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Raih skor TOEFL hingga 677
Cara menghitung skor TOEFL
Tips dan Trik mengerjakan TOEFL dengan cepat dan tepat.
Beragam jenis latihan soal dengan Tingkat kesulitan berbeda

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Table of content
- Listening Comprehension
- Pemahaman Listening comprehension ......................................................
- Pola Soal Listening comprehension ...........................................................
SHORT DIALOGUES ............................................................................................
1. RESTATEMENTS .......................................................................................
2. NEGATIVES ................................................................................................
3. SUGGESTIONS………………………………………………………………………………
4. AGREEMENT .............................................................................................
5. WHO AND WHERE ....................................................................................
6. PASSIVE .....................................................................................................
7. EXPRESSIONS OF AGREEMENT .............................................................
EXERCISE ..............................................................................................................
EXERCISE 1 ............................................................................................................
SECTION TWO : Structure and Written Expression………………………………………

Pemahaman Structure and Written Expression……………………………………………..

Pola Soal Structure and Written Expression………………………………………………….

a.Basic Pattern ……………………………………………………………………………….


c.Elliptical Contruction……………………………………………………………………

d.Subjunctive and Preference…………………………………………………………..


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f.Gerund and To infinitive………………………………………………………………..

g.Active Participle……………………………………………………………………………


i .Passive Voice……………………………………………………………………………….

j .Clause…………………………………………………………………………………………

k. Pronoun………………………………………………………………………………………

l. Conjuction…………………………………………………………………………………

M.Conditional Sentence………………………………………………………………..


Practice Exam Structure and Written Expression……………………………………….

SECTION Three: Reading Comprehension………………………………………………..

Pemahaman Reading Comprehension………………………………………………………

Pola Soal Reading Comprehension……………………………………………………………

Practice Exam Reading Comprehension …………………………………….……………..

3|P a ge
TOEFL sendiri merupakan suatu tes yang dilakukan untuk menguji atau
mengukur kemampuan diri seseorang dalam menguasai bahasa Inggris. Umumnya,
tes ini sering kali digunakan untuk proses pendaftaran masuk perguruan tinggi di
dalam maupun luar negeri.
Meskipun dikatakan relatif sama, namun ada beberapa perbedaan signifikan
antara tes TOEFL dengan tes IELTS. Jika tes TOEFL umumnya menggunakan
bahasa Inggris Amerika, maka untuk tes IELTS sendiri biasanya menggunakan
bahasa Inggris British. Bahkan, kedua tes tersebut berbeda dari segi ejaan idiom dan
logat yang digunakan.
Di Indonesia sendiri, tes TOEFL memiliki berbagai jenis yang bisa kamu simak
penjelasannya seperti di bawah ini :
1. Jenis tes PBT (Paper Based Test)

Yakni tes yang paling banyak dipergunakan seperti tes dan ujian pada
umumnya. Tes ini biasanya menggunakan media kertas dengan soal dan
lembar jawaban yang telah disediakan. Untuk bentuk soalnya sendiri biasanya
berupa pilihan ganda dengan materi yang diujikan yakni seperti Listening,
Reading dan Structure. Sementara itu, waktu pengerjaan tes ini biasanya
diberikan selama kurang lebih 3 jam dengan skor tes antara 310 – 667.
2. Jenis tes CBT (Computer Based Test)

Mengenai apa itu TOEFL CBT sendiri yakni merupakan tes ujian
kemampuan bahasa Inggris yang biasanya dikerjakan dengan media
komputer. Dalam praktiknya, peserta diminta untuk menyelesaikan beberapa
soal berupa Reading, Structure, Listening dan Writing dengan media aplikasi
yang telah disediakan di dalam komputer tersebut. Untuk mengerjakan tes ini
diperlukan ketelitian dan kecermatan penuh lantaran kamu tidak bisa
mengubah jawaban yang telah dipilih sebelumnya. Skor tes ini berkisar antara
30 – 300.
3. Jenis tes IBT (Internet Based Test)

Banyak orang yang menyebut jika tes IBT sebagai generasi baru dari
tes CBT yang kini mulai tergantikan. Adapun perbedaan dari tes IBT ini
umumnya dikerjakan dengan media pendukung komputer dan akses jaringan
internet stabil. Di tes ini, kamu diminta untuk mengerjakan soal yang terdiri
dari Reading, Writing, Listening dan Speaking dengan skor penilaian mulai

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dari 0 – 120 dan waktu selama 4 – 5 jam. Sebagai informasi, tes IBT ini
terbilang cukup mahal sekitar Rp 2 juta lebih.
4. Jenis tes ITP (Internet Based Test)

Apa itu TOEFL ITP? Nah, jenis TOEFL ini merupakan suatu tes yang
diadakan oleh perguruan tinggi ataupun lembaga bahasa terpercaya dengan
soal yang diberikan mengikuti standar internasional. Tes ini umumnya tidak
diakui secara internasional lantaran sertifikatnya hanya berlaku di dalam
negeri dan di beberapa negara Asia saja. Oleh karena itu, ada baiknya kamu
mengetahui lebih dulu universitas yang akan dipilih apakah menerima tes
TOEFL ini atau tidak.
Apa saja tes yang diujikan dalam TOEFL?
Setelah mengenal apa itu TOEFL, kamu juga perlu tahu mengenai tes apa saja yang
biasanya diujikan dalam TOEFL. Nah, beberapa tes yang biasanya diujikan di dalam
TOEFL ini terdiri dari :
1. Listening Comprehension
Melatih kemampuan dalam mendengarkan percakapan atau pidato pendek
bahasa Inggris.
2. Structure & Written Expression
Menguji kemampuan dalam memahami tata bahasa dan ungkapan –
ungkapan yang biasa dipakai dalam sehari – hari.
3. Reading Comprehension
Menguji kemampuan dalam hal memahami berbagai jenis bacaan ilmiah
seperti topik, ide utama, isibacaan dan sebagainya.
4. Test of Written English
Melatih kemampuan dalam hal menulis esai bahasa Inggris dengan topik
yang diberikan.

Hal – hal yang Perlu Diperhatikan Sebelum Mengikuti Tes TOEFL

Ada beberapa hal penting yang perlu kamu perhatikan sebelum mengikuti tes di
antaranya sebagai berikut:
- Memastikan lebih dulu kapan tenggat waktu tes TOEFL agar bisa
mempersiapkan diri dalam belajar.
- Memahami bagaimana format tes yang akan dihadapi nantinya.
- Tahu berbagai kategori soal tes TOEFL.
- Mengetahui sistem penilaian dan target skor tes TOEFL.
- Memahami berapa kira – kira waktu yang diberikan untuk mengerjakan tes
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Manfaat Mengikuti Tes TOEFL
Mengingat kamu sudah mengetahui mengenai apa itu TOEFL, maka manfaat yang
didapatkan ketika mengikuti tes tersebut antara lain seperti berikut ini :
- Dapat mengukur seberapa besar kemampuan diri sendiri dalam menguasai
bahasa Inggris, baikdalam hal Reading, Listening, Speaking, dan Writing.
- Dapat memberikan jaminan terhadap penguasaan bahasa Inggris di masa
- Memenuhi persyaratan pihak lembaga atau institusi pendidikan untuk
melanjutkan jenjang pendidikan lebih tinggi di universitas dalam negeri
maupun luar negeri favorit.
- Bisa digunakan untuk memperoleh beasiswa pendidikan gratis di beberapa
universitas ternama lantaran memiliki sertifikat tes kemampuan bahasa
Inggris yang mumpuni.
- Memudahkan dalam mendapatkan karir yang bagus di perusahaan-
perusahaan tertentu.
- Mampu memperluas sudut pandang diri sendiri terhadap dunia luar, baik
dari segi budaya, tradisi dan aspek sosial lainnya.



