Zombie Quotes

Quotes tagged as "zombie" Showing 1-30 of 239
Max Brooks
“Most people don't believe something can happen until it already has. That's not stupidity or weakness, that's just human nature.”
Max Brooks, World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War

J. Cornell Michel
“I like living in my head because in there, everyone is kind and innocent. Once you start integrating yourself into the world, you realize that people are nasty, mean creatures. They're worse than zombies. People try to crush your soul and destroy your happiness, but zombies just want to have a little nibble of your brain.”
J. Cornell Michel, Jordan's Brains: A Zombie Evolution

J. Cornell Michel
“The pretty ones are usually unhappy. They expect everyone to be enamored of their beauty. How can a person be content when their happiness lies in someone else's hands, ready to be crushed at any moment? Ordinary-looking people are far superior, because they are forced to actually work hard to achieve their goals, instead of expecting people to fall all over themselves to help them.”
J. Cornell Michel, Jordan's Brains: A Zombie Evolution

Jimmy Buffett
“I'd rather die while I'm living than live while I'm dead. ”
Jimmy Buffett

“When the black thing was at its worst, when the illicit cocktails and the ten-mile runs stopped working, I would feel numb as if dead to the world. I moved unconsciously, with heavy limbs, like a zombie from a horror film. I felt a pain so fierce and persistent deep inside me, I was tempted to take the chopping knife in the kitchen and cut the black thing out I would lie on my bed staring at the ceiling thinking about that knife and using all my limited powers of self-control to stop myself from going downstairs to get it.”
Alice Jamieson, Today I'm Alice: Nine Personalities, One Tortured Mind

Rick Yancey
“They made a major mistake," he blurted out, "the dumb bastards, when they didn't start by killing you first."

"Benjamin Thomas Parish, that was the sweetest and most bizarre compliment anyone's ever given me."

I kissed him on the cheek. He kissed me on the mouth.

"You know," I whispered, "a year ago, I would have sold my soul for that."

He shook his head. "Not worth it." And, for one-ten thousandth of a second, all of it fell away, the despair and grief and anger and pain and hunger, and the old Ben Parish rose from the dead. The eyes that impaled. The smile that slayed. In another moment, he would fade, slide back into the new Ben, the one called Zombie, and I understood something I hadn't before: He was dead, the object of my schoolgirl desires, just as the schoolgirl who desired him was dead.”
Rick Yancey, The Infinite Sea

David  Wong
“The zombie looks like a man, walks like a man, eats and otherwise functions fully, yet is devoid of the spark. It represents the nagging doubt that lays deep in the heart of even the most zealous believer: behind all of your pretty songs and stained glass, this is what you really are. Shambling meat. Our true fear of the zombie was never that its bite would turn us into one of them. Our fear is that we are already zombies.”
David Wong, This Book Is Full of Spiders

Gena Showalter
“Are you suggesting I’m working with the
zombies? That I paid them to pretend to
attack me so that I’d trick you into letting me join you?”“Did you?” Mr. Holland demanded.“Yeah, okay,” I said in a sugar-sweet tone. “You’re right. I was having dinner with Zombie Carl the other night. You know, steaks, rare, and a bottle of vintage type A. He told me all his secrets, but too bad for you I promised him I wouldn’t tell. In exchange I asked him to gather his
best undead buddies and stalk me through
my friend’s yard. And oh, yeah, it was
totally fine if they wanted to use me as an all-night dinner buffet, because having organs is so last season.”
Gena Showalter, Alice in Zombieland

Michel de Montaigne
“I have never seen a greater monster or miracle than myself.”
Michel de Montaigne

Frank  Lambert
“You begin to see things differently once you are dead.
Isaac Bonnyman”
Frank Lambert, Xyz

Graham Parke
“My Zombie apocalypse plan is simple but effective; I fully intend to die in the very first wave.

Seems more logical than undergoing all kinds of hardships only to die eventually anyway (through bites/malnutrition/or terminally chapped lips)”
Graham Parke

Robert Kirkman
“To me, the best zombie movies aren’t the splatter fests of gore and violence with goofy characters and tongue in cheek antics. Good zombie movies show us how messed up we are, they make us question our station in society… and our society’s station in the world. They show us gore and violence and all that cool stuff too… but there’s always an undercurrent of social commentary and thoughtfulness.”
Robert Kirkman, The Walking Dead, Vol. 1: Days Gone Bye

Max Brooks
“If you believe you can accomplish everything by "cramming" at the eleventh hour, by all means, don't lift a finger now. But you may think twice about beginning to build your ark once it has already started raining”
Max Brooks, The Zombie Survival Guide: Complete Protection from the Living Dead

Rick Riordan
“Nico realized how ridiculous it sounded. He’d never told anyone about Jules-Albert – not even Hazel. But he kept talking. ‘Hades had this idea that I should, you know, try to act like a modern teenager. Make friends. Get to know the twenty-first century. He vaguely understood that mortal parents drive their kids around a lot. He couldn’t do that. So his solution was a zombie.”
Rick Riordan, The Blood of Olympus

