Apunte III 2020

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Ingeniería: Civil – Electromecánica – Electrónica. (III)14 04 20


UNA RUTINA Q NO SEA TODOS LOS DIAS, acciones permanentes
a) Para expresar rutina, tales como hábitos diarios, trabajo, escuela y otras
actividades que se desarrollan cotidianamente.
He drives to work everyday.
He has a coffee every morning
b) expresa un hecho, característica, o algo que suele siempre ser verdad.
Situaciones permanentes.

He comes from Madrid. Lugar de origen y siempre va a ser

New York has tall buildings.
She has blonde hair. Siempre va a ser del mismo color su pelo
The train leaves at five o' clock. Sempre va a girrar alrededor

- Forma Afirmativa

Sujeto + verbo(s/es) + complemento:

We live in London (nosotros vivimos en Londres)fundamental q este el sujeto
Lifeguards work at the beach. (Los salvavidas trabajan en la playa)
The train leaves at 5 pm. (El tren parte a las 5 pm)
She likes listening rock music (a ella le gusta escuchar música rock)
She loves strawberries. (A ella le encantan las fresas)

En el caso del presente simple, el verbo se conjuga solamente añadiendo “s”

a la tercera persona del singular, es decir, a los pronombres
he, she, it. Para el resto de los pronombres personales, el verbo se mantiene
igual al infinitivo (sin el to)
se deben considerar, no obstante, determinadas reglas para la conjugación
del verbo en tercera persona, a saber:

- A la mayoría de los verbos solo se les agrega “S”

EJ: Lucy gets up. / Mike lives.
- Si el verbo termina en “sh, ch, x, o, s, ss” le agrego “es”
EJ: She watches. / He goes.
- Si el verbo termina en consonante + y, cambia “y” por “i” + es: “ies”
EJ: He Studies. / She tries.
Siempre y cuando se afirmativa y este hablando de el ella, cosa o animal

- Forma negativa del presente simple:

Sujeto + do not o don't/ + verbo infinitivo + Complementos .
does not o doesn't

Ej.: I do not/dont go to the gym every day (No voy al gimnasio todos los dias)
Caroline doesn’t watch tv in the morning. (Carolina no mira tv en la mañana)
My mother doesn’t work on Sundays. (Mi mama no trabaja los domingos)
- Hay que tener en cuenta que al igual que el caso anterior, hay una ligera
variación dependiendo del sujeto. Usamos do not / don’t: I, you, we, they.
Does not / doesn’t: he, she, it.

Forma interrogativa del presente simple:auxiliar

(A) Do/does + sujeto + verbo infinitivo + Complementos.

Ej.: Do you go to the gym every day? (¿Vas al gimnasio todos los días?)
Does she go to school on saturday? (¿va a la escuela los sábados?)
Es para responder yes or no

(B) Question + do / does + sujeto + verbo + complmentos

Word infinitivo
Ej: what do you do at the weekends? (¿Qué haces los fines de semana?)
I go to visit my friends. (Yo voy a visitar a mis amigos)
Where does she live? (¿ donde vive ella?)
She lives in London. (Ella vive en Londres)


 En una oración interrogativa o negativa encontramos el auxiliar DOES el

verbo ya no lleva “s” o “es” característica de la 3º persona. Es como si el
auxiliar DOES se la hubiera robado.
 El verbo AUXILIAR, Muchas veces se confunden estas dos partículas del
inglés. A continuación trataremos de explicarte cómo usarlas
Como verbo principal.
En este caso, do/does significan “hacer” generalmente algo abstracto (“make”
es más para “hacer/ fabricar” algo con las manos, ejemplo: “make a cake”)
Ej: “I do lots of things” Yo hago muchas cosas.
“She does everything” Ella hace todo.

Como “verbo auxiliar” para preguntar y negar en el tiempo presente.

En estos casos no lo podemos traducir en español ya que es una
construcción propia del inglés.
Para las preguntas usamos DO y DOES + VERBO EN INFINITIVO – DO
Do you know her? La conoces?
Does he work here? Ella trabaja aquí?
They don’t do it. Ellos no lo hacen.
She doesn’t like Football. A ella no le gusta el futbol.

