Booklet 4th Year 2024

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Instituto San José Obrero

Lema institucional: ” Llamados a promover la dignidad humana”

CURSO: 4to A y B
PROFESOR/A: Valeria Dorna

Al finalizar el año se espera que los/las alumnos/as logren:

1. Desarrollar y enriquecer su competencia comunicativa a través de la exposición de
textos orales que respondan a la especialidad.
2. Analizar e interpretar textos comerciales, de la especialidad, usando diferentes
3. Participar y comprometerse con la interacción grupal y las prácticas
comunicativas que facilitan el aprendizaje.
4. Producir textos escritos y orales de acuerdo a la especialidad (memes, cartas
comerciales, summaries, etc.)
5. Adquirir autoestima y confianza en sí mismos y aprender a trabajar con
independencia debido a la naturaleza interactiva y cooperativa del trabajo.
6. Participar y comprometerse con los valores de nuestra comunidad.


Los criterios e instrumentos de evaluación son orales y escritos

● La evaluación es constante en el aula: corrección de tareas y ejercicios del día (oral –
escrito) que podrán ser solicitados (en el caso de solicitar la ejercitación del día solo
será recibida en esa fecha) y éstos conllevarán una nota numérica que será parte de la
calificación del cuatrimestre.
● Exámenes escritos individuales, trabajos prácticos, elaborar textos de acuerdo al nivel,
escucha de audios para completar textos, ejercicios aplicando gramática, comprensión
lectora, proyección de videos y ejercicios escritos de compresión de los mismos.
● Evaluaciones orales: lectura de textos, utilización de audios para escucha y repetición y
así mejorar la pronunciación, interactuar con el docente y /o compañero en el idioma.
● Se utilizará una instancia al final de cada cuatrimestre para recuperar contenidos de
cada periodo.

_____________________ _____________________

Firma del padre/madre/tutor Firma del alumno/a

Unit 1: Let`s revise!

*We use Simple Present to talk about:

1. general truths (Water boils at 100º C),

2. habits (I eat healthy food),

3.routines (She goes to school in the morning)

4. states (She has long hair).

*These are the ADVERBS: always, usually, often, sometimes, never, every…, in the

morning/afternoon/evening, At night/weekends






-work works

-go goes (termina en –o)

-wash washes (termina en –sh)

-watch watches (termina en –ch)

-kiss kisses (termina en –s)

-fix fixes (termina en –x)

-play plays

-study studies (termina en Y y tiene una consonante antes)



4)Circle the right option:

*We use Present Continuous for:

1.descriptions of pictures (In this photo, she is wearing a red dress),

2. actions at the moment of speaking (I´m using my computer now)

3. temporary or changing situations (Take a sweater. It´s getting cold)

*These are the ADVERBS: now, at the moment, today, nowadays

*Some verbs are NEVER used in Present Continuous. They are the stative verbs. Examples:

believe, hate, like, need, prefer, remember, agree, seem, etc

- work working
- live living (termina en –e)
- run running (consonante –vocal- consonante)
-study studying
-play playing


EX: She is washing the car

EX: She isn´t washing the car

EX: Is she washing the car?

1)Choose the right option:

⮚ Mixed tenses practice! (present simple and continuous)
A) Choose the right option:



E)Complete with the right tense:

1. Sorry I can't help you. I ____________ (not know) where she keeps her files.

2. What ____________________you ________________(do) next Saturday? Nothing special. I

_____________________ (stay) at home.

3. I _______________________ (think) your new hat ________________ (look) nice on you.

4. I ___________________ (live) with my parents but right now I ________________ (stay) with
some friends for a few days.

5. I can't talk on the phone now. I ______________________ (drive) home.

6. Where are the children? They _________________ (play) on the beach over there.

7. You never _________________________ (listen) to a word I say.

8. He __________________ (not understand) what you _________________ (talk) about. He's



1.Are you watching tv?

2.Where does your sister work?

3.When does Joe go home?

4.Where is Jane going?

5.What are you doing?

6.Do you get up at ten?



I start work at 7 every day.

2. _____________________________________?

She is doing some shopping


She does the shopping at a shopping centre.