Week 1 Listening Comprehension Short Dialogs
Week 2 Listening Comprehension Long Conversation
Week 3 Listening Comprehension Long Talks
Week 4 Structure & Written Expression Basic Pattern
Week 5 Structure & Written Expression Participle
Week 6 Structure & Written Expression Clause
Week 7 Structure & Written Expression Derivation
Week 8 Structure & Written Expression Conjunction & Passive
Week 9 Reading Comprehension Main ideas
Week 10 Reading Comprehension Stated Detail Questions &
Week 11 Reading Comprehension Implied Detail Questions
& Vocabulary
Week 12 Post-Test All Skills

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Mata Kuliah : Pelatihan Peningkatan Kemampuan Berbahasa Inggris

Capaian pembelajaran yang dibebankan pada mata kuliah ini
Mahasiswa mampu menguasai keterampilan Listening Comprehension, Strukture &
Written Ekspression serta Reading Comprehension setingkat A2 (CEFR) atau
Elementary Level of English untuk memahami literature berbahasa inggris dalam
konteks akademis, serta dengan mengikuti test TOEFL, dengan skor minimal 400.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Ming Kemampuan Bentuk Pengalama Penilaia
gu Akhir yang Pembel Waktu n Belajar n dan
Ke- Diharapkan ajaran Mahasiswa Indikat
1 Mahasiswa mampu LISTENING - Tatap 120 - Mahasisw Latihan
mengerjakan soal- SKILS IN muka menit (2 a Soal
soal listening skils THE virtual jam) mendenga
dalam percakapan SHORT - Ceram rkan dan
pendek yang DIALOGUE ah beriteraks
meliputi : S (PART A) - Simula i dengan
- Testatement : si nara
- negatives A dialog sumber
- Suggestion restatement - Latiha (instruktu
- Passive of the ideas, n soal r)
- Who and Where negative - Mahasisw
- Agreement ekspression, a
suggestion, mencoba
passive, who mem-
and where, praktekan
agreement. materi
- Mahasisw

7|P a ge
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Ming Kemampuan Bentuk Pengalama Penilaia
gu Akhir yang Pembel Waktu n Belajar n dan
Ke- Diharapkan ajaran Mahasiswa Indikat
2 Mahasiswa mampu LISTENING - Tatap 120 - Mahasisw Latihan
mengerjakan soal- SKILLS IN muka menit (2 a Soal
soal listening skills THE LONG virtual jam) mendenga
dalam percakapan CONVERSA - Ceram rkan dan
panjang yang TION ah beriteraks
meliputi : (PART B) : - Simula i dengan
- The Questions The si nara
- The Topik question, Long sumber
- The order of the The topik, Conve (instruktu
answer The order of rsation r)
the answer - Latiha - Mahasisw
n soal a
- Mahasisw
3 Mahasiswa mampu LISTENING - Tatap 120 - Mahasisw - Latiha
mengerjakan soal- SKILLS IN muka menit (2 a n soal

8|P a ge
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Ming Kemampuan Bentuk Pengalama Penilaia
gu Akhir yang Pembel Waktu n Belajar n dan
Ke- Diharapkan ajaran Mahasiswa Indikat
soal listening skills THE LONG virtual jam) mendenga - (REVI
dalam LONG TALKS - Ceram rkan dan EW
TALKS yang (PART C) ah beriteraks LISTE
meliputi : The - Latiha i dengan NING
- The questions questions, n soal nara )
- The topic the topic, sumber
- The order of the the order of (instruktu
answer the answer. r)
- Mahasisw
4 Mahasiswa mamapu .................. - Tatap 120 - Mahasisw Latihan
mengerjakan soal muka menit (2 a soal
STRUKTURE & virtual jam) mendenga
WRITTEN - Ceram rkan dan
EXPRESSION skills ah beriteraks
yang meliputi : - Latiha i dengan
- Subjects & verbs n soal nara
- Subject of sumber
.......... (instruktu
- Mahasisw
5 Mahasiswa mampu STRUKTUR - Tatap 120 - Mahasisw Latihan
mengerjakan soal- E& muka menit (2 a soal
soal STRUKTURE & WRITTEN virtual jam) mendenga
WRITTEN EXPRESSIO - Ceram rkan dan

9|P a ge
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Ming Kemampuan Bentuk Pengalama Penilaia
gu Akhir yang Pembel Waktu n Belajar n dan
Ke- Diharapkan ajaran Mahasiswa Indikat
EXPRESSION skills N (Skill 3 – ah beriteraks
yang meliputi : 4) - Latiha i dengan
- Present n soal nara
participle sumber
- past participle (instruktu
- Mahasisw
6 Mahasiswa mampu STRUKTUR - Tatap 120 - Mahasisw Latihan
mengerjakan soal- E& muka menit (2 a soal
soal STRUKTURE & WRITTEN virtual jam) mendenga
WRITTEN EXPRESSIO - Ceram rkan dan
EXPRESSION skills N (skill 5 – ah beriteraks
yang meliputi : 6) - Latiha i dengan
- Coordinate n soal nara
connectors sumber
- adverb clause (instruktu
connectors r)
- Mahasisw
7 Mahasiswa mampu STRUKTUR - Tatap 120 - Mahasisw Latihan
mengerjakan soal- E& muka menit (2 a soal
soal STRUKTURE & WRITTEN virtual jam) mendenga
WRITTEN EXPRESSIO - Ceram rkan dan
EXPRESSION skill N (skill 7 – ah beriteraks
yang meliputi : 8) - Latiha i dengan

10 | P a g e
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Ming Kemampuan Bentuk Pengalama Penilaia
gu Akhir yang Pembel Waktu n Belajar n dan
Ke- Diharapkan ajaran Mahasiswa Indikat
- Noun clause n soal nara
connectors sumber
- Noun clause (instruktu
connectors / r)
subject - Mahasisw
8 Mahasiswa mampu STRUKTUR - Tatap 120 - Mahasisw Latihan
mengerjakan soal- E& muka menit (2 a soal
soal STRUKTURE & WRITTEN virtual jam) mendenga
WRITTEN EXPRESSIO - Ceram rkan dan
EXPRESSION skill N (skill 9 – ah beriteraks
yang meliputi : 10) - Latiha i dengan
- Adjective clause n soal nara
connectors sumber
- Adjective clause (instruktu
connectors / r)
subject - Mahasisw
9 Mahasiswa mampu READING - Tatap 120 - Mahasisw Latihan
mengerjakan soal- COMPREH muka menit (2 a soal
soal TOEFL ENSION virtual jam) mendenga
READING (skill 1 – 2) - Ceram rkan dan
COMPREHENSION ah beriteraks
skill yang meliputi : - Latiha i dengan
- Main idea n soal nara
questions sumber

11 | P a g e
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Ming Kemampuan Bentuk Pengalama Penilaia
gu Akhir yang Pembel Waktu n Belajar n dan
Ke- Diharapkan ajaran Mahasiswa Indikat
- Stated detail (instruktu
questions r)
- Mahasisw
10 Mahasiswa mampu READING - Tatap 120 - Mahasisw Latihan
mengerjakan soal- COMPREH muka menit (2 a soal
soal TOEFL ENSION virtual jam) mendenga
READING (skill 3 – 4) - Ceram rkan dan
COMPREHENSION ah beriteraks
skill yang meliputi : - Latiha i dengan
- find “unstated” n soal nara
details sumber
- implied detail (instruktu
questions r)
- Mahasisw
11 Mahasiswa mampu READING - Tatap 120 - Mahasisw Latihan
mengerjakan soal- COMPREH muka menit (2 a soal
soal TOEFL ENSION virtual jam) mendenga
READING (skill 5 – 6) - Ceram rkan dan
COMPREHENSION ah beriteraks
skill yang meliputi : - Latiha i dengan
- vocabulary in n soal nara
context sumber
questions (instruktu
- “where” r)

12 | P a g e
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Ming Kemampuan Bentuk Pengalama Penilaia
gu Akhir yang Pembel Waktu n Belajar n dan
Ke- Diharapkan ajaran Mahasiswa Indikat
questions - Mahasisw
12 Mengukur Tes TOEFL Compute +115 Mahasiswa Standard
kemampuan r Based menit mengerjakan Paper
mahasiswa setelah test listening soal test Based
mendapatkan (35 TOEFL like (berdasar
pelatihan TOEFL menit), dari P2B konversi
SWE (25 nilai
menit), TOEFL)

