Stolen Quotes

Quotes tagged as "stolen" Showing 1-30 of 68
Kelley Armstrong
“Murder? You mean he's dead?"
"No. He's resting comfortably," I said. "People always sleep best with their heads at a ninety-degree angle. He looks comfortable, doesn't he?"
(Paige & Elena)”
Kelley Armstrong, Stolen

Kelley Armstrong
“When I glanced at the chair, it started to shake. I’d like to think it was scared of me, but I rarely invoked that response in living things, let alone inanimate objects. ”
Kelley Armstrong, Stolen

Lucy Christopher
“I made it," you said, gruffly, "for you."

You shoved it onto my finger. It was roughly carved, shaped from a lump of something colourful and cold...a ring made entirely from a gemstone. It was beautiful. It glinted emerald greens and blood reds over my skin, and had tiny flecks of gold catching the light. I couldn't stop staring at it.

"Why?" I asked.

You didn't answer that. Instead you touched the ring gently and looked piercingly at me, unsaid questions in your eyes.”
Lucy Christopher, Stolen

Lucy Christopher
“Where are you going?" I asked.
"The middle of nowhere."
"I thought this was it."
"Nah." You shook your head. "This is just the edge.”
Lucy Christopher, Stolen

Erik Pevernagie
“Stolen moments” create a feeling of enjoyment in our “intensive time” awareness. The glow and the intensity of those instants can guide us throughout a whole lifetime. They can expose a second or a third dimension of the daily events and shed an expounding light on all the little details we encounter. ("Stolen moments" )”
Erik Pevernagie

Lucy Christopher
“I’d never seen a man cry before, only on TV. I’d never even seen Dad close to crying. Those tears looked so odd on you. It was like the strength of you just seemed to sap away. The surprise of it stopped me from being so scared.”
Lucy Christopher, Stolen

Lucy Christopher
“You smiled then, and your whole face changed with it. It kind of lit up, like there were sunbeams coming from inside you.”
Lucy Christopher

Michael Bassey Johnson
“Just because you have stolen someone's heart, luckily owned and occupied as a home, doesn't give you the audacity to enforce hurtful policies.”
Michael Bassey Johnson

Robin Wall Kimmerer
“Children, language, lands: almost everything was stripped away, stolen when you weren’t looking because you were trying to stay alive. In the face of such loss, one thing our people could not surrender was the meaning of land. In the settler mind, land was property, real estate, capital, or natural resources. But to our people, it was everything: identity, the connection to our ancestors, the home of our nonhuman kinfolk, our pharmacy, our library, the source of all that sustained us. Our lands were where our responsibility to the world was enacted, sacred ground. It belonged to itself; it was a gift, not a commodity, so it could never be bought or sold. These are the meanings people took with them when they were forced from their ancient homelands to new places.”
Robin Wall Kimmerer, Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge and the Teachings of Plants

Susanna Kaysen
“This time I read the title of the painting: Girl Interrupted at Her Music. Interrupted at her music: as my life had been, interrupted in the music of being seventeen, as her life had been, snatched and fixed on canvas: one moment made to stand still and to stand for all the other moments, whatever they would be or might have been. What life can recover from that?”
Susanna Kaysen, Girl, Interrupted

Derek Landy
“I'm sorry, I'm still stuck on you losing your head.”
“I didn't lose it. It was stolen.”
Derek Landy, Skulduggery Pleasant

Nick Jonas
“I walked into school and saw this kid wearing the same shirt that I had. I looked at him and said,"You stole my shirt!" I got in his face about it to the point where he started crying, but I was convinced he stole it! I remember and go, "Why was I so angry about that?" Even now when Kevin or Joe has taken one of my shirts I think back and laugh!”
Nick Jonas

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“The darkness might hide things really well, but it doesn’t have the power to make them disappear. And when it comes to our dreams, we might want to remember that.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Mary Catherine Gebhard
“I don’t want us to be something that only exists in the dark, in the cracks, in the places people don’t want to look or talk about.”
Mary Catherine Gebhard, Stolen Soulmate

