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Goodreads Choice Award
Nominee for Best Romance (2018)
Sola Morte, former cat burglar and safecracker, has given up her old life on the wrong side of the law. On the run from a drug lord’s family, she is lying low far from Caldwell, keeping her nose clean and her beloved grandmother safe. Her heart, though, is back up north, with the only man who has ever gotten through her defenses: Assail, son of Assail, who never meant to fall in love—and certainly not with a human woman. But they have no future, and not just because she doesn’t know he is a vampire, but because he is not about to stop dealing arms to the Black Dagger Brotherhood.

Fate, however, has other plans for them.

When Assail falls into a coma and lingers on the verge of death, his cousins seek out Sola and beg her to give him a reason to live. The last thing she wants is a return to her past, but how can she leave him to die?

As a lethal new enemy of the vampires shows its face, and the Brotherhood needs Assail back on his feet, Sola finds herself not only a target, but a mission-critical force in a war she doesn’t understand. And when Assail’s truth comes out, will she run from the horror... or follow her heart into the arms of the male who loves her more than life itself?

463 pages, Kindle Edition

First published April 10, 2018

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About the author

J.R. Ward

211 books50.5k followers
J.R. Ward is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of numerous novels, including the Black Dagger Brotherhood series. She lives in the South her family.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,871 reviews
Profile Image for Christy.
4,238 reviews35.1k followers
April 16, 2018

The Thief is the 16th book in the Black Dagger Brotherhood series, and though it was primarily about Assail and Sola, there was so much of my man Vishous I was a happy, happy girl! I’m pretty sure this is as close to another V and Jane book we’ll ever get, so it was a win in my book!

V and Jane’s story was realistic in a way that sometimes even the happiest of couples drift and experience rocky times in a marriage. I love the way JR Ward worked their story line. I love my boy V so much and I was a bit nervous about how his parts would go, but I was happy with the way it all turned out.

Assail and Sola’s story is one I’ve been waiting on for a while. I ended up loving their part of the book as well. Vovo, Sola’s grandma, is one of the best characters of this book period. I adored her. And I loved the cousins! I was lucky enough to go to the book event with JR Ward and she threw around giving the cousins a woman that they share. I am down with that! But back to Sola and Assail- I love how strong and tough Sola is. I’m anxious to see how she, as a human, will fit in to the world long term.

Now, the only real reason this wasn’t a five star read for me… Victoria. I feel like there was way too much time spent on her. I did not need that much of her POV. It took away from the other storylines IMO. I’m glad how her story was laid to rest, but ugh. I could have done without seeing so much of her.

Overall, The Thief was a fantastic addition to the BDB books. I love this world and will never grow tired of reading these books. The next book in this series will be The Savior and it’s Murhder’s book. I can’t even explain how excited I am about this! Bring. It. On.
Profile Image for P .
691 reviews342 followers
May 31, 2018
“I love you, Assail. I love you with all that I am and all I will ever be, and if you die tonight or tomorrow or the night after, I just want you to know that you will always be with me. Right… here.”

It took a long time for me to write this review. But hey, I'm here for it now. First, I'd like to say how much I've been in love with BDB. I was introduced to Dark Lover like many years ago, and since then, every year it's my duty to read each book even though I don't have much time anymore.

The Thief started off with Assail being coma in the BDB mansion and his cousins go for Sola for their hope that she could save him in some ways. For his sake, Sola comes to meet Assail for one last time. She is there for saying goodbye but she hasn't imagined that he would open his eyes and recover very fast.

“Revenge… was a dish best served calmly..”

V and Jane also have their problems to solve. V's insecurity is increasing and it starts effecting his love life. He must do something to fix what's happening in his mind and he has no idea that his conflicts would lead to their failed relationship. I loved this couple. I've been there for them all the time, and having a chance to meet them once agian in this book made me so happy.

“I love you, too, Jane Whitcomb. Forevermore.”

I used to be annoyed because of communication between Assail and Sola being destined to fail. Sola always run from her problems and Assail doesn't face them either. That's a massive failure. But in this book, the situation forces them to open their hearts gradually and there's no secret lying between them. I'm glad that the story turns to this way even if the ending felt a bit rush and Assail being careless was quite unbelievable for me. Anyway, I liked the most part of this book. V and Lassiter being together in the same room is the best scene I could ask for.

I'm still waiting for the next book, The Savior featuring Murhder, to come out because, as I said before, it's become a ritual to read the new BDB book each year.
April 21, 2023
3 My feels are so conflicted Stars

reread 4/2023

* Lots of Spoilers*

Okay so I am going to try really, really hard to articulate the way this book made me feel. Hopefully it won't come out a huge jumbled mess. See the last few books in the BDB series have been double edge swords for me. In these recent books J.R. Ward has taken much beloved past characters and wrote them doing things so out of character for their personality. For example Tohr who I loved for most of the series, turned into an unlikable ass wipe since he came back after his Shellan's death. I understand Wellsie death ripped him apart, but I am so sick of feeling like Autumn is his consolation prize. The way he treated and still at times treats his new shellan Autumn is so bad that it makes me wish that Ms Ward had not given him a book yet, as it is clear he wasn't ready to remate. Another example is Qhuinn. I fucking adored Qhuinn..... Then his ass went bat shit cray cray in The Chosen. Now I don't even want to read about his abusive, shitty father, raging ass. I don't know if I will ever get over the way he treated Layla, Blay, and Lyric. Now in this book She took my beloved V and made him selfish and ugly in my eyes. I can't fucking believe he had the balls or ball in his case to even think about cheating let alone set up a fuck session with one of his old playthings. Am I suppose to be comforted by the fact that he didn't follow through on his cheating?

Now I'm gonna get a little personal here. I fucking hate cheating with everything in me. My ex-husband was a pos cheater. That shit was one of the most painful things to live through. To have someone that you love and trust betray you that way makes you doubt everything about yourself. Now I understand that cheating happens in real life(been there got that tee)but I don't want to read about it in my books. I don't want to relive that pain. And that is what V did to me. I could feel Jane's pain like it was my own. I had memories pop into my damn head about an ex husband I haven't even laid eyes on in 12 years because V said something that my ex said. The way V acted like it was Jane's fault that he would almost cheat was total bull shit. One of my favorite things about Paranormal romances and BDB specifically is that mates don't cheat. They are faithful period. J.R. Ward took that away from me too. Why Warden? I love you why??? Bonded males are not even suppose to want other women!

Now like I said V doesn't go through with it and for that I am glad because I would have never been able to forgive him. I still like V but I lost a lot of respect for his character. I don't think of him as a good mate now. I will forever think of how instead of going to Jane and telling her that they had problems and needed to talk he called another woman and planned to have kinky sex with her. J.R. Ward said this was the last book for Jane and V. I pray to GOD that it is because if she keeps this up I will end up hating his ass.

I loved Assail in this book. He was great. I also really loved his cousins and I hope they get a book. Vovo was funny as hell and really made the book. Sola on the other hand was just okay for me in past books and in this one she came off judgy and cold. I mean if someone came and told you the man you thought yourself in love with was dying and you were needed.... Would you

A) panic because the man you love is sick and dying and go to his side as fast as you can

B) offer to Skype call him or something because you can't go

C) refuse to go sorry

D) both B & C

Well if you are Sola it would be D. I could not fucking believe she was like "can I call him or something?" and then was like "sorry not sorry but I can't go." Vovo makes her go and when she gets to Assail's side she actually tells him "I LOVE YOU!"