4. _______________________________________?
I'm thinking about my summer holiday


*We use Past Simple to talk about:

1. Past habits or routines. I usually went to the park in the afternoon

2. Completed actions in the past. I finished primary school in 2000
3. Events in a story. She ate lunch, washed the dishes and then had a shower
4. General truths in the past. The Chinese invented printing
5. Permanent situations in the past. I studied at San José Obrero School

Affirmative form

*Remember we have: IRREGULAR VERBS (2nd column in the list) and REGULAR VERBS

*For regular verbs we follow some rules (affirmative form):


Work (regla general, agregar ED) worked
Live (si termina en E solo agrego D) lived
Stop (si termina en consonante+vocal+consonante, ponemos stopped
doble consonante +ed)
Play (si termina en Y y adelante tiene vocal, sigue la regla played
general , agrega ED)
Study (si termina en Y y adelante tiene consonante, la studied
cambiamos por I y agregamos ED)

I lived in Brazil two years ago

I went to the beach every day

Negative form

She didn´t live in Brazil

She didn´t go to the beach

Interrogative form

Did they live in Brazil?

Did they go to the beach?


*The most usual: yesterday, ….ago, last…., in 1990

*We use Past Continuous to talk about:

1. An action in progress in the past at a specific time. I was watching a film at six o´clock in the

2. A description in a story. It was raining. I closed the windows.

3. An action in progress in the past when another action interrupts it. I was having dinner when
you phoned

4. Temporary situations in the past. Before he found a flat, John was staying with a friend

*Some verbs are NEVER used in Past Continuous. They are the stative verbs. Examples: believe,
hate, like, need, prefer, remember, agree, seem, etc (nunca se usan en Past Continuous)

Affirmative form

I was sleeping SUBJECT+VERB TO BE+VERB (ING)+…


Negative form
They weren´t sleeping (WASN´T/ WEREN´T)

Interrogative form
Were you sleeping? (WAS/WERE)



work (regla general, agregar ing) working
live (si termina en E, la saco y agrego ing) living
stop (si termina en consonante+vocal+consonante, ponemos stopping
doble consonante +ing)
play (si termina en Y y adelante tiene vocal, sigue la regla playing
general , agrega ing)
Study (si termina en Y y adelante tiene consonante, sigue la studying
regla general, agrega ing) OJO! Esto es distinto al past simple!!


When (cuando) When you phoned I was sleeping (combinamos los dos pasados)
When I was working in the computer, my friend phoned

While (mientras) While I was studying my brother was sleeping (va continuo en las dos
partes. Acciones simultáneas)

While I was cooking, someone knocked the door (podemos combinar

los dos pasados)

I-he –she-it WAS
You-we-they WERE


1) Paint the right option

I spent/was spending my holidays in Wales last year. I travelled/was travelling around by

bike. Every morning I got up/was getting up early, set off/was setting off on my
bike, visited/was visiting the villages on the way and talked/was talking to people.

My friends preferred/were preferring to spend their holidays by the sea. So while

I cycled/was cycling, my friends sat/were sitting on the beach.

But one day, when I talked/was talking to a farmer in a village, my mobile rang/was
ringing. My friends phoned/were phoning to tell me how awful the weather was/was
being at the seaside.



A)Choose the correct options.

1. I listened / was listening to the radio when I heard / was hearing this fantastic song.

2. Helen is wearing / wears blue jeans and a T-shirt today.

3. When the teacher said / was saying ‘Stop!’, I still tried / was still trying to finish the last

4. I feel really silly! While I danced / was dancing, I fell / was falling and broke / was breaking my

5. In summer we usually are going / go to the beach.

6. Tom and I watch / are watching a good film at the moment.

7. Tim played / was playing a computer game when his mum called / was calling him for lunch.

8. I looked / was looking for a file on my memory stick when I noticed / was noticing there was a

9. It starts / is starting to rain, and we are waiting / wait for the bus in the open air.

10. Ron found / was finding a really interesting website about dance music while he surfed / was
surfing the internet.

11. My mum had / was having breakfast near the computer when she spilled / was spilling her

cup of coffee on the keyboard.

12. The football match finishes / is finishing and the players are celebrating / celebrate their

13. How many pictures did you take / were you taking while you travelled / were travelling
around Ireland?

14. Why did you chat / were you chatting to Philip while I tried / was trying to tell you something
really important?

B)Complete the sentences with the present simple, the present continuous, the past simple or the
past continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

1. ________________________learning English? (you/like)

2. _____________________this programme. (I / not understand)

3. My dad ____________________(listen) to classical music when I____________ (arrive) home

from school.

