routine. The teacher greets the children by saying in a sing–song voice. Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time for English class (looking at the watch and pointing at it), Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time start the class (putting the hands up). Children copy the movements and repeat
after the teacher.

Children are shown the flashcard of the forms of transportation. The teacher says bike and children are
asked to repeat after the teacher, the same is done with the other flashcards. Then flashcards of the places
are displayed all over the classroom, some music is played and the teacher says I want to go to the toystore.
Let’s go by car. Children pretend they are driving a car and are going to the toy store. The same is repeated
to review the different forms of transportation and places.

Children look at the corresponding page in their Student’s Book, they are encouraged to say what they can
see. Children listen to a track and the teacher points to the pictures, then children point to the pictures too.
They listen to the track again but this time they are asked to say the words.

Children listen to a dialog and connect the children in the picture to the correct form of transportation,
children are asked to use a different color each time.

Children listen to a track and point to the speakers, then they repeat what the speakers say and sit in pairs
and take turns saying I want to go to the toy store. Let’s go by bike.

ASL Activity The teacher says and makes the sign for a form of transportation or a place to visit, children are
asked to repeat, the same is done with other forms of transportation or places to visit. The teacher displays
the flashcards of places on the left and the places to visit on the right. A child is invited to go to the front, the
teacher points to the first flashcard and asks the child to say I want to go to the toy store as he/she makes
the sign for this word. Then the child is asked to choose a form of transportation from the right and say Let’s
go by car as he/she makes the sign for the word car. Then the child is asked to draw a line to connect the

Activity Book. Children listen to the instrumental version of the Action Song in the background, and using
their Activity Book in the corresponding page, children are asked to point and say the places all together,
children are asked to draw the transportation they want to use to get to each place. They sit in pairs and take
turns to paint and say I want to go to the zoo. Let’s go by bus.

Wrap up
The board is divided into two columns, flashcards of places are placed on the left, face down and the
flashcards of the forms of transportation on the right, face down. A child is invitedto go to the front, choose a
flashcard from the left, turn it over and say, for example, I want to go to the…toy store. Then the child is
asked to choose a flashcard from the right, turn it over and say, for example, Let’s go by car. The same is
repeated with other children.

Goodbye Bebop Routine. The teacher says in a sing–song voice. Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye (waving the
hand), It is time to end the class, Gooodbye boys! (boys are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye girls!
(girls are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye teacher! (pointing to herself or himself and waving the
hand), We had fun today!

Warm up
Hello Bebop Routine. The teacher greets the children by saying in a sing–song voice. Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time for English class (looking at the watch and pointing at it), Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time start the class (putting the hands up). Children copy the movements and repeat
after the teacher.
The teacher shows children a picture of the road and says road. Children are asked to repeat. The same is
done with the other picture. The board is divided into three columns, the teacher draws in the left column a
picture of a road, in the next column, a picture of the sky and in the right column, a picture of water. A child is
invited to go to the front and look for the flashcard in the classroom that the teacher says and display it under
the correct column. This activity is repeated with other children and forms of transportation.


Children look at forms of transportation, point to and name them.

Children are asked to point to the car and connect the car to the road using a gray crayon or pencil, children
continue connecting the other means of transportation to the correct places using a different colors.

Wrap up

Children are given a piece of dough and asked to model a boat on the water or a car on the road.

Goodbye Bebop Routine. The teacher says in a sing–song voice. Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye (waving the
hand), It is time to end the class, Gooodbye boys! (boys are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye girls!
(girls are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye teacher! (pointing to herself or himself and waving the
hand), We had fun today!

Warm up
Children are invited to pretend they are in a car, in a boat, or a plane while the song The Bebop Band is

Hello Bebop Routine. The teacher greets the children by saying in a sing–song voice. Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time for English class (looking at the watch and pointing at it), Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time start the class (putting the hands up). Children copy the movements and repeat
after the teacher.

The teacher says Pedal, as he/she models the action, children are asked to repeat after the teacher. The
same is done with row and spin. The teacher tells a child in secret the name of an action, then the child is
asked to do that action. The other children are asked to guess which action it is.

Using their Student’s Book children look at the pictures and are asked to say what they think the Bebop
characters are doing. They answer with the words in English they already know.

Children listen to the Action song and are asked to point to the actions in the picture as they hear them in the
song. They listen to the Action song again and and are asked to do the actions as they are sung.

Children are asked to repeat the lines of the Action song as they do the corresponding actions along with the
teacher. Children listen again to the Actionsong and are asked to sing along as they do the actions.

Children are asked to point to Leo and Eddy in a rowboat, then children take out their pink crayon and circle
them as they say row.

Activity Book. Children listen to the instrumental version of the Action Song in the background, and using
their Activity Book in the corresponding page, children are asked to follow the maze to connect the actions to
the transportation, children are asked to point and say the actions and the transportation in unison. Then
they play Simon Says.

Wrap up

Some music is played and the teacher says row, children pretend to row a boat as they move around, the
music stops and the teacher says pedal. Children lie on the floor and pretend they are pedaling a bike. The
asctivity is repeated varying the actions.

Goodbye Bebop Routine. The teacher says in a sing–song voice. Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye (waving the
hand), It is time to end the class, Gooodbye boys! (boys are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye girls!
(girls are asked to wave their hands), Gooodbye teacher! (pointing to herself or himself and waving the
hand), We had fun today!

Warm up
Hello Bebop Routine. The teacher greets the children by saying in a sing–song voice. Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time for English class (looking at the watch and pointing at it), Hello, Hello, Hello
(waving the hand), It is time start the class (putting the hands up). Children copy the movements and repeat
after the teacher.

The board is divided into three columns, the teacher draws in the left column a picture of a road, in the next
column, a picture of the sky and in the right column, a picture of a sea. A child is invited to go to the front and
the teacher says Draw a car under the correct column. This activity is repeated with other children and forms
of transportation.

In their Student’s Book children look at the places that are on the page. The teacher names them randomly
and children are asked to point to the correct pictures as they say the words.

In their Student’s Book different children look at the forms of transportation that are on the page. The teacher
names them randomly and children are asked to point to the correct pictures as they say them as well.

Children listen to a CD and point to the pictures, then they listen to it again and circle the correct picture.

ASL Activity. The teacher makes the sign of a place to visit or a form of transportation. The children have to
repeat and draw it on a sheet of paper in the order the teacher says the words.

Activity Book. Children listen to the instrumental version of the Action Song in the background, and using
their Activity Book in the corresponding page, children are asked to point and say the transportation all
together, then they have to make a picture of the place they want to go, they point and say I want to go to the
beach , Let’s go by helicopter.

Wrap up

Children create forms of transportation with paper shapes, they paste them onto a piece of construction
paper and make an exhibition with them.

Children are asked to turn to their Progress Chart in their Student’s Book. They are asked to color the
number for Unit 8.

The teacher helps children to cut out the certificate at the back of their Activity Book, children are given time
to decorate it, then teacher collects all the certificates, does the Goodbye Bebop routine and hands out the

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