Bitch please! Now I tried to get over her refusing to go to him at first. Even though it was cold blooded, but then she acted like a hateful ass hat when she found out he was a vampire. I really wondered what the fuck Assail seen in that judgy bitch. I didn't feel their love at all. I felt Assail got screwed in the mate department. On top of that, it didn't feel like a hea. It felt like an unfinished love story. So I am guessing more to come from them. Vitoria was a lame, useless character. She had no point, was boring, and took up way too many pages for my liking. Now I am very interested in Murhder and Jo. I can't wait to read more on them. I just hope Murhder doesn't start too much shit between Xhex and JM. I love them and I don't want their HEA messed with. I really liked throe's new evil army. Their super creepy and just what the series needs to keep it fresh. Throe and that book love of his are freaking gross AF but it added well to the plot. I love Lassiter! Period! Now all my ranting and bitchin' aside I still love J.R. Ward. I still adore the BDB. I will still read every book The Warden writes, and I will wait impatiently for the next book. But PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Warden Please no more cheating or almost cheating!!!!!!

Profile Image for Sophia Triad.
2,240 reviews3,659 followers
April 1, 2019
“Vampires. In Caldwell —"

After I read this awesome book really thoroughly and slowly, there is only one thing that I can say:

If you love Vishous (our V of course), you don't want to miss this book. Trust me. True.

Well, this was another amazing experience in the BDB world.

***Many spoilers***

So, let's see all the major characters that appear in this book:

Assail: “Well, hello, beautiful”
Sola: “Can you stay with me? Don’t go now. Stay here with me for a little while?”, but also “So you like being a liar.”
Vishous: “I’m the son of a fucking deity. You want me to be average?”
Jane: “You hurt me....Don’t do it again.”
Butch O’Neal: “I’m good to go!”
Qhuinn: “Next time, you drive. Until then, shut up.”
Rhage: “Orange. I don’t like orange. Then again, I got it out in the dark. Thatswhathesaid.”
Evale: “You take care of my kin, I take care of yours.”
Ehric: “My cousin picked the right female.”
Vovó: “We will go. It is God’s way.”
Throe: “I have my faith, and my faith has me.”
Cormia: “Just in time! Scones are fresh out of the oven.”
Phury: “How about some forgiveness?”
Wrath: “Can someone tell me what the hell he’s wearing?”
Murhder: “My signature is no good.”
Lassiter: “Shah. All is well.”

As you may have realised, if you expected a book only for Assail and Sola....well, you will NOT get one...

As per usual this book is another episode in the life of Brothers' series and the story of Assail and his chosen female takes up only a portion of the book. Actually if you count the times and the pages Vichous and Jane appear and the times Assail and Sola appear, you will notice that our favourite V and his bonded female definitely win the number of appearances.

The two main love stories are obviously a “second chance” romance. Marisol Maria Rafaela Carvalho and Jane Whitcomb will give another chance to Assail, son of Assail and to Vishous, son of the Bloodletter respectfully.

Vishous behaves like a stupid neglected male, while Jane (as a workaholic) needs a break in order to think things through. They have lots of work to do to save their relationship. But when they find their sparkle again, it will be glorious and hot! Vishous apparently has gotten over Butch and (thank God) Jane acts now more like a human and less like a ghost i.e. she has showers, she sleeps, she is jealous and she drinks tea.

Assail needs to bounce back. His cousins know what they have to do to help him (By the way, every time I think of them mated, I can only picture them in my head with one single female. They look inseparable and I think Ward would write an awesome MFM story. She hasn't hesitated to write ménage scenes in the previous books....Anyway, let's go back to this book...) Sola cannot deny anymore that she is in love. And if her Vovó cannot find a nice catholic boy for her granddaughter, she will have no problem accepting a nice friendly protective vampire as her granddaughter’s husband. Still things will not be easy for Assail and Sola. There will be trusting issues and accepting issues.

Other than that, many substories are interwoven with these two stories. Throe and his army of shadows are the new enemy, but lessers are also still around and they can be dangerous. Throe just tests the waters for the time being and I seriously wonder how Omega feels with a new dark force in the neighbourhood.

Moreover, in the human world there is a story of revenge and a woman is about to discover the vampire world when she will become a vampire herself or die. We will see in the next book.
And a specific someone has to accept a great fortune-if he wants it naturally.

Lastly, besides Butch more vampires discover God and midnight mass. The disappearance of Scribe Virgin has left the vampire world with a huge spiritual gap and the new Scribe Virgin will appear. Surprise! Or maybe not such a big surprise if you follow Ward's announcements and answers when the right questions are asked.

As you have realised, this is NOT a standalone and if you love PNR I strongly recommend this series.

Profile Image for Carolina Carriço.
543 reviews689 followers
May 16, 2018
Don't read this if you want to go into this book knowing nothing.

Information from the 2017 Cincinnati event:

- Part of this book will featured Marcus (the blood slave discovered by Assail) and therefore Z.
- Boo is the Scribe Virgin (and always has been).
- Next induction into the Brotherhood is happening soon.
- The Bastards will eventually be inducted as well.
- From the BoB Syn is her favorite (and he may be gay/bisexual).
- Vishous won't cheat physically, but thing between him and Jane will get a lot worse before something brings them back together.
- Ward doesn't like V & Jane together. For her Vishous was Butch's, but back then (10 years or so ago) it wouldn't have been welcome.
- Eddie and Adrian from Fallen Angels will show up. Davina will also come back, and she's related with that magic stuff Throe is messing with.
- Nalla has some special ability (she had a nightmare where she saw Throes bringing that shadow assassin to life).
- Muhrder will come back and have his own book.
- Lassiter had to give up something big to be able to bring Selena back.
- Lassiter's book isn't going to happen that soon because he has to stabilize things for him first.
- Lash is coming back.
- She would love to write more about S'hex.
- She wants to write another spin-off where she jumps forward in time and pairs up the kids with their mates.

About Legacy:
- Ruhn will be part of the training center.
- She still doesn't know which Brother will be featured in the next book.
- Qhuinn's brother will have his story told in the BDL.
Profile Image for Book Obsessed Chick .
14 reviews5 followers
April 12, 2018
I’ll read it -_-

But I’m saying this very clearly.

No easy forgiveness for V. None. I’m sick and tired of the males in this series getting a free pass to break their females’ hearts and then with a snap of a finger they’re forgiven.


J.R. Your preference of men and hatred for women has come across loud and clear in your Books, but enough. Even if V doesn’t cheat, he’s still thinking about it which proves he isn’t really mated to Jane based on your own invented laws of mating, doesn’t it?

Also. Tohr. Keep that selfish asshole out of my face unless you’re ready to finally get over Wellsie (Yes YOU. Not him. This is all about YOUR hang up over her death) and allow Rosie (I refuse to call her Autumn till Tohr redeems himself) to have a TRUE love story. I’m sick of him. I’m sick of him hurting her and her just SMILING through it. Bullshit. She loves him and she’s been through shit too. SHE DESERVES MORE AND NO REAL WOMAN WOULD SIMPLY SMILE THROUGH HIS BS. I know this is fiction but come on. Enough.

I’m sure you can all see by now I’m still riding the fed-up express after the last book. This author’s writing has become a hot mess. Clearly her and her characters cannot see eye-to-eye for shit and she needs to get her act together before I become the next person pushed away from this series for life.

