Introduccion - Aguilar - Caiza
Introduccion - Aguilar - Caiza
Introduccion - Aguilar - Caiza
Since the beginning of time, human beings have tried to understand their environment
and gradually acquire a number of knowledges in order to guarantee their survival as a
community and a species, which uses reason as a means of arriving at knowledge. This
essay seeks to briefly synthesize each contribution to humanity in its different areas of
knowledge; Focusing on the most relevant aspects of knowledge and its contribution
that meant a contribution to human knowledge, starting with prehistory whose entire
knowledge was of empirical origin originated from experience, allows the arrival of
Modernism that meant the rebirth of man, which finally forges the foundations for the
birth of the Contemporary age. Considering what science is as such, a systematic
process that occurs throughout the history of man.
The humanity has been evolving and knowing more and more deeply the nature of the
phenomena of physical, natural, social, technological and health reality; knowledge that,
in part, has contributed to the progress of humanity.
This process, linked to the development of societies and individual potentialities, has
been a long and tortuous path, in which many peoples and individuals have been left out
of the progress, achieved by few societies in the world.
Normally the contributions that someone makes at political, cultural, and intellectual
levels, and that due to their scope positively affect people, communities, states, among
others, are usually recognized with mentions, awards, which leave history sitting that
fundamental contribution. If we review history in general, we will find many examples
in this sense, and that are basically those that allowed the great advance and evolution of
Leadership expert Adam Grant says that what promotes a prosperous society is not
pursuing achievements, but our ability to contribute.