13 | P a g e


Setelah semua diperiksa, Anda akan memperoleh nilai keseluruhan dari ketiga
bagian tersebut yang berkisar antara 310 (nilai terendah) sampai 677 (nilai tertinggi)
yang merupakan hasil penjumlahan subskor Listening Comprehension (31 –
68), Structure and Written Expressions (31 – 68) dan Reading
Coprehension (31 – 67). Perlu anda ketahui bahwa hasil skor yang akan Anda
terima pada bagian Listening Coprehension, Structure and Written
Expressions, dan Reading Comprehension bukanlah merupakan persentase
dari jawaban yang benar. Skor tersebut diubah atau dikonversikan untuk
memperhitungkan sisi tingkat kesulitan soal TOEFL yang beragam.
Pengonversian skor ini dilakukan untuk menyamaratakan berbagai tingkat kesulitan
tersebut menjadi hasil yang jauh lebih akurat dalam merefleksikan kemampuan
bahasa inggris Anda, dibandingkan dengan hanya melihat jawaban yang benar saja.
Jika suatu saat Anda berlatih mengerjakan tes TOEFL dengan menggunakan materi
yang sudah tersedia, Anda dapat menghitung sendiri berapa nilai yang akan Anda
peroleh. Oleh sebab itu, melakukan latihan berulang-ulang dengan materi yang
berbeda, bisa mengukur kemampuan Anda dan meningkatkan nilai TOEFL yang
akan Anda peroleh jika suatu saat nanti mengikuti Institutional Testing Program.
Anda dapat menggunakan tabel berikut untuk menghitung nilai yang bisa Anda
peroleh dalam setiap latihan mengerjakan soal.
Tabel konversi jumlah Jawaban yang benar terhadap Skor

Correct Converted Converted Converted

Number Score Score Score
Section 1 Section 2 Section 3
50 68 - 67
49 67 - 66
48 66 - 65
47 65 - 63
46 63 - 61
45 62 - 60
44 61 - 59
14 | P a g e
43 60 - 58
42 59 - 57
41 58 - 56
40 57 68 55
39 57 67 54
38 56 65 54
37 55 63 53
36 54 61 52
35 54 60 52
34 53 58 51
33 52 57 50
32 52 56 49
31 51 55 48
30 51 54 48
29 50 53 47
28 49 52 46
27 49 51 46
26 48 50 45
25 48 49 44
24 47 48 43
23 47 47 43
22 46 46 42
21 45 45 41
20 45 44 40
19 44 43 39
18 43 42 38
17 42 41 37
16 41 40 36
15 41 40 35
14 37 38 34
13 38 37 32
12 37 36 31
11 35 35 30
10 33 33 29
9 32 31 28
8 32 29 28
*Adopted from Longman Preparation Course for the TOEFL Test by Deborah

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Contoh :
Setelah Anda memeriksa lembar jawaban danmenghitung hasilnya, ternyata untuk
bagian pertama (Section 1) Anda dapat menjawab sebanyak 30 soal dengan benar.
Pada bagian kedua (Section 2), Anda dapat menjawab 28 soal dan untuk bagian
ketiga (Section 3) Anda bisa menjawab sebanyak 43 soal dengan benar. Dengan
melihat tabel, maka dapat dihitung pada bagian pertama,nilai konversi Anda adalah
51, sedangkan 28 soal yang benar pada bagian kedua nilai konversinya 52 dan 43
soal yang benar pada bagian ketiga nilai konversinya adalah 58
Section 1 Section 2 Section 3
Number Correct 30 28 43
Converted Score 51 52 58
Setelah anda mendapatkan masing-masing nilai konversi untuk ketiga bagian ini,
jumlahkan semua nilai
Nilai konversi untuk bagian 1 = 51
Nilai konversi untuk bagian 2 = 52
Nilai konversi untuk bagian 3 = 58 +
Hasil penjumlahan ketiga nilai konversi, kemudian dibagi 3 (161 : 3) sehingga
hasilnya adalah 53,7.Hasil bagi ini Anda kalikan dengan 10 (53,7 x 100 sehingga
hasilnya adalah 537. Inilah nilai TOEFL Anda. Pertanyaan selanjutnya, bagaimana
jika saya bisa menjawab semua pertanyaan denganbenar ? Berapakah nilai saya ?
Seandainya Anda menjawab semua soal pertanyaan dengan benar, berarti nilai
konversi yang Anda peroleh untuk bagian pertama sebanyak 50 soal adalah 68. Nilai
konversi untuk bagian kedua sebanyak 40 soal adalah 68. Nilai konversi untuk
bagian ketiga sebanyak 50 soal adalah 67. Jika ketiga nilai konversi ini dijumlahkan,
hasilnya adalah 203. Jumlah nilai konversi ini Anda bagi 3 sehingga hasilnya adalah
67,6. Selanjutnya, kalikan dengan 10 dan hasilnya adalah 676. Ini berarti nilai yang
Anda peroleh jika menjawab semua soal dengan benar.
Sementara itu, untuk model TOEFL IBT, penilaianya berbeda dengan TOEFL ITP.
Tes TOEFL IBT terdiri dari empat bagian, yaitu Reading, Listening, Speaking
dan Writing. Setelah semua diperiksa, Anda akan memperoleh nilai keseluruhan
dai keempat bagian tersebut yang berkisar antara 0 (nilai terendah) sampai 120
(nilai tertinggi) yang merupakan hasil penjumlahan subskor Reading (0-30),
Listening (0-30), Speaking (0-30) dan Writing (0-30). Namun, penilaian
TOEFL IBT ini tidaklah sama seperti penilaian PBT. khusus bagian Reading dan
Listening dinilai oleh komputer, dengan rentang skor dari 0 sampai 30. soal-soal
pada bagian Reading berkisar pada bacaan-bacaan atau wacana berupa teks
16 | P a g e
akademik danmenjawab pertanyaan. Sementara itu, soal bagian Listening berkisar
pada percakapan, kuliah dosen, diskusi kelas dan percakapan, kemudian menjawab
Untuk bagian Speaking, setiap soal yang diberikan akan dinilai dari 0 sampai
dengan 4 dan kemudian jumlahnya dikonversikan pada skala 0 sampai 30. Begitu
pula dengan bagian Writing, setiap soal yang diberikan akan dinilai 0 sampai
dengan 5 dan kemudian jumlahnya akan dikonversikan pada skala 0 sampai 30.
Anda dapat melihat tabel berikut ini untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut mengenai makna
dari skor yang Anda dapat pada TOEFL IBT Anda.

Skill Score Range Level

High (22 – 30)
Reading 0 - 30 Intermediate (15 – 21)
Low (0 – 14)
High (22 – 30)
Listening 0 - 30 Intermediate (15 – 210
Low (0 – 14)
Good (26 – 30)
Fair (18 -25)
Speaking 0 - 30
Limited (10- 17)
Weak (0 – 9)
Writing 0 - 30 Good (24 – 30)
Fair (17 – 23)
Limited (1 – 16)
Total Score 0 – 120
*Adopted from http://www.ets.org
Penilaian tes TOEFL IBT memang lebih rinci. Ketika Anda akan mendapatkan hasil
tes TOEFL IBT Anda, Anda akan mendapatkan nilai dengan rincian tiap bagian.
Sebagai contoh, Anda mendapatkan skor total TOEFL Anda sebesar 87 dengan
rincian : Skor Reading 22, skor Listening 20, skor Speaking 20 dan skor
Writing 25. Jika mengacu pada tabel diatas, dari rincian skor ini kita dapat
mengetahui bahwa skor Reading Anda berada pada level tinggi, skor Listening
juga tinggi, skor Speaking cukup dan skor Writing baik. Rincian skor sangat
penting untuk mengetahui tingkat kemampuan berbahasa inggris Anda. Selain itu,
rincian skor ini pun sangat penting bagi banyak universitas. Pada beberapa
universitas di AS, misalnya, ada beberapa universitas yang selain meminta
persyaratan nilai TOEFL minimum juga meminta nilai minimum pada tiap bagian
tes TOEFL, seperti di University of Toronto, University of Texas, University of
Virginia dan University of California berkeley. Sebagai contoh, syarat total skor

17 | P a g e
TOEFL minimum yang diminta University of Toronto adalah 93, tapi dengan nilai
minimum 22 pada Writing dan Speaking. Begitu pula dengan University of
Virginia yang mensyaratkan total skor TOEFL minimum 90, tapi nilai minimum
pada tiap bagian adalah 23. ini artinya jika nilai TOEFL IBT Anda 91 dengan rincian
skor Reading 25, Listening 20, skor Speaking 22 dan skor Writing 24, pihak
University of Virginia tetap tidak menerima aplikasi Anda karena skor Listening dan
Speaking Anda tidak mencapai nilai persyaratan minimum. Hal ini kerap terjadi
karena biasanya kantor bagian pendaftaran tidak akan mempertimbangkan aplikasi
Anda bila tidak memenuhi nilai minimum TOEFL yang ditetapkan oleh pihak
Universitas atau departemen. Namun demikian, tidaksemua universitas
memberlakukan sistem seperti ini. Bnayak pula universitas yang hanya mengajukan
persyaratak total skor TOEFL minimum tanpa nilai minimum pada tiap bagian tes
TOEFL, seperti Arizone State University, University of Oxford Said Business School,
University of missouri, University of Denver, University of Arkansas dan banyak
lainya. Biasanya universitas-universitas di AS meminta skor TOEFL IBT antara 79
sampai 90.Namun beberapa universitas terkemuka akan meminta skor TOEFL
diatas 100.

