Up 8 B.inggris Descriptive Text - Melda - 08111399571
Up 8 B.inggris Descriptive Text - Melda - 08111399571
Up 8 B.inggris Descriptive Text - Melda - 08111399571
Unit Pembelajaran 08
Penanggung Jawab
Direktorat GTK Madrasah
Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Islam
Kementerian Agama Republik Indonesia
Melda Yohana Anwar
Nurhasanah Rahmawati
Khotim Maslikah
Nanan Nahriah
Copyright © 2020
Direktorat Guru dan Tenaga Kependidikan Madrasah
Muhammad Zain
DAFTAR ISI................................................................................................................................. v
01 PENDAHULUAN ................................................................................................................... 1
B. Tujuan ................................................................................................................................. 4
C. Manfaat .............................................................................................................................. 4
D. Sasaran .............................................................................................................................. 4
C. Integrasi Keislaman........................................................................................................17
05 PENILAIAN ........................................................................................................................ 59
B. Penilaian.......................................................................................................................... 63
06 PENUTUP .......................................................................................................................... 67
GLOSARIUM ........................................................................................................................... 69
Gambar 2 Daya Serap Peserta Didik MTs terhadap Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris pada
Ujian Nasional Tahun 2019
Sumber: https://hasilun.puspendik.kemdikbud.go.id/
Gambar 3 Daya Serap Peserta Didik Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Berdasarkan ruang
lingkup materi pada Ujian Nasional Tahun 2019
Gambar 4 Daya Serap Peserta Didik Materi Descriptive Text pada Ujian Nasional Tahun
Sumber: https://hasilun.puspendik.kemdikbud.go.id/
C. Manfaat
Manfaat yang ingin dicapai:
1. Sebagai sumber belajar bagi guru dalam melaksanakan PKB.
2. Sebagai referensi bagi guru dalam mengembangkan perencanaan dan
pelaksanaan pembelajaran yang mendidik.
3. Sebagai sarana bagi guru untuk malakukan asesmen mandiri guru dalam
rangka peningkatan kompetensi pedagogik dan kompetensi profesional.
4. Sebagai referensi bagi guru dalam mengembangkan instrumen penilaian
proses dan hasil belajar peserta didik
D. Sasaran
Adapun sasaran Unit Pembelajaran ini adalah:
1. Fasilitator nasional, provinsi, dan kabupaten/kota
2. Pengawas Madrasah
3. Kepala Madrasah
4. Guru Bahasa Inggris
5. Peserta didik.
4. Menyelenggarakan 4.1 Memahami prinsip-prinsip perancangan
pembelajaran yang pembelajaran yang mendidik.
mendidik 4.2 Mengembangkan komponen-komponen
rancangan pembelajaran.
4.3 Menyusun rancangan pembelajaran yang
lengkap, baik untuk kegiatan di dalam kelas,
laboratorium, maupun lapangan.
4.4 Melaksanakan pembelajaran yang mendidik
di kelas, di laboratorium, dan di lapangan
dengan memperhatikan standar keamanan
yang dipersyaratkan.
4.5 Menggunakan media pembelajaran dan
sumber belajar yang relevan dengan
karakteristik peserta didik dan mata
pelajaran yang diampu untuk mencapai
tujuan pembelajaran secara utuh.
4.6 Mengambil keputusan transaksional dalam
pembelajaran yang diampu sesuai dengan
situasi yang berkembang.
5. Memanfaatkan 5.1 Memanfaatkan teknologi informasi dan
teknologi informasi komunikasi dalam pembelajaran yang
dan komunikasi diampu.
