Hector Quotes

Quotes tagged as "hector" Showing 1-30 of 35
Ilona Andrews
“Unfortunately, the Best Lord had condemned both vehicles as unsafe and instead I now leased a Pack Jeep I called Hector. Equipped with dual engines, Hector worked during magic or tech. He didn't go very fast, especially during magic, but so far he hadn't stalled on me either. As long as our high-speed chases stayed under forty-five miles an hour, we would be all set.”
Ilona Andrews, Magic Slays

“But you and I - " he brushes the collar of the gown aside - "are students of knowledge. We believe in careful practice to attain perfection.”
Rae Carson, The Bitter Kingdom

François Lelord
“He who spends too long regretting his ruined crop will be neglect to plant next year's harvest.”
François Lelord, Hector and the Secrets of Love

Gena Showalter
“Impossible. I merely brought the essentials. Clothes, my favorite boots, face cream, makeup, a few books to read, a couple cans of caviar, lingerie, and my coffeepot.
Plus a few other things a girl like me just can’t live without but can’t mention in mixed company because it would be indelicate. You know, because they’re sexual.”

- at “lingerie,” Hector and Dallas had stood a little straighter. At “sexual,” they’d moaned. Jaxon punched them both in the back of the head.”
Gena Showalter, Dark Taste of Rapture

Kristen Ashley
“Tex's head snapped in my direction.
Fuckin' A, woman, you've never had a s'more? he boomed
I shook my head.
Christ, everyone's gotta have a s'more before they die. Fuck that shit, I'll build a fire in my backyard tonight and I'll stop by Kumar's on the way home to get the stuff. Everyone can come by-”
Kristen Ashley, Rock Chick Regret

“How do women all know what to do with babies? It's like they have their own special kind of sorcery.”
Rae Carson, The King's Guard

“My supposed destiny can drown itself in the deepest part of the sea. Along with everyone else's plans for me.”
Rae Carson, The Crown of Embers

Gena Showalter
“That’s my cousin, dickwad,” Agent Jaxon Tremain said from Hector’s left.
Had Whacky Jacky been next to Dallas, he would have drilled his knuckles into the guy’s bicep.
“Watch your mouth.”

“By watch my mouth do you mean I should invite your cuz back to my place for a game of Hide the Magic Wand, or my new personal fave, Puff on the Magic Dragon?” Dallas asked conversationally.
“And I know what you’re thinking. I’m really into wizardry these days. Well, you’re right.” Hector gave a rusty bark of laughter. He hadn’t observed Dallas in this good a mood in a long time.

A low growl escaped Jaxon. “I meant I’d scoop out your liver with a spoon, you idiot!”

“Sterling silver or plastic?” Hector asked. In their line of work, details were important.
Besides, he liked being part of their banter.”
Gena Showalter, Dark Taste of Rapture

Gena Showalter
“Then she looked away, dismissing him as if she’d found him to be substandard.

All right, then. She didn’t find him attractive. Good.

In fact, he kept his head shaved to a glossy shine for just that reason. He was a man willing to do anything to discourage feminine attention.
Because yeah, females could be vanity hounds and most preferred their dates to have hair. Black, blond, red, it didn’t matter, as long as the locks were thick and lustrous.

And here was a news flash for little
Miss Giggles: when he allowed his to grow, it was dark brown, nearly jet, with hints of gold and worthy of a fucking lion.”
Gena Showalter, Dark Taste of Rapture

Gena Showalter
“Problem was, he couldn’t masturbate his sexual desires away because he’d fry off his cock." Hector”
Gena Showalter, Dark Taste of Rapture

Josephine Angelini
“Ach, Hector, unser freundlicher Neandertaler." - Helen Hamilton”
Josephine Angelini, Goddess

“Hector, I have to ask. Do you want to be an emperor? Because I could make you one. You could be my equal in rank, with just as much authority. Tristán still owes me votes on the Quorum. We could ram an edict through—”

“No need,” he says, reaching up to brush my bottom lip with his thumb. “I’m a good leader, but you’re a great ruler. I am strong enough—man enough—to be subject to you.”
Rae Carson, The Bitter Kingdom

“His gaze drops to my lips. "I shouldn't do this--"
"You really should." And I close the distance between us.”
Rae Carson, The Crown of Embers

“His name was Humberto, and now you're just being petty.”
Rae Carson, The Bitter Kingdom

Sherrilyn Kenyon
“is it just me or does it seem like the gods have a vendetta against us?" Hector
"They want us dead" Aricles
"Ah, good. I'm not the only one who's noticed. And here I thought it was just me." Hector
"It is disconcerting, isn't it? And battle isn't all I thought it'd be." Galen
"Is that remorse I hear?" Aricles
"It's remorse. I keep going back to that day on the farm when they came to recruit us. Do you remember what you said to me while we packed?" Galen
"Not to forget your cloak?" Aricles
"You told me that battle wouldn't be the same as the war games I' played. That the day would come when I'd grow tired of walking through blood-saturated fields." Galen
"And has that day come brother?" Aricles
Galen nodded.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Dark Bites

“Well, we'll have no more of such foolishness," I say harshly, to cover the wavering in my voice. "We're getting married, and that's that.”
Rae Carson, The Bitter Kingdom