4. Jim and his father ____________________ (not watch) TV. They’re asleep.

5. Tony is upstairs in the bathroom. He ______________________(wash) his hair.

6. My cousin ___________________(meet) his wife, Bianca, while he _____________(live) in Italy.

7. Why ________________(you/run)? Are we late?

8. There are some strange noises in the sitting room. What ___________________ (Tom / do)?

9. What time __________________________(John / get up) every day?

10. When we ____________________(leave) school yesterday, it __________________ (rain).

11. I ___________________________(leave) home at 7:00 o’clock every morning.

12. Fred and I are good dancers but we ___________________not / go) to discos very often.

13. When ___________________( the lesson/ start)?”

“It ___________________(begin) five minutes ago.”

14. What _______________________ (do/ Pam)?.

Pam? Oh, she’s a doctor.

15. I ____________________________(always / stay) in the same hotel in New York.

16. Joanna ________________________ (not / cook) the dinner at the moment.

17. Yesterday, Jane ___________________(not feel) well so she________________ (call) the


18. Tony____________________ (work) at the moment. He’s on holiday.

19. Why _____________________ (you/smile)? Because I’m happy.

20. We __________________(play) video games when my mum _____________ (say) ‘Turn the
volume down!

21. ’What ___________________(you/read)?

A letter from my sister.

22. What time __________________ (get up)?

Me? About 7.00 usually.

23. _____________________(the dogs/ bark) at midnight last night?

24. My little sister ____________________ (draw) a picture while I __________________ (study)

for my French exam.

25. How ________________________ (you/go) to work?

I _____________________(usually/ catch) a bus.

26. Excuse me. I think that you______________________ (sit) in my seat.

27. I _______________________(switch off ) the computer because it _______________ (make) a

strange noise.

28. Don’t talk to me now. I _____________________________(write) an important letter.

29. When you ______________(see) Paul, he ___________________ (he/wear) a black jacket?

30. I ___________________________(stop) playing football because I __________________

(break) my leg

C)Form questions for the following answers, pay attention to the underlined word/s

1- _________________________________?

Susan works in a factory.

2- _________________________________?

Yes, he did. Tom bought 10 pair of shoes.

3- _________________________________?

Melissa is chopping some vegetables.

4- __________________________________?

They ran 10 kilometers.

5- _________________________________?

I usually work on Fridays.

6- ________________________________?

Teresa is eating your lunch because she is hungry.

7- _________________________________ when you had the accident last year?

My parents were sleeping when I had the accident last year.

8- _______________________________ at home last summer?

No, they weren´t. My friends were on holidays.




We use PAST SIMPLE when:

● the action is complete .

Example: The movie ended
● there is time reference.
Example: I visited Sam yesterday
● we talk about past routines.
Example: I went to school in the morning

● to talk about past actions or states which are still connected to the present.
Example: Be careful!! My father has just painted the walls
● when there is not time reference.
Example: Argentina football team has won 2 World Cups
● to express experiences.
Example: I have never eaten sushi
*The structure: remember!!! HAVE (I, you, we,they) HAS (he, she,it)



yesterday already Since/for

….ago just Ever

Last… yet never

In 1990 So far Up to now

On Monday still before

Once/twice Three times


Pay attention!!

I have already had lunch

Se usan en afirmativo y se ubican entre
She has just had lunch have/has y el past participle (verbo principal)

They have never gone to Europe

She hasn´t finished the test yet se usa en negativo y al final

Have you ever travelled to Brazil? Se usa en pregunta, entre sujeto y past partiple

Si observás las oraciones verás que son muy parecidos. Pero mirá
como se usan:
He has studied at San Jose school for 10 years
FOR + cantidad de tiempo (años, día, horas, etc)
He has studied at San Jose school since 2010
SINCE + momento en que empezó la acción (año, día, horas, etc)



Have you seen my house? Yes, it is that creepy one there. You may be asking yourself “How has
he ended up in that place?”; well, the answer is quite simple. My family has owned this house
since 1840. As you can see, it is very old, but my family has taken care of it during all this time for
a very special reason: ghosts. My grandpa told me that the house was built on a native-American
cemetery, so it has been cursed since then. Many people have seen mysterious shadows walking
in the house and things moving; they have also heard strange noises, like a little girl crying or an
animal scratching. I haven't seen any ghosts, but I have felt them, and I have also seen what they
can do. Let me explain myself. I went to the house for my vacation and one night I saw that the
mirror of the living room was full of blood, but when I looked again there was nothing. I´m really
scared of this place, but now I have to live here for a few years because I inherited it from my

1._ Answer the questions in complete sentences using present perfect. Use contractions only for
negatives. A.Since when has the family owned the house?

B.Has the author seen any ghosts?