1. Kompetensi Dasar
Tabel 3 Target Kompetensi Peserta Didik
No. Kompetensi Dasar Target Kompetensi Dasar
3.7 Membandingkan fungsi 3.7.1 Membandingkan fungsi
sosial, struktur teks, dan sosial beberapa teks
unsur kebahasaan deskriptif lisan dan tulisan
beberapa teks deskriptif dengan memberi informasi
lisan dan tulis dengan terkait dengan deskripsi
memberi dan meminta orang, binatang dan benda
informasi terkait dengan sangat pendek dan
deskripsi orang, binatang, sederhana sesuai dengan
dan benda, sangat pendek konteks penggunaannya.
dan sederhana, sesuai
dengan konteks 3.7.2 Membandingkan struktur
penggunaannya teks beberapa teks lisan dan
tulisan teks deskriptif dengan
memberi informasi terkait
dengan deskripsi orang,
binatang, dan benda sangat
pendek dan sederhana
sesuai dengan konteks
IPK Pengayaan:
3.7.11 Membuat teks deskriptif terkait dengan
deskripsi orang, binatang dan benda
sangat pendek dan sederhana, sesuai
dengan konteks penggunaannya
IPK Pengayaan:
4.7.6 Menceritakan teks deskriptif secara lisan
terkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan
unsur kebahasaan teks deskripsi orang,
binatang, dan benda, sangat pendek dan
sederhana, sesuai dengan konteks
C. Integrasi Keislaman
Descriptive text adalah salah satu jenis text dalam bahasa inggris yang
menggambarkan dengan jelas sifat-sifat yang melekat pada sesuatu, baik itu
manusia, hewan, tumbuhan mau pun benda mati. Tujuan dari teks ini adalah
memberikan informasi dengan jelas mengenai objek yang digambarkan kepada
pembaca. Berkaitan dengan pemberian informasi, sumber normatif Islam, al-
Qur’an menganjurkan masyarakat untuk berkata benar, jujur, sesuai dengan
realita dan apa adanya sebagaimana disebutkan dalam Kitab Suci Al-Qur’an Surah
Al-Ahzab (33) Ayat 70
س ْولَ ٗه َفقَ ْد َ ص ِل ْح لَ ُك ْم ا َ ْع َمالَ ُك ْم َويَ ْغف ِْر لَ ُك ْم ذُنُ ْوبَ ُك ْۗ ْم َو َم ْن يُّطِ ِع ه
ُ ّٰللا َو َر َ ّٰللا َوقُ ْولُ ْوا َق ْو اًل
ْ ُّ﴾ ي٧٠﴿ س ِد ْيداا َ يٰٓاَيُّهَا الَّ ِذ ْينَ ا َمنُوا اتَّقُوا ه
﴾٧١﴿ از َف ْوزا ا عَظِ ْي اما
َ َف
Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Bertakwalah kamu kepada Allah dan
ucapkanlah perkataan yang benar. Niscaya Allah akan memperbaiki amal-amalmu
dan mengampuni dosa-dosamu. Dan barangsiapa menaati Allah dan Rasul-Nya,
maka sungguh, dia menang dengan kemenangan yang agung.
D. Bahan Bacaan
1. Bahan Bacaan 1: Menyelenggarakan Pembelajaran yang mendidik
Menurut Raka Joni (2006) pembelajaran yang mendidik yaitu pembelajaran
yang membuahkan bukan saja dasar-dasar penguasaan ilmu pengetahuan dan
teknologi, melainkan juga sekaligus menumbuhkan karakter yang kuat serta
penguasaan kecakapan hidup (soft skills), sehingga tampil sebagai manusia yang
penuh kasih terhadap sesama (compassion) serta menjunjung tinggi etika di
samping terampil dalam bekerja.
Pembelajaran yang mendidik sebagaimana dikemukakan di atas menurut
Magnis Suseno, (2006) dan S. Belen (2007) erat kaitannya dengan pendidikan
hati. Pendidikan hati melibatkan kemampuan menghidupkan kebenaran yang
paling dalam guna mewujudkan hal terbaik, utuh, dan paling manusiawi dalam
batin. Gagasan, energi, nilai, visi, dorongan, dan arah panggilan hidup mengalir
dari dalam untuk memberikan pendidikan yang bermutu kepada semua peserta
didik tanpa memandang ras, agama dan tingkat sosial kehidupan.
