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A versatile perennial herb that attracts pollinators.
from $4.29
Delightfully puffy blooms in pink and white.
A pastel gem!
Unique and fiery flowers are perfect for drying.
A fuss-free, heat tolerant variety.
from $4.99
Single and double blooms in deep, dark tones.
Showy spikes of bright magenta blooms bring in the pollinators.
from $3.69
A vivid blue sage beloved by bumblebees.
Edible and lovable blue blooms.
Brief beauty, long-lasting health.
Build a buffet for the butterflies!
Bursting with color and a delicate scent.
Vigorous bright-ember blooms.
Rosy-fuchsia poppies with golden centers.
Cute, bright, star-shaped flowers on compact plants.
from $4.49
A richly fragrant heirloom in gem tone hues.
Attracts birds, bees, and humans alike.
Highly-pigmented blooms that can be used for dyeing.
A stately plant with drooping purple petals.
Antique flowers with a delicious perfumy scent.
Cottage garden beauty in multiple shades.
These striking red blooms make perfect presents.
Jewel-hued edible flowers adorn 3'-long trailing vines.
A classic flower of late summer, in a celestial blue tone.