18 | P a g e
Section one : Listening Comprehension

Listening skill terdiri 50 pertanyaan yang dibagi menjadi tiga bagian.Tiap bagian
mempunyai instruksi yang berbeda Anda harus mendengarkan dengan seksama
karena Anda hanya akan mendengarkan percakapan dalam rekaman tersebut satu
kali dan materi percakapan tidak tertulis dalam buku tes.Anda hanya akan membaca
pilihan jawaban dalam buku tes.Pertanyaan akan dibacakan di dalam rekaman dan
tidak tertulis dalam buku tes.
Bagian-bagian pada listening skill adalah sebagai berikut .

A. Bagian A(Part A): Berisi tentang dialog pendek antar dua penutur.Tiap dailog
akan diikuti oleh sebuah pertanyaan dengan empat pilihan jawaban.Anda
akan mendengar dialog dan pertanyaan hanya satu kali,lalu harus memilih
jawaban paling tepat dari empat pilihan yang tersedia.Ada 30 pertanyaan
pada bagian ini.
B. Bagian B(Part B):Berisi tentang percakapan panjang yang berupa percakapan
sehari-hari antara dua orang dan diikuti dengan beberapa pertanyaan
mengenai percakapan tersebut.Pertanyaan akan dibacakan satu persatu.Lalu
harus memilih jawaban yang paling tepat dari keempat pilihan.Biasanya pada
bagian ini terdapat 2 percakapan dan 7-9 pertanyaan.
C. Bagian C(Part C):Berisi tentang kuliah pendek sekitar 60-90 detik yang
membicarakan kehidupan disekolah/kampus atau membahas tentang hal
akademis.Setiap kuliah pendek didikuti dengan pertanyaan-
pertanyaanya.Lalu Anda harus memili jawaban yang paling tepat dari
keempat pilihan yang tertulis dibuku tes.Biasanya pada bagian ini terdapat
tiga kuliah pendek dan 11-13 pertanyaan yang melengkapi 50 pertanyaan
dalam bagian listenig skill

Strategi umum untuk mengerjakan bagian listening skill :

1) Kenalilah instruksi(Be familiar with the direcions).Kenalilah dan biasakan

memahami instruksi pada TOEFL.Instruksi dalam tes TOEFL relatif sama,jadi
tidak perlu menghabiskan waktu membaca instruksi ketika Anda mengikuti
2) Dengarkanlah rekaman dengan seksama(listen carefully to the passage) .Anda
harus berkonsentrasi pada apa yang dikatakan penutur didalam rekaman
karena Anda hanya mendengarkan rekaman satu kali.

19 | P a g e
3) Konsentrasilah pikiran Anda pada tes(Concetrate yourself for the test).Ketika
mendengarkan instruksi,siapkan diri Anda untuk tidak memikirkan apapun
kecuali tes yang Anda ikuti.Sesudah Anda mendengarkan instruksi ,siapkan
diri Anda untuk tidak memikirkan apapun kecuali tes yang anda ikuti.Sesudah
Anda mendengarkan satu soal dan menjawab pertanyaan,fokus pada rekaman
dan pilihan jawaban.
4) Kenalilah jeda waktu pada tes(Be familiar wih the pacing of the test).Anda
mempunyai 12 detik antar pertanyaan dalam rekaman,jadi Anda harus
menjawab pertanyaan dalam waktu 12 detik dan secepatnya.Anda bisa
menyiapkan diri untuk percakapan selanjutnya.
5) sisa waktu untuk melihat pilihan jawaban dari pertanyaan berikutnya(Use any
remaining time to look ahead at the answers to the questions that follow)
6) Jangan pernah meninggalkan lembar jawab dalam keadaan kosong(Never
leave any blank on your answer sheet)


A. Tentang pertanyaan ( About Questions)

Salah satu ketrampilan yang perlu dikuasai dalam mengerjakan tes TOEFL
adalah memahami barbagai jenis pertanayaan.Berikut ini adalah beberapa
pertanyaan yang sering muncul dalam tes.
Pertanyaan yang sering muncul Contoh

1.Meaning questions: Pertanyaan ini What does the man/woman

paling sering muncul.Pertanyaan mean?
tersebut meminta anda untuk What does the speaker say
mengulang apa yang dikatakan penutur about?
kedua atau kedua penutur.Biasanya per
tanyaan ini bersifat umum.
2.Inference questions.Pertanyaan ini What does the man/woman
menanyakan hal yang tidak dinyatakan imply?
secara langsung didalam What can be infered from the
percakapan.jawaban bisa berupa dialog...?
menyimpulkan atau menarik informasi What can be concluded
yang tersirat. about......?

3.Questions about suggestions.Pada What does the woman suggest

pertanyaan ini secara umum penutur the man do?
pertama membicarakan tentang sebuah What does the man suggest they
masalah atau meminta saran untuk do?
menyelesaikan masalah.

20 | P a g e
4.Questions about future What will the man do?
actions.Pertanyaan ini menanyakan apa What will they probably do next?
yang akan dilakukan dimasa depan atau What are the speakers planning
apa yang direncanakan oleh salah satu to do?
penutur atau keduanya.
5.Topic qustions.Pertanyaan ini We are they talking about?
menanyakan tentang subject What are they discussing?
pembicaraan dalam dialog.Anda harus
memperhatikan istilah-istilah khusus
atau kata-kata yang digunakan dalam
6.Questions about opinions.Pertanyaan How does the man/woman feel
ini menanyakan apa yang dirasakan atau about...?
dipikirkan tentang topik pembicaraan What is the opinion of....?
oleh salah satu atau kedua penutur.
7.Questions about What had the man assumed
assumptions.Pertanyaan ini about....?
menanyakan apa yang diasumsikan oleh What had the woman previously
penutur pertama atau kedua.Semua assumed?
jawaban dalam past perfect tense.
8.Questions about questions.Penutur What does the man want to
pertama mengatakan sebuah pernyataan know?
dan penutur kedua menanyakan sebuah What had the woman ask to the
pertanyaan untuk mendapat informasi man?
lebih banyak.
When does the dialog probably
9.Questions about the time.Pertanyaan take place?
ini menanyakan kapan percakapan ini When will the...take place?
terjadi atau kapan percakapan itu akan
10.Questions about reasons.Pertanyaan Why did the /woman.....?
ini menanyakan alasan mengapa Why did they...?
penutur pertama atau kedua melakukan
11.Questions about problems.Pertanyaan What problem is the man
ini menanyakan tentang masalah yang having?
dihadapi penutur .Pilihan jawaban akan What is the problem?
menunjukan pernyataan negatif.

21 | P a g e
12.Questions about activities.Pertanyaan What are the speakers probably
ini menanyakan apa yang dilakukan oleh doing?

22 | P a g e
Example short Conversations

1. Woman : What do you like about your new house?

Man : it’s very close to a park
Narrator : What does the man mean?

A. The house is closed up now

B. The park his car close to his house
C. His home is near a park
D. He doesn’t really like his new house

2. Man : Mark said some really nice things to me.

Woman : He’s very grateful for what you did.
Narrator : What does the woman say about Mark?
A. He did a great job.
B. He bought a crate full of fruit.
C. He made a great fool of himself.
D. He’s thankful.

3. Woman : Sam ,you’ve been working at the computer for hours.

Man : Yes,and l need to take a break
Narrator : What does the man mean?
A. The computer’s broken.
B. He must relax for a while.
C. He should keep working
D. He’s broke


1. Woman : Did you get a lot of work done at the library today?
Man : lt wasn’t very quiet there.
Narrator : What does the man mean?
A. The library was noisy
B. He got a lot done
C. He couldn’t quite get to the library today
D. The library’s a good place to work because it’s quiet

2. Woman : You made so many mistakes in this homework.

Man : I wasn’t very careful.

23 | P a g e
Narrator : What does the man mean?
A. He was rather careless
B. He does not care about mistakes.
C. He took care of the work at home.
D. He did not carry the work home.