Mary Catherine Gebhard
“Even if he could never belong to me, I would always belong to him. Painfully, ruinously, irrevocably.”
Mary Catherine Gebhard, Stolen Soulmate

Mary Catherine Gebhard
“Because this is what happens in the real Cinderella story. The prince has to marry a princess, and people like us? We have to find peace in the ashes.”
Mary Catherine Gebhard, Stolen Soulmate

Mary Catherine Gebhard
“I want to kiss you, Story. I want the whole fucking world to know you’re mine. I want it cast in stone.”
Mary Catherine Gebhard, Stolen Soulmate

Michael Bassey Johnson
“What was stolen by the city, nature restores.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, Night of a Thousand Thoughts

Mary Catherine Gebhard
“She wasn't just cleaning-she fucking belonged here. In my bed. In my veins.”
Mary Catherine Gebhard, Stolen Soulmate

Mary Catherine Gebhard
“You’ve corrupted my soul completely.” He pulled back, forcing me to feel the earnestness in his soul. “I don’t feel without you.” He ran his nose up and down my neck, voice warbled, raw. “Let me say sorry to you. Let me say sorry to you over and over again until you say I’ve fixed it.”
Mary Catherine Gebhard, Stolen Soulmate

Mary Catherine Gebhard
“What kind of fucking torture is it to wait years to fuck, to wait until you’ve found someone who won’t rip you to shreds, to finally find that girl, and then not be able to have her?”
Mary Catherine Gebhard, Stolen Soulmate

Catherine Brusk
“She had disappeared a long time ago. Stolen by someone else. Kip was wrong. She couldn't earn anything when she wasn't worth having.”
Catherine Brusk, What Love Washed Up

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“How much of my life have I labeled as stolen, when in fact I gave it away?”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

“Trusting that 'this' message in a quotation, finds you in a spirited condition of extraordinary peace. Identify, discern, resist and desist energies that trigger your peace. Although peace cannot be given to a person, it can certainly be disturbed, taken...stolen. If your peace has been subject to victimization, know peace is hardly subjective; it is a spirit that can be internally, and universally understood. There is an authentic success that carries the spirit of peace with it; for there is no real movement into a state of success in your presence, present or future...where peace cannot abide with it. By all means be successful and protect the quality and quantity of peace you have; if you find you are in want for more peace. Welcome this spiritual wealth renown throughout history as peace into your life, often and without ceasing; know that you can restructure your success with its eternal benefits and live like a spiritual tycoon from its divine divends...”
Dr. Tracey Bond

Margie Orford
“Something that had been stolen from her - but whatever it was- hope maybe, or joy - it had been buried long before it could flower.”
Margie Orford, The Eye of the Beholder

Justin Cronin
“In their disfigured semibaldness, something private had been stolen, melding them into a indistinguishable collection, like animals in a herd.”
Justin Cronin

Steven Magee
“When my faith in the police has been stolen by police officers, who do I report the crime to?”
Steven Magee

Sarah Jio
“I love the beach after a storm. When I was thirteen, a banker's bag washed up on this same beach with exactly $319 inside--- I know because I counted out every bill--- along with a waterlogged handgun. Bee called the police, who traced the remnants to a bank robbery gone wrong seventeen years prior. Seventeen years. The Puget Sound is like a time machine, hiding things and then spewing them back onto its shores at the time and place of its choosing.”
Sarah Jio, The Violets of March

Seanan McGuire
“Every touch, every kiss, it was all stolen, and we were willing accomplices in the burglary of one another’s bodies.”
Seanan McGuire, Pocket Apocalypse

Kailey Bright
“The sun shone through the stained glass windows and illuminated him in all the colors of the world. All the Gifts he has stolen for himself.”
Kailey Bright, Unity

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