Proficiency Quotes

Quotes tagged as "proficiency" Showing 1-10 of 10
Pooja Agnihotri
“Don’t forget that you can only sell a thing that you have proficiency in.”
Pooja Agnihotri, 17 Reasons Why Businesses Fail :Unscrew Yourself From Business Failure

Olaotan Fawehinmi
“One of the very striking life lessons from Game of Thrones.

When Arya was blind; hopeless and helpless. The Waif lured her into multiple stick fights and the Waif would promptly beat Arya in every sparring match.

But through those stick fight, Arya learned to cope with her blindness and how to fight “in the dark.”

After Arya had regained her sight and Jaqen had granted the Waif’s wish to kill Arya. Arya confronted the Waif in a hideout and put out the only light in the room. Arya best the Waif due to her proficiency in fighting without sight (which, ironically, was trained by the Waif). Arya killed her adversary.

Olaotan Fawehinmi, The Soldier Within

Gary   Hopkins
“The older you get the more you realize that just because someone has an important job doesn't necessarily mean that they do it responsibly, or are even good at it. There are many 'D' students running around with high social status gained from their seemingly important positions. Integrity and proficiency are not a given. These qualities can only be proven over time.”
Gary Hopkins

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“It is usually unbearably painful to read a book by an author who knows way less than you do, unless the book is a novel.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
tags: acceptable, accomplishment, account, accounts, adeptness, admissible, agony, aphorism, aphorisms, aphorist, aphorists, appreciation, apprehension, author, authors, awareness, be-acquainted-with, be-conversant-with, be-familiar-with, be-up-to-speed-on, be-versed-in, benighted, book, books, brookable, capability, capacity, cognition, cognizance, command, comprehend, comprehension, consciousness, cultivated, cultured, desolation, despair, discomfort, distress, educated, education, endurable, enlightened, entertain, entertaining, entertainment, erudite, erudition, escape, escapism, essay, essays, expertise, expertness, fiction, funny, grasp, grief, have-a-grasp-of, have-knowledge-of, have-learned, have-mastered, have-memorized, heartache, heartbreak, hilarious, humor, humorous, humour, ignorance, ignorant, illiterate, inexperienced, insufferable, insupportable, intolerable, joke, jokes, know, knowledgable, knowledge, knowledgeable, learned, learning, literature, man-of-letters, manageable, mastery, men-of-letters, misery, narrative, narratives, nonfiction, novel, overpowering, pain, perception, proficiency, quotations, quotes, realization, sadness, satire, scholarly, scholarship, schooling, skill, sorrow, stories, story, sufferable, suffering, supportable, sustainable, tolerable, too-much, torment, torture, unacceptable, unbearable, understand, understanding, uneducated, unendurable, unenlightened, unhappiness, uninformed, unknowledgeable, unlearned, unlettered, unmanageable, unread, unschooled, unsophisticated, untaught, untrained, untutored, unworldly, via-dolorosa, well-educated, well-informed, well-read, wisdom, woman-of-letters, women-of-letters, wretchedness, writer, writers

Niccolò Machiavelli
“... The armour of others is too wide, or too strait for us; it falls off us, or it weighs us down.”
Niccolò Machiavelli, The Prince

“Skills and proficiency is the greatest miracle that a man needs.”
Sunday Adelaja

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
“Man muß alt werden [...] und Geld genug haben, seine Erfahrungen bezahlen zu können. Jedes Bonmot, das ich sage, kostet mir eine Börse voll Gold; eine halbe Million meines Privatvermögens ist durch meine Hände gegangen, um das zu lernen, was ich jetzt weiß, nicht allein das ganze Vermögen meines Vaters, sondern auch mein Gehalt und mein bedeutendes literarisches Einkommen seit mehr als funfzig Jahren. Außerdem habe ich anderthalb Millionen zu großen Zwecken von fürstlichen Personen ausgeben sehen, denen ich nahe
verbunden war und an deren Schritten, Gelingen und Mißlingen ich teilnahm.

Es ist nicht genug, daß man Talent habe, es gehört mehr dazu, um gescheit zu werden; man muß auch in großen Verhältnissen leben und Gelegenheit haben, den spielenden Figuren der Zeit in die Karten zu sehen und selber zu Gewinn und Verlust mitzuspielen.”
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, J. P. Eckermann Gespräche mit Goethe in den Letzten Jahren Seines Lebens (Classic Reprint)

“ is interesting to consider research on mastery versus performance goals in learning (Dweck 1999), discussed more in chapter 5. People with mastery orientations, in brief, are people who are interested in learning in order to master a topic. They tend to like challenges, and they persist at them. People with performance goals, in contrast, tend to like to do easy jobs that make them look good. They want to be judged positively. Although these two different orientations appear to characterize two different people, the same person can adopt different orientations under different environmental conditions. And it ends up that the particular conditions under which people are more apt to adopt mastery goals bear striking similarities to Montessori environments (Ames, 1992, see chapter 5).”
Angeline Stoll Lillard, Montessori: The Science behind the Genius

“As there is no official textbook or guide for the JLPT N3 level this study guide has been created to help fill an information gap”
Peter Hanami, Japanese Language Proficiency Test N3 Study Guide

“The official JLPT guide states that JLPT N3 level is roughly equivalent to Japanese Grades 1 through 4 in terms of kanji and vocabulary content with approximately 650 Kanji made up of Grade 1 (80), Grade 2 (160) Grade 3 (200) and Grade 4 (200) and 3750 vocabulary”
Peter Hanami, Japanese Language Proficiency Test N3 Study Guide