3. Man : is there a lot of soup?

I ‘m kind of hungry.
Woman : sorry,there’s not a lot.
Narrator : What does the woman mean?
A. There’s not very much soap.
B. She doesn’t like soup
C. There’s only a little soup.
D. The man should not be hungry.

4. Woman :How was the weather on your trip?

Man : There wasn’t a cloud in the sky.
Narrator : What does the man mean?
A. It was cloudy
B. He couldn’t see the sky.
C. It wasn’t very crowded.
D. There was a lot of sunshine.


4. Agreement

So do l
I’ll say
You can say that again

Who is probably talking

Where does the conversation take place

24 | P a g e

- if the dialogue contains a passive statement,the answer to the question is often

an active statement.
- if the dialogue contains an active statement,the answer to the question is often
a passive statement.

1. Man : What happened to your notebook?

Woman : I left it in the cafetaria.
Narrator : What does the woman imply?
A. The cafetaria is to the left
B. She left a note on the cafetaria door.
C. She took some notes in the cafetaria.
D. The notebook was left in the cafetaria.

2. Man : What are we going to talk about the problem with copymachine?
Woman : it will be discussed at the meeting tomorrow.
Narrator : What does the woman mean?
A. She needs to make copies before meeting.
B. They will talk about the problem tomorrow.
C. .it is a problem to have a meeting.
D. They must discuss whether or not to have a meeting.

So do l I’ll say
Me,too you can say that again


1. Man : This homework is going to take forever?

Woman : I’ll say.
Narrator : What does the man mean?
A. It’s going to take forever to get home.
B. It takes a long time to get from home to work.
C. He and the woman have the same opinion about the homework.
D. He needs to take the homework to class.

2. Woman : A trip to the park be nice?

Woman : You can say that again!
Narrator : What does the Man mean?
A. The woman should repeat what she said
25 | P a g e
B. It’s nice in the park at night.
C. The woman should tell him about part of the trip.
D. He agrees about the trip to the park.

3. Man : I think it’s time to go home.?

Woman : So do l.
Narrator : What does the woman mean?
A. They don’t have time to do it.
B. She also thinks it’s a good idea to leave.
C. She thinks they are at home.
D. They are unsure about the time.

4. Man : We have diet soda,but no regular cola.

Woman : l’ll pass,thanks
Narrator : What is the woman probably going to do?
a. Hand the man a drink
b. Drink a diet soft drink
c. Go to a store to buy a drink
d. Go without a soft drink.

5. Man : How did your parents like the play they attended last week?
Woman : my mother thought the language was terrible,but my father liked
Narrator : what is the woman say about her parents’reaction to the play?
a. They both like it
b. Neither liked it
c. The mother didn’t like it, but the father did
d. The mother didn’t like it because it wasn’t in English.

6. Woman : I need to have this prescription filled please.

Man : All right,but you ‘ll have a fifteen minute wait
Narrator : Where did this conversation most probably take place?
a. A supermarket
b. A department store
c. A pharmacy
d. A car repair shop

7. Woman : I thought we are going to have a science test this afternoon

Man : it was postponed because the teacher had to attend a conference.
Narrator : What is the man mean?
a. A science will be held this afternoon
26 | P a g e
b. He has a science test this afternoon
c. The teacher has delayed a science test.
d. The science test has been canceled.

8. Woman : The president ‘s state of the union message last night was quite
Man : l couldn’t watch it because my political science lecture let out too
Narrator : What is the man mean?
a. The program was on too late
b. The rain didn’t let up until after
the speech
c. He doesn’t like the president
d. He had a late class

9. Man : Do you think l have a chance of proving my case?

Woman : Definetely,and we’re going to pursue for punitive damages as
Narrator : what is probable relationship between the man and the woman?
a. Lawyer-client
b. Doctor-patient
c. Dentist-patient
d. Bank teller –costumer

10. Woman : l can’t even think with all that racket.

Man : We won’t get any better.Why don’t you work inside the meeting
Narrator : What does the man imply?
a. There is a quieter place available
b. He doesn’t care for tennis matches
c. The noise should die down shortly
d. it’s even louder in the meeting room

11. Man : Marie’s not eating her supper tonight.What’s matter with her?
Woman : She went to the orthodontist and had braces out her teeth.She
says it hurts too much to chew.
Narrator : What does the woman say about Marie?
a. She’s not hungry
b. She’s at the orthodentist’s
c. The food tastes like an old shoe
d. She is in too much pain
27 | P a g e
12. Man : Have you been to that new supermarket that just opened?
Woman : Yes.The prices are quite reasonable.they have a great variety of
meats and vegetables,but you have to bag your own groceries.
a. Packing her own groceries
b. A lack of variety in meats
c. The unreasonable prices
d. The attitude of the employes

13. Man : l hope you’ll be ready to return to work soon.

Woman : l’m not quite up to it yet.
Narrator : What does the woman mean?
a. She does not feel well enough to return to work
b. She hates her work
c. She hasn’t finished the assigment
d. She is still unable to walk

14. Man : l heard Marilyn ‘s entered college.

Woman : Yes,she’s taking courses in statistics,economics, and accounting.
Narrator : What carrier does Marilyn probably plan to follow?
a. Home economics
b. Business administration
c. Microbiology
d. History

15. Woman : Would you like Swiss cheese or American?

Man : There’s no better cheese than Swiss cheese.
Narrator : What does the man say about Swiss cheese?
a. It is no longer delicious
b. it makes delicious butter
c. it is the best cheese
d. there are many better cheeses

16. Woman : l hope the game’s not canceled.

Man : it will be held rain or shine.
Narrator : What does th man say about the game?
a. The game is temporarily delayed becouse of rain
b. The will be no game if it trains
c. There will be a game regardless of the weather
d. it rain every time there is a game

28 | P a g e
17. Woman : l heard Martha was critized in class.
Man : Had she read the material,she would have been prepared.
Narrator : What does the man say about Martha?
a. She knew the answer to the questions
b. She had read the material, but she didn’t know the answer.
c. She was not prepared for the class
d. Even though she hadn’t read the material, she knew the answer

18. Man : Did every one return the evaluation form?

Woman : Sixty people received them,but only half return them.
Narrator : What does the man say about the evaluation form?
a. Thirty peaople returned the evaluation forms.
b. Sixty people filled out the evaluation.
c. Eight people return their forms.
d. Only thirty people reveived the evaluation forms.

19. Woman : Charlie has the potential to be a professional musician,but he is

too lazy to practice.
Man : What a shame!
Narrator : What does the woman say about Charlie?
a. He is a protessional musician
b. He is very talented, but he will never be a profesional musician
because he doesn’t practice.
c. He practices every day, but he will never be a professional player
d. He doesn’t want to be a professional musician because he wants to
practice law.
20. Man : How long are you going to be away?
Woman : l ‘m planning on spending the weekend at the beach as long as
the weather says nice.
Narrator : What is the woman probably going to do?
a. Stay home if the weather is nice
b. spend the weekend at the beach if the nice weather holds out.
c. Stay home because the weather will not be pleasant.
d. Go to the beach if the weather improves.

21. Woman : Are there any witnesses to the terrible accident?

Man : No one but the seven -year -old boy saw it.
Narrator : What do the speakers say about the boy?
a. Only he saw a terrible accident
b. No one at all saw his terrible accident
c. He saw no one in the accident
29 | P a g e
d. No one in the terrible accident saw him

22. Woman : Louise writes in Spanish very well.

Man : She writes it as well as she speaks it.
Narrator : What does the man say about louise?
a. She writes and speaks spanish equally well
b. She both writes and speaks spanish, but she writes it better
c. Even though she writes spanish, she speaks it better.
d. She doesn’t like to write spanish, but she speakes it.

23. Woman : How are Peter and Lucy doing lately?

Man : They had a quarrel,but they soon made up.
Narrator : What does the man say about Peter and Lucy?
a. They missed the homework assignment, but they turned it in later
b. They hate each other since their dispute
c. They caught a baby squirrel, but they soon let it go
d. They had an argument, but now they are friends again

24. Woman : Do you make connections with the Maple Avenue line?
Man : Yes,ma’am.Pay your fare and l’ll give you a free transfer and
call you before we get to Maple Avenue.
Narrator : Where did this conversation most probably take place?
a. A taxi
b. A plane
c. A boat
d. A bus

25. Woman : l need some help with this math calculation.

Man : l’ve already looked at it .it’s over my head too.
Narrator : What does the man mean?
a. He doesn not want to be helpful
b. He does not understans the math problem
c. He Hasn’t had a change to work on the math calculation
d. He has already figured out the problem

26. Man : What does Mary do with her children while she works?
Woman : She takes them to a nursery on her way to work.
Narrator : What does the woman mean?
a. Mary works in nursery
b. Mary’s children stay in a nursery while she works.
c. Mary takes her children to work with her.
30 | P a g e
d. Mary’s children are ill today

27. Man : Do you know where Dan is moving?

Woman : He will move to Florida if his job confirmation comes through.
Narrator : What does the man say about Dan?
a. He will move to Florida when he wuits his job here.
b. As soon as his new jobs in Florida is confirmed, he will move there
c. He wants to move to Florida, but he can’t find a job there.
d. He plants to move to Florida when he retires.