Hal ini sesuai dengan UU RI Nomor 20 Tahun 2003 tentang Sistem
Pendidikan Nasional Bab IV pasal 5 (1) bahwa “Setiap warga negara mempunyai
hak yang sama untuk memperoleh pendidikan yang bermutu”. PP RI No. 19 tahun
2005 menegaskan bahwa pada hakekatnya pendidikan dalam konteks
pembangunan nasional mempunyai fungsi: (1) pemersatu bangsa, (2) penyamaan
kesempatan, dan (3) pengembangan potensi diri.
Lebih lanjut dijelaskan bahwa proses pendidikan harus mencakup: (1)
penumbuhkembangan keimanan, ketakwaan, (2) pengembangan wawasan
kebangsaan, kenegaraan, demokrasi, dan kepribadian, (3) penguasaan ilmu
pengetahuan dan teknologi, (4) pengembangan, penghayatan, apresiasi, dan
a. Konsep/Definisi
Model pembelajaran discovery (penemuan) adalah model mengajar yang
mengatur pengajaran sedemikian rupa sehingga anak memperoleh pengetahuan
atau konsep konsep yang sebelumnya belum diketahuinya itu tidak melalui
pemberitahuan, sebagian atau seluruhnya ditemukan sendiri melalui tukar
pendapat, dengan berdiskusi, membaca sendiri dan mencoba sendiri. Dalam
pembelajaran discovery (penemuan) kegiatan. Dalam menemukan konsep,
peserta didik melakukan pengamatan, menggolongkan, membuat dugaan,
menjelaskan, menarik kesimpulan. Guru hanya bertindak sebagai pembimbing
dan fasilitator yang mengarahkan peserta didik untuk menemukan konsep
tentang materi pembelajaran
Descriptive often uses 'be' and 'have'. Tense which is often used is Simple
Present Tense. However, some times it uses Past tense if the thing to be
described doesn't exist anymore. Significant Grammatical Features:
- Focus on specific participants
- Example : My English teacher, Andini's cat, My favourite place
- Use of Simple Present Tense.
- Use of Simple Past Tense if Extinct.
- Verbs of being and having 'Relational Processes'.
- Example : My mum is really cool, She has long black hair
- Use of descriptive adjectives
- Example : Strong hands, black hair
- Use of detailed Noun Phrase to give information about the subject.
- Example : a very beautiful scenery, a sweet young lady, very thick fur
- Use of action verbs 'Material Processes'
- Example : A cow eats grass, Cheetah runs fast
- Use of adverbials to give additional information about behaviour
- Example : fast, at tree house
- Use of Figurative language
- Example : John is as white as chalk.
- The example of descriptive text
1. To express habits
• My mother drinks tea at breakfast
• My sons usually wake up at 4 am every morning
2. To express general truths
• Water freezes at zero degrees.
• I have 6 sisters and one brother
3. To expresses repeated actions or unchanging situations, emotions and
• Nina and her sister catch the bus every morning
• It rains every afternoon in the hot season
• My father drives to office every day
4. To give instructions or directions.
Example :
• You walk for two hundred meters, then you turn left.
• You take the No.6 bus to Watney and then you take the No.10 to
5. To express fixed arrangements, present or future.
Example :
C. Aktivitas Pembelajaran
1. Aktifitas Pembelajaran Topik 1: Membandingkan teks deskriptif
a. Kegiatan In Learning Service-1 ( 4 JP)
Kegiatan ini dilakukan secara tatap muka bersama fasilitator dan teman
sejawat untuk mengkaji materi dan melakukan kegiatan pembelajaran. Langkah-
langkah aktivitas secara umum yang dilakukukan adalah:
1) Mempelajari isi Unit Pembelajaran secara umum untuk memahami tujuan
pembelajaran serta menselaraskan target kompetensi guru dengan
kompetensi peserta didik.
2) Melakukan diskusi materi teks deskripsi yang dianggap sulit atau berpeluang
terjadi miskonsepsi untuk meningkatkan kompetensi profesional.
3) Merancang aktivitas peserta didik yang akan dilakukan pada kegiatan on,
membuat atau menyempurnakan LKPD, dan membuat instrumen penilaian
proses maupun penilaian hasi belajar.
sweet dimple, big mole, long pointed
Light fur, red tail, brown fur, ………...............................
