Husband Quotes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "husband-quotes" Showing 1-30 of 190
B.S. Murthy
“It’s as though men are prone to policing their wives than husbanding them; so, as though to celebrate the poetic justice to their predicament, won’t women turn gleeful whenever they cuckold their caretakers?”
B.S. Murthy, Benign Flame: Saga of Love

Debatrayee Banerjee
“And if you ever feel your Soul is being torn apart, remember there's a piece of it in me.
If you ever stop believing in yourself, remember that I believe in you.
If you ever feel like the world is ending, remember that you're my world.
If you ever feel choked in words and noise of this life, sit with me in my silence and let my calm wrap you in a world that lets you see that my Soul is forever guarding yours in prayers, in words and spirit that Only the Universe knows.
So if you ever feel your Soul is being torn apart, remember there's a piece of it in me.”
Debatrayee Banerjee, A Whispering Leaf. . .

Mwanandeke Kindembo
“Even your future wife / husband will be a complete stranger. Therefore, don't limit yourself to making more friends. At the same time, that doesn't mean not choosing wisely.”
Mwanandeke Kindembo

Carlos Wallace
“My toughest but most enjoyable commitment is husband.”
Carlos Wallace

R.J. Intindola
“When a wife tells her husband, he sucks in bed, it’s undeniable he will obtain a second opinion.”
RJ Intindola – (Gandolfo) – 1981

“The world is full of husbands who love someone other than their wives and wives who hate their husbands.”
Brother Pedro

P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar
“Dear girls, parent love is natural but husband love is a blessing.”
P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar

“Choosing a partner that has the desire to love you the way God wants you to be loved can be beneficial to you.”
Angel Moreira

“Faith confession scriptures to declare when believing for a Godly husband:

• "I trust God to provide me with a husband who loves Him and loves me with a love that comes from God." (Proverbs 18:22, Ephesians 5:25)

• "I confess that God has a plan to prosper me, not to harm me, and to give me a hope and a future with a Godly husband." (Jeremiah 29:11)

• "I believe that God is my perfect matchmaker and will bring me and my future husband together in His perfect timing." (Psalm 37:3-5)

• "I confess that I will recognize and embrace God's choice for a husband, trusting that he will be a spiritual leader and partner in our marriage." (Ephesians 5:22-33)

Remember to hold on to these confessions with faith and patience, trusting that God's timing is perfect. Keep seeking Him and His guidance in your journey to finding your Godly husband!”
Shaila Touchton

Khuliso Mamathoni
“The way most women take care of thier nails and hair, some husbands may wish they were nails and hair.”
Khuliso Mamathoni, The Greatest Proposal

“A man who does not cherish and prioritize his own family, treating them as precious and dear, forfeits the right to be called a husband and father, for a true leader loves and protects his own, just as a shepherd tends to his flock.”
Shaila Touchton

“A husband's role is to lovingly lead, provide, and protect his family, meeting their spiritual, emotional, marital, and financial needs. If he fails to do so, he is worse than an unbeliever, for he has abandoned his sacred responsibility as a guardian and shepherd of his household. A husband's leadership is not about control, but about caring for and nurturing his family, just as Christ loves and sacrifices for the Church.”
Shaila Touchton

“A husband who boasts of being a hardworker and family man to outsiders, but neglects and ignores the needs and pleas of his own family members at home, is like a whitewashed tomb - appearing polished and put together on the outside, but rotting with hypocrisy and ruthlessness on the inside. His reward from his office cannot compensate for the damage caused by his deafening silence and callous indifference towards those who depend on him most.”
Shaila Touchton

“Paying bills is not only responsibility of a husband . His responsibility is to maintain healthy partnership , contribute, support, love, care ,understanding the needs of emotional, financial, spiritual etc needs of family , treating them with respect , caring for wellbeing and nurturing each other's growth, giving them secured life beyond just financial obligations.”
Shaila Touchton

“The worst lies are those told in the name of family and love, for they exploit the very bonds that should bring us closest together. Remember, true love and family are built on honesty, trust, and respect, not deceit and manipulation.”
Shaila Touchton

“A husband who bullies his wife and kids is like a storm that never passes, leaving a trail of hurt and fear in its wake. His love is conditional, his words are venomous, and his actions are suffocating. But remember, you are not alone, and you don't deserve to live in a constant state of anxiety and dread. You are worthy of love, respect, and kindness. Don't let his behavior define your worth; seek help, seek support, and know that you deserve a sunshine-filled life, free from the darkness of his bullying."

