Marraige Quotes

Quotes tagged as "marraige" Showing 1-30 of 31
Margaret Mitchell
“I wish to Heaven I was married," she said resentfully as she attacked the yams with loathing. "I'm tired of everlastingly being unnatural and never doing anything I want to do. I'm tired of acting like I don't eat more than a bird, and walking when I want to run and saying I feel faint after a waltz, when I could dance for two days and never get tired. I'm tired of saying, 'How wonderful you are!' to fool men who haven't got one-half the sense I've got, and I'm tired of pretending I don't know anything, so men can tell me things and feel important while they're doing it... I can't eat another bite.”
Margaret Mitchell, Gone with the Wind

Joyce Meyer
“You would be better off having nobody than the wrong somebody. (On marrying for the wrong reasons.)”
Joyce Meyer

A.C. Gaughen
“You traitorous bitch!" he yelled. "You goddamn liar!"
I laughed. "You knew I were a bitch and a liar when you married me, Guy. It's your own damn fault for agreeing to it.”
A.C. Gaughen, Scarlet

Josephine Hart
“Men and women find all sorts of ways to be together, all sorts of ways. Yours was high and dangerous. Most of us stay on the lower paths.”
Josephine Hart, Damage

Carol Oates
“When we lay together, she showed me her soul, and I showed her mine, and they were the same. As you can imagine, mine was battered and bruised, tarnished like ancient metal. She scrubbed it clean. I cannot deny my own soul any more than I can deny she held it in her hands for a time.”
Carol Oates, Something Wicked

Don DeLillo
“Marriage is something we make from available materials. In this sense, it's improvised, it's almost offhand. Maybe this is why we know so little about it. It's too inspired and quicksilver a thing to be clearly understood. Two people make a blur.”
Don DeLillo, The Names

Edith Wharton
“How impatience men are! All Jack has to do to get everything he wants is to keep quiet and let that girl marry him; whereas I have to calculate and contrive, and retreat and advance, as if I were going through an intricate dance where one misstep would throw me hopelessly out of time.”
Edith Wharton, The House of Mirth

Carlos Wallace
“Loving someone is a full time commitment. Use that time wisely. Cherish the high points and fight hard to conquer the challenges. No one said love would be easy, but it is dam sure worth it.”
Carlos Wallace, The Other 99 T.Y.M.E.S: Train Your Mind to Enjoy Serenity

Mira Lyn Kelly
“Upturned face.
Parted lips.
The good-night kiss he couldn’t leave without.

Only, Megan’s lips were stiff and unyielding. She didn’t pull away. It might almost have been better if she had. Instead, she’d allowed the kiss to occur, taking it with the same cool detachment offered in her words.”
Mira Lyn Kelly, Waking Up Married

Shahla Khan
“Love may not be quid pro quo but marriage certainly is.”
Shahla Khan, I Want Back My SPARKLE!: Breaking the global chains of gender slavery.

Fannie Flagg
“Marry a nearsighted man and you’ll never look old.”
Fannie Flagg, Welcome to the World, Baby Girl!

“They divorce and years later the dad mellow as men tend to when they get older. You know the kind. They're assholes when their young then they get sweet when they age. It's the mother who seems bitter and unpleasant by comparison but, he's the one who made her”
Demi Moore, Inside Out

“To the witch who has tormented, taught, an’ terrified us all … May your wife do the same to you,”
Delemhach, The House Witch 3

“When Ginny realized I wouldn’t ask Max for a divorce, her request became an ultimatum. One day she screamed, “Make up your mind, Simon. It’s either me or your wife, you can’t have it both ways.” She didn’t sound vulnerable like a rejected woman, she sounded shrill and demanding with a threatening tone. (terrific line) This had to end, and soon.”
Nick Hahn

Sharon Lathan
“Wisdom bought with a tremendous price, Jane. You know what William and I suffered. I suppose the benefit to our tumultuous courtship was the trial-by-fire aspect of it all.We learned our lessons via grievous methods, but we did learn them.”
Sharon Lathan, Loving Mr. Darcy: Journeys Beyond Pemberley

“Romance is a veiled reality, while marriage is the unveiling of reality!”
Dr. Vivencio Ballano

A.K. Kuykendall
“The kids just got back from camp. After four days, it's great to have them home. I find myself staring at my wife and how she interacts with them. Spoils them. As if she's making up lost time. I don't know how else to say it, but that shit is hot.”
A.K. Kuykendall

Carlos Wallace
“When a couple announces they are getting married, far too often the first response is “let me see the ring.” Really? Your first concern after two people have decided to spend the rest of their lives together as husband and wife is how fancy the ring is?”
Carlos Wallace, The Other 99 T.Y.M.E.S: Train Your Mind to Enjoy Serenity

“Ladies, if you think he’s a loser, don’t marry him, unless he shows you he's a winner.”
Eric M. Watterson, The Power of Touch: Enhance, Heal & Grow Stronger Relationships in Just 14 Days!

Sarvesh Jain
“Would you still stay with your partner if you're not obligated by society and law?”
Sarvesh Jain

Sarvesh Jain
“There should be enough boundaries to respect each other’s privacy, there is a massive difference between being protective and being possessive.”
Sarvesh Jain

Sarvesh Jain
“Why do people think it's okay to restrict having fun after you get married? Let's not make marriage a form of punishment.”
Sarvesh Jain

Sarvesh Jain
“A man changes his nature twice, once when a girl he loves enters his life, and second when a girl he loves leaves from his life.”
Sarvesh Jain

Sarvesh Jain
“She’ll remember what song you played 5 days ago, but she won’t remember to turn the lights off on her way out.”
Sarvesh Jain

Sarvesh Jain
“Stop trying to do things to make him happy, it’s not your duty or your responsibility to make anyone happy but you. Love yourself the way you think you should be loved.”
Sarvesh Jain

Carlos Wallace
“My toughest but most enjoyable commitment is husband.”
Carlos Wallace

Shalaka Kulkarni
“Thought of bringing you both, a little closer today. Happy Anniversary!"
Time stopped, harmony smiled and love took a bow.
The yellow plate had nothing but gum, glue, and fancy cello tapes.”
Shalaka Kulkarni, Orenda - flash fiction based in modern India

Rachel Rueckert
“Career wasn't a thing I'd been encouraged to consider with specificity, but I wanted one. I knew I was ambitious. I knew I liked to write. I knew I loved to read and critically engage with books. I knew I craved authentic, meaningful conversations and connections, had a knack for listening, and a capacity for empathy. I knew I wanted to contribute to the world, help others, and maybe even go to that elusive thing called grad school. All of this, at the time, seemed impossible to negotiate with a husband.”
Rachel Rueckert, East Winds: A Global Quest to Reckon with Marriage

Rachel Rueckert
“Forgetting, I would learn, could be just as useful as remembering in a long-term partnership.”
Rachel Rueckert, East Winds: A Global Quest to Reckon with Marriage

“Fear of meeting yourself
Fear of stepping into yourself

Fear of having everything you dreamed of
Fear of living your best life
Who is judging you...
Fear of being YOU
Fear of OWNING you”

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