Text 2
The Sydney Opera House is a multi-venue performing arts centre in Sydney
Australia, identified as one of the 20th century's most distinctive buildings.
Designed by Danish architect Jorn Utzon, the building was formally opened 20
October 1973 after a gestation beginning with Utzon's 1957 selection as winner an
international design competition. The government of New South Wales, led by the
premier, Joseph Cahill, authorised work to begin in 1958 with Utzon directing
construction. The government's decision to build Utzon's design is often overshadow
by circumstances that followed, including cost and scheduling over runs as well as the
architect's ultimate resignation.
The building and its surrounds occupy the whole of Bennelong Point in Sydney
harbour, between Sydney Cove and Farm Cove, adjacent to the Sydney central
business district and the Royal Botanic Gardens, and close by the Sydney Harbour
Though its name suggests a single venue, the building comprises multiple
performance venues which together are among the busiest performing arts centres
hosting well over 1,500 performances annually, attended by more than 1.2 million
people. Performances are presented by numerous performing artists, including four
resident companies: Opera Australia, The Australian Ballet, the Sydney Theatre
Company and the Sydney Symphony Orchestra. As one of the most popular visitor
attractions in Australia, more than eight million people visit the site each year, an
approximately 350,000 visitors take a guided tour of the building each year. The
building is managed by the Sydney Opera House Trust, an agency of the New South
Wales State Government.
Unsur Kebahasaan
1. What is the identification of the
2. What is the description of the
Struktur text
1. Does the text use simple present?
Give 2 examples
2. Does the text use verbs of being
Relational Processes? Give the
3. Does the text use verbs of having
Relational Processes? Give the
4. Does the text use descriptive
adjectives ? give the example
Aktivitas 3: Mengkaji RPP, LKPD dan perangkat penilaian
Pada aktivitas ini, peserta PKB masih bekerja dalam kelompok (4-5 orang)
untuk melakukan aktivitas:
Berikut ini adalah contoh model pembelajaran yang dapat digunakan, yaitu
model discovery learning dengan sintak:
1) Pemberian stimulus (Stimulation)
2) Mengidentifikasi masalah (Problem Statement)
3) Mengumpulkan data (Data Collecting)
4) Mengolah data (Data Processing)
5) Memverifikasi hasil pengolahan data (Verification)
6) Penarikan Kesimpulan (Generalization)
6 (Data processing)
untuk membandingkan
fungsi sosial, struktur teks
(termasuk a.l. gagasan
utama dan informasi rinci),
dan unsur kebahasaan
dari beberapa teks
deskriptif tentang orang,
benda dan binatang yang
telah dikumpulkan dari
berbagai sumber tersebut
di atas.
7 (Verification)
Membuat beberapa teks
deskriptif sederhana
tentang orang, benda dan
binatang dalam bahasa
Inggris, dengan struktur
teks dan unsur
kebahasaan yang sesuai
dengan fungsi sosial
nyata yang hendak
dicapai dan
pandangan masing-
masing tentang isi
deskripsi, dsb
8 (Generalization
Menyusun kesimpulan
mengenai konsep
What is she/he 1. 1.
4. 2. 2.
2. Describe the people below using the guided questions in the table and in the
Dude Herlino
2. Describe the animal below using the guided questions in the table and in the
1. Contoh LKPD 1
Tujuan Pembelajaran:
Melalui kegiatan diskusi kelompok, peserta didik dapat:
Mengidentifikasi menjelaskan dan menggunakan fungsi sosial teks report secara
Aspek-aspek fungsi sosial:
- topik/isu/masalah
- tujuan/fungsi/pesan
- latar belakang/alasan
- akibat/dampak/manfaat
- sikap/nilai yang diusung
- peran dan fungsi pembicara/penulis
- peran dan fungsi pendengar/pembaca
- konteks penggunaan (a.l. tempat, waktu, situasi, dsb)
Activity 2
Play Shopping Trip Game
In this game the teacher prepares the words that want to guess. Then the teacher
tell students that he/she went to the store yesterday to buy something. Bit by bit,
give them clues and allow students to guess. Decide on clues that talk about the
item’s characteristics or how it is used.