C.Why has the family taken care of the house?

D.Since when has the house been cursed?

2._Underline these ideas in the text.

a.___ Who owns the house?

b.___ When was the house built?

c.___ The name of the ghosts.

d.___ Why is the author living in the house?

e.___ Why is the house haunted?

3._Complete the sentences using present perfect. Use contractions only for negatives.

_____ you _____ (see) my house?

Many people __________ (hear) strange noises.

I ___________ (not see) any ghosts.

My family __________ (own) this house since 1840.


a.The author 1. is a man.

b.One of the ghosts 2. on a native-American cemetery.

c.The house 3. was full of blood.

d.The author´s grandfather 4. told him the story of the house.

e.The house was built 5. have seen ghosts.

f.Many people 6. have taken care of the house.

g.The mirror 7. is a girl.

h.The author´s family 8. is very old and creepy

2 Complete with the right tense (Present Perfect or Simple Past)

3 More practice....

1) Are the underlined parts of these sentences right or wrong? Correct them where
1. I’ve lost my key. I can’t find it anywhere. …………………………………..
2. Have you eaten a lot of sweets when you were a child? …………………….
3. I’ve bought a new car. You must come and see it. ………………………….
4. I’ve bought a new car last week. …………………………………………….
5. Where have you been yesterday evening? …………………………………..
6. Lucy has left school in 1999. ………………………………………………..
7. I’m looking for Mike. Have you seen him? …………………………………
8. “Have you been to Paris?” “Yes, many times.” ……………………………..
9. I’m very hungry. I haven’t eaten much today. ………………………………
10. When has this book been published? ………………………………………..

2) Make sentences from the words in brackets. Use the present perfect or the past
1. (it / not / rain / this week) …………………………………………………….
2. (the weather / be / cold / recently) ……………………………………………
3. (it / cold / last week) ………………………………………………………….
4. (I / not / read / a newspaper yesterday) ……………………………………….
5. (I / not / read / a newspaper today) …………………………………………...
6. (Emily / earn / a lot of money / this year) …………………………………….
7. (She / not / earn / so much / last year) ………………………………………..
8. (You / have / a holiday recently?) ……………………………………………

3) Put the verb into the more suitable form, present perfect simple or past simple.
1. I don’t know where Lisa is. ………………………….. (you / see) her?
2. When I …………… (get) home last night, I ……………………….. (be) very
tired and I ……………………. (go) straight to bed.
3. A: …………………………. (you / finish) painting the bedroom?

B: Not yet. I’ll finish it tomorrow.
4. George ……………………. (not / be) very well last week.
5. Mr Clark ………………………… (work) in a bank for 15 years. Then he gave
it up.
6. Molly lives in Dublin. She …………………………. (live) there all her life.
7. A: ………………………… (you / go) to the cinema last night?
B: Yes, but it ………………… (be) a mistake. The film ………………..
(be) awful.
8. My grandfather ………… (die) before I was born. I ……………………..
(never / meet) him.


Writing a postcard
● Draw a postcard and imagine that this is something you saw whilst on holiday.
● Write the postcard to a friend telling them about your imaginary holiday and
how the picture relates to it.
● Remember to use Present Perfect and Past Simple.
● The number of words is not so important but do it the best you can.
● Here you have an example:

UNIT 3: What if?
If clauses are conditional statements. In some cases, they are divided into type 0,
type1, type 2 and type 3.

⮚ Conditional type 0 (general truths)

This conditional is used when the result will always happen. The 'if' in this
conditional can usually be replaced by 'when' without changing the meaning.

We use: Simple Present /Simple Present

▪ If people eat too much, they get fat.

▪ People get fat if they eat too much

More Examples

▪ The baby wakes up if we make too much noise.

▪ If he phones, tell him to wait me in the garden.
▪ If you press the button, the television turns on.
▪ Do not wait for me, if I am late to presentation.
▪ If water reaches 100 degrees, it boils.

⮚ Conditional type 1 (real situations)

It's used to talk about things which might happen in the future/present. Of
course, we can't know what will happen in the future, but this describes possible
things, which could easily come true.
We use: Simple Present/Simple Future

● If it rains, I won't go to the park.

● I won´t go to the park if it rains.

More Examples

● If I study today, I'll go to the party tonight.

● If I have enough money, I'll buy some new shoes.
● She'll be late if the train is delayed.
● She'll miss the bus if she doesn't leave soon.

Watch this video!!

A. Complete with the right tense for Zero Conditional:

1) If I ________________(wake up) late, I _________________(be) late for work.