Praying the next book is much better on these fucked up subplots *rolls eyes*

4.11.18 Update

So after reading the early reviews—Jane catches V on the verge of CHEATING, and you make it all JANE’S fault?!—I have decided I’m done with this series.


You’ve lost another reader.

I can’t believe I’m saying this to a woman ... but I’m fucking sick and tired of your misogynistic bullshit. You’re forever dragging these women through the mud and letting your immature, fucked up males get away with doing everything under the sun to them.


What kind of example do you think you’re setting for women all over?

I’m sick of it. And unfortunately for you I’m not the only one. I’m going back to reading Kresley Cole. Her females aren’t pathetic, weak, spineless creatures that let their males get away with shredding their hearts time and time again ✌🏼
Profile Image for Melanie.
1,247 reviews101k followers
March 4, 2023
1.) Dark Lover ★★★★★
2.) Lover Eternal ★★★★★
3.) Lover Awakened ★★★★★
4.) Lover Revealed ★★★★★
5.) Lover Unbound ★★★★★
6.) Lover Enshrined ★★★★
7.) Lover Avenged ★★★
8.) Lover Mine ★★★★
9.) Lover Unleashed ★★★
10.) Lover Reborn ★★★★
11.) Lover at Last ★★★★★
12.) The King ★★★★★
13.) The Shadows ★★★★★
14.) The Beast ★★★★
15.) The Chosen ★★★★

It always feels so good to jump back into JR Ward’s world. This is book sixteen, with so many spinoffs and novellas intertwined, so I feel like I can’t say much, but this is just a series I will always love. Basically, in the Black Dagger Brotherhood we follow a bunch of powerful vampires, that are in an elite group that protects humans, vampires, angels, and a bunch of other paranormal entities, and they all live in this big mansion, and they all are one big family that’s just saving the world.

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Buddy read with my best friend Paloma! ❤
Profile Image for UniquelyMoi ~ BlithelyBookish.
1,097 reviews1,697 followers
May 4, 2018
I haven't been reading much over the past couple years. Lack of time has been an issue for me, but the real issue is that some of my favorite authors have slowly but surely morphed their worlds into something nearly unrecognizable from the worlds I had fallen in love with. Honestly, that's okay. I get it. It's to be expected that an author would want to stretch their writing wings and fly in new directions. That said, it's not required that I take the journey with them if I don't like where they're headed. That's how I've felt about the last few Black Dagger Brotherhood books - until now.

The Thief is the 16th installment of J.R. Ward's The Black Dagger Brotherhood series and has all the things I enjoyed in her earlier books. There's action, intrigue, romance, humor, and lots of surprises - but what I most love about The Thief are the Brothers, Assail, and Sola and her vovo. I was fully engrossed in their stories and invested in them, as 'people'. No contrived drama, no loose ends, no lame, out of character cliff-hangers designed to appease some fans, which only served to anger others... no. There is none of that. What there is is this - the BDB world and the males who live there, who I fell in love with so many years ago.

And I can't tell you how good it felt to spend time with them again.
Profile Image for Joana.
606 reviews55 followers
March 29, 2019
*** SPOILERS ***

WARNING: Lots of spoilers and info regarding the next books (Black Dagger Legacy included) given by the Warden at the 2017 Cinci event!

Man, this book was awesome. Something about it felt like old time, I can't explain it. After all the clastrofuck with The Chosen and this being a book with Sola and Assail as two of the main characters I wasn't expecting to enjoy it so much, but I did.

Sola and Assail still aren't my favorite people to read about, I'm still immensely pissed that they stole so much from Qhuinn and Blay's book (and I always will, I've come to terms that I have a hard time letting go of the past and when things aremn't done the way I want them to), but yeah, this wasn't so bad. I love Vovó, I think she's the best and I have to admit that I'm kind of really obsessed with the Twins... and the plans Ward has for them...

Vishous was obviously a big part of the story and I'm in heaven because of it. Vishous should be the one character to be present in ALL books, he's such an important character and always in the center of all the major events. I love that and I love him and this is great. I was worried about the drama between him and Jane but it wasn't so bad after all, it was nice seeing normal shit happening to a couple and them dealing with it. I adore Vishous. (I wish we had had Payne in it, this series is seriously lacking Payne and Vishous moments and I don't think that's right.)

The plot is also reaching a level of awesomeness that has been missing for a long time. Going a few books back something started to feel strange and going ways that I wasn't sure about, but I liked the darkness and urgency that I'm feeling now. It felt different, this book felt different and it made me laugh like old time, it really had fun moments in it alongside the plot development with V finally knowing about Lassiter, the Boo thing being revealed and a bunch of other details and hey, Murhder is finally coming!

It didn't feel like an ending like the other books usually do, it still feels that there are some lose ends regarding Assail and, like I said, I really want Vishous to continue being a noticeably present, although I do know the Warden has said she's done with V "as far as new books go" and I honestly want to cry.

I'm always terribly nervous because of these books which is absolutely ridiculous but there you go, anyway as usual I adore this world and I'm so happy with how thing turned out.


Okay. Okay. Lot to process.

The Thief will be about Assail and Sola and that's fantastic. #Not

I'm okay(ish) with Assail but I don't like Sola and I honestly just don't care at all about her.

Good thing about Assail's book, though, is that we'll get to see Z, since the blood slave that Assail saved will have a big role in it.


He is definitely the Bastard that caught hold of my attention and Ward says she loves him and that he may be bisexual or gay and I'm !!!! with that.

I'm getting ahead of myself but I can't freaking wait.

I'm also so excited about Ruhn joining the training program! I can't wait for his and Saxton's book!

And Luchas will have his story too in the BDL.

She also plans to someday write another Black Dagger series that brings the Brothers's Young as main and fucking bless that.

A new Brotherhood induction is coming and YES!! also... now the Bastards can be induced into the Brotherhood too and I'm absolutely more than fine with that.

Can you fucking believe that Boo is the Scribe Virgin???? I mean????? (I cannot stop thinking about iAm and Book and I'm so ????) If Ward really does right that Scribe Virgin story, I hope she'll explain how the hell she is Boo and what are the "implications"'of it.

Okay so I am outraged that no one asked about Blay & Qhuinn. I don't care if it's too soon or whatever I need to know they will have a chance for another book!!!!

But then something was said that almost (and I mean almost) made me forget about this huge fail...

Ward said that she doesn't like Vishous and Jane together, that she doesn't think they should be together. She thinks V should be with Butch, and the reason they are not is because 10 years ago she couldn't write what she wanted.



Profile Image for Nazanin.
1,183 reviews781 followers
April 13, 2018
3.5-3.75 Stars

First of all, I don’t know why we had Vitoria’s POV! That really annoyed me because she doesn’t have anything to say and if we skipped her POV, we would lose nothing!! I really don’t know what was Ms. Ward’s purpose of it! Second, I really liked Assail and from the first time he was added to the series I was so excited to read his own story but this book didn’t justice it! I mean this book must have been Assail and Sola’s story! They must have been the main characters! But unfortunately, their story felt as one of the subplots and instead V and Jane’s was like the main one! But the thing is they had their own book before so it was fair if the author was more focused on Assail's!!! But nonetheless it was a good read and I liked it! told in multiple POV, 3 rd person. It’s the sixteenth book in The Black Dagger Brotherhood series and it should be read in order.
Profile Image for Princess under cover.
617 reviews308 followers
December 9, 2018
Read the sample. Can not keep my interest to save my life. And I just got through Dearest Ivie, which I liked. It's always hit and miss with JR these days. Maybe I'll come back to it at some point when I'm desperate.