For example :
Teacher : “There are twelve of them. They’re small and break easily. I eat them for
Students : “They’re eggs”
Tip: Play the game several times over a semester, identifying a store each time that
matches your unit of study (supermarket, clothes store, hardware store, butcher,
office supplier, etc).
2. Contoh LKPD 2
Tujuan Pembelajaran:
Melalui kegiatan diskusi kelompok, peserta didik dapat:
Mengidentifikasi struktur teks dari teks deskriptif
Struktur teks merupakan keterkaitan makna antar bagian-bagian dalam teks:
- pandangan/maksud/pendapat yang menjadi ide utama
- rincian argumentasi,
- rincian langkahlangkah
- rincian peristiwa
- rincian deskripsi
- rincian unsur-unsur teks
- plot, alur pikiran
The Island of Wingo is by the island of Singa. In the water around Wingo
Island, there are hundreds of sharks. They are so many that the water bubbles like
a whirlpool. People can only get to Wingo Island by boat. The boat has a rocket on
it. The rocket takes people over the sharks and onto the island.
Wingo Island has no sand but it has green moss. At night the moss sparkles
like stars. Tall stars called Fruji grow everywhere The Fruji tress have purple leaves
at the top and yellow fruit all over them. When a fruit falls off, another tree grows in
a minute.
The Weather on Wingo Island is very hot but at twelve o’clock, everyday, it
rains. Sometimes, there are windstorms. They happen when too many animals fly
around at the same time.
People who stay on Wingo Island sleep in a big-gloo. It is like an igloo but it is on
long poles. It has a ladder to get up and a slide to come down. The big-gloo has a
moss bed, chairs, and tables that are made of Fruji tress.
There is no television on Wingo Island. So is the telephone and computer. It
is place to listen to the leaves whispering. It is a place to lie on soft green moss and
look at the clouds. It is really a place to dream.
(sumber: detik-detik UN bahasa Inggris; 2005/2006 Intan Pariwara)
7. Fruji is the … on Wingo Island.
A. Name of a tree
B. Name of a river
C. Name of a mountain
D. Name of someone who lives
8. What are the chairs and tables in that island made of?
A. Iron
B. Moss
C. Trees
D. Fruji trees
Tujuan Pembelajaran:
Melalui kegiatan permainan, peserta didik dapat:
Mengidentifikasi unsur kebahasaan teks deskriptif
Unsur kebahasaan yang terkait dengan isi teks terdiri atas:
- persamaan kata
- word order
- artikel
- demonstrative
- possessive pronoun
- agreement dan number
- tense
- passive voice
- referensi gramatika
- kata sambung
- preposisi
- referensi makna
Tips : In those games students also practice the use of simple present
Activity 3
Lost and Find Game
In this game, the teacher asks the students to work in pair. Then they create a
short dialogue about describing something
You’re at the Lost and Found Departement in a railway station. Choose one of
your belonging and describe it for the clerk. Start with these:
Passenger : Excuse me.
Clerk : Yes, ma’am/sir. May I help you?
Passenger : I hope so. I’ve lost my……………..
Clerk : I see. And, what ……………….?
Passenger : Well, It’s ……………………… and it’s got ……………..
Clerk : (Be sure to find out: what it’s made of; what colour it is: how big it is,
if it’s got a/any …………………., where the person saw it last)
Berikut ini contoh soal-soal Ujian Nasional dua tahun terakhir yang dapat
dijadikan sebagai sarana mengembangkan soal yang setipe pada materi teks
Soal Ujian Nasional tahun 2018
Butir Soal
Soal ini mengukur kemampuan peserta didik dalam mengidentifikasi tujuan teks
bacaan. Di paragraph 1 dan 2 penulis mendeskripsikan Rani secara jelas dan ini
berarti sesuai dengan language feature dari descriptive text. Paragraph 1
identification dan paragraph 2 description.