EXPRESIONES DE TIEMPOnos va a permitir identificar el tiempo

Dado que se emplea para indicar acciones o estados habituales, suele acompañarse
de los adverbios de tiempo (usually, sometimes, never, etc.).
I often get angry with Rachel / A menudo me enfado con Raquel
Nota: Los adverbios de frecuencia generalmente van ubicados entre el sujeto y el
verbo. Si la oración es con el verbo To Be el adverbio se ubica después del verbo.
Primer grupo

ALWAYS: siempre
NEVER. Nunca
OFTEN: a menudo
SOMETIMES: a veces
USUALLY: usualmente
GENERALLY: generalmente
Estos adverbios tienen una ubicación única dentro de la oración. Deben escribirse
entre el sujeto y el verbo principal.
Ej: we always study english on Mondays.
(Nosotros siempre estudiamos ingles los lunes)

Segundo grupo

EVERY DAY: cada día

EVERY WEEK: cada semana
EVERY MONTH: cada mes
EVERY YEAR: cada año
EVERY MONDAY: cada lunes
ONCE A DAY: una vez al día
ONCE A WEEK: una vez a la semana
ONCE A MONTH: una vez al mes
ONCE A YEAR: una vez al año
TWICE A DAY: dos veces al día
THREE TIMES A DAY: tres veces al día
FOUR TIMES A DAY: cuatro veces al día

MY ROUTINES – some Verbs


Get up Levantarse Watch tv Mirar tv

Get dress Vestirse Listen to music Escuchar musica
Brush my teeth Cepillarse los dientes Play tennis Jugar al tenis
Have lunch Almorzar Play football Jugar al futbol
Have dinner Cenar Play computer Jugar juegos de
Have breakfast Desayunar games computadora
Have a rest Tomar un descanso Play cards Ir al teatro
Have a shower Tomar una ducha go to the theater Ir al cine
Go to work Ir a trabajar go to the cinema Ir a bailar
Go to school Ir a la escuela go to dance Juntarse con amigos
Go to bed Ir a la cama meet friends Visitar amigos
Do housework Hacer las tareas del hogar visit friends Nadar
Do homework Hacer la tarea swim Bailar
Wash the dishes Lavar los platos dance Hacer
Wash the car Lavar el auto make Correr
Work Trabajar run Usar (ropa/calzado etc)
Live Vivir wear Gustar
Eat Comer like Amar
Drink Beber love Conducir
Talk Conversar drive Ir
Speak Hablar go Cocinar
Sleep Dormir cook Andar en bici
Do Hacer ride a bicycle Leer
Take photos Sacar fotos read Escribir

- Present continuous - Presente continuo:

Usos mas importante de Presente continuo

* Tiempo verbal que se utiliza para expresar acciones que tienen lugar en el
presente, en el mismo momento en el que se está enunciando la frase. (Acciones
que se está realizando en el momento en el que se está hablando)
“ing” en castellano denominamos gerundio; a la terminacion “ando” “endo” que
agregamos al verbo.
Ej: the children are playing in the park. = Los niños estan jugando en el parque.
I am eating an Apple = me estoy comiendo una manzana.
They are playing cards. = ellos están jugando a las cartas.

 Para expresar una acción que se está realizando en el momento en el

que se habla y que aún no ha terminado.
They are builnding a new school in our Street. = están construyendo una
nueva escuela en nuestra calle.
She is wrtiting a new novel. = ella está escribiendo una nueva novela.

- La acción no es necesaria que esté ocurriendo en ese preciso momento, basta con
que la intensión del que habla sea el de referirse al momento actual.
 Para expresar preparativos de acontecimientos futuros. (futuro cercano)
I am flying to New York next week. = Vuelo a Nueva York la próxima
I am playing gol with the Boss this afteroon. = juego al gol con el jefe esta
- En este caso va acompañado de un adverbio o locución adverbial que indica el
tiempo futuro o que estos se sobreentiendan por el contexto.

Forma afirmativa del presente continuo:

Se forma con el presente del verbo (to) be más el verbo de la acción en

gerundio (Infinitivo+-ing).

