What is cooking (or gardening) without onions? We welcome every new growing season with onions, sowing them under protection in winter, while the garden still has months to sleep. Their unmistakable aroma accompanies us through the year, first grilled green in spring, then diced into salsa (also, everything) in summer, and finally, hanging cured in the kitchen, a reminder of a season passed and flavors carried along into winter.


Showing 1 to 9 of 9 items

Ailsa Craig Onion

Certified Organic

A jumbo, fast growing onion!

from $4.29

American Flag Leek

Certified Organic

Use in delicious winter leek soup.

from $3.69

Clear Dawn Onion

Certified Organic

Will store for up to 7 months.

from $4.49

Deep Purple Bunching Onion

Certified Organic

Durable with striking purple stalks.

from $4.49

Evergreen Scallion

A scallion patch is easy to grow and useful nearly all year round.

from $4.29

Lancia Leek

Certified Organic

Harvest early leeks with robust flavor.

from $4.49

New York Early Onion

Certified Organic

A fast-growing onion from New York's Black Dirt Country

from $4.29

Red Long of Tropea Onion

Open Pollinated

from $3.69

Out of Stock
Rossa di Milano Onion vendor-unknown Rossa di Milano Onion vendor-unknown

Rossa di Milano Onion

Certified Organic

A beautiful red onion that boasts a perfect balance of sweet and pungent.

from $4.49