Update: Borrowed the book from a Goodreads friend. Thanks so much hIpnoticraQs! Good thing I did not have to pay $15 for this. The rating would be a lot worse (as in negative) if that were the case. Right now, I'm giving it 2.5 stars, rounded up generously to 3, then rounded down again cuz the more I write the more pissed off I get.

As my initial note indicates, this book was BORING. I skipped over about 30-35% of it. Anything related to Vitoria I skipped. What was the point of that other than to introduce a life-death sit that made h realize she *really* loves H? Sure she loved him when he wasn't on the verge of death, but she was ready to leave his ass, and now that he's shot up, she loves him too much to leave him. Unoriginal much?


What I didn't like (because my "like" section would be too short):

lack of real chemistry between H and h See my notes for some of the details. But it was like a side story rather than the main story. The main story was more around V and Jane, and I've got major probs with that too. The stuff between Sola and Assail was just meh. Totally lackluster. I liked Assail in The Beast. He was funny! He has no personality here. Just like any other vampire Ward writes about. Nothing to distinguish him from all the rest that are starting to blend together so much I can't tell one person from the next.

the cringe-worthy stuff between V and Jane What I disliked the most was not even the CRAP that started this thing off (see my reading notes) but how out of character it was. Jane was not likeable. V was totally not his bad ass self. WTF? It's like someone else morphed into these characters, not that I ever liked this particular couple, but I certainly expected them to stay in character. Some readers have speculated that Ward is using a ghost writer, and I wonder if that has some merit in this case. So watered down and melodramatic these days. Whinny.

I can't even be bothered to write much more. Don't even have the energy to rant. There's nothing about this book that distinguishes from any other book she's written. Nothing unique. Everything trope and overused. No personality. No surprises. The only reason this book gets any stars is that some of the writing still flows. The My Little Pony pants thing was OK. But even then I hardly cracked a smile. And if I judge this book based on whether I want to read more from the author then the rating totally needs to be rounded down.

Profile Image for Jen.
1,655 reviews1,117 followers
October 1, 2019
****4.5 Stars!!!!*****

I loved being back in the BDB world again!! To be honest, when it came to this book I avoided it for a long time! Mainly because I was scared of what one of my beloved couples were potentially going to go through. ( yes, I talk about them like they are real people, because JR Ward writes them in a way that they truly do come to life in my head!!!) It turns out, I had no reason to fret, and I should have had faith in Ms. Ward! I loved seeing this couple fall in love with each other all over again!!!

As far as Sola and Assail ( this is the couple who’s book this was mainly about!) I have never felt super invested in them or their relationship.. however, I did become more emotionally attached after reading this book!

My docking a half a star is because of the storyline that included Vitoria. I didn’t care for her as a person and found that I became a bit bored when there was any focus on her throughout the book.

If you are a fan of this series then I have to say you will be very pleased with the new directions JR Ward is taking the series. She has breathed new life into a series that had gone a little stale for a few books and I can’t be happier!!!
Next up is Mhurder’s story and I am very intrigued by him! I can’t wait!!!
Profile Image for Jilly.
1,838 reviews6,478 followers
April 19, 2018
Sooooo much better than the last one, The Chosen. Of course, that was such a steaming pile of dookey that there really was only one way to go from there. So, points for improvement.

This book was a combination of the continuance of Sola and Assail's story, which started in Lover at Last, and some relationship drama between Vishous and Jane. There was a small, newer storyline involving a new(ish) bad guy, but mostly it was these two couples working things out.

If you are a fan of the series (and don't hate Jane), you will probably like this one. The only thing it lacked, IMO, is the awesome Vishous/Butch relationship. Butch barely made an appearance, and even though I find him and Marissa to be a bore, I love the V&B bromance. After recently reading that J.R. Ward had always thought of those two as a couple, but writing a gay couple back then just wasn't allowed, I was hoping that somehow she would have put that spark into their present relationship. That didn't happen. I guess I'll always have my pervy dreams...

Still, it didn't suck.

Profile Image for Sonia.
1,110 reviews1,614 followers
Shelved as 'do-not-read-cheating'
April 9, 2024

I am soooooooooo angry!!!

Why the FFFFFFFFF did J.R. Ward ruin a couple I loved?????
I can't believe I've spent money on her books, only for her to ruin the HEAs/HFNs I've believed in for years!!!

Jane did NOT deserve that Vishous... you gross man! I'm so angry!

If I could return the book, I would 🤬

#GiveMeMyMoneyBack #StopMessingUpHEAs
October 17, 2022
Reread in anticipation of Murhder’s book The Savior in just a few more days....can’t wait!!!!

*******WARNING: MILD SPOILERS**********

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4 Fangtastic Stars!!

I’m breaking down my review as usual to cover everything going on here....

V and Jane

I know a lot of fans want V and Butch together....not this girl. I love V and Jane together regardless of JRW’s recent revelations. Why? Why, would she say such bullshit and shatter my faith in her? Fans don't like this couple for some reason, that reason being Jane. They want a V and Butch HEA....Um yeah, not happening, Butch is totally in love and dedicated to Marissa....and has been since his first glimpse of her in Dark Lover. I've always loved V and Jane together, and now I feel betrayed by JRW, I wish she would have keep her secrets. Anywho, their book was favorite so knowing there was trouble ahead for them gutted me, and honest to God I was dreading reading this book, but, I’ve always trusted JRW and where she took the series, so I’ll continue to follow my instincts.

JRW did NOT disappoint! V and Jane faced marital problems and she didn’t sugarcoat their problems and honestly I felt for both of them. They are meant for one another, despite some fans and JRW’s opinions. Their mating was definitely on shakey grounds, but, when V is attacked and wounded Jane can’t turn her back on him and not just because she’s a physician, he’s her mate, and finally once again V’s eyes opened to what he can lose and he was jolted by it, and I couldn't be happier with their outcome!!!

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Sola and Assail

As for Sola and Assail, I really like them but I don’t feel invested in them as a couple for some reason. Assail is being cared for in the brotherhood medical center, his body is shutting down on him and he's allowing it. His devoted cousins, who have pretty prominent roles, make the decision to go to Sola, she is their last ditch effort, only she can bring him back and she does. But, they are still in trouble, Sola doesn’t know Vampires exist. We also, get some more of Sola’s beloved, bossy, and enduring Vovò.

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All the other stuff.....

We get some Phury, which I LOVE! Like many of us, I love the original brothers and it's always a treat when we get to see more of them in the new books. Rhage and Butch both have a role here, I really loved their roles but, regardless of their roles JRW didn’t lose focus on the main couples and issues.

We also get a mention of the reporter Jo, the half breed is very close to her transition, looking forward to seeing where that storyline goes!!! And finally MURHDER'S BACK!!! Yikes, I’m excited and nervous at the same time, I can’t wait to see where that storyline will go!!! Throe is back with his army of shadows....holy crap!! I'm intrigued yet scared for the Brotherhood. I was hoping for more of Trez and Therese, but, we’re going to have to wait for more of them. We also treated to a bit of Saxton and Ruhn.