Rick Riordan
“He’s a restless soul, always looking for another chance to drive,’ Nico said. ‘The last few years, he’s been my driver whenever I need one.’
‘You have a zombie chauffeur,’ Leila said.”
Rick Riordan, The Blood of Olympus

Lia Habel
“No, not really. But …” Okay, I couldn’t help but gloat a little. “She likes me.”
Samedi didn’t even look at me. “Well of course, you’ve had that bloody uniform on all day. I was half ready to tell you how much I liked you.”
Lia Habel, Dearly, Departed

Mark Tufo
“I see a tongue! Some asshole is licking my peephole.”
Mark Tufo, Zombie Fallout

Adam Silvera
“Then there’s the kind of zombie I’ve become now: the one who has lost everything—his brain, his heart, his light, his direction. He wanders the world, bumping into this, tripping over that, but keeps going and going. That is life after death.”
Adam Silvera, History Is All You Left Me

Lish McBride
“So, you're telling me the zoo commissioned you to make a zombie panda in order to avoid a potential international incident.”
Lish McBride, Hold Me Closer, Necromancer

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“Every single person is a fool, insane, a failure, or a bad person to at least ten people.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
tags: airhead, aphorism, aphorisms, aphorist, aphorists, around-the-bend, ass, bad, bad-people, bad-person, bananas, batty, birdbrain, blockhead, bonkers, boob, bozo, brainless, buggy, bushed, certifiable, chowderhead, chowderheaded, chump, clod, coot, crack-brained, cracked, crackers, crackpot, crazed, crazy, cretin, cuckoo, daft, dead-loss, demented, deranged, dim, dimwit, dimwitted, dingbat, dipstick, disappointment, disturbed, ditz, dolt, donkey, dope, dork, dud, dullard, dumb, dumb-ass, dumb-cluck, dumbhead, dumbo, dumdum, dummy, dunce, dunderhead, fail, failure, fathead, flake, fool, foolhardy, foolish, funny, galoot, goat, goober, goof, goofball, goofus, goon, half-baked, halfwit, halfwitted, harebrained, hilarious, humor, humorous, humour, idiot, idiotic, ignoramus, ill-advised, ill-considered, imbecile, impolitic, imprudent, incautious, informal-no-hoper, injudicious, insane, insanity, jerk, joke, jokes, jughead, klutz, lamebrain, loco, loony, loopy, loser, lummox, mad, mad-as-a-hatter, meatball, mentally-disordered, mentally-ill, mindless, moron, nerd, nincompoop, ninny, nitwit, non-compos-mentis, not-all-there, numbnuts, numbskull, nuts, of-unsound-mind, pea-brained, peabrain, psycho, psychotic, putz, quotations, quotes, rash, reckless, sap, satire, schizophrenic, schlemiel, schlep, schmuck, screwy, silly, simpleton, stark-raving-mad, stupid, thick, thickhead, thoughtless, turkey, twerp, twit, unbalanced, underachiever, unhinged, unintelligent, unstable, unwise, wacko, witless, wooden-headed, write-off, zombie

Rick Yancey
“And, for one– ten thousandth of a second, all of it fell away, the despair and grief and anger and pain and hunger, and the old Ben Parish rose from the dead. The eyes that impaled. The smile that slayed. In another moment, he would fade, slide back into the new Ben, the one called Zombie, and I understood something I hadn’t before: He was dead, the object of my schoolgirl desires, just as the schoolgirl who desired him was dead.”
Rick Yancey, The Infinite Sea

Max Brooks
“Americans worship technology. It's an inherent trait in the national zeitgeist.”
Max Brooks, World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War

Lia Habel
“Returning my voice to a conversational level, I called back, “Nora, I’m not
attempting to embarrass you or single you out. I know you’re capable. But stay behind Chas, okay? You die, you d i e permanently, and for various reasons that we’ve already gotten angsty about together, I don’t want that to happen.”
“Okay, okay,” she sighed.
“Angsty?” Chas asked. “Ooh! Later, details!”
“Yes, later.” With that, I waved the team forward.”
Lia Habel, Dearly, Departed

Frank  Lambert
“You were disrespectful to a god I follow,” Eufame said to Bonnyman. “I would protect him—”
“With your life,” Bonnyman said before Eufame could continue. “Guess what, ghost, you are already dead.”
“As are you, zombie” Eufame said.”
Frank Lambert, Xyz

Adam Baker
“Jane woke, stretched, and decided to kill herself. If she hadn’t found a reason to live by the end of the day she would jump from the rig. It felt good to have a plan.”
Adam Baker, Outpost

Mira Grant
“There is nothing so patient, in this world or any other, as a virus searching for a host.”
Mira Grant, Countdown

Robert Kirkman
“But honestly... I just don't know what anyone's thinking. To me, that's scarier than any half-rotten ghoul trying to eat my flesh.”
Robert Kirkman, The Walking Dead: Compendium One

Michael Bassey Johnson
“Don't be a zombie for anyone, if your oppressor likes zombies, cinemas are not located in mars.”
Michael Bassey Johnson

Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
“Don't worry about your father. He's a perfectly contented, self-sufficient zombie.”
Kurt Vonnegut, Bluebeard

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