Sujeto + is/am/are + infinitivo + ing + complemento

Ej.: I am cleaning your shoes (Estoy limpiando tus zapatos)

She is watching tv (ella esta mirando tv)
We are reading a book (nosotros estamos leyendo un libro)

Forma negativa del presente continuo:

Sujeto + am/is/are+not + verbo en gerundio + Complementos.

Ej.: I am not cleaning your shoes (No estoy limpiando tus zapatos)
She isn’ watchig tv (ella no esta mirando tv)
We aren’t reading a book (nosotros no estamos leyendo un libro)

Forma interrogativa del presente continuo:

A) is/are/am + Sujeto + Verbo en gerundio + Complementos.

Ej.: Are you cleaning her shoes?– Yes, I am / No, I am not

(¿Estas limpiando sus zapatos?)
Is she watching tv? Yes, she is / No, she isn’t
(¿esta ella mirando tv?)
Are they reading a book? Yes, they are / No, they aren’t
(¿están ellos leyendo un libro?)

B) Question + is/are/am + Sujeto + Verbo en gerundio + Complementos


Ej: what are you doing at the momento? I am eating a sandwich.

(Que estas tu haciendo? Estoy comiendo un sandwich)
Where are the children playing? They are playing in their bedroom
(Donde están los chicos jugando? Ellos están jugando es su dormitorio.)
Now: Ahora
At this momento: n este momento

a. Cuando el verbo finaliza en “e” esta desaparece.
Live – living
b. Cuando el verbo finaliza en “ee” estas permanecen.
Agree – agreeing
c. Verbos con una sola silaba con una vocal más consonante, esta última se
Run – running
Hit – hitting
d. Verbos finalizados en “l” despues de una vocal, generalmente esta
consonante se duplica.
Travel – travelling
e. verbos finlalizados en “y”, esta permanece.
Carry – carrying
Hurry – hurrying
- Principales verbos que se utilizan con el presente continuo (dynamic verbs)
Son verbos que expresan – Actividad.
To come – To drink – To eat – To Go – To read – To play – To swim – To talk
– To walk – To work – To write
- Principales verbos que no se usan en presente continuo.
Son los verbos de estado o estáticos que se usan principalmente para
referirse a sentimientos, sentidos, emociones o percepciones (no acciones).
Hay que tener en cuenta que un mismo verbo puede tener significados
diferentes. Cuando se usan de forma continua cambia de significado.
I am just feeling to see if the bone is broken. = Solo estoy tocando para ver
si el hueso está roto.
To feel (stative verb) = tocar
To Fell (dynamic verb) = sentir

Verbos que expresan sensaciones o sentidos:

To Be - To see – To feel – To hear – To smell – To taste – To notice – To
seem – To look – To hurt – To Ache
Verbos que expresan emociones o preferencias:
To love – To hate – To like – To dislike – To want – To need – To prefer – To
mind – To enjoy
Verbos que expresan percepción u opinión
To think –To belive – To know – To understand –To forget – To remember –
To hope – To mean – To imagine – To fear
Verbos relacionados con la posesión o pertenencia
To have – To possess - To belong – To own – To owe
Verbos que describen el peso, medida, contenido o característica de
To cost – To weigh – To measure – To cosnist – To contain
- Cuando el contexto de la acción exprese alguna acción en proceso, se
puede usar algunos verbos en tiempo continuo.
To be –
No se usa en forma continua cuando indica estado.
He is tired = está cansado
He is in Ireland = está en Irlanda.
Cuando indica acción puede usarse en forma continua si se quiere destacar la
duración de la misma.
Dinner is being served. = la cena se está sirviendo (en este momento)
You are being very noughty today. = estas siendo muy travieso hoy
To See -
I see what you mean. = entiendo lo que quieres decir
I seing the doctor this aternoon. = vere al doctor esta tarde
To Love –
I am loving it. = (me encanta – love es stative verb pero marketing o
publicidad rompen la regla)
I love westerns. = me encantan las películas del oeste.
The children are loving the clowns performance. = a los niños les está
encantando la actuación de los payasos. (Comportamiento en un determinado
momento – dynamic verb)
To Have –
Es un verbo stative con el significado de tener, con el significado de beber,
comer, tomar puede usarse en tiempos continuos.
I have a car. = tengo un auto
She is having dinner with a friend. = esta cenando con un amigo