2) If my husband ________________ (cook) , he __________________(burn) the


3) If Julie __________________(not/wear) a hat, she ____________________(get)


4) If children _____________________(not/eat) well, they ______________(not/be)


5) If you _________________(mix) water and electricity, you

_________________(get) a shock.

B. Complete with the right tense for First Conditional:

1) If I ___________________(go) out tonight, I __________________(go) to the cinema.

2) If you _________________(get) back late, I __________________(be) angry.

3) If we __________________(not/see) each other tomorrow, we _________________

(see) each other next week.

4) If he ___________________(come) , I __________________(be) surprised.

5)She _________________(cook) dinner if you _______________(go) to the



A. Complete using Zero or First Conditional:

1. If I see him, I _______________(give) him a lift.

2. The table will break if you _______________(sit) on it.

3. If he _______________(eat) all that, he will be ill.

4. If I find your passport, I ______________(telephone) you.

5. The police _______________(arrest) him, if they catch him.

6. If he _______________(read) in bad light, he will ruin his eyes.

7. Someone ________________(steal) your car if you leave it unlocked.

8. What will happen if my parachute _______________(not open)?

9. If he ______________________(wash) my car, I'll give him $10.

10. If she __________________(need) a radio, she can borrow mine.

11. If you ________________(not go) away, I'll call the police.

12. I'll be very angry if he _______________(make) any more mistakes.

13. If he ____________________(be) late, we'll go without him.

14. She will be absolutely furious if she ________________(hear) about this.

15. If you put on the kettle, I _________________(make) some tea.

B.Multiple Choice (Zero or First Conditional):

1) I ... grateful if you ... what I said to yourself.

will be ... will keep am ... keep will be ... keep

2)I ... you any alcohol, if you ... over 18.

won't sell ... are won't sell ... aren't will sell ... are

3)If this is a good article, I ... Formula One driver!

will be am would be

5)If you're in love with someone, everything ... different.

Is are will be

6)If you take an aspirin, you ... better.

can feel felt

8)If you heat water to 100 C, it ...

Boils boil will boil

9)I won't go to the party if she ... me.

Invites doesn't invite will invite

10)If you want to be with me, ... me that you love me.

Tell will tell don't tell

C.Complete with your ideas

1. If it rains, we_____________________________ (zero)

2. If you don’t have money, you ___________________ (zero)
3. If I go out for dinner, I ____________________ (first)
4. If it rains, I won’t ______________________________ (first)
5. If I eat anymore cheeseburgers, I _______________________ (first)
6. If I get sick, I won’t _________________________ (first)



▪ Write a CAMPAIGN or a POEM using Zero and First Conditional.

▪ The number of words is not so important but do it the best you can.
▪ Look at these examples:


*Modal verbs are followed by an infinitive verb.

*We use modal verbs for all subjects. We don´t add –ing/s/ed, etc. Example:
She can walk (She cans walk)
I can walk
He must study

*Attention! Have to (I, you, we, they)/ has to (she, he, it)
Don´t have to (I, you, we, they)/ doesn´t have to (she, he, it)

* Can and be able to express ability but can expresses a general ability and be able to expresses an
ability in a particular moment with an effort.

* Have to is a strong obligation (rules), it´s impersonal. Must is weak and personal. Sometimes we
can use both.



Was able to play (hab. específica) Am able to play (hab. específica) Will be able to play
Were able to play (hab. específica) (habilidad general y
Is able to play (hab. específica) específica)
Could play (habilidad general)
Are able to play (hab. específica)

Can play (habilidad general)

COULD/CAN/BE ABLE TO los usamos para expresar una habilidad. Sin embargo, ellos se usan en
distintas situaciones. CAN/COULD expresan una habilidad general, ejemplo: I CAN/COULD play
football, mientras que BE ABLE TO se usa para expresar una habilidad en un momento
determinado, puede existir un esfuerzo para hacer la acción. Ejemplo: I was able to escape from
the fire.

Usamos BE ABLE TO porque uno no anda escapando del fuego todo el tiempo, se da en un
momento específico y me costó un esfuerzo.

En el caso del futuro, la única opción que existe es BE ABLE TO para cualquier tipo de habilidad. Ej.
I will be able to climb that mountain the following year.


Expresamos una opinión subjetiva (viene del sujeto). Es cercano a aconsejar: estaríamos
brindando nuestra opinión a nuestro interlocutor.

● It’s Mary’s birthday, you should call her.