Lastly, Lassiter, holy heck he is right in the thick of things and not doing a very good job. I have a feeling he’s responsible (totally by mistake, if I’m right) for the newfound power Throe has. All-in-all I throughly enjoyed this installment and can't wait to see what's next!

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Profile Image for Coco.
1,093 reviews541 followers
Want to read
April 25, 2017


Estoy tratando de contenerme para no ponerme a gritar y maldecir a la Ward y al mundo entero, pero debo decir algo.
Me da igual toda la mierda que digan sobre que V y Butch deben estar juntos.
Eso nunca pasará por varias razones

1)Butch ama con locura a Marissa. Butch quiere a V, pero sabe perfectamente el lugar que V ocupa en su mundo.
V puede estar un tanto disperso, pero recordemos que es el hermano (junto con Z) que más difícil ha tenido la vida. Él siempre ha estado solo, y todas las circunstancias que ha vivido han hecho que sea un tío frío, con una personalidad tan difícil, y sumamente independiente.
No está acostumbrado al amor, y es normal que tienda a confundir sus sentimientos.

2) He leído comentarios que opinan que V y Jane no tienen una relación tan "normal y amorosa" como las otras parejas.
Por el amor de Dios, sabemos que tanto V como Jane son independientes, centrados en sus trabajos y nada cariñosos.
Ellos se quieren a su manera y porque no se digan te quiero y se hagan arrumacos a todas horas no significa que sean una mala pareja.

3) También he leído que todas las shellans dan algo a sus parejas que llevan necesitan siglos. Beth dió a Wrath estabilidad, Mary amor sincero a Rhage, Bella comprensión a Z... etc.
Pues bien, llamadme loca, pero creo que Jane dará a V algo que él creía no necesitar: un hijo
Aún no sé cómo, pero la Ward moverá los hilos y hará que sea posible. Tiempo al tiempo.

4) Puede que la Ward diga que no le gusta V con Jane, pero planeó todo con mucha anterioridad para que salieran las cartas así. En el primer libro hizo que Butch se enamorase a primera vista de Marisa y en el libro de V, cuando V ve por primera vez a Jane las palabras "Mía" salieron bien rápidas....

5) Sabemos que la Ward anda bebiendo y consumiendo cosas raras y le gusta demasiado el drama y los líos. Esto es algo que ha liado para que estemos en ascuas y resolverlo con un bombazo gordo: el hijo de Jane y V
Es más, si queréis que me lance a la piscina con más ideas descabelladas, me esperaría que V y Jane tuvieran una niña, y esa niña terminase siendo la shellan del hijo de Wrath y Beth. Recordad también, que Wrath padre es el Hermano con el que V es más cercano después de Butch.

*edito después de buscar información*
La Ward dijo que Nalla iba a terminar con un guerrero. No sabía si era el hijo de Wrath, así que también se me ha ocurrido que Jane y V tenga un niño y ese niño sea pareja de Nalla. Y mini Wrath podía terminar con la nueva hija de Rhage y Mary.
Pero vamos, son suposiciones descabelladas. No me hagáis ni caso.

6) La Ward misma ha reconocido que tienen que pasar cosas muy chungas antes de que V y Jane estén de nuevo juntos. No niego que pueda pasar de todo, hasta infidelidades, pero ellos definitivamente terminarán juntos.
Profile Image for ♥ℳelody.
702 reviews761 followers
November 26, 2018
*4 damn-near-stunned stars!*

Trust me I'm quite shocked myself.

Don't let that ugly cover fool you. 😅

Assail & Marisol

Surprisingly enjoyed their story in this. I wasn’t a big fan of this couple since they were introduced so I went into this book with zero expectations. That paid off. I didn’t realize exactly how bad off Assail was physically until the opening of this book. So bad it actually stunned me. Which I liked. Made for a more realistic, meatier, emotionally-gripping story. Seeing Assail's grave condition gave more dimension and weight to his struggle and the overall world Ward has created. A+ there for me. It also underlines once again that these vamps are not as invincible as usual Paranormal lore makes them out to be, at least not Ward’s vampires. She makes her characters very human, which has always been a big draw in for me. That being said, I wasn’t sure how believable it would be to see a healthy strong vampire completely ravaged and near death over addiction withdrawal. Thankfully Ward pulled it off here nicely. I believed it. I actually found myself feeling sorry for Assail and wanting to see him pull through to be with the woman he loves who is a human, Marisol.

The only negative for me, well actually 2 things really. First, the whole “I’m really a vampire” aspect could have been handled better in the end.

Second thing I wish was handled better: Assail's occupation. He's still jobless, puttering around, having no idea what he's going to do with himself since he is now a retired dealer. Uh...ok.

*crickets* 😐 What role will him and Sola play in future BDB storylines from this point on? Cause I don't see them fitting anywhere unless Assail goes back into the arms-dealing business in order to help the Brothers with the war. And I definitely don't see Sola popping up to "hang" with the ladies at the compound. 😅 So it's kinda awkward to say the least. Assail's aimless direction while recovering wasn't really resolved at all in here which I thought was a little bit confusing and missed opportunity. I thought for sure he would figure out his new path at the very least. Considering this guy came on as an aimless, selfish, coke-snorting, vampire-at-lesure, this didn't really help ground him onto the canvas IMO. If he has nothing to do after this then what was the point of giving him a storyline and a whole ass book to begin with? *scratches head* Just saying. I've always felt this couple were an forced awkward fit into this series and this didn't really help prove otherwise. What was the whole point then of introducing readers to Assail and Marisol if they don't fit onto the canvas? But on a side note, loved Sola’s grandmother vovo and her interactions with Assail’s twin cousins. Too cute and hilarious! I adore Ehric and Evale and they definitely had some funny moments in here.

V & Jane
I see you, he thought. And you are beautiful to me.

For a male who existed separately from everyone, even his brothers, he had to have this unity with his female, with Jane. She and she alone was the one who he could be both strong and vulnerable with, his brilliant, beautiful, full-of-compassion female.
The stars of this book for me. ❤️ And I’m so dang happy with the outcome. I was sweating over this book because of what was teased in the last book and that bomb Ward dropped at the last book signing. Trust me, I was expecting to come out of this wanting to rip Vishous a new asshole. V and Jane are very much a polarized BDB couple, some love them while others don't. I'm the former. I've loved them as a couple and loved their story in Lover Unbound. And given that J.R. Ward has already tried messing with these 2 before and the outcome wasn't great, I was naturally very worried that this couple was done for and that the magic was no longer there. But thankfully, I'm happy to report that the Vane magic is very much still there, still alive and kicking. Huzzah! 🎉
"Yup." Her smile was radiant. "I'm still here."
As his eyes watered from all the fucking feels, he wanted to cut them out of his skull with spoons. "I am so glad no one else can see me like this, true?"

