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Para uso a partir de mayo o noviembre de 2018
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Código personal del alumno: fqs806

Monografía: formulario de reflexión sobre la planificación y el progreso

Alumno: Este formulario debe ser completado por el alumno durante el trascurso y la finalización de su monografía. Este
documento deja constancia de la reflexión sobre su progreso y planificación, así como sobre la naturaleza de los debates con
su supervisor. Debe llevar a cabo tres sesiones de reflexión formal con su supervisor: la primera sesión de reflexión formal
deberá centrarse en las ideas iniciales y en su planificación del desarrollo de la investigación; la sesión de reflexión intermedia
se llevará a cabo cuando haya completado una parte significativa de su investigación; y la última sesión consistirá en una
entrevista final que tendrá lugar una vez haya completado y entregado su monografía. Este documento sirve de registro para
respaldar la autoría original de su trabajo. La suma de las tres reflexiones no deberá superar las 500 palabras.

Completar este formulario será un requisito obligatorio de la Monografía a partir de la convocatoria de exámenes de
mayo de 2018 y deberá enviarse junto con la monografía finalizada para su evaluación, según lo dispuesto en el criterio

Supervisor: Debe llevar a cabo tres sesiones de reflexión con cada alumno: una en la primera etapa del proceso, una durante
la etapa intermedia y la entrevista final. Se permite celebrar otras sesiones de consulta, pero no es necesario registrarlas en
esta hoja. Después de cada sesión de reflexión los alumnos deben dejar constancia de sus reflexiones, y el supervisor debe
firmar y fechar este formulario.

Primera sesión de reflexión

Comentarios de los alumnos:

Establishing the necessary tools for the extended essay is a fundamental step to start in this process. Today I analyze the
information in my primary sources, which allowed me to inquire into my topic, and define the limits of research and the areas
in which I will focus. By making a brief lecture of the timeline, I organize my future actions and give a possible structure to
start writing the first draft.

Fecha: September 05, 2017 Iniciales del supervisor: O. C.

© International Baccalaureate Organization 2016

International Baccalaureate® | Baccalauréat International® | Bachillerato Internacional®
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Reflexión intermedia
Comentarios de los alumnos:

With a clear idea of the topic and the core question, I started to develop several concepts to focus the analysis of the
extended essay. During this class, which represents the middle point of the process I start to develop the body of the essay.
It was divided into two parts, to encompass the topic in its totality and to have the necessary arguments to answer in a
precise way the question. After the introduction the first chapter started which mainly focused in stablishing a technique to
analyze the Satire inside the movie “The Great Dictator” and to show the people the point in which it is used for a political
socialization. After an extend study of different works, which were mostly based in the use of satire the research and
analysis of Megan LeBoeuf was selected due to its proximity to the topic selected. With an analytic technique chosen the
second chapter was now able to start.

Fecha: November 11, 2017 Iniciales del supervisor: O. C.

Reflexión final (entrevista final)

Comentarios de los alumnos:

An extended essay encompass different researches which allowed the study of a particular topic in which the students are
able to develop some analytic and critical skills to managed information and applied it in order to express their point of view
in solving a general question. In the last interview general aspects, like the structure and grammatical mistakes, were revised
and completed about the third chapter which was the conclusion. To finalize in an accurate manner the extended essay,
some classmates were chosen to read it and give a personal opinion about the aspects that can be modified. It was
necessary this external contribution to take into account a dissimilar perspectives which help me to avoid the bias of
information and give me another approach for the analysis. The activities were developed with no major setbacks, however it
is important to identify some minor complications that appeared during the whole process. For this, it is in order to say that
during the research of the methodology to analyze the satire some situations complicated the process, such as not founding
an analytic work which contained some resemblance with the topic selected. Also during the analytic part, the second
Chapter some details were confronted, such as, the confusion of different symbols inside the movie and the difficultness of
founding the political message. Nevertheless the extended essay was completed with success.

Fecha: February 2, 2018 Iniciales del supervisor: O. C.

© International Baccalaureate Organization 2016

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Comentarios del supervisor:

Nota para el supervisor: Al enviar el trabajo de este alumno para que se evalúe, usted se hace responsable de su autoría original. Ningún
trabajo de un alumno debe cargarse o enviarse al sistema de carga de trabajos en formato electrónico si su autoría original está en duda o
si en este formulario aparecen comentarios contradictorios. Si surge alguna duda sobre la autoría original del trabajo a partir del texto que
usted incluya en el espacio a continuación, este componente no se evaluará.

© International Baccalaureate Organization 2016

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