Vocabulario Iv

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lavish: lujoso Tsteady: firme

lounge: sala stream: chorro

oblivious: ajeno chunk: trozo

oddly: curiosamente tying up: atado

arguably: poderse decir mystified: desconcertado

retrench: reducir barted: hacer trueques

outsourcing: subcontratacion steam: vapor

paramount: primordial staggering: impactante

wisdom: sabiduria chore: lata/tarea rutinaria

quest: mision cluttered: desordenado

contentment: alegria a float: a flote

supersede: sustituir bubble: burbuja

warehouse: depósito burst: estallar

boast: presumir treadmill: rutina

tuition: matricula scramble: confusion

accomplishment. logro bankroll: financiar

daft: estupido hung out: boludear/pasar el rato

tickled: contento reluctant: reacio

dull: aburrido/soso brisk: a paso ligero

luster: lustre warehouse: almacén

mannerism: costumbre nonetheless: sin embargo

subdued: sometido distilled: destilado

reticence: reticencia/desconfianza maroon: granate

seldom: raramente retailer: minorista

fellow: tio/tipo struggle: prueba

goof off: vaguear/gandulear quit; parar/dejar

fervor: fervor/pasión dunce: zoquete

prompt: rápido inadvertent: involuntario

blast: estallido nap: dormir la siesta

couches: sofas browse: echar un vistazo

stretch out: echarse gauge: medir/estimar

chiropractor: quiropráctico

strinking: notable/sorprendente

hallway: salon

weird: raro

keep track: hacer un seguimiento

penchant: aficcion

copycat: copión

perk: beneficio/ventaja

spill: volcarse

withdraw: retirarse

stuff: cosas

storefront: fachada

straightforward: sincere/directo

figure out: dares cuenta de/resolver

harness: aprovechar

pitfall: obstáculo/inconveniente

dabble in: aventurarse en

deserve: merecer

lay out: componer/ordenar

keen: entusiasta

get the hang of: coger el tranquillo

thrive: crecer bien/desarrollarse/prosperar

rewarding: gratificante

Switch: cambiar/intercambiar

take apart: desmontar

bloviate: to speak a lot in an annoying way

as if you are very important

embed: incrustar

overwhelmed: agobiado

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