So I have this thing for heights right, how tall are you?
I’ve been trying to figure out how tall the Undertale characters are and I think i got it!
The average Door is about 7ft right so using that I came up with this chart. These are averages mind you not exact.
From Tallest to shortest
Asgore: 9′ 8
Toriel: 8′ 3
Undyne: 7′ 5 or 8′ 7 with hair XD
Mettaton: 8′ 3 wowie those heels!
Papyrus: 6′ 8
Napstablook: 5′ 2
Alphys: 4′ 9
Sans: 4′ 8
Frisk:4′ 7
Temmie: 4
Monster Kid: 3′ 9
Honestly they sound about right, Asgore is HUGE and Frisk is about the right size for a 7-10 year old depending on weather they are on the short or tall side (compared to my 7yr old)
SO in conclusion if I were to hug Sans we could be breast friends XD (6ft here)