Es decir, es un poco opcional que la felicites o no, ya que no habría mayores consecuencias si no
lo hicieras. La forma negativa sería: shouldn’t.

Con ought to, en cambio, lo que decimos es una verdad en sí misma, objetiva (viene de afuera del
sujeto). El ejemplo más claro es usarlo cuando se está sujeto a leyes y otras obligaciones

● Mary the lawyer needs to talk to you about the case. You ought to call Mary

Fíjate además que en el caso de Ought to, la forma ought siempre se usa seguida de to: Ought+
to+ verbo principal. Recordá que la forma negativa es: ought not to

También tené presente que estos verbos son a veces intercambiables. Tienes que pensar en el
tipo de situación que se exprese en cada momento. Si tiene consecuencias legales por así decirlo,
es mayor o más rígida, usá ought to.

Modals of Ability
Put in ‘can’ / ‘can’t’ / ‘could’ / ‘couldn’t’. If none is possible, use ‘be able to’ in the
correct tense:
1. _________________ you swim when you were 10?
2. We _________________ get to the meeting on time yesterday because the train was delayed
by one hour.
3. He _________________ arrive at the party on time, even after missing the train, so he was very
4. He’s amazing, he _________________ speak 5 languages including Chinese.
5. I _________________ drive a car until I was 34, then I moved to the countryside so I had to
6. I looked everywhere for my glasses but I _________________ find them anywhere.
7. I searched for your house for ages, luckily I _________________ find it in the end.
8. She’s 7 years old but she _________________ read yet – her parents are getting her extra
9. James _________________ speak Japanese when he lived in Japan, but he’s forgotten most of
it now.
10. I __________________understand the chapter we had to read for homework. It was so

Modals of Obligation
Put in ‘have to/has to’ ,‘ must’/‘mustn’t’ or ‘don’t / doesn’t have to’:

1. We have a lot of work tomorrow. You _______________ be late.

2. You _______________ tell anyone what I just told you. It’s a secret.

3. The museum is free. You _______________ pay to get in.

4. Children _______________ tell lies. It’s very naughty.

5. John’s a millionaire. He _______________ go to work.

6. You _______________ wash your hands before lunch.

7. I _______________ do my washing, because my mother does it for me.

8. You____________________ to respect traffic lights.

9. You _________________ take a shower every day.

10. You _________________ feed your dog every day.

Modals of Probability
Put in ‘can’t’ or ‘must’:

1. Why is that man looking around like that? He _____________ be lost.

2. That woman _____________ be a doctor! She looks far too young.

3. The food is really good at that restaurant. They _____________ have a great chef.

4. Who’s that at the door? It _____________ be Susie – she’ll still be at work now.

5. This _____________ be John’s house. This house has a red door, and it’s number 24, just like he

6. What a lot of lovely flowers you have! You _____________ really like gardening.

1. Choose the right forms mustn´t ,have to, don't have to, can, might, should or shouldn't
to complete the following sentences.

1. You _____________ shout at the children. It frightens them. (OPINION/ADVICE)

2. I’m sorry but you _______________bring your dog in here. It’s forbidden.

3. You ______________ have a visa before travelling to the USA. It’s the law.

4. I think you _______________ think carefully before you sell the house.

5. I ________________wear a uniform at my new school. (LACK OF OBLIGATION)

6. You __________________ leave your bag open on the bus. (OPINION/ADVICE)

7. We _________________go now or we’ll be late. (OBLIGATION)

8. She ____________________dance very well but she can’t sing. (ABILITY)

9. You ______________________ be at the airport by five o’clock.(OBLIGATION)

10. I'm not sure where I will go for my holidays, but I ____________ go to Italy.

Mixed modal verbs

1.Circle the right option:

1. George has travelled a lot. He can/ can´t speak many languages.

2. I can hear you quite well. You don´t have to/can shout.

3. I'm not sure where I will go for my holidays, but I must/might go to Italy.

4. She mustn´t/doesn´t have to ride her bike at night without lights. It's not allowed.

5. She may/should not eat so much chocolate because it's bad for her figure.

6. It's later than I thought. I should/shouldn´t go now.

7. Talk to Ann about your problems. I'm sure she can/mustn´t help you.

8. You doesn´t have to/don´t have to vacuum the carpets because Carol has already done

9. You must/can´t be tired because you have worked very hard.

10. can/could you speak many languages when you were young?


A meme is an image or video that is spread widely on the internet, often altered by
internet users for humorous effect. NOW IT`S YOUR TURN TO CREATE A MEME!!



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