Up 2 BHS Inggris (Passive Voice)
Up 2 BHS Inggris (Passive Voice)
Up 2 BHS Inggris (Passive Voice)
Unit Pembelajaran 02
Penanggung Jawab
Direktorat GTK Madrasah
Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Islam
Kementerian Agama Republik Indonesia
Copyright © 2020
Direktorat Guru dan Tenaga Kependidikan Madrasah
Muhammad Zain
B. Tujuan
Tujuan modul ini adalah:
1. Meningkatkan kompetensi pedagogis dan kompetensi profesional guru
melalui kegiatan PKB.
2. Meningkatkan Hasil Assessmen Kompetensi Guru (PKG).
3. Memfasilitasi sumber belajar guru dan peserta didik dalam mengembangkan
kurikulum, mempersiapkan dan melaksanakan pembelajaran yang mendidik.
B. Sasaran
Adapun sasaran modul ini adalah:
1. Fasilitator nasional, provinsi, dan kabupaten/kota
2. Pengawas Madrasah
3. Kepala Madrasah
5. Guru
6. Peserta didik.
C. Petunjuk Penggunaan
Agar Anda berhasil dengan baik dalam mempelajari dan mempraktikkan
modul ini, ikutilah petunjuk belajar sebagai berikut:
1. Bacalah dengan cermat bagian pendahuluan sampai Anda memahami benar
tujuan mempelajari Unit Pembelajaran ini.
IPK Pengayaan:
3.5.3Merumuskan fungsi sosial,
struktur teks dan unsur
kebahasaan teks interaksi
transaksional yang melibatkan
tindakan memberi dan meminta
informasi terkait
tanpa perlu menyebutkan
pelakunya dalam teks ilmiah.
IPK Pendukung:
4.5 Menentukan fungsi sosial teks
Menyusun teks interaksi interaksi transaksional yang
transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi
melibatkan tindakan memberi dan dan meminta informasi terkait
meminta informasi terkait keadaan/tindakan/kejadian
keadaan/tindakan/kegiatan/kejadian tanpa perlu menyebutkan
tanpa perlu menyebutkan pelakunya pelakunya dalam teks ilmiah
dalam teks ilmiah, dengan sesuai dengan konteks.
memperhatikan fungsi sosial,
struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan Membuat kerangka/outline
yang benar dan sesuai konteks. teks interaksi transaksional
yang melibatkan tindakan
B. Organisasi Pembelajaran
Guna memudahkan guru dalam mempelajari modul ini, kita akan
membaginya menjadi 2 (dua) topik bahasan dengan alokasi waktu sebagai
Table 5 Organisasi Pembelajaran
Jumlah JP
Topik Materi
In - 1 On In - 2
Fungsi sosial struktur teks dan unsur
kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksional
1 (Teks Ilmiah) 3 3 1
Alloh SWT. Berfirman :
“Sesungguhnya dalam penciptaan langit dan bumi, dan silih bergantinya
malam dan siang terdapat tanda-tanda bagi orang-orang yang berakal,
(yaitu) orang-orang yang mengingat Alloh sambil berdiri atau duduk atau
dalam keadaan berbaring, dan mereka memikirkan tentang penciptaan
langit dan bumi (seraya berkata), Ya Rabb kami, tiadalah Engkau
menciptakan ini dengan sia-sia, Maha Suci Engkau, maka peliharalah kami
dari siksa neraka” (Q.S. Ali Imran ayat 190-191).
Catatan Sejarah:
Pada abad ke-7 hingga 8 M perkembangan kedokteran dimulai dengan
gerakan penerjemahan bahasa asing kedalam Bahasa Arab.Pada masa ini ,
sarjana dari Suriah dan Persia secara gemilang dan jujur menerjemahkan
literatur dari Yunani dan Syria ke dalam Bahasa Arab sehingga dimulailah
perkembangan kedokteran yang masif dalam sejarah islam yang
memunculkan tokoh-tokoh terkenal seperti Ibn Sina (Avicenna), Al-Razi
(Razes) dan tokoh-tokoh lainnya. Ruslan (2010:2)
Abazhah, Nizar. 2009. Ketika Nabi di Kota. Jakarta:Penerbit Zaman
Ruslan, Heri. 2010. Khazanah. Jakarta: PT Gramedia.
D. Bahan Bacaan
Social Function
In the workplace or in academic situations, you may need to give a
presentation about a process or procedure scientifically. For example you
want to give a short talk about “how to conduct a survey” or “how a book is
When describing a process, we usually focus on the process and its
results, rather than on the person who performs it. To express this, we use
the passive voice.
Moreover, during those formal and academic encounters, your role
could be the one who needs the information, so you need to know how to ask
the information appropriately. On the other hand, you may be the one who
presents that academic talks in front of others, and therefore you should
perform your talk appropriately as well.
Let’s learn how to ask and talk about scientific things by using passive
voice as the language use in context.
Source: http://www.madehow.com/Volume-1/Book.html#ixzz6YhbwSG8M
3. Use by
✓ when it is important to know the 'agent' or person who performed the
E.g. Some countries have been harmed by tourism.
✓ only when it is really necessary.
E.g. The two men were arrested. (by the police - this is obvious)
Source: http://dl.englishinfo.ir/ieltsbook/Macmillan_English_Grammar_in_Context.pdf
5. Formula
S + the appropriate form of the verb 'to be' + past participle (verb 3)
A. Present
D. With To
E. With Have/Has/Had
Menanya ✓ Membimbing siswa 110’
✓ Menentukan pertanyaan membuat pertanyaan
rinici “Bagaimana rinci untuk menjawab
menerapkan fungsi “Bagaimana
sosial, struktur teks dan menerapkan fungsi
unsur kebahasaan teks sosial, struktur teks
interaksi tansaksional dan unsur
ini?” kebahasaan teks
✓ Mendiskusikan LKPD 1 interaksi
tansaksional ini?”