What saved this from being a complete shit show was the source of conflict was addressed and confronted very early on in the book much to my relief. V being the typical macho gruff idiot he is, does stumble a little with what he attempted but he makes effort to right his wrong. They confront the issue head on and everything that needed to be said is said and they both work towards creating a new rhythm in their relationship and being open and communicating. I enjoyed every single scene these 2 shared, together and apart. This pretty much whiped the slate clean with the nonsense that was pulled in Lover Unleashed. And I’m so happy for that. This is exactly how you circle back to HEA established couples. You get them to talk and touch on things from their history and make effort to create new happy memories. I felt like I was back in Lover Unbound seeing these two reconnect, get all flirty, sexy, serious and honest. Just like old times. It was really sweet and refreshing to see and managed to breathe life into a couple that I honestly thought went dormant after their own book. The constant communication is what worked here and what was needed. Seeing V get all emotional again over his mate was such a balm to this battered Vane fan's heart. 💕🙌

Standout secondary character:
Phury- He's actually in this book! 😱 I’m so glad this Brother with the “too big a heart” had dialogue and played an actual role in this. Another angle that felt like the old BDB books and had me feeling nostalgic. His scenes with V felt necessary and organic and made sense. This is how you include and create dialogue for your OG characters, bring them to the forefront for storylines that they need to be included in. I’m hoping him and Cormia share the news they are expecting a bundle of joy soon! ;)

Loser of this book:
Vitoria- Or as I liked to call her Boretoria.

What a complete drip. Throe and his freaky book weren’t enough? I mean I get it, Assail and Sola needed a direct threat but this bitch was snooze on top of snooooooze with how stale and cliche she was. So cliche it hurt. There is nothing that irritates me more than a boring gimmicky villain. There is nothing cunning or threatening about this character. Even her actions & reactions to certain things was all over the place and inconsistent. I don’t think she was needed at all or added anything to the story and in fact her chapters could have been given to Assail and Sola. But then again, considering how much page time these 2 ate up in Lover at Last, I guess this is karma? Lol

Final Verdict: I really enjoyed this. I enjoyed it so much I will probably purchase this once it goes on sale. In paperback. 😊 Assail and Sola’s story ended up being pretty decent, I wouldn’t say they are a favorite of mine but I enjoyed the angst. And V and Jane stole my heart all over again and proved why they are so perfect for each other even when they have conflict. This arc wasn't as problematic as I (and so many other readers) were expecting it to be. I hope Ward keeps to her promise and leaves them alone after this and lets them keep reconnecting in that bedroom of theirs. Cause uh... gah damn, V. 🔥 Whew.
Profile Image for Kat valentine ( Katsbookcornerreads).
724 reviews1,154 followers
June 2, 2018
Fabulous book "True"!!! The THEIF is one of the best black dagger brotherhood reads in this series,i love how jr ward takes us into her world of warrior's and their mates. In this book were picking up with assail and sola. these two are so perfect for each other both have been living lifes on the edge. each dealing with lifes that have gone out of control, for sola the choices she's made bring danger to her and her grandmothers door,so with no choice left they go on the run. For assail his drug habit not only has cost him sola, but it is spinning his life out of control. With the help of the brothers he sets out to end his addiction and hopes to find sola . Also V and jane are having to deal with their relelationship and how they have grown apart,will a betrayl tear apart their lifes or will these two halfs of a whole come back stronger then ever. JR wards books always leave me f##ked up for days,theirs so much emotion in her stories and this one had me talking to the characters like i was their! i bitched,screamed,laughed and cried too,what a emotional journey. I also love many of the referances to tv and movies ,my favorite was the nod to goonies !! lauged my ass off! cant wait to see what throe does next, cant stand this prick!
Profile Image for Alexandra G..
738 reviews1 follower
October 14, 2018
5 stars

So, after all the stress and arguments and worry about this book I can honestly say that it did not disappoint.
I think that we all got so wound up because the author never did something like this and we all freaked out. Suffice it to say that it all worked out in the end, I'm sooo happy with how the story progressed and I kinda' feel like all the freaking drama was unnecessary. (but it got people determined to read the book and find out what will happen so.....)

Right, the main foucus of the book were, supposedly, Assail and Sola. Just like I've said before they are kinda 'meh' for me.
Sure, their story was sweet and complicated but I wasn't that invested in their relationship so, meh.

Some of the "spoilers" are confirmed, like the cat and the Scribe Virgin's successor (even though we know that from the previous book, but the others are starting to find out). Some of them were not true though .

I love V and Jane together. That's all I'm going to say about them.

Murdher is coming! Fuck yeah! We get to see a little bit of him and we'll definitely see more in the next books. *happy dance*
Don't know why I'm so excited. Maybe because he's such a mystery. (a little spoiler about him because I can't help it

Oh, and remember Throe? That frustrated, whiny little bitch? He's 50 shades of fucked up now. More so than ever.

In conclusion, the book was awesome, it did not break my heart and the series remains one of my favourites. Yay!
Read it.
June 8, 2018
“She missed the man she shouldn’t have ever had as if he were a piece of her soul, left behind.
But that was the way of it.
Destiny was such a thief.”
(Sola Morte aka Marisol Maria Rafaela Carvalho)

* * *
“True love required so much more than the boy-meets-girl stuff—and mutual attraction was the easy part: Life did not sit back politely and not interrupt the conversation between two souls united.”
- Doc Jane

* * *
“You are safe with him. He stares at you…like you are his whole world. This makes me happy—I can die now happy. (...) I am old. It is my time—I can’t live forever. But now…I don’t have to worry. He will take care of you. I am…at peace as long as you swear to me now…you will marry him.”
- Mrs Carvalho

* * *
“Trust, is just another word for love.”
- Doc Jane

* * *
“She was smart enough to know that when fate sent you true love, no matter what form it took, you needed to accept the gift.”

* * *
“I love you. Always and forever.”
- Assail
Profile Image for Bev .
2,080 reviews460 followers
April 19, 2024
3.5 - 4 stars.

Whilst I loved Assail and Sola and was absolutely thrilled there was so much going on in this one I didn't know my arse from my elbow at times. Plot lines galore, so much so that I was irritating MYSELF with all the "Wait. What-ing?" that I was doing.
May 5, 2018
3.5 ★'s

This book is supposed to be Assail and Sola's story but the norm has been to have a few more stories involved as well. So, I will break the review down by characters and/or couples and will try to avoid any spoilers but don't hate if one or two slip out! ;)

Assail and Sola:

I've been a big fan of both these characters when they were first introduced in the series. What's not to love about a rich, powerful, cocaine addicted vampire? You just know there's all kinds of angst there. And who doesn't love a kick ass heroine? Sola fits that bill completely.

However, their story was anticlimactic. I just hate to say it. Granted Assail is a mess when the story begins but he was just too nice...and accommodating! I couldn't take it. I wanted Sola's Vovo to kick him in the booty!

And Sola's reaction to the truth was so predictable...it was boring. :(


Another horrible, waste of page time character. I get why she was included in the story but it was too much and I didn't care about anything she did...blah, blah, blah. (all that wasted page time could have been better used to enhance Assail and Sola's or better yet, V and Jane's.

speaking of... V and Jane:

Loved it...okay, maybe that's too strong. I hated the beginning but I loved everything after. Granted I could have used more angst but the story line was totally believable and I was happy with where they ended up.


Boo in the Pit...'nuff said. (He continues to be one of my favs!)



Heart of Gold...NOT 'nuff said! (I need more!)


Now they are intriguing! But I don't understand why we have to another enemy? Isn't there more going on with the Lessers and where in the hell is Lash?

On a different note...I just can't believe what a horrible character Throe has turned into. I hate that I pulled for him when he was first introduced. And don't even get me started with that whole thing with the book...WTH? Major creepy and it's really sad that I'm still pulling for him.

