Saadi Quotes

Quotes tagged as "saadi" Showing 1-30 of 37
Idries Shah
“A loan is the scissors of friendship.
A man's own tongue may cut his throat.
The cage has no value without the bird.”
Idries Shah, The Dermis Probe

Idries Shah
“Opportunity's precious, and time is a sword.”
Idries Shah, The Dermis Probe

Idries Shah
“If you will not reprove yourself,’ Saadi says, ‘you will not welcome reproof from another.”
Idries Shah, The Sufis

Cayla Kluver
“I've learned it's best to approach you from the front, for the sake of my well-being.”
Cayla Kluver, Sacrifice
tags: saadi

Cayla Kluver
“Saadi, what do you think you're doing?" I demanded.
"Well I thought I was helping you. As it turns out, I'm bleeding.”
Cayla Kluver, Sacrifice

Soroosh Shahrivar
“I am the sun
I am the sea
I am the one
By infinity

I am the spark
I am the light
I am the dark
And I am the night

I am Iran
I am Xerxes
I am Zal’s son
And I am a beast

I am God’s own
Colour my heart
Red, white and green

I am Ferdowsi
I am Hafez
I am Saadi
Rolled all in one breath

Ibn Sina
Omar Khayyam
Look at me now
Bundled in one

I am the present
I am the past
I am the future
My presence will last

I am Ismail
My soul is unleashed
‘Till the day at least
The sun sets in the east”
Soroosh Shahrivar, Letter 19

Cayla Kluver
"What now?" I incredulously exclaimed.
"Do you have plans tomorrow?"
"I have a day off duty. We could-"
"No!" I shouted. "What is this?”
Cayla Kluver

Idries Shah
“Fettered feet in the presence of friends is better than living in a garden with strangers.”
Idries Shah, The Sufis

Idries Shah
“Poor greedy one, wherever he runs
He's after food, and death is after him.
Idries Shah, The Dermis Probe

Idries Shah
“You may be able to get the bone down your throat
But if it reaches your stomach it will tear your navel.
Idries Shah, The Dermis Probe

Idries Shah
“Generosity is also marked by doing what one says one will do. Saadi teaches: ‘when the generous promise, they perform”
Idries Shah, Learning How to Learn: Psychology and Spirituality in the Sufi Way

Idries Shah
“Almost every day I am reminded of Saadi's reflection that there is no senseless tyranny like that of subordinates.”
Idries Shah, Reflections

Idries Shah
“Q: How can I help myself?
A: By remembering the proverb: ‘The Path is not to be found anywhere except in human service’, from Saadi.”
Idries Shah, Seeker After Truth: A Handbook

“Though a man be wise and intelligent, he is a fool in the eyes of the ignorant.”

Idries Shah
“Pobre avaro, donde quiera que vaya,
él persigue alimentos, y la muerte lo persigue a él.
Idries Shah, The Dermis Probe

Idries Shah
“Puede que seas capaz de engullir el hueso a través de la garganta, pero si llega a tu estómago perforará tu ombligo.”
Idries Shah, The Dermis Probe

Idries Shah
“La Oportunidad es preciosa, y el tiempo es una espada.”
Idries Shah, The Dermis Probe

Idries Shah
“Un préstamo es las tijeras de la amistad
La lengua de un hombre puede cortar su garganta
La jaula no tiene valor sin el pájaro.”
Idries Shah, The Dermis Probe

Idries Shah
“The door of illumination is open to those for whom other doors are closed.”
Idries Shah, The Commanding Self

Idries Shah
“La puerta de la iluminación se abre para quienes otras puertas están cerradas.”
Idries Shah, The Commanding Self

Idries Shah
“En lo profundo del mar hay riquezas incomparables. Pero si buscas seguridad, está en la orilla.

Saadi, Jardín de Rosas.”
Idries Shah, The Sufis

Idries Shah
“La generosidad se caracteriza por hacer lo que uno dice que hará. Saadi enseña: “Cuando los generosos prometen, cumplen.”
Idries Shah, Learning How to Learn: Psychology and Spirituality in the Sufi Way

Idries Shah
“Saadi: Be a true renouncer, (zahid) and [you can even] ware satin.”
Idries Shah, Sufi Thought and Action: An Anthology of Important Papers

Idries Shah
“Saadi: Sé un verdadero renunciador (zahid) e incluso podrás usar raso.”
Idries Shah, Sufi Thought and Action: An Anthology of Important Papers

Idries Shah
“P: ¿Cómo puedo ayudarme a mí mismo?
R: Recordando: “El Sendero no ha de ser encontrado en lugar alguno mas en el servicio humano”, de Saadi”
Idries Shah, Seeker After Truth: A Handbook

Idries Shah
“Si no te reprochas a ti mismo”, dice Saadi, “no aceptarás el reproche ajeno.”
Idries Shah, The Sufis

Idries Shah
“Pies encadenados en presencia de amigos es mejor que vivir en un jardín con extraños.”
Idries Shah, The Sufis

“The king who deals harshly with merchants who come from afar closes the door of well-being upon the whole of his subjects. When do the wise return to the land of which they hear rumours of bad custom?”

“The sons of Adam are limbs of a frame,
for in creation, from one soul they came.
If hard times cause one member to feel pain,
at ease and rest, the others can’t remain.
If a limb’s in pain and you do not care,
the title ‘human being’ you can’t share!”
tags: saadi

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