This quote aims to acknowledge the pain and struggle of those who face bullying in their own homes, and to offer hope and encouragement to seek help and support. Remember, no one deserves to be bullied or mistreated, and there is always a way out.”
Shaila Touchton

“A man who neglects his wife and children, failing to love, care, and provide for their emotional and other needs, prioritizing only his work and wealth, and exploiting his family's resources for his own gain, is a man evil to the core. He does not deserve the blessings of marriage, family, and children. His selfishness and greed will reap a harvest of sorrow, and his reward will be a legacy of broken hearts and a destiny of darkness.”
Shaila Touchton

“Beware of men with polygamous minds, for they deceive and divide, loving only themselves. Their hearts are idolatrous, prioritizing momentary desires over covenant commitment. They sin against their own wives, trading love and loyalty for temporary pleasure. Let us not be deceived, for such men are perishing, losing the beauty of true love and the blessing of a faithful marriage.”
Shaila Touchton

“Beware of those whose body language speaks louder than their words, for their rolling eyes, scoffing lips, and disdainful gaze reveal the evil that dwells within. Their hearts, captive to the enemy, manifest the darkness that has taken hold. Let us pray for their deliverance, that they may be set free from the chains of evil that bind them, and that their hearts may be transformed by the renewing power of God's love.”
Shaila Touchton

“A man who marries a woman for her wealth, status, or beauty, will soon discover that he has sold his soul for a momentary dream. He will lose the very things that truly matter in marriage - peace, joy, trust, and love. His heart will become a desert, devoid of the sweetness and nourishment that only a genuine connection can provide. He will be left with a hollow shell of a relationship, a prison of his own making, where love and happiness are mere distant memories.”
Shaila Touchton

“A godly wife is a precious gift from above, a helpmate and a haven, a second mother to your soul. She wraps her love around your heart, a warm embrace that chases away the cold. With a care that's unwavering and a heart that's always there, she nurtures and supports, through every joy and every care. Like a mother's love, her devotion is unconditional, a reflection of God's own love, a treasure to behold, a blessing to cherish.”
Shaila Touchton

“A man who neglects the needs of his wife and children, who turns a blind eye to their suffering, and who ignores their cries for help is not a man at all, but a monster in human form. His heart is a vessel of darkness, filled with demonic indifference and selfishness. But God sees, God hears, and God will judge such wickedness. For the Lord is a righteous Judge, who will not acquit the guilty, but will bring justice to the oppressed and vindicate the afflicted.”
Shaila Touchton

Nick Bannister
“Awake! Sun is shining, it’s Saturday morning.
I sit up in bed with some stretching and yawning.
My beautiful wife, the love of my life,
Looks terribly grim and it signals a warning...

I ask her, “My darling, what troubles you so?”
She goes on to tell me her tale of woe.
“I’ve booked a girls’ dinner but I’ve nothing to wear!”
And now I must prepare for what she will declare.”
Nick Bannister, The Husband Chair

Nick Bannister
“I hope she backs down, but my chances are bleak,
When I reasonably tell her, “We just went last week!”
But she fixes a stare with that world-famous glare,
As my fate is confirmed: back to The Husband Chair.”
Nick Bannister, The Husband Chair

Nick Bannister
“I think that I’m done. Are you ready to go?”
I’m pinching myself. Could it really be so?
And when over she strolls with complete shopping goals,
My heart’s just so full that it’s quite set to blow!
My cold bitter heart warms a hundred degrees,
When she whispers, “I love you,” and gives me a squeeze.”
Nick Bannister, The Husband Chair

“A husband's presence in the home is not just about paying bills, but about being present in the lives of those who call him husband and father.”
Shaila Touchton

“A marriage where one partner is only available to pay bills, but not to nurture hearts, is like a garden with only one type of plant , it may look okay on the surface, but it lacks depth, beauty, and life.”
Shaila Touchton

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