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Task 1 (primera tarea)

Se trata de completar con información básica sobre ti. Desde el nombre, dirección e intereses. Duración 3
minutos. (Pregunta antigua).
*ACTUALIZACIÓN: Los últimos exámenes del APTIS general, esta primera parte ha sufrido unos cambios, ya
que ahora aparecen 5 preguntas fáciles a las que contestar con 5 palabras en un tiempo de 3 minutos. Por


1. Which country are you from? I am from Australia (Aquí hay 4 palabras).
2. Where do you live? 
3. What time is it? 
4. How was your day?
5. Can you dance well?

Task 2 (segunda tarea)

Se trata de contestar mediante un texto corto a varias preguntas de carácter personal.
Entre 20 -30 palabras para utilizar y 7 minutos de duración.
PART 2 – Elderly Care Volunteer Organization
You are a new member of a volunteer club. Fill in the form. Write in sentences. Use 20-30 words. You have
7 minutes.
Please tell us something about you and why do you want to be an elderly helper for our organization.

Task 3 (tercera tarea)

Esta parte consta de tres preguntas a las que hay que responder en 10 minutos y con unas 40 palabras.
PART 3 Elderly Care Volunteer Organization
You are a new member of Elderly Care Volunteer Organization. You’re talking to Kate in the new member
chat room. Talk to Kate  using complete sentences. Use 30 to 40 words per answer. You have 10 minutes.

K: Hello. I see you’re new to our organization. I’ve been a member for nearly three years now. Why did
you decide to join? * Maximum 40 words, 3 minutes.

K: What skills and experience do you want to develop? * Maximum 40 words, 3 minutes.

K: How Much Time Can You Really Commit? * Maximum 40 words, 3 minutes.

Task 4 (cuarta parte)

Esta parte consta de dos tareas a realizar. o sea escribir dos cartas.
Una carta informal dirigida a un amigo/a de 50 palabras en un tiempo de 10 minutos.
Una carta formal dirigida a la administración, secretaría de alguna empresa, institución de 120-150
palabras y un tiempo de 20 minutos.
Ambas cartas tienen la misma temática
*Importante en esta parte el uso de vocabulario, normalmente estados emocionales o feelings, así como
sugerencias y propuestas que tendrás que hacer.
PART 4 Elderly Care Volunteer Organization
You are a new member of Elderly Care Volunteer Organization. On your last visit to their website you
saw the notice below.
Dear valued members,
We are sorry to inform you that from next month we have to ask you for a little aid. This means to support
our organization with a monthly fee of 10£ for elderlies activities and excursions, that will take place on the
17 of December. We know that, perhaps, not all of you are willing for this sacrifice, however the
organization has thought about a reward for all of its members.
If you have any comments or suggestions, please feel free to email us at
[email protected]
Write an email to a friend who also is a member of the Elderly Care Volunteer Organization. Write your
feelings about the notice and suggest possible alternatives. Write about 50 words. You have 10 minutes.
Now, write an email to the Members Aid Team, explaining your feelings about the notice and suggesting
possible alternatives. Write 120-150 words. You have 20 minutes.

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