Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs

New entrepreneurs – how to qualify for the scheme

If you've just started a business or intend to soon, you could qualify for the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs exchange scheme.

The scheme - which is partly funded by the EU - allows you to spend some time in another EU country working for, and learning from an experienced entrepreneur. Please note that this is an exchange scheme, not paid employment.

To qualify for the scheme, you must be able to demonstrate your motivation and firm intention to start a business. You will have to present a solid business idea, including a realistic business plan. You must also be able to complement the programme funds as needed to cover the costs of your stay abroad.

You can still apply even if you already started in business, as long as you have been running the business for less than 3 years at the time of application.

You must be over 18 years old and a resident in a participating country.

Duration of the scheme

The duration of the scheme is between 1 and 6 months. It is recommended to complete the exchange without interruption, but it is possible to split your stay into several parts, as long as you finish within 12 months of starting the programme.

Who to contact

In most countries there are local contact points (Intermediary Organisation - IO). They will guide you through the application and exchange process and pay out your financial support. In case there is no IO in your country you can get in touch with an IO in another country.

EU financial support

You will receive financial support to help towards your daily living costs and travel expenses while participating in the programme. The amount you will receive varies from country to country.

Country where the new entrepreneur stays Amount given per month while staying in the country (in euros as of June 2024)
Albania 600
Armenia 850
Austria 1000
Belgium 900
Bosnia-Herzegovina 650
Bulgaria 650
Canada 1050
Croatia 800
Cyprus 850
Czechia 750
Denmark 1200
Estonia 800
Finland 1000
France 950
Georgia 750
Germany 900


Hungary 700
Iceland 1000
Italy 1000
Kosovo* 650
Latvia 700
Liechtenstein 1200
Lithuania 650
Luxembourg 900
Malta 750
Moldova 700
Montenegro 650
Netherlands 950
North Macedonia 650
Norway 1200
Poland 650
Portugal 850
Romania 650
Serbia 650
Singapore 1150
Slovakia 700
Slovenia 800
Spain 900
Sweden 1000
Türkiye 800
Ukraine 600
United Kingdom 1100
United States of America 1200
Entrepreneurs from/to: EU Outermost Regions and Overseas Countries and Territories 1200
Entrepreneurs with disabilities (regardless of the country of stay) 1200

*This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.

How to apply

Documents required to apply:

  • Your CV
  • Your motivation letter
  • Your business plan

For more information you can consult the Registration guide for new entrepreneurs PDF .

Becoming a host to a new entrepreneur

If you are a successful and experienced entrepreneur or owner of a small business, you could qualify to host a new entrepreneur. You can benefit from being part of this scheme in many ways, for example:

  • Working with a motivated new entrepreneur can bring innovative views, new skills and knowledge to your business.
  • You may have the possibility to learn about foreign markets, this could lead to expanding your business opportunities and engaging in cross-border activities.
  • You may have the opportunity to improve your language skills.

How to apply as a host

What you need to participate as a host in the programme

  • You must be a permanent resident in an EU Member State or any of the other participating countries.
  • Your must provide your CV (specifying your entrepreneurial experience – minimum 3 years - and information on your current business).
  • You must be able to demonstrate your motivation towards participating in the scheme

You can read more about what your role will entail in the guide for host entrepreneurs PDF .

See also

For enterprises & entrepreneurs
For consumers & employees

Need support from assistance services?

Get in touch with specialised assistance services

Do you have questions on operating a business cross-border, for example exporting or expanding to another EU country? If so, the Enterprise Europe Network can give you free advice.

You can also use the assistance service finder to find the right help for you.

Last checked: 04/09/2024
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