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Prueba Diagnóstica de Inglés Grado 11 2022

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Docentes a cargo: Hans Martínez

Institución Educativa Técnica Occidente

Prueba diagnóstica
Grado 11

STUDENT’S NAME: ______________________________ 

GRADE: _____________________

Para leer de manera efectiva, es posible que necesites algunas estrategias que te ayudarán a
comprender los textos. Las siguientes estrategias, entre otras, son útiles cuando lees:

I. Skimming for the main idea

II. Scanning for specific information
III. Cognates: knowledge of the home language as a benefit in reading English.
SKIMMING es una técnica de lectura rápida que te permite leer un texto de forma
cuidadosa y rápida con el fin de captar la idea principal y la visión general del contenido.

Algunos pasos para acelerar el tiempo de lectura y captar las ideas importantes son:
 Leer el título.
 Leer el subtítulo.
 Leer los primeros y los últimos párrafos.
 Leer la primera oración de cada párrafo
 Buscar pistas tipográficas: itálicos, negrilla, subrayado, asteriscos, etc.

El siguiente ejercicio te mostrará cuánto puedes aprender y cuánto tiempo puedes ahorrar
simplemente leyendo solo la primera oración de cada párrafo de la lectura:
Megacities (Sao Paulo, Brazil).
Activity 1 Lee la primera oración de cada párrafo. Luego, asócielo a la idea principal
correcta de la lista.
¿Cuál es la idea principal del texto (utiliza tus propias palabras en inglés)?

SCANNING es una técnica de lectura rápida que le permite buscar rápidamente información
específica como: un nombre específico, fechas, números, una palabra en un diccionario,
ejemplos, una dirección en un directorio sin leer el texto completo.

El scanning implica:

 Mover tus ojos rápidamente a través de la página tratando de buscar palabras y frases
 Saltear sobre partes grandes del texto sin leer o entenderlos.
 Buscar palabras claves o palabras repetidas
 Buscar palabras en negrilla, itálicas, o tamaño de Fuente, estilo o color.

ACTIVITY 3 Lee el artículo Megacities (São Paulo, Brazil). Luego elige la opción

1. The first cities started ____________ year ago.

a. 1000 b. 5000 c. 10,000
2. Every week, ____________ people in the world move from rural areas to cities. a.
a.400,000 b. 800,000 c. 1 million
3. The world’s largest city is ____________.
a. Tokyo b. Mexico City c. New York
ACTIVITY 4 Lee el artículo de nuevo y encuentra la información en el artículo. Todas las
respuestas son números.

Some people love cities, and other people hate them. But everybody wants to live in one. The
first cities then started about 5,000 years ago. Since then, cities have always been the centers
of everything relevant. The government, businesses, and the universities were always in the
city. Around the world, more than 1 million people move every week from rural areas to a city.
In the year 2030, 60% of the world's people will live in cities. These cities will be bigger than
ever. A megacity is a city with a population of over 10 million people. In 1995, the world had 14
Mega cities. In 2015 there will be 21 megacities. And the ranking will change. Today, the
largest cities of the world are :1 Tokyo, 2 Mexico City,3 Sao Paulo, 4 New York,5 Mumbai. In
2015 they will probably be 1 Tokyo,2 Dhaka, 3 Mumbai, 4 Sao Paulo, and 5 Delhi.

Megacities around the world face the same problems: traffic and housing. Sao Paulo in Brazil
is a good example. There are 30 million daily trips in Sao Paulo, says Jorge Wilheim, a city
official. 1/3 is public transport, 1/3 is private cars, and 1/3 is walking. 60 to 70% should be on
public transportation. The city is building a new freeway and adding to the subway system, but
its slow work. Every day millions of people are sitting in traffic jams.

Housing is also a serious problem for 18 million people in Sao Paulo. Most of the jobs are
downtown, and houses and apartments are very expensive there. So, workers live in cheaper
places far away from their jobs and commute for many hours. And many new residents can't
find any housing for their families, so they live in slums. People find empty land and build small

Ilson da Silva is one man who has done this. When he came to the city 6 years ago, he didn't
have a job. He built a one-room hut next to a garbage dump. Now he works as a janitor, and
his house has 3 rooms and 1 flower garden. The government has brought in running water and
electricity and the slum is becoming a real neighborhood. For Ilson, and for millions of other
people, megacities mean hope for a better future.

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