28. Man : Does your father fish even in this heat?

Woman : Sure.He likes nothing better than fishing on a hot,summer day.
Narrator : What does the woman say about her father?
a. He doesn’t like fishing on a hot, summer day.
b. Although he likes fishing, he doen’t want to do it on a hot summer day
c. Fishing is his favorite enjoyment on a hot, summer day
d. He like to eat hot fish for breakfast in the summer.

29. Man : Have the actor finished with rehearsals?

Woman : They went over their lines one more time before the production
Narrator : What does the woman say about the actors?
a. When the production had begun, they realized that they should have
practiced more.
b. Before the production began, they reviewed their lines one more time.
c. Although they had practiced for months, the production was a flop.
d. They went to the theater in to separate car.

30. Man : We are supposed to turn in our assignments tomorrow,right?

Woman : No,Ms.Daly asks us to hand them in today.
Narrator : What does the woman say about Ms.Daly?
a. She gave the class an assignment
b. She gave the students to turn in their assignment
c. She asked the students to turn in their assignment.
d. She asked the students to raise their hand if they wanted to ask a
question about the assignment.

31 | P a g e
Exercise 1

1. Question number 1
a.in a bus terminal
b.in a tourist agency
c.at an airport ticket counter
d.at a train station
2. Question number 2
a.if the car ran out of gas
b.if the car will start
c.where the gas station is
d.if she should send a check to the service station
3. Question number 3
a.the woman should leave in the morning
b.the woman should finish the problems before the midnight
c.the woman should work from midnight to morning
d.the woman shouldn’t try to finish everything tonight
4. Question number 4
a.the traffic is unusually light
b.she shares the man ‘s opinion
c.the car should stay on the road
d.according to the lock,the traffic is getting heavier
5. Question number 5
a. the plants need more water today
b. the plants don’t need to be watered
c. yesterday watering was insufficient
d. he thinks he should water the plants
6. Question number 6
a.it is unfortunate that the competition didnot take place
b.he hasn’t seen the competition result
c.luckly,he did better than the woman did
d.they both performed poorly
7. Question number 7
a.she doesn’t know what time it is
b.she think it’s late
c.she believes they can still go
d.she believes the market will be closed
8. Question number 8
a.she fears that someone took her wallet
b.she can’t find what she needs in her wallet

32 | P a g e
c.she is relieved that her wallet was not stolen
d.all the worry has taken its toll
9. Question number 9
a.someone talked out loud
b.no one was allowed to talk
c.the meeting seemed long to everyone
d.a lot of people participated
10. Question number 10
a.the book should be returned to the library within a week
b.the man isn’t able to do his work in this book
c.the man is due for a raise this week
d.the book was due last week
11. Question number 11
a.she spent a lot of time findin the bracelet
b.it wasn’t a difficult project
c.the bracelet was hard to make
d.it wasn’t worth the time it took
12. Question number 12
a.she believes the cost reasonable
b.the cost was unbelievably low
c.she believes she ‘ll stay overnight
d the cost was rather high
13. Question number 13
a.perhaps the woman left te checks in her suitcase
b.he doesn’t know why the woman is looking for her suitcase
c.the woman should check her purse again
d.the woman couldn’t have left her purse in the suitcase
14. Question number 14
a.mr.milton pointed to the dean of the college
b.the dean of the college pointed out mr milton
c.mr milton’s appointment was deemed unnecessary
d.mr milton received a new position a month ago
15. Question number 15
a.te intuition was not very good
b.he was scared that he didn’t studied enough
c.he couldn’t pay tuition because money was scarce
d.he had just enough to pay his school fees
16. Question number 16
a.if Eric wants to play basketball
b.if Eric ‘s walking to the basketball game

33 | P a g e
c.if Eric’s still hurt
d.if Eric’s uncle’s playing basketball
17. Question number 17
a.she thinks the homework’s easy
b.she doesn’t know about the homework assignment
c.she ‘s worked hard on her biology homework
d.the home work was due yesterday
18. Question number 18
a.he didn’t read Stan’s article
b.he read the article when it appeared in the paper
c.he help Stan with article
d.Stan read the article in the school paper
19. Question number 19
a.the woman should have not given him a gift
b.it was a problem to pick those thing up
c. the woman should be more realistic about the situation
d.the woman should keep trying
20. Question number 20
a.ten dollars was too much to pay for the perfume
b.it was unfortunate that she didn’t like the perfume
c.fortunately,she got the perfume for ten dollars
d.she didn’t have enough money to buy the perfume

34 | P a g e
Exercise 2

1. Question 1
A. Look on the door
B. Open the door
C. Ask someone else
D. Come back later

2. Ouestion 2
A. Johny loves toy trains
B. Johny already has too many toy trains
C. Johnny said he wants a toy train
D. Johny may prefer something else

3. Question 3
A. Walk out of the store
B. Buy the shampoo
C. Home back later
D. Go to another store

4. Question 4
A. The university of Texas
B. Schools with Doctoral programs
C. Where the woman will go to school
D. Who can get accepted to the most school

5. Question 5
A. She has excellent hearing
B. She has heard the man talk about this frequently
C. She understands his point of view
D. She needs to have her ears checked

6. Question 6
A. She does not eat ice cream
B. She has no money
C. She doesnot loke packages
D. She willnot be going

7. Question 7
A. She will place a wager on the ball game

35 | P a g e
B. He will definetely go to the ball game
C. He likes gamble
D. He does not like ball games

8. Question 8
A. The woman needs a new car
B. She likes to exercise
C. She has a new car
D. The car is in good condition

9. Question 9
A. She has always liked living in america
B. She hates living in america
C. She is accustomed to living in america
D. She would rather live in america

10. Question 10
A. She is very likeable
B. She doesnot put much effort into her homework
C. She goes to the mall everyday
D. She has a lot of homework

11. Question 11
A. Go to room 54
B. Go to room 45
C. Buy a ticket
D. Go home

12. Question 12
A. They were still in las vegas
B. They would not get married
C. They had a spectacular wedding
D. They hate las vegas

13. Question 13
A. She occasionally takes a nap
B. She always takes a nap
C. She never takes a nap
D. She used to take anap

36 | P a g e
14. Qustion 14
A. She is asking where to go
B. She wants him to leave her alone
C. She is congratulating him
D. She thinks he is a liar

15. Question 15
A. The interview went very well
B. The woman didnot like the interview
C. The interview was cancelled
D. The interview went terrible

16. Question 16
A. The bumper cars
B. Th roller coaster
C. The terris wheel
D. The tilt a whirl

17. Question 17
A. 1966
B. 1968
C. 1970
D. 1972

18.Question 18
A. The birthday party
B. A funeral
C. A baby shower
D. A wedding

19. Question 19
A. Nine
B. Seven
C. Five
D. Three

20. Question 20
A. Sam never promised to meet the woman
B. Sam probably got lost on his way to meeting place
C. Sam probably forgot the meeting because he has been busy

37 | P a g e
D. Sam said he would meet the woman at 11.00


Pada bagian Longer Conversation dari Listening Skill,Anda akan

mendengarkan dialog panjang antara 2(dua) orang penutur.Selain itu,setiap dialog
yang akan didengarkan dan sebuah penjelasan mengenai konteks dari
dialog.Contoh:questions 31 through 34.Listen to a conversation between two
students who are working together on a course assignment.
Berikut ini adalah beberapa tips untuk menjawab pertanyaan pada Part B :
1) Sedapat mungkin baca pilihan jawaban terlebih dahulu dan coba tebak apa
kemungkinan pertanyaannya
2) Berkosentrasi pada percakapan.
3) Berkosentrasi pada konteks dan isi.
4) Berkosentrasi pada pertanyaan.
5) Tahu apa yang harus Anda lakukan.
Jika Anda tidak mengetahui jawaban mana yang benar,ada dua hal yang
dapat Anda lakukan:
a. mengunakan intuisi
b.menebak jawaban.
6) Gunakan waktu dengan sebaik-baiknya.
A.Tentang Pertanyaan (A bout questions)
Yang perlu dikuasai untuk dapat mengerjakan tes TOEFL Pada bagian ini
memahami berbagai jenis pertanyaan.Berikut ini adalah beberapa pertanyaan
yang sering muncul pada bagian ini.
Pertanyaan yang sering muncul Contoh

1.Questions about topic.Pertanyaan ini a.What is the topic of this

termasuk salah satu pertanyaan yang sering conversation?
muncul pada Part B.Peserta tes diminta untuk b.What are the man and
percakapan .Biasanya ,topik dari suatu woman discussing?
percakapan terdapat pada satu dan /atau dua
kalimat awal.
2.Questions about WHO,WHAT a.Who is talking?
WHEN,WHY,WHERE,and HOW.Pertanyaan b.When does the
ini menanyakan conversation probably take
BAGAIMANA dari suatu percakapan. c.When can the man work?
d.Where does the

38 | P a g e
probably take place
e.Where does the man want
to go?
f.What does the man to do?

