University of Massachusetts Amherst Operations Order 2004-2025 free printable template
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Hey guys I'm going to explain how to issue out an operational order for a mission, so you generally refer to this as an outboard ER by the way I'm not guaranteeing that I'm going to cover everything down to the tee, but I'm going to do my best alright so just to give you some background, so the five paragraph order is something common to multiple nations part of NATO so France Germany Italy Spain in the United Kingdom just to name a few its main purpose is to improve interoperability between the militaries of these member nations alright, so basically they all agree to use the five paragraph order formats MEAN all right, so now this information isn't confidential it's out there for everyone to see okay so what does the five paragraph order Sam each stand for it stands for situation mission execution administration and logistics and command and signal now the Marine Corps adds an O to Sam each making it owes me AK so o stands for orientation, and it's the first element of the Marine Corps op order so owes me X stands for orientation situation mission execution administration and logistics command and signal alright, so now I'm going to go into each one of those so orientation so an orientation you are orientating your subordinates you're telling them where you are and where you're going alright, so your present grid location is the first thing you say, so that is the eight digit grid coordinate then you give the direction of attack so for example we will head northeast at sixty degrees for a hundred meters, so this is the azimuth and distance then you give the objective grid location which is an eight digit grid coordinate then you give terrain and obstacles, so you want to talk about how the terrain and obstacles will affect your mission alright so if it's raining you want to mention that it is raining and to not slip on a log or if it's a brush area that the enemy will use the brush to hide okay now sometimes it's so obvious like if you're in a desert maybe it's not so mandatory like so important to mention it, or maybe you already mentioned it in the last op order you don't need to go over it, and sometimes you just don't have obstacles okay so sometimes the terrain and obstacles may not be mentioned alright so situation, so this includes enemy forces friendly forces and attachments and detachments so attachments detachments is none of us yes so let's skip over that right now so situation is to establish what we're dealing with so what do we have and what does the enemy have how many are we how many are they all right, so we want to have an idea of what we're facing to adapt our execution accordingly, so we make a list for both sides so for enemy forces we use the acronym t s-- walk and for friendly forces we use the acronym has so let's start with the enemy forces so T Scala stands for time size unit activity location and equipment so time when was the enemy spotted two hours ago at what time signs how many enemy personnel were there unit was...
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How to fill out University of Massachusetts Amherst Operations Order?
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