✓ Membimbing siswa
melakukan ekplorasi
✓ Mendiskusikan jawaban
✓ Membahas
atas pertanyaan yang
pertanyaan dan
sudah dibuat.
jawaban bersama
✓ Menyimpulkan jawaban siswa
✓ Mendiskusikan LKPD 2 ✓ Membahas LKPD 2
✓ Membimbing siswa
membuat peta
konsep atau
Mengomunikasikan infografik atau
✓ Menkonsepkan fungsi podcast
sosial. struktur teks dan ✓ Mengapresiasi
unsur kebahasaan teks produk peta konsep
ilmiah dalam bentuk atau infografik atau
peta konsep atau podcast
infografik atau podcast
✓ Menampilkan peta
konsep atau infografik
atau podcast di media
✓ Menulis kesan
✓ Menulis kesan
pembelajaran hari ini
pembelajaran hari ini di
di media sosial
3 media sosial
✓ Mengucapkan 10
Penutup ✓ Mengucapkan
Alhamdulillah dan salam
mendoakan siswa
dan salam.
2 Menentukan Pertanyaan
Mendasar (Diving
✓ Menayangkan gambar
✓ Mengamati tayangan
✓ Menentukan
pertanyaaan mendasar
1. How is informative
poster made?
2. What is the social
function? ✓ Memnfasilitasi siswa
3. How is the text membuat pertanyaan
organised? mendasar
4. What language
featured is highlited?
✓ Mendiskusikan LKPD 5
Menyusun Perencanaan
Proyek (Project
Menguji Hasil
(Experimenting) ✓ Menilai produk
penyusunan teks
✓ Menampilkan hasil interaksi tansaksional
penyusunan teks teks ilmiah dalam bentuk
interaksi tansaksional informative digital poster
teks ilmiah dalam di media sosial
bentuk informative
digital poster di media
2. LKPD 2
Fill in the blanks with the correct statement from a to f
a. It is how a text is organized
b. What is the text aiming to?
c. What word has a similar meaning with ‘ tedious’?
d. The reason why the text is written
e. It is the significant feature of grammar found the text
f. What does paragraph 2 discuss?
Questions found
No Terms Definition
in the text
3. LKPD 3
The Scientific Method is used to help us answer questions or solve
problems. It has six stages:
Stage 1 Asking aquestion: A question is posed. For example, does grass
grow quicker under
green or red light ?
Stage 2 Research: Research is carried out,for example using
books,journals, and articles
Stage 3 Hypothesis: The results of the research are used to predict the
answer to the question.
This prediction is called a hypothesis.
Stage 4 Experiment: Now a test or process is designed so that the
hypothesis can be tested.
For example, grass seeds are grown under red light and under green light,
The growth is
observed and noted.
In this way, the growth rates of the grass under different conditions can be
Stage 5 Analysis of the results: The results of the experiment are recorded
and analyzed
Stage 6 Conclusion: The resuits are reviewed to check whether or not they
support the original
1. What are scientists leasts likely to use when carrying out their research ?
5. LKPD 5
Match the picture with the correct descrption. Draw line. Number 1 is the
Task 1
Find the words (bold typed) in the text that has the same meaning with
1. Expand :
2. Lessen :
3. Medication :
4. Prototype :
5. Imitate :
Coloum A Coloum B
A. introduces the topic of the text
1. The text is aimed to … .
B. how vaccaine is made.
2. The blue typed phrases indicate … .
C. details of how vaccine is produced
3. Paragraph 1 … .
D. inform readers the fact of vaccine
4. Paragraph 2 tells readers that … .
5. The focus of the text is … .
E. passive forms of sentences
8. LKPD 8
untuk Project Based Learning
Project Designing
Strategic planning:
1. Distributing member’s job desc.
2. Setting time and place for project making
3. ...
4. ….
5. ….
7. ….
8. ….
A. Tes Formatif
Direction: Read the following text and choose a, b,c or d that best answers the
Writing the binary yourself would be slow, tedious and take a way too long.
Instead we all used something called source code. Source code is the
instructions to the computer that is meant to be human readable with a little
practice. Source code can be written in one of many different programming
languages. These are the main ones in use today. Here is a very simple
program written in a programming language called C++. This program
simply display the words “Hello world” to the computer screen. In order for
the computer to actually run the program, the source code must be turned
into binary. This process is called compiling. Once we have our ones and
zero, the computer then can run the program. If the are any mistakes in the
source code such as a misspelled word or missing punctuation mark, the
compile will fail and you won’t be able to run the software.
4. Writing the binary yourself would be slow, tedious. The word ‘tedious’ has the
same meaning with … .
a. Interesting
b. Energizing
c. Scary
d. Boring
5. These are the main ones in use today. The word ‘these’ refers to … .
a. Programming languages
b. Developers
c. Source codes
d. Binary numbers
7. What might happen when a misspelled word found in the source code?
a. The software continue to make
b. The open source does not work
c. The sofware fail to run
d. The open source need to repair
Ford, Carol dan Ann Silverman. 1983. Cultural Encounter: What to Do and Say in
Social Situation in English. Headington: Pergamon Press Ltd
Murphy, Raymond. 2003. English Grammar in Use: A Reference and Practice Book
for Intermediate Students. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Mackay, Barbara. 2016. English For Everyone : Practice Book Level 3 Intermediete.
India : DK
Johnson, Gill. 2016. English For Everyone : Practice Book Level 3 Intermediete.
London : DK