Woman : Working in the hospital isn’t always enjoyable.
Man : Why ? is everything OK?
Woman : Working with older people is much more difficult.it take much longer
to get better.
Man : l see.But you should be patient.
Woman : l know.Somedays nothing goes right and then it’s very frustrating.
Man : l know you do your job well.
Woman : Nurses always try to do their best for all patients.
1. What are the woman and the man talking about?
A. Working in the hospital
B. Being patient
C. Bad job
D. Unenjoyable situation
2. Why is working with older people more difficult?
A. Because they are too old
B. Because they take much longer to get better
C. Because they are too fussy
D. Because they don’t have money
3. What is the meaning of the word ‘patient’in the statement,but you should be

A. Person who receives medical treatment

B. Inability to accept delay or annoyance
C. Having or showing patience
D. Ability to wait calmy
4. Who is the woman likely to be?
A. A patient
B. A health consultant
C. A nutrionist
D. A nurse
39 | P a g e
Man : How ‘s your study in Australia?
Woman : It’s nice .Did you know that Australia has three levels of goverment?
The federal,State,and the local goverment.
Man : Are these levels of goverment necessary?
Woman : Sure.The federal goverment is necesary for big things.They keep the
economy in order and look after things like defense.
Man : How about the state and local government?
Woman : The state goverment looks after law and order whereas the local goverment
is Necessary for the collection or rubbish,otherwise everyone would get
the diseases
Man : So,those are reasons why are three levels of goverment are necessary ,
Woman : Yes ,absolutely.

5. What is the topic of the conversation?

A. The federal government of Australia
B. Studying at Australia
C. State goverment of Australia
D. Three levels of Australia’s goverment
6. How many levels of goverment are in Australia?
A. Four levels
B. Three levels
C. Two levels
D. One level
7. Why is the federal goverment necessary?
A. Because it looks after like defense
B. Because it looks after law and order
C. Because it prevents things like collecting rubbish
D. Because it orderwise everyone would have diseases
8. Who is studying in Australia?
A. The man’s brother
B. The woman’s sister
C. The woman
D. The man
9. Why are people i the city having trouble sleeping at night?
A. Because they aren’t sleepy
B. Because they have to work
C. Because they enjoy the night
D. Because they are disturbed by cars ‘ noise
10. What is the meaning of the word “banned”?
A. Forbid
B. Forbad

40 | P a g e
C. Refuse
D. Lost

PART C: TALKS or Lectures

Pada unit ini Anda akan mengerjakan latihan –latihan yang akan membantu Anda
agar dapat mengerjakan soal Listening TOEF Part C.Pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang
muncul disoal Listening pada Part C akan banyak menanyakan topik dan informasi
dari ceramah atau kuliah :
a) Tentang Pertanyaan(About Questions)
Yang dikuasai untuk dapat mengerjakan tes TOEFL pada bagian ini adalah
memahami berbagai jenis pertanyaan.Berikut ini adalah beberapa
pertanyaan yang sering muncul pada bagian ini.

Pertanyaan yang sering muncul Contoh

a.What is the topic of.....?

1.Questions about topic.Pertanyaan ini sering b.What is the topic of
muncul pada Part C.Peserta tes diminta untuk yesterday ‘s lecture?
menentukan topik/subjek dari sebuah monolog c.What is the topic of
panjang.Biasanya ,topik dari suatu monolog today’s lecture?
panjang terdapat pada awal kalimat.
a.Who is talking?
2.Questions about b.Who is probably giving
HOW.Pertanyaan ini juga muncul pada Part c.When does the talk
C.Pertanyaan ini menanyakan probably take place?
SIAPA,APA,KAPAN,MENGAPA,DIMANA dan d.Where are most of the
BAGAIMANA dari suatu monolog panjang. world’s active volcanoes

b) Topik( The Topic)

Untuk dapat memahami pembicaraan yang muncul dalam Listening Part
C,ada baiknya Anda memikirkan topik . Dari pembicaraan yang diputar
dalam rekaman.Biasanya topik pembicaraan diutarakan pada awal
Lihatlah contoh berikut ini:

41 | P a g e
On the recording ,you hear :
(narrator) : Listen to a talk at the start of a meeting.
(woman) : l’d like to call this meeting to order now. This is the third
monthly meeting of the science Club this semester ,and today we need to
discuss the upcoming science fair.

Dari penggalan awal pembicaraan diatas,dapat kita simpulkan bahwa topik

pembicaraan tersebut adalah a meeting of science Club to discuss the Science
Fair (rapat kelompok sains untuk membahas pameran sains ).

Part B of the Listening comprehension section of the TOEFL test consists of
two long conversations,each followed by a number of questions.You will hear the
conversations the questions on a recording;they are not written in your test book.You
must choose the best answer to each question from the four choices that are written
in your test book.
The conversations are often about some aspect of school[ how difficult a class
is,how to write a research paper,how to resgister for a course] or about general
living[ renting an apartment,playing sports,going to the bank].The conversations can
also be about topics currently in the news in the United States[ desalination of water
supply,recying of used products,damage from a storm or some other type of natural

On the recording ,you hear:

Narrator : questions 1 through 4.Listen to a conversation between two people
who are decorating an apartment.
Woman : Hey,Walt.Do you think you could help me hang these Pictures on the
wall?There are only two of them.
Man : Sure.Monica.Where do you them to go?
Woman : I’d like of the pictures of mountains over the sofa. What do You
Man : I think they’ll look fine there.How about if you hold the Pictures
while I hammer the nails into the wall?
Woman : Okay.Let’s start with the picture of the family.

1.narrator :What are the man and the woman discussing?

A. Taking some pictures
B. Hanging some plants

42 | P a g e
C. Taking a trip to the mountains
D. Putting some pictures on the wall
2.How many pictures are there?
A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four

3.where is the picture of the woman’s family going?

A. In the fireplace
B. Above the sofa
C. Home with Walt
D. To the top of the mountain
4.what is Walt probably going to do next?
A. Sit on the sofa
B. Photograph Monica’ s family.
C. Hammer the nails into the wall.
D. Climb the wall.

