© World Health Organization (WHO) 2021.
All rights reserved.
WHO Health Security Learning Platform - Training Materials
Terms of Use
By downloading and/or using the training materials from the Health Security Learning Platform (the HSLP), you accept these Terms of Use. Please read them carefully.
1.1 WHO hereby grants to you, free of charge, a non-exclusive, non-transferable and non-assignable license (the "License") to use the training materials and all related documentation and files, for non-commercial purposes.
1.2 You may not sell, distribute or otherwise sub-license the training materials to any third parties, or in any way provide access to the training materials to any third parties, without the prior written consent of WHO, or in a manner consistent with the terms of these Terms of Use.
2.1 Except as otherwise indicated herein, WHO owns and shall retain all right, title and interest in and to the training materials, including all intellectual property rights embodied therein, including (i) all of the service marks, trademarks, trade names or any other designations associated with the training materials; and (ii) all copyrights, patent rights, trade secret rights, and other proprietary rights relating to the training materials. Nothing contained in this License shall be deemed to convey to you any title or ownership in the training materials or the related documentation.
2.2 You agree: (i) not to remove any WHO identification or notices of any proprietary, patent or copyright restrictions from the training materials, or any support material such as the related documentation; (ii) not to develop methods to enable unauthorized parties to use the training materials; (iii) not to develop any product similar to the Training materials for commercial distribution; and (iv) not to state or imply that your use of the training materials is the product of, sponsored by, or related to WHO, or to use the WHO name or logo in connection with your use of the training materials.
2.3 Notwithstanding the prior provisions, WHO permits you to prepare modified versions of the training materials, for local needs and/or in local language, provided that if you prepare such a modified version, you shall:
(i) provide the following attribution in your modified training materials:
“These training materials are a modified version of the [TITLE OF THE TRAINING PACKAGE], which is © the World Health Organization (WHO), [YEAR], and used with permission from WHO. WHO disclaims any responsibility for any modifications to, or revisions of, the WHO copyrighted materials.”
(ii) not use the name or logo of WHO in the modified materials, or state or imply that any modifications made are the product of, or endorsed by, WHO; and
(iii) not, in any event distribute such modified training materials for a fee, or in connection with any fee-based or otherwise commercial arrangement.
3.1 WHO makes no warranty with respect to the training materials downloaded on HSLP, and disclaims all statutory or implied warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process related to the training materials under this License, including but not limited to any warranty of design or fitness for a particular purpose, even if WHO has been informed of such purpose. WHO does not represent that the use of the training materials would not infringe third parties' proprietary rights.
4.1 Notwithstanding anything else in this License or otherwise, WHO shall in no event be liable for any loss or damage whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with this License, including the information contained within the training materials, disruption in access to training materials, or their use or otherwise.
4.2 WHO further expressly excludes liability for any indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages which may arise in respect of the training materials and their use, or for loss of profits or lost data, or for the procurement cost of substitute goods, technology or services.
4.3 WHO further expressly excludes any liability whatsoever for the collection and use of data by you in connection with this License, including without limitation, private patient information, which are your sole responsibility. WHO shall not be held liable for any damages whatsoever as a result of your use of such data.
5.1 You shall indemnify, hold harmless and defend at your own expense WHO, their officers, agents and employees from and against any claims, demands, causes of action and liability of any nature or kind, including without limitation those arising out of your use of the training materials, your officers, agents and employees or otherwise caused by, or arising out of, or resulting from, the exercise or practice of the rights granted under this License, by you, your officers, employees, agents or representatives. This indemnity includes, without limitation, any modification(s) of the training materials that you may make, including, without limitation, translation of the materials into another language.
6.1 This License is in effect so long as you hold any copy of the training materials from HSLP on any of your computer systems or storage media either onsite or offsite. This License may be terminated if you materially fail to perform or comply with any provisions of this License. Such termination shall be effective thirty (30) days after written notice of termination to you if the defaults have not been cured within such thirty (30) day period.
6.2 Upon termination of this License for any reason whatsoever, you shall immediately cease all use of the training materials and destroy and/or remove all copies of the training materials from your computer systems and storage media either onsite or offsite.
7.1 This License shall not be assigned by you without the prior written agreement of WHO (such agreement not to be unreasonably withheld).
7.2 This License may not be supplemented, modified, amended, released or discharged, unless approved in writing by WHO. WHO reserves the right to make changes and updates to this License without prior notification. Such changes and updates shall be applied as of the date of their issuance. Any waiver by WHO of any default or breach hereunder shall not constitute a waiver of any provision of this License or of any subsequent default or breach of the same or a different kind.
7.3 If any provision of this License is invalid or unenforceable under any applicable statute or rule of law, it is to that extent to be deemed omitted. The remainder of the License shall be valid and enforceable to the maximum extent possible.
7.4 Any dispute relating to the interpretation or application of this License shall, unless amicably settled, be subject to conciliation. In the event of failure of the latter, the dispute shall be settled by arbitration. The arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the modalities to be agreed upon by the parties or, in the absence of agreement, in accordance with the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules. The parties shall accept the arbitral award as final.
7.5 Nothing in or relating to this License shall be deemed a waiver of any of the privileges and immunities of WHO or submitting WHO to any national court jurisdiction.