Jo Early:

I LOVE this! She reminds me of Beth. I'm hoping for her and Murhder but I heard she's for


I cannot wait for this "insane" vampire! We've been teased for too long. *Fingers crossed* that he doesn't cause problems for Xhex and John Matthew...okay, some little problems but nothing serious! ;)

Well, that wraps up the major characters in the book. Rhage had a strong presence and almost everyone makes an appearance except Xhex/Payne/Blay/Layla/Trey/iAm and Rehv. (or at least not that I noticed) And is Ghisele new? I don't remember her but some of The Chosen get mixed up for me. I certainly hope she isn't Murhder's female.

As far as the writing goes, I think The Warden has gone back to how she used to write - with less POV's and she's also improved with less brand name dropping. That was refreshing!
Profile Image for Stumble.
26 reviews6 followers
April 11, 2018
Rant ahead.

This was a really flat read. No depth, tired plot. But what's new?
Why do we get a story where the main couple reads like secondary characters? Assail grew on me during previous books and this book doesn't even give us a satisfactory ending. As usual, the human finds out WAAAAAY late about the vampire thing, there's a customary freakout and a rapid solution that doesn't come across as heartfelt at all. Why couldn't it be that she was told like a grownup and that they figured shit out by communicating, learning each other etc. Instead of this tired bullshit. And the entire storyline with Vitoria. Filler. Nothing more than a drawn out plot device.
Could have used that page time exploring Marchus, Ehric and Ehvale instead. You know actual interesting characters that could benefit from in-depth storytelling. But that of course would take effort, and it is becoming abundantly clear that Ward prefers keeping both her characters and storytelling nice and shallow.

And V and Jane. Communication is key, but they still read as fake. And the hammering home of Jane being the ONLY one V trusts and loves. Bitch please.
I was never actually a diehard V/Butch fan back in the day, they simply weren't on my radar.
But V and Jane never actually belonged together and it's even worse that Ward has admitted as much and still. keep. hammering. home. this. tired. storyline. This tired couple. Own your mistake and fix it. Even though it'll cost some fans. Or leave it the fuck be. But Ward can't do that can she.
Because Butch and V fucking belong together (as Ward has now admitted), it's made even more obvious by the fact that V and Butch had only one conversation in this book. Gotta keep them apart from now on, I guess, so there'll be no bdsm or obvious love/ly scenes between those two, like in a certain previous book.
To potentially upset the readers, or the pnr status quo, shitty though it might be, now that would simply be terrible *heavy fucking sarcasm*.
Fuck but I'm bitter.
Profile Image for Jonetta.
2,365 reviews1,193 followers
July 30, 2018
Sola Morte is living safely in Miami with her beloved grandmother, always looking over her shoulder for a threat that she’s sure will come. Assail is still in Caldwell but in a coma as his withdrawal from his drug addiction is not going well. Desperate to save him, his cousins find Sola and appeal for her help, using a slight bit of duplicity as she agrees to return to be at his side. Meanwhile, Vishous and Jane are experiencing some turmoil in their relationship as the Brotherhood is facing a new and ominous threat in the war against the Lessers...or are they the true enemy this time?

This was true, vintage BDB with its multiple storylines but it’s Sola and Assail at the forefront. Theirs is the story I’ve waited for and while there wasn’t a lot of drama, it was just what I wanted. Her grandmother Vovo added lots of comic relief and the tension built as Assail dragged his feet in telling Sola his true nature. Their journey was fun and sensual.

At first I was horrified that V and Jane were going down this dangerous path in their relationship and resented that it was even happening. However, it was important to the the Brotherhood and the connected events regarding the new threat. You’ll have to read it for yourself to understand the outcomes.

I’m still enjoying Jim Frangione’s brand of storytelling. He was brilliant in delivering Vovo’s dialogue, making me laugh out loud. There are so many bright moments (think pink pj bottoms) to balance the very real dangers and threats in the war. This was such a fun and interesting ride this time. I guess it’ll hold me until the next release.

(I received an advance copy from the publisher in exchange for an unbiased review)
Profile Image for Sammy Loves Books.
1,137 reviews1,643 followers
July 8, 2019
***4 "It's about damn time" stars for Assail and Sola***
Oh.. and the V and Jane Drama was Jerry Springer-esque!!
I'm not a fan of angst, but I love a good fight!!

***Assail and Sola***


I was excited about these two about 3 books ago. I'm just glad they finally got their story. I'd forgotten how aggressive and badass Sola could be. I love a strong heroine.


"I love you, Assail. I love you with all that I am and all I will ever be, and if you die tonight or tomorrow or the night after, I just want you to know that you will always be with me. Right...here."

Assail finally got his drug addiction under control. I'm glad too much time wasn't spent on his recovery. I still have PTSD from Phury's rehab.

***V and Jane***

These two should win an Oscar for all their Drama!!

"You meet another woman-female, whatever she is-behind my back and you don't know why you did it? You're the smartest person I have ever met, and even dumb people know why they cheat."
"I told you, I didn't touch her-"

The two of them were leaning toward each other, screaming into the wind, faces contorted, fists clenched- and in the back of his mind, he felt a sadness that this was what they had come dent to: Betrayal. Hurt. Anger. It was the flip side to everything that he had thought they had. Everything he thought they were.

These two allowed their relationship to become complacent, stopped making time for each other, and grew apart. They needed to blow up, have a fight, and fix their sh*t! So glad this drama is over. The sex was frequent but unfortunately, it was no where near as hot as it was in their original book. This was very vanilla...enjoyable...but not smoking hot.

“You’re so damned superior,” she muttered. “I’m the son of a fucking deity. You want me to be average?”

"What you did or didn't do doesn't matter to me. Because as far as I'm concerned, you're a free male as of right now."

Oh and, Surprise! Saxon is mated in this book so I MUST find out what book to read to get his love story because it was long over due.
Profile Image for Tisha.
84 reviews10 followers
April 11, 2018
I didn't think there was anyone I was less interested in than Layla but I found her. Yeah Sola is boring as hell. And her and Assail together is boring which really sucks because Assail is an awesome character and I've been in love with him from jump.

Ward has been building up the V and Jane love wreck for two books now and when it finally happens it's like "that's it!" They spend two days apart and them wham he's "thrusting into her core" like come on you have 454 pages damnit!!!

I'm so over Ward and her lazy "gotta string them along for more money" writing I can barely see straight.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
February 5, 2019
Thoughts on the blurb:

What are the chances Assail dumps Sola and V dumps Jane? That would be a dream book for me.
3.5 stars

Since Assail and Sola's story seemingly got more page-time than Blay and Qhuinn in Lover at Last, this felt like a second book for them. I like that Sola can be badass and has a strong bond with her grandmother - who is awesome and a badass in her own right - but I still find her dull. I liked Assail in the prior books; he was a charmer and a wildcard, but here the romance was all kind of a "been there done that" story of get them back together and then worry about telling Sola his secrets until it's almost the end of the book, she finds out he's not human, panics, danger, injury, and work it all out. I feel like their personalities were both pretty muted until the end of the story and I'm not sure where their characters fit into the long-term story arc.