Kunci jawaban D
Butir Soal
The Aceh Tsunami Museum is located on Jalan Iskandar Muda Banda Aceh, and
is opened daily (except Friday). The Museum building has adopted the traditional
Aceh House, while at the same time it resembles a ship with its protruding bowsprit.
Stepping inside, one will find a narrow corridor with water flowing from either
side accompanied by scary rumbling sounds, reminding of the devastation made by
the 2004 tsunami. The Museum also features an electronic simulation of the Indian
Ocean earthquake, pictures of the casualties, and stories and testimonies of
The first floor is an open area which serves as reminder of the tsunami disaster.
There are several sections on the first floor which recall the unfortunate day
including pre-tsunami, the D-day, and post-tsunami pictures. Several images, ruins,
and a diorama are showcased here. Some of the most notable dioramas are fishing
boats being hit by the high waves and dashed ashore. There is also a picture of the
PLTD Apung Ship which was swept up and carried far inland to finally come aground
at Punge Blang Cut.
The second floor features educational media including a library, simulation
rooms, 4D room, and a souvenir shop. Some of the exhibits showcased here are an
earthquake resistant building and a model of the earth crust. There is also a room
displaying tsunami disaster paintings and dioramas.
What is the main idea of the third paragraph?
A. Despite the devastating disaster, some boats managed to come aground.
B. Visitors may feel terrified and touched by the testimonies of survivors.
C. The reminders of the tsunami disaster are displayed on the first floor.
D. How fishing boats dashed onto the shore.
Soal ini mengukur kompetensi peserta didikdalam materi Struktur Teks dengan
mengidentifikasi ide pokok dari satu paragraph dalam teks. Untuk menjawab soal
ini, peserta didikharus membaca paragraph ketiga dari teks. Jawaban dapat
ditemukan pada kalimat pertama di paragraph yaitu “The first floor is an open area
which serves as reminder of the tsunami disaster.”
Dibutuhkan kemampuan peserta didikuntuk memahami keterkaitan makna antar
bagian dalam teks, kosakata yang digunakan, dan keterampilan memilah mana yang
merupakan main sentence dan supporting sentences dalam paragraf. Meski kunci
jawaban tidak tertulis sama persis dengan yang ada di teks, soal ini masih termasuk
relative mudah karena hanya struktur kalimatnya saja yang diubah tanpa mengubah
Kunci jawaban C
Butir Soal
Benjamin Franklin House is a museum and education centre based on the
surviving remains of surviving Benjamin Franklin’s house. During the 16-year of his
stay at 36 Craven Street, he carried out numerous experiments in the fields of
electricity, optics, music, health,and heating. He published a newspaper called the
Craven Street Gazette, and lived at the hub of high society London.
The interesting thing about Benjamin Franklin House is that the curators
have made a serious attempt to bring history to life. It is to make the museum more
than a collection of artifacts and really give visitors a sense of what life was like here
over 200 years ago. To do this the museum makes use of modern audio and visual
techniques like projecting images into space, and this is blended with a soundtrack
of Franklin telling the story of his life in London in his own words. Your guide to the
house is Polly Hewson, the daughter of Franklin’s landlady. Polly’s husband, William,
runs a school of anatomy in the basement of the house.
There are two further sections of Franklin House: the Student Science Centre
which offers younger visitors a chance to explore the science behind Franklin’s
work, and the top floor Scholarship Centre which allows more academic study of
Franklin’s life, including his letters and other papers. Benjamin Franklin House
Museum opened its doors to visitors on the Franklin’s 300th birthday in January
(taken from:http://www.britainexpress.com/London/Benjamin-Franklin.htm)
Identifikasi soal:
Level kognitif Aplikasi (C4)
Menentukan kata sambung pada dua klausa dalam
Indikator yang sesuai
kalimat pengandaian.
Materi yang diperlukan Unsur Kebahasaan
Untuk menjawab soal ini peserta didikperlu mengetahui hubungan antara dua
klausa yang diberikan. Karena hubungan keduanya bersifat conditional, maka
peserta didikperlu menjawab dengan kata sambung pengandaian/conditional yang
Kunci jawaban B
A. Tes Formatif
Pilihlah jawaban yang paling tepat!
