Ed center host at land and water exhibit

Ed Center Host

If you are looking for a great way to share your love of Edgewood Park and Natural Preserve, consider becoming an Ed Center Host.

If you are interested in learning more, please contact EdCenterCoordinator@friendsofedgewood.org.


The Bill and Jean Lane Education Center at Edgewood Park and Natural Preserve is staffed entirely by volunteers.  Are you enthusiastic about nature?  Comfortable talking to people? Help us keep the Bill and Jean Lane Education Center open for visitors.  Being a host is easy and fun!

Interact with Visitors

Education Center volunteers engage visitors in a way that maximizes their enjoyment and understanding of the Center, its exhibits, and Edgewood Natural Preserve. Volunteers new to Edgewood participate with the support of hosts who are familiar with Edgewood and its natural history.

Flexible Schedules

Being an Ed Center Host is easy and rewarding. Your main job is to welcome folks to Edgewood and help answer their questions. We will teach you everything you need to know. This is a very flexible volunteer opportunity. Shifts are from 9:30 am to 12:45 pm or 12:45 pm to 4:00 pm on Saturdays and Sundays and Wednesdays from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm. You can sign up for as many shifts as you like on whatever weekends or Wednesdays you like. There is no minimum or required number of shifts per month.


New volunteers learn on the job. Each new volunteer is paired with a host who is already familiar with the Education Center and Edgewood Natural Preserve.  Volunteers also have access to supportive written and video information from which they can learn about Edgewood, the Education Center, its exhibits, and enhancing their communication with visitors.

