Living In The Now Quotes

Quotes tagged as "living-in-the-now" Showing 1-30 of 30
Matt Haig
“The longer you live, the harder it becomes. To grab them. Each little moment as it arrives. To be living in something other than the past or the future. To be actually here.
Forever, Emily Dickinson said, is composed of nows. But how do you inhabit the now you are in? How do you stop the ghosts of all the other nows from getting in? How, in short, do you live?”
Matt Haig, How to Stop Time

Na'ama Yehuda
“If not in the moment, where do you propose to live?”
Na ama Yehuda

“Joy always follows on the heels of pain. If a person escapes a mindset that current events represent an ongoing tragedy, they will encounter and comprehend all the beauty that surrounds them. We find bliss by living alertly and unequivocally accepting whatever is occurring in the present moment. If a person realizes that the present moment is all that matters, they will gain an inner stillness and appreciate the beauty and joy of each day.”
Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls

Kamand Kojouri
“You are not who you think.
You're not even the thinker.
You are the one conscious of the thought.”
Kamand Kojouri

Na'ama Yehuda
“No matter how small you are or feel or think you are–live big. Yours is the only life of you, in this form, the world will ever have!”
Na'ama Yehuda

“We each want nothing more than to live for the moment. Nature hardwired us perpetually to follow the call of the wild, cull all the highs in life, and rejoice in life by dancing, singing, jumping, building nests, creating beauty, and playing with our young. We each find ourselves happiest when we are engaging in conduct that makes us feel alive.”
Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls

“Life is neither a glorious highlight reel nor a monstrous tragedy. Every day is a good day to live and a good day to die. Every day is also an apt time to learn and express joy and love for the entire natural world. Each day is an apt time to make contact with other people and express empathy for the entire world. Each day is perfect to accept with indifference all aspects of being.”
Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls

Nikki Rowe
“There is no certainty, not even your next breath.
Live like you are dieing because in reality we all are.”
Nikki Rowe

Virginia Woolf
“But everyone remembered; what she loved was this, here, now, in front of her; the fat lady in the cab. Did it matter then, she asked herself, walking towards Bond Street, did it matter that she must inevitably cease completely; all this must go on without her; did she resent it, or did it not become consoling to believe that death ended absolutely? But that somehow in the streets of London, on the ebb and flow of things, here, there, she survived, Peter survived, lived in each other, she being part, she was positive, of the trees at home; of the house there, ugly, rambling all to bits and pieces as it was; part of people she had never met; being laid out like a mist between the people she knew best, who lifted her on their branches as she had seen the trees lift the mist, but it spread ever so far, her life, herself. But what was she dreaming as she looked into Hatchards’ shop window? What was she trying to recover?”
Virginia Woolf, Mrs. Dalloway

Donna Goddard
“We only have moments, but moments bring us to timelessness.”
Donna Goddard, Dance: A Spiritual Affair

H.L. Davis
“That's the good thing about it. Nothing counts except what's goin' on around you.”
H.L. Davis, Honey in the Horn

David Icke
“Yesterday is gone, tomorrow doesn’t exist – we need to accept Now.”
David Icke, Truth Vibrations: From TV Celebrity to World Visionary

Sam Izad
“By letting go of the past, focusing on the present, and creating a brighter future, we can live a life full of happiness, fulfillment, and success.”
Sam Izad, Snackable Existentialism: Small Portions, Big Ideas

“[We] have a tendency during meetings to let our minds run wild and cycle through a plethora of thoughts about the past and the future, destroying any aspirations for Zen-like calm and preventing us from being in the here and now: Did I turn off the stove? What will I do for lunch? When do I need to leave here in order to get to where I need to be next?
What if you could rely on others in your life to handle these things and you could narrow your attentional filter to that which is right before you, happening right now?...A professional musician friend... describes this state as "happily lost." He doesn't need to look at his calendar more than a day in advance, allowing each day to be filled with wonder and possibility.”
Daniel J Levitin

“The outcome of my cumulative life’s work is still undetermined. Chance, fate, attitude, aptitude, and preparedness to pursue new opportunities will regulate my final composition. I aspire to discern a means to awaken each day feeling reborn again. I aspire to become a person dazzled by an avalanche of beauty that surrounds each of us. I wish to dismiss troubling personal fears, defuse the aftereffect of an unenviable past, and lose all sense of galvanized foreboding. In short, I favor becoming a person living a past-less and future-less life.”
Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls

“Your mentality shapes your reality.”
Suzy Kassem

“Living in the moment is not an excuse to be a ne'er-do-well. A person can give up on life or immerse themselves in all matters that are essential to express our humanity. I will accept both the joy and the responsibility of living a meaningful existence. A person’s ultimate expression of his or her being will exhibit itself in their passionate activities including those involving work, art, nature, friendship, and love.”
Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls

“The Now' is always more than you know. It is as intricate and infinite as the universe. It connects to the past and the future, and even as it is gone before you even know it, it is extending and reverberating to all the corners of the Earth and beyond. Respect it and embrace it. The moment of Now is Awesome.”
Michael G Sawaya

AVIS Viswanathan
“We are so consumed with wanting this or that or are wanting to solve our problems, that we fail to see Life’s impermanence. Most of the time, we are not living, we are merely existing; cowering in fear and insecurity. We are not present in the now. The now is the ultimate, and only, reality. Unless we are celebrating Life in the present, unless we are living fully with what is, we will never be happy!”
AVIS Viswanathan

“How much of our lives is spent in reverie, in wishing for what cannot be, in regretting what might have been avoided. These obsessions steal from us the moments of the now.”
David K. Reynolds

AVIS Viswanathan
“There is magic, beauty, romance and poetry waiting for you every step of the way. Life is waiting for you, with open arms. But where are you? You are not present here, in the now. Perhaps you are trapped in the past – thinking about what could have been. Or you have raced into the unborn future – busy worrying about what has not yet happened. Remember: this moment is the only Life you have! Unless you are present in the moment, you cannot celebrate Life.”
AVIS Viswanathan

AVIS Viswanathan
“Everything in Life happens in its own time and at its own pace. When you understand this truth about Life, you will realize that keeping the faith and being patient are key to being happy with what is, in the now.”
AVIS Viswanathan

Curtis Tyrone Jones
“It can be a blast when good people and good laughs teleport you back to the way it once was. But you poison yourself with the past when you constantly stab and inject yourself with vain memories that rubberband you back to the way it used to be! Your task of escape is to bring all the past dope shit into your present moment and let it guide the new path you will take, to the future that YOU choose to deliberately create!”
Curtis Tyrone Jones

Raz Mihal
“The future is 'now'—a realisation that fills my heart with love, dissolving all meaningless thoughts.”
Raz Mihal, Just Love Her

Jeanette LeBlanc
“Stay more loyal to your own life (and the day by day living of it) than you are to the grief of what has been left behind.”
Jeanette LeBlanc