Josephine Angelini
“Aha. Und deine Klamotten konnten das liebeskranke Gezicke nicht mehr hören und sind deshalb von deinem Körper gehüpft und weggerannt?”
Josephine Angelini, Goddess

Elísabet Benavent
“Cierra los ojos- me dijo- Voy a prometerte cosas y no quiero que veas lo mucho que las deseo.”
Elísabet Benavent

Madeline Miller
“Well, why should I kill him? He's done nothing to me.”
Madeline Miller, The Song of Achilles

Madeline Miller
“It is right to seek peace for the dead. You and I both know that there is no peace for those who live after.'
'No,' Achilles whispers.”
Madeline Miller, The Song of Achilles

Ben Bova
“He was close enough so that I could see his face clearly, even with his helmet's cheek flaps tied tightly under his bearded chin. I looked into the eyes of Hector, prince of Troy. Brown eyes they were, the colour of rich farm soil, calm and deep. No anger, no battle lust. He was a cool and calculating warrior, a thinker among these hordes of wild, screaming brutes. He wore a small round shield buckled to his left arm instead of the massive body-length type most of the other nobles carried. In it was painted a flying heron, a strangely peaceful emblem in the midst of all this mayhem and gore.”
Ben Bova

Juan Bautista
“Not all of us can be the most powerful. But each and everyone could be the most dangerous…”
Juan Bautista, HECTOR: The Royal Brothers Part I

Josephine Angelini
“Beautiful," Andy breathed in awe as an iridescent butterfly tumbled past, just inches from her face.
"Definitely," Hector mumbled, staring at Andy and not the butterfly.”
Josephine Angelini, Goddess

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“Shit,” he said. “That was awkward as hell to witness.”
“True dat,” Keira murmured.
“Try being in my shoes,” Rider said, sighing. He pulled me into his side. “You okay?”
“Yeah.” I blinked. “Why...wouldn’t I be?”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, The Problem with Forever

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“Standing, Rider lifted his arms and stretched. His shirt rode up, baring a sliver of his stomach. My gaze dropped and focused in. His lower stomach was unbelievably taut. Defined.
Very nice.
Cheeks flushing, I looked away and caught Hector’s knowing gaze. Crap. I needed to be better about checking out guys. Like incognito style.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, The Problem with Forever

Lisa Kleypas
“Additional flowers had been piled into a pair of massive baskets that were strapped across the back of Beatrix's mule, Hector. The little mule led the crowd at a dignified pace, while the women walking beside him reached into the baskets and tossed fresh handfuls of petals and blossoms to the ground. A straw hat festooned with flowers had been tied to Hector's head, his ears sticking out at crooked angles through the holes at the sides.
"Good God, Albert," Christopher said ruefully to the dog beside him. "Between you and the mule, I think you got the best of the bargain." Albert had been freshly washed and trimmed, a collar of white roses fastened around his neck.”
Lisa Kleypas, Love in the Afternoon

Ozan Önen
“Aşkta Hitler, sokakta Shakespeare, yatakta Hektor'um: Senin için beş paşa etmesem de olur çünkü seni seviyorum. Pes sühan kütah bayed vesselam: 'Ben de seni' deme; bana aniden bir şeyler söyle.”
Ozan Önen, Babam Beni Şahdamarımdan Öptü

Madeline Miller
“My head drops back against the ground, and the last image I see is of Hector, leaning seriously over me, twisting his spear inside me as if he is stirring a pot. The last thing I think is: Achilles.”
Madeline Miller, The Song of Achilles

Cassandra O'Donnell
“— Faites entrer le voyou en costard-cravate, s'il vous plaît.
— L'avocat ou le banquier, madame ? demanda-t-il avec un sourire narquois.
Je haussai les yeux au ciel.
— Le banquier.”
Cassandra O'Donnell, Potion macabre

Lynne Ewing
During the Peloponnesian War a brave Athenian soldier fell desperately in love with the daughter of his commander. He asked for her hand in marriage but she had to refuse. Having dedicated her life to the goddess Selene, she had vowed not to marry until an evil power called the Atrox was vanquished. The soldier swore to destroy the dark force and free his beloved from her vow.
He traveled day and night until he came to the western side of the river Oceanus. There he passed through groves of barren willows and poplars until he found the cave that led to Tartarus, the land of the dead. He entered it, and when he reached the impenetrable darkness, demons swarmed around him.
A towering black cloud surged toward him. He knew it was the Atrox. But instead of trembling with fear, he became intoxicated with his own bravery; he alone had the courage to face the Atrox. If he destroyed it, he would not only win his bride, but also become as powerful as any of the immortal gods.
Pride overtook him as he shot his arrow. A terrible scream pierced the misty air. Then the unimaginable happened. The Atrox surrendered to him and humbly offered a gift of gold ankle bands in tribute.
The young man, eager to return to his love and flaunt his victory, clasped the heavy metal bands around his legs, but as he did, flames ravaged his body and the evil he had set out to destroy consumed him. The Atrox had tricked him and given him not ornaments but shackles, condemning him to an eternity of servitude. Demons carried him away from the underworld and cast him out from Earth.
Over the centuries many people have seen the young soldier in the night sky and thought of him only a falling star. He wanders the universe alone, unable to return to Earth unless summoned by his master, the Atrox.

Lynne Ewing, Moon Demon

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