The following text is for questions 1 and 2
The most influential person in my life is my father. He teaches me how to have
a goal in life. He assures me that I will accomplish it. He always builds my confidence
with his best efforts. My father's love is unconditional. Leaving all of his ambitions and
dreams, he helps me to have a dream and support me to reach it.
Since my childhood, he has been working in a small company. In the afternoon,
he comes from his wearying work with his same old suitcase, asking, "How is your day?"
with his cheerful and contented eyes. The fact that he never shows his exhausted face
has always surprised me. Although we may be an ordinary family living in a small
apartment room, our family is always distinguished by his everlasting love, strong
support, and inspiriting courage.
It has always been my father that inspired me in many ways. “Don’t be lazy,
keep up trying, don’t give up” that what he says lovingly whenever I feel disappointed
with my study. He always reminds me if I want my dream come true I must struggle for
2. “The fact that he never shows his exhausted face has always surprised me”. The
underlined word means ...
A. sad C. dissapointed
B. tired D. unsatisfied
4. What does the writer’s brother look like based on the text?
A. He is a good guitar player.
B. His hair is dark and brown.
C. He is still young and brave person.
D. He is a kind, caring, and clever boy.
Nambo Beach is one of the (5).... beaches in Southeast Sulawesi. It can be reach
only 30 minutes from the city of Kendari, the capital city of Southeast Sulawesi.
Formely this beach was a swamp. Then the local government constructed it as a
tourism object.
As you approach this beach, you will soon see the beauty and tranquilty of
Nambo Beach. There is no much noise in this beach. It is a sloping beach, with breezy
winds, and beautiful palm trees waving. The water sea is (6)... and clear. It is really
suitable for swimming. There are some pavilions built along the beach. In these
pavilions you can enjoy the wide ocean with small Bokori island in far away. The fresh
young coconuts can be easily found in this beach. Come and Enjoy this beautiful
beach and you will be (7)....
5. A. beauty C. very beauty
B. beautiful D. beautifulness
6. A. deep C. wide
B. dirty D. calm
7. A. satisfying C. satisfied
B. satisfy D. satisfaction
For question 8 to 10, choose the best answer to complete the text
My favorite toy is a doll. I have a doll. I call my doll, Donna. It was a gift from my aunt
who lived in England.
Donna is very beautiful doll. It is 22 cm tall. Is body is perfect, tall and slim. It is like a
body of a model. It (8).... long auburn-red brush able hair. It is wonderful hair. Her face is
very pretty. Its green eyes are stunning. It has a pointed nose. There (9) ... also two dimples
near her mouth on the left and on the right. They make her more beautiful .Her body is
covered with yellow, orange, and green flower bud print dress.
I like to play with it. I put it at my side when I (10) ... at night. I sometimes ask my friends
to come to my house and play with Donna. They like Donna too.
13. Di bawah ini adalah kemampuan guru yang termasuk pada kelompok kompetensi
A. Pemahaman terhadap karakteristik peserta didik, menyusun PBM, melaksanakan
PBM, melaksanakan penilaian, pengelolaan kelas.
B. Pemahaman terhadap karakteristik peserta didik, penguasaan substansi materi,
melaksanakan PBM, melaksanakan penilaian, pengelolaan kelas
C. Menyusun program pembelajaran, penguasaan substansi materi ajar,
melaksanakan PBM, melaksanakan penilaian dan pengelolaan kelas.
D. Menyusun program pembelajaran, penguasaan materi ajar, melaksanakan PBM,
penguasaan strategi metode belajar dan melaksanakan penilaian.
ESENSIA, Vol. 15, No. 2, September 2014 161 ETIKA JURNALISTIK PERSPEKTIF
AL-QUR’AN Limmatus Sauda’ Pascasarjana UIN Sunan Kalijaga
Yogyakarta Jalan Marsda Adisucipto Yogyakarta, 55281, Indonesia
[email protected]
M. Mursyid PW. English Learning Handout for Grade VIII : Learning Descriptive
Text. https://mmursyidpw.files.wordpress.com/2011/02/learning-
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