To Be (is – are – am) - To Be not (isn’t – aren’t – To Be (is – are – am) - Subject - infinitive+ing
infinitive+ing am not) – infinitive+ing Ing: ando – endo – iendo
Ing: ando – endo –
Affirmative Negative Interrogative
I am working I am not working Am I working? Yes, you are / No, you aren’t
You are working You aren’t working Are You working? Yes, I am / No, I am not
He is working He isn’t working Is he working? Yes, he is / No, he isn’t
She is working She isn’t working Is she working? Yes, she is / No, she isn’t
It is working It isn’t working Is it working? Yes, it is / No, it isn’t
we are working We aren’t working Are we working? Yes, we are / No, we aren’t
You are working You aren’t working wre you working? Yes, we are / No, we aren’t
They are working They aren’t working Are they working? Yes, they are / No, they aren’t

A) Completa el siguiente artículo periodístico sobre Lord Stonebury. Utiliza

PRESENTE SIMPLE. Todos los verbos han de ser afirmativos. Recuerda
la 3ª persona del singular. Debes utilizar todos los verbos que te doy a
continuación. En algunos casos han de usarse más de una vez (tal y
como te indico entre paréntesis).
Busca en el diccionario aquellos verbos que no conozcas.

Go (4) / have (3) / live (2) / get / meet / own / play / read / spend / talk

Lord Stonebury is 28 years old. He --------------- in Belgravia, in London’s West End.

He is very rich and he ---------- the company Office Blocks International. Every
morning the young Lord --------------- breakfast in bed and ------------- the newspapers.
He ------------ up at 10 o’clock and usually ---------- for a walk in Hyde Park. He
------------- lunch at his club. He sometimes --------------the Directors OBI, and they
---------- about the company’s plans. In the afternoon Lord Stonebury and his
friends sometimes ------------- golf. Then they --------- for a few drinks. Or
sometimes he and a girlfriend ----------- for a drive in his sports car. After dinner
Lord Stonebury ---------- to a night club or a casino with one of his girlfriends. They
------------ home at about 2 o’clock.
In the winter the young Lord ------------- in Monte Carlo. And he ----------- his summer
holidays in the West Indies.

B) Write sentences from these words: Put the verbs in the right form.
Be careful with
Escriba oraciones de estas palabras: ponga los verbos en la forma correcta .Tenga
cuidado con frequency adverbs. ( adverbios de frecuencia

1. always / early / Sue / arrive Sue always arrives early

2. basketball / I / play / often
3. work / Margaret / hard / usually
4. Jenny / always / nice /wear / clothes
5. dinner / we / have / always / at 7.30
6. like / chocolate / children / usually
7. Julia / parties / enjoy / always
C) Write questions: Use the words in brackets + DO /DOES. Put the words in
the right order.

Escribir preguntas: Use las palabras entre paréntesis + DO / DOES. Pon las
palabras en el orden correcto
1. where / live / your parents ? Where do your parents live?
2. you / early / always / get up?
3. how often / TV / you / watch ?
4. you / want / what / for dinner?
5. like / you / football?
6. your brother / like / football?
7. what / you / do / in the evening?
8. your sister / work / where ?
9. to the cinema / often / you / go?
10. go / usually / to bed / what time / you ?

D) Read the text then answer the questions.

Leer el texto y responder las preguntas

My name is Carlos Pirelli and I am Italian. I am from Santa Lucia. I always

get up at quarter past six in the morning. I have a shower and then I put on
my Bermudas and a t- shirt. I have breakfast at half past seven. I usually
have orange juice and cereal. I go to school by bus. At ten o’clock, we have
a break and I play volleyball with my friends. Volleyball is my favourite
sport. School ends at half past one and then I go home.
I have got a brother and a sister and I live in a big house with a garden.

a. What is his name?

b. Where is he from?
c. What does he wear to school?
d. What does he do at 6.15 am?
e. What does he do at 7.30 am?
f. What does he do at 10.00 am?
g. What does he do at 1.30 am?
h. How many brothers and sisters has he got?
i. Where does he live?