V and Jane are having very common, very real, problems in the relationship. Both have drifted away from each other and V comes close to doing something that would have ended them for good. He doesn't, they talk things out and I think the story of them as a couple has nothing left to it. JR Ward has admitted she doesn’t like V and Jane together, that V should be with Butch in some way that includes Marissa, but that she couldn’t have sold a Butch & V book 10 years ago. She also believes she can’t change things now (I call BS on this since she is the creator of this series, and probably made boatloads of money on it for the publisher, she's really just afraid to upset a portion of readers). I have a problem with an author writing a storyline she doesn’t believe in and it definitely comes through in the books, so I'm not sure why she even needed to revisit them. There are plenty of characters that are avoided in this series, so why continue with V and Jane when she doesn’t believe it and why keep teasing the Butch and V connection if nothing will ever come of it? It’s insulting to the readers. I realize there are certain rules in Romancelandia, but I doubt JR Ward breaking up a couple will sink her career.

I still like V though and he has some breakthroughs in this story regarding his mother and some nice bro-time with Phury, though Payne was again MIA.

Vitoria Benloise was a big waste of page space. We get a lot of her POV and most of it was unnecessary details. While I understand the need to wrap up that storyline for Assail and Sola's HEA, I think it really could have been condensed, but we did get to see Butch's partner, Det. De la Cruz and I hope that's not it for his investigation.

Now onto the better parts. Throe is getting really creepy and somewhat inappropriate with his bibliophilia. He is all up in that book's business! I like the new shadow creatures and that the Brothers will have something else to focus on. The action in this one surrounded the shadows' attacks and the unexpected aftermath.

Lassiter and V having a moment. I love Lassiter and it appears he's settling into his new role a bit, but I do miss the old Lassiter and something seems a bit off. I hope that we get some of that back soon. I wouldn't like him to become a miserable person because of his position.

And finally, a moment I've been waiting for! No, not that moment - Blay and Qhuinn still aren't mated, but MURHDER is in the house!! Murhder has made his demands and I want to see them met the next book.

Although there was a lot going on this story had a bit more focus than some of the other recent installments. Did I love it? No, but it didn't annoy me all that much either. There was less label name dropping and a few potentially interesting threads that have appeared so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Profile Image for Elsa Bravante.
1,143 reviews203 followers
April 28, 2018
No puedo decir que me haya parecido tan horrible como el anterior libre, pero tampoco puedo decir exactamente que me ha gustado. Es cierto que es entretenido, pero no tiene mucha de la magia que tienen otros libros de la saga, la Ward parece que últimamente escribe deprisa y corriendo, pasa por encima de las tramas y a veces incluso encuentras cosas que van en contra de la misma esencia de los Hermanos tal como nacieron.

En este libro no hay una traición a un personaje como fue para mi lo que hizo con Qhuinn en The Chosen (Ward, todavía le debes un buen libro en condiciones a Qhuinn y Blay, o al menos una novella), pero no llego a comprender bien los problemas de pareja de V y Jane, no puedo comprender bien lo que se propone hacer V cuando desde el primer libro la autora nos cuenta cómo funciona un macho vinculado. Como pasa mucho con esta saga, tienes que pasar por encima algunas contradicciones y algunos momentos los he disfrutado porque siento mucho cariño por los personajes.

En el caso de Assail y Sola, la otra pareja protagonista, también me gustan como personajes, pero su romance en este libro es atropellado, muy descafeinado, con una resolución muy facilona, y solo al final el pico de interés sube.

Me ha entretenido y algunas partes las he disfrutado, fundamentalmente porque siento un gran cariño por la Hermandad y todos los que la componen, pero es posible que si no hubiera sido así no lo hubiera terminado. Para mi son tres estrellas, pero le voy a bajar a 2. El motivo es que es totalmente impresentable e irrespetuoso la representación cultural de Sola y su abuela, se supone que son brasileñas, pero hablan entre ellas muchas veces en español y tienen los rasgos culturales de chorrecientos países latinoamericanos. Una vergüenza, es irrespetuoso y demuestra la gran ignorancia de la autora, si no sabes de un tema y no te quieres informar, no lo toques. Meh.

Profile Image for Beanbag Love.
566 reviews241 followers
April 19, 2018
This was way better than I thought it would be. Oh, there was some of the usual WTF, but overall I actually enjoyed this story.

JRW seemed to tone down the POV number which really helped, IMO. As I said in a status update, at about 50% the POV number often explodes and suddenly new plot lines pop up or are pulled intrusively into the story, making your brain bleed. There was very little of that this time and I think it made for a more focused, less chaotic story overall.

However, the one sudden new POV that happened -- -- presented an issue that was not dealt with by the end. Kind of a cliffie in that regard. But I consider that a teaser and I'd rather have that than the tied-up-in-a-pretty-pink-bow we got at the end of the Chosen where everything was just perfectly wonderful and sugar puffs. *shudder*

I was nervous to start this book because JRW had crossed a line (well, multiple lines, to be honest) in the last one by introducing adultery in a mated/bonded couple. It still makes no sense that a person would leap to that action when they're in crisis before ever even attempting to speak to their mate or anyone else about their emotional state. So, yes, that was a disastrous contrivance. Ultimately, it was handled pretty realistically and the world building held up even if only by the skin of its teeth. It also wasn't wasted as just a contrivance. It launched a story line that brought up realistic conversations that resonated. But one thing that disappointed in a huge way was A hugely wasted opportunity in my opinion.

Now, I admit, Lover Unbound is one of my favorites of the series and I've always been a supporter of V and Jane together. When JRW's not deliberately undercutting them (as she has basically admitted she's done over the years), they're a really great pairing IMO. I enjoyed their story line the most. I know others disagree, but they're them and I'm me and I just like 'em.

Assail/Sola also came off better than I thought they would. However, you'll notice I put them second. That's fitting because they were definitely second in this book. For me anyway. I was much more interested in the B story.

Some of us in the fan group have joked in the run up to this book that it would be funny if Assail/Sola lost page time to someone else since they seemed to steal so much page time from others (especially in Lover At Last - that was insane). But ... when it happened it wasn't that funny. They lost a lot of page time to a character that was newly introduced and who highly likely won't be appearing ever again . So many chapters began with this person's POV. It reminded me of those books where we got a ton of Lesser POV. I skimmed most of those parts and there was no loss in doing so.

There were some elements of the Assail/Sola story that were brought up and not dealt with. This was a big one for me. It kind of raises the "what was the point of that?" question I've been asking all along about Assail.

But, I did like their love story even though I think there's an incompleteness to it. Not that I wanted a honey dumpling epilogue like The Chosen or Blood Vow, but that they both need a purpose and a reason for having been in this series and I don't think that's been settled.

The suspense plot was interesting because it introduced new elements. I'll just say Throe is a freak and not in a good way. Also, I mourn the old Throe who had honor and loyalty, but one needs a villain so one does what one must.

It was unfortunate that Qhuinn made an appearance at all. I need a serious break from that psycho. Of course he was perfectly behaved and Captain Brave and all, but I cannot forget he can be a danger to himself and others at any moment. I had hoped he would not show up for a while after the debacle he was in The Chosen, but there you have it.

Some things that were brought up that may or may not be dropped (hopefully not): And there's probably more, these are just the ones that popped in my head. I hope these are loose ends that lead to future story lines because they make sense.

3.5 stars rounded up because I was pleasantly surprised. ❀

ETA: I just saw that this book reached #1 on the USA Today list. That surprises me. Just goes to show that the "squeaky wheels" (in this case those of us who complained incessantly about Assail -- I'll admit I was one of them) don't actually reflect the sales figures.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,871 reviews

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