I Love Simpsons Pronouns and Adjectives Gramma

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 Funcionan como sujeto:

I – yo WE – nosotr@s
YOU – tú YOU – vosotr@s
HE – él THEY – ell@s
SHE - ella
IT – ello

 Pueden sustituir a grupos de sustantivos. Por ejemplo: My sister = she

 Cuidado cuando van en plural. Por ejemplo: My sister and I = we


 Funcionan como objeto:

ME – a mí/me US – a nosotr@s/nos
YOU – a ti/te YOU – a vosotr@s/os
HIM – a él/le THEM – a ell@s/les/las/los
HER – a ella/la
IT – a ello/lo

 Pueden sustituir a grupos de sustantivos. Por ejemplo: My sister = her

 Cuidado cuando van en plural. Por ejemplo: My sister and me = us

¿Cómo diferenciar un S.P de un O.P?

Tienes que fijarte en si está funcionando

como sujeto de la oración o como objeto:

“My sister is cooking”  She is cooking.

“I’m cooking for my sister”  I’m cooking for her.

En ocasiones, antes del O.P encontrarás una preposición. Pero no siempre:

“I told my sister a secret”  I told her a secret.

En cambio, el S.P nunca lleva preposición delante.

EJERCICIO 1: Sustituye las palabras en negrita por el S.P o el O.P que le
corresponda en cada caso:

1. Apu is the owner of the Kwik-E-Mart.

2. Apu is married to Manjula.

3. Jamshed is one of the eight children of Apu and Manjula.

4. When my parents came to this town, they met their neighbours.

5. Don’t talk your mother like that! Your mother loves you.

6. Mary baked a cake for my friends and me.

7. You and your husband are invited to the party that Luke is preparing.

8. The cat bit Alex and her brother.

9. John and June like country music.

10. Please, give the keys to Helen.

13. Helen and you are my best friends. But don’t tell this secret to Amy.

14. My father sent these letters to my cousins and me.

15. Kyle and I went to the cinema with Martha and Cole.

 Son los adjetivos determinativos posesivos:

MY – mi OUR – nuestro, nuestros
YOUR – tu YOUR – vuestro, vuestros
HIS – su (de él) THEIR – su (de ell@s)
HER – su (de ella)
ITS – su (de ello)

 Siempre acompañan a un sustantivo. Por ejemplo: My sister. Her book.

 Cuidado cuando van en plural.

Por ejemplo: My sister’s book and my book = our books

 El singular y el plural solo importan cuando nos referimos a la persona

que posee, pero no importa que lo poseído sea una o varias cosas.
Por ejemplo: our book (nuestro libro) / our books (nuestros libros)


 Son los pronombres posesivos:

MINE – (el) mío, (los) míos OURS – (el) nuestro, (los) nuestros
YOUR – (el) tuyo, (los) tuyos YOURS – (el) vuestro, (los) vuestros
HIS – (el) suyo, (los) suyos THEIRS – (el) suyo, (los) suyos
HERS – (el) suyo, (los) suyos
ITS – (el) suyo, (los) suyos

 Sustituyen a un sustantivo. Por ejemplo: This is my book – This is mine.

 Cuidado cuando van en plural.

Por ejemplo: These books are my sister and mine = These books are ours.

 El singular y el plural solo importan cuando nos referimos a la persona

que posee, pero no importa que lo poseído sea una o varias cosas.
Por ejemplo: The book is ours (El libro es nuestro)
The books are ours (Los libros son nuestros)
Decide qué possessive adjective
o qué possessive pronoun se necesita:

1. This is Cookie’s house. This is ............. house.

This house is .............

2. The Rich Texan has two guns. They are ............. guns.

3. My parents have a car. That is ............. car. The car is .............

4. You and I have two dogs. They are ............. dogs.

5. Jake and you have two bikes. The bikes are .............

6. The cat has whiskers. They are ............. whiskers.

7. Lionel Hutz owns a law firm. The law firm is .............

8. The dress belongs to me. The dress is ............. It’s ............. dress.

9. All these photos are of you and me. They are .............

10. This T-shirt is my brother’s. The T-shirt is .............


 Los demostrativos pueden ser adjetivos determinativos si acompañan al

sustantivo. Y pueden ser pronombres si lo sustituyen. Son:

THIS – este, esta THAT – ese, esa, aquel, aquella

THESE – estos, estas THOSE – esos, esas, aquellos, aquellas

EJERCICIO 3: Demonstrative adjective or demonstrative pronoun?

1. ............. is Herman’s shop. ............. is his shop.

2. Look at ............. guns. ............. are his guns.
3. Lindsey has a business over there. ............. is
her business.
4. ............. cars over there are red. ............. cars
here are blue.
5. ............. man is Irish, but ............. woman at
the door is Scottish.
6. All ............. exercises are good for practising.

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