E) Complete the text with th correct verb. (simple present)

Sara Lee …….. (Live) in London with her family. She ………….. (Get up) at 7.00 then
she …………………. (Get dress) after that she …………… (Have) breakfast.
She and her brother …………. (Go) to school by bus. They ……… (Start) school at
8.00. She ……………….. (Like) math and geography best. Sara ……….. (Finish)
school at 1.00 then she …………. (Go) home. She …………. (Have) lunch with her
family, she ……………………. (Not have) lunch at school. After lunch she
………………… (Do) her homework or ………………. (Watch) TV.
At the weekends she ………….. (Not get up) early because she ……………. (Not go)
to school. Sometimes she ………. (Go) to the beach and ……………. (Meet) friends.
They ……….. (Like) listening pop music.

F) Fill in the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1- Nick sometimes ............................ (work) long hours.

2- I .................................... (have) lunch now.
3- Mother ................................ (make) beds everyday.
4- We ..................................... (decorate) the christmas tree every year.
5- Diane ............................... (listen) to music at the moment.
6- My sister ............................ (go) to the cinema twice a week.
7- Dad .............................. (watch) a football game now.
8- My parents and I .....................................(decorate) the christmas tree at the
9- They ............................. (drive) to the beach every Saturday.
10-My sister ........................ (drink) a coffee.

G) Choose the right answer: Simple present or present continuous?

1) Listen! Someone ------------------- the violin. Can you hear it?

2) Helen is a musician. She ------------- the violin in an orchestra.
3) He ------------- very hard now. His exams are very next.
4) Can I phone you back? ---------------- dinner at the moment.
5) Kim---------------in a bank. She has worked there for 20 years.
6) Where is John? --------------- the dinner?
7) Look! We can’t play tennis. It -------------
8) Bob ----------------- meat. He is a vegetarian.

H) Simple present or present continuous?

• You can’t see Tom now. He (have) -------------- a bath.

• He usually (speak) ---------------- so quickly that I (not understand) ----------him.
• How (you usually do) ------------------- to work.
• He (work) ------------------- at preset in an office.
• The baby (cry) ------------------- Give him some food.
• What (he do) ---------------------. He (repair) ------------- his bicycle.
• What (he do) ----------------------. He is a pilot.
• Stella (usually stay)------------- in a hotel when she (come)-------------to London,
but this week she (stay)
----------------- With us.
• What (your wife do) ------------------? She is a nurse but she (not work) -------------- at
the moment.
• Look! The train (come) -----------------------

I) Choose the correct verb forms:

• Stan have/has breakfast at half past seven.

• Karen does not have/ has breakfast.
• How does Karen go/goes to work?
• Stan go/goes to work by bus.
• My father work / works in Cardiff
• He does not like / likes travelling
• He get up / gets up at six o’clock every day.
• My parents live /lives in a big house.
• What does your father do/does?

j) My Routines
Tittle: ___________________________________

a) Read the following text.

b) Give a tittle to the text.

I usually get up around 8 o’clock.

I go out to the kitchen to make some coffee, and I sit on the sofa to read. I read a lot:
paperback books or ebooks on my Kindle. Sometimes I just read the news on El
País or the New York Times websites.
I read for about half an hour. Then, I do some work. I write new articles, work on a
new book, or respond to emails.
Some days I go to do boxing on the beach in Barceloneta. Other days I go to the gym
to lift weights. I like working out a lot.
Boxing on Barceloneta Beach. Come join us!
After I work out, I’m usually very tired. But I shower, have some more coffee, and do
some more work.
I have lunch at home, or at one of my favorite restaurants in the neighborhood.
After lunch, I usually sleep for a bit. Then, I sometimes go for a walk. I walk on the
beach or in the city.
In the evenings, I meet friends, or I stay at home and play the guitar. I’m learning how
to play some of my favorite songs.
I usually cook dinner at home. I like cooking Spanish food because it’s easy. But I
sometimes make Asian food, which is more difficult.
I don’t watch a lot of TV, but now I’ve got a subscription to Netflix, so I watch a little
bit while I have dinner.
After dinner, I do some more reading and then go to sleep.
c) Make some questions about the text and answer them. (10)
d) Write a similar text about your routines.

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