Gemma Quotes

Quotes tagged as "gemma" Showing 1-30 of 33
Libba Bray
“In each of us lie good and bad, light and dark, art and pain, choice and regret, cruelty and sacrifice. We’re each of us our own chiaroscuro, our own bit of illusion fighting to emerge into something solid, something real. We’ve got to forgive ourselves that. I must remember to forgive myself. Because there is a lot of grey to work with. No one can live in the light all the time.”
Libba Bray

Lucy Christopher
“And it's hard to hate someone once you understand them.”
Lucy Christopher, Stolen

Libba Bray
“It is funny how you do not miss affection until it is given, but once it is, it can never be enough; you would drown in it if possible.”
Libba Bray, The Sweet Far Thing

Gemma Malley
“He said that we belonged together because he was born with a flower and I was born with a butterfly and that flowers and butterflies need each other for survival.”
Gemma Malley, The Declaration

Lucy Christopher
“I made it," you said, gruffly, "for you."

You shoved it onto my finger. It was roughly carved, shaped from a lump of something colourful and cold...a ring made entirely from a gemstone. It was beautiful. It glinted emerald greens and blood reds over my skin, and had tiny flecks of gold catching the light. I couldn't stop staring at it.

"Why?" I asked.

You didn't answer that. Instead you touched the ring gently and looked piercingly at me, unsaid questions in your eyes.”
Lucy Christopher, Stolen

Lucy Christopher
“Everyone wanted answers I wasn't ready to give.”
Lucy Christopher, Stolen

Libba Bray
“A gentle breeze catches in the branches then and I hear it, soft and low, a murmured prayer--Gem-ma, Gem-ma--and then the leaves bend down and trail delicate fingers across my cold cheeks.”
Libba Bray, The Sweet Far Thing

Gemma Malley
“Because no one needs to live for ever. I think that sometimes you can outstay your welcome.

Gemma Malley, The Declaration

Lucy Christopher
“You smiled then, and your whole face changed with it. It kind of lit up, like there were sunbeams coming from inside you.”
Lucy Christopher

Libba Bray
“Around us the night creatures have their say. We are surrounded by a symphony of crickets and frogs. Neither of us feels the need to speak, and I suppose that is one of the qualities I find comforting in Kartik. We can be alone together.”
Libba Bray, The Sweet Far Thing

Lucy Christopher
“I thought you didn't want to let me go.”
Lucy Christopher, Stolen

Gemma Malley
“Surplus meant unnecessary. Not required.
You couldn’t be a Surplus if you were needed by someone else. You couldn’t be a Surplus if you were loved.

Gemma Malley, The Declaration

Ella Frank
“When did this story morph? When did it change from a tale of two to a tragedy of three?”
Ella Frank, Blind Obsession
tags: gemma

Ella Frank
“I'm struck with the realization that I'm holding onto a man who, for now, is holding onto me but he has still not let go of her.”
Ella Frank, Blind Obsession
tags: gemma

Gemma Malley
“I love you Anna Covey,' he said, his voice barely audible. And slowly, clumsily, he leant forward, and his lips found hers, and Anna felt him kiss her awkwardly, she knew that she wasn't a Surplus any more. And nor was Peter.”
Gemma Malley, The Declaration

Ella Frank
“She is no longer here, but he won't let her go. So, where does that leave me? Well, that's easy. I'm left alone.”
Ella Frank, Blind Obsession
tags: gemma

Ella Frank
“I know I'm not the woman he so obviously hungers for and even though I'm not who he wants, I find myself stupidly willing to be her substitute.”
Ella Frank, Blind Obsession
tags: gemma

Ella Frank
“I'm going crazy. I want this man to posess me. I want him inside of me. I want him any way I can get him.”
Ella Frank, Blind Obsession
tags: gemma

Lucy Christopher
“I was surprised at her gentleness, her willingness to give in.”
Lucy Christopher, Stolen

Lucy Christopher
“How would she find her herd? How would she find you?”
Lucy Christopher, Stolen

Kat Falls
“Before I could turn to look up, a voice boomed from the heavens: "What the heck is going on down there?”
Kat Falls, Rip Tide

Libba Bray
“I understand we'll be attending your friend Miss Worthington's Christmas ball. Perhaps I'll find a suitable-- which is to say wealthy-- wife among the ladies attending."
And perhaps they will run screaming for the convent.”
Libba Bray, Rebel Angels

Lucy Christopher
“You nodded towards the cup. "Want
I shook my head. "What about the car?"
"Didn't find it. You were heading back towards me when I
found you."
"Towards . . . ?"
You nodded. "So I reckoned the car had probably got stuck
or died somehow, and you were just coming home."
"Yeah." Your mouth twitched. "Back to me.”
Lucy Christopher

Ella Frank
“If I am going to drown, this isn’t such a bad way to go. Isn’t that the biggest mindfuck of all?”
Ella Frank, Blind Obsession

Libba Bray
“Out of the corner of my eye, I can see Felicity and Ann hunched over their ornaments as if they were fascinating relics from an archaeological dig. I note that their shoulders are trembling, and I realize that they are fighting laughter over my terrible plight. There's friendship for you.”
Libba Bray, Rebel Angels

A.  Kirk
“Clyde, she said it’s fine. What? Really?” Mom huffed. “Your dad wants to know if ‘fine’ is
code for ‘please come home, I’m being held hostage by hormonal maniacs.’” Pause. “And if said
hormonal maniacs are listening he wants them to know he will cut off vital body parts and watch them
bleed out a slow and torturous death then bury said body parts on different continents throughout the
world so he will never be brought to justice and will revel in their excruciating demise for the rest of
his life because they had the nerve to cause his daughter any discomfort whatsoever.”
I grinned. “Mom, Dad didn’t say that.”
“I may have ad-libbed that last part. But he did ask about the hormonal maniacs.”
A&E Kirk

Jessica Sorensen
“His eyes darken and his voice drops to a firm, husky tone."I can always tie you to the bed and make it so you can't go anywhere.”
Jessica Sorensen, Broken Visions
tags: alex, gemma

Jessica Sorensen
“Yeah, I give you two a day before you end up killing one another," Nicholas remarks with a laugh."Seriously, it;s like watching mild porn, watching you two eye fuck each other every two seconds.”
Jessica Sorensen, Broken Visions

Timothée de Fombelle
“Basta guardare con attenzione un fiore o una gemma per capire come funziona la faccenda. Io, tuttavia, preferisco non dire di più, perché il figlio di mio figlio possa ancora, un giorno, chinarsi a guardare un fiore o una gemma.”
Timothée de Fombelle, Toby Alone

Gemma Lienas
“Molt sovint sembla que les situacions d'un mateix signe s'ajuntin; vull dir que, quan comences a tenir mala sort i comencen a passar-te coses dolentes, et fa l'efecte que tot plegat no s'ha d'acabar mai i que, facis el que facis, qualsevol cosa t'hagi de sortir malament. I, un bon dia, les circumstàncies canvien sense que et puguis explicar com. A partir d'aquell moment, tot comença a rutllar i sembla que el vent et vagi a favor.”
Gemma Lienas, Así es la vida, Carlota

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