The Friends of Edgewood organization has adopted a 1.7-mile stretch of northbound I-280 adjacent to Edgewood Park. This segment was originally adopted in 1989 by Ken Seydel, who graciously transferred responsibility to the Friends of Edgewood in 1998. Ken served as program coordinator until 2014.
The Adopt-A-Highway group meets at the Edgewood Road / I-280 Park & Ride lot in the morning of the first Saturday of even-numbered months and the first Sunday of odd-numbered (schedule changes are made due to holidays and weather). Work teams disperse along the adopted area to bag litter and move debris to collection points.
For further information about the Friends of Edgewood Adopt-A-Highway program, contact Dave Hershey at road-warriors-coord@friendsofedgewood.org. Adopt-A-Highway is conducted in cooperation with Caltrans, which provides instructions, safety training, and equipment.