An advertisement or an as is a public promotion or announcement of some products
or services.it is made with purpose of persuading the people to use the product or
services.To make an effective advertisement you should allow these steps.first,you
should use short simple sentences.Second,don’t forget to use font typrs and sizes that
are easily read.Third,you should try persuade the readers to buy the
product.Fourthly,you should tell the good side of the product.Finally,you must give
the contact address or person clearly.Some examples of commercial advertisement in
the media include billboards,radio,TV,magazine,and newspaper
1. What is the topic of the talk?
A. The meaning of an ad
B. The purpose of an ad
C. How to make an ad
D. How to find an ad in media
2. What is the purpose of an advertisement?
A. To persuade the readers to use the product
B. To subcribe the product
C. To sell the product
D. To entertain the readers
43 | P a g e
3. How many steps to make an advertisement are there?
A. Six steps
B. Five steps
C. Four steps
D. Three steps
4. Where can we find advertisement?
A. In the letter
B. In the magazine
C. In the receipt
D. In the bill

Cars should be banned in the city. As we all know,cars create pollution and
cause a lot of road deaths and other accidents. Firstly,cars contribute to most of the
air pollution in the world. Cars emit a deadly gas causes illness such as a
bronchicities,lung cancer and also triggers off astma, some of these illnesses are so
bad that people can die from them. Secondly,the city is very busy. Pedestrians
wander everywhere and cas commonly hit pedestrians which can sometimes lead to
death. Cars are very noisy. If you live in the city,you may find it hard to sleep at night,
concentrate on your homework, or especially try to have conversation with someone.
Therefore, cars should be banned from the city or the reasons listed above.
5. What does the talk discuss?
A. Cars in the city
B. The impact of cars
C. Poolution in the world
D. Heart illness
6. What is the impact of the cars?
A. Creating pollution
B. Saving the pedestrians
C. Helping the people
D. Dissapearing the pollution
7. Why are people i the city having trouble sleeping at night?
A. Because they aren’t sleepy
B. Because they have to work
C. Because they enjoy the night
D. Because they are disturbed by cars ‘ noise
8. What is the meaning of the word “banned”?
A. Forbid
B. Forbad
C. Refuse
D. Lost

44 | P a g e
SECTION TWO : Structure and Written Expression

Basic Sentence Patterns

Kata Benda Kata Ganti Gerund To Klausa

/Frasa Benda [l,you,we,They /Frasa lnfinitive Benda
[Lucy,book,air,history] He,She,it Gerund /Frasa To
[V-ing] inf

1.Knowledge is something we get by an experience or a study.
2.The bus schedule has changed since last week.
3.Accidentally,She dropped the glass on the floor.
4.Reading detective novels is fun.
5.To learn history is very important.
To lnfinitive
6.What the man did was not very polite.

Predikat=Kata Kerja+ Objek/Pelengkap/Kata Keterangan

Kata kerja yang mengungkapakan informasi tentang subjek
Lingking Be Lingking Verb Kata Kerja Kata Kerja
[KK.Penghub [KK.Penghubung] Transitif Intransitif
ung Be] Appear,look,seem,fee [Butuh Objek] [Tanpa Objek]
Is,am,are,was,w l,smell,sound,taste,be Need,enjoy,build,e Agree,arrive,co
ere come,get,keep,prove, at, me,fly,cry,exist,
remain,stay find,like,make,sen o,happen,live,oc

45 | P a g e
d,use cur,rain,rise

46 | P a g e
Exercise 1.
1. The doctor bringing his wife and children......in Ambarukmo hotel.
A. Stay
B. Stays
C. Staying
D. Are staying
2. Either the staffs or their directors.......happy to join the first meeting.
A. Was
B. Were
C. Having
D. Tobe
3. The competition for young singers......going to be held on Sunday.
A. Have been
B. Is
C. Are
D. To be
4. Each of the participants........received an invitation.
A. Having
B. Have
C. Has
D. Be having
5. Producing fine paintings.......skill and creativity.
A. Require
B. They require
C. Is requiring
D. Requires
6. l know Dodi as an awfully loyal employee and.........
A. A very hard worker
B. He works very hard
C. A person who works very hard
D. A person working very hard
7. A taxy driver who witnessed the accident took my injured brother to the
hospital and then....my Parents.
A. Call
B. Called
C. Was calling
D. Calling
8. The increase in the sales of new cars......expected to make traffic jams worse.
A. Is
B. To be
47 | P a g e
C. Being
D. are
9. ................to go to the grocery store every day.
A. People in your country like
B. Do people in your country like
C. Many people in your country liked
D. Have people in your country like
10. Political demontration on American campuses have abated.........
A. After 1970
B. In 1970
C. For 1970
D. Since 1970
11. Robert E.Lee......the conference Army to General Grant in 1865 at the
Appomatox Courthouse.
A. Surrendering
B. He surrendered
C. Surrendered
D. Surrender

12. By the end of nineteen century,Basket makers of the Aleutian islands had
develop a particularly fine weave from beach grasses.
13. A milky way object that erupted in the contellation Scorpius has provides
information to astronomers since July.
14. By 1627,Plymouth had became a viable and growing communityof fifty
families,twenty two goats,fifteen cows,and more than fifty pigs.
15. The first steamship to cross the Atlantic in 1819 is the Savannah.
16. The sun raises in the east and sets in the west.
17. The research for the book roots taking Alex Haley twelve years
18. On December 17,1903,the flyee it took off near kitty Hawk, North
Carolina,with Orville wright as pilot.

48 | P a g e

Nouns atau kata benda merupakan bagian dari kalimat bahasainggris yang biasa
terdapat pada soal dalam tes TOEFL pada bagian Structure and Written
Expression.Beberapa halyang merupakan bagian kata benda adalah singulars and
plural nouns,countable and uncountable nouns and irregular plural nouns.
1.Countable and Uncountable Nouns

Countable nouns many number few fewer

Uncountable much amount little less
2.Singular and Plural Nouns

Singular each every single one a

Plural both two many several various

3.Irregular Plural Nouns

Perubahan Man [ men], foot
vocal [feet],goose[geese],woman[women],tooth[teeth],mouse[mice]
Penanbahan Child[children],ox[oxen]
Sama bentuk Deer[deer],fish[fish],sheep[sheep],salmon[salmon
-is -es Axis [axes],thesis[theses],crisis[crises],analysis[analyses]
Berakhiran -a Bacterium[bacteria],datum[data],curriculum[curricula]
-us-I,-us Alumnus[alumni],fungus[fungi],stimulus[stimuli],syllabus[syllaby

1. He did not give me................
A. Much information
B. Much informations
C. Many informations
D. Many information
2. Jan is a married woman with three young .....
A. Child
B. Children
C. Childs
49 | P a g e
D. Childes
3. Much of the....in our office needs updating.
A. Computers
B. Tools
C. Utensils
D. Equipment
4. Some ....are really sharp,So you have to be careful when using them.
A. Knife
B. Knive
C. Knives
D. Knifes
5. During an eclipse,....the sun and the moon are pretty much exactly
A. Both
B. Every
C. Each
D. Several
6. Some theatres receive a small......from the state.
A. Number of funding
B. Number of fundings
C. Amount of fundings
D. Amount of funding
7. Two peole were taken to hospital after an upset customer sprayed....with
pepper at a west Edmonton Walmart
A. Several people
B. Less people
C. Much people
D. Every people
8. Mature red blood cells in.....lack a nucleus.
A. Several mammal
B. All mammals
C. Each mammals
D. Few mammal
9. The...is defined those persons who work for the affilate and who have a
contract of employment.
A. Number of employee
B. Amount of employee
C. Number of employees
D. Amount of employees

50 | P a g e
10. Studying......can unclock vital clues about disease and lead to improved
health care
A. Every single cell
B. Single every cell
C. Every cell single
D. Single cell every

11. Modern computers can hold huge amounts of informations

12. Cone shells live in much differet seas and feed mainly on small fish and
13. The leaves of the common sun flower are rough to the touch on both side.
14. Hemoglobin enables the red blood cells to carry oxygen and small numbers
of carbon dioxide
15. Those with narcolepsy experience the uncontrollable desire to
sleep,perhaps several time in one day.
16. Another great artists of the time and possibly the most gifted silversmith in
the colonies was Paul Revere.
17. Alzheimer’s disease afflicts two in ten person over the age of seventy in the
United States
18. The red cardinal spends many of its time feeding on the ground.
19. In the 1920s,Tulsa had a higher number of millionare than any other
20. Because Washington is a district and not a state,its residents have less
rights than other Citizens

51 | P a g e
1. Sari .....to school with her friends at 06.30 a.m.tomorrow.
A. Walks
B. Is going to walk
C. Will be walking
D. Will have walked
2. .........discussed before the director proposed it.
A. The economic crisis had been
B. The economic crisis being
C. The economic crisis has already been
D. The economic crisis is already
3. She ....at me when she saw me at the airport
A. Waves
B. Waved
C. Is waving
D. Has waved
4. Berta : ‘Can l have your report soon?
Jono :’ Sure,l ......it before you go to the meeting.
A. Will finished
B. Will have finished
C. Am going to finish
D. Am finishing
5. “Where is fred?l haven’t seen him.”
“well,he........the reports when l arrived.”
A. Had typed
B. Was typing
C. Is typing
D. Has typed
6. your train was delayed ,wasn’t it?”
“yes ,therefore,when l arrived,the driver picking me up........for more than an
A. Waited
B. Would wait
C. Was waiting
D. Had been waiting
7. Windy has stayed with us since her father.....
A. Sends abroad by his company.
B. Sent abroad by his company.
C. Was sent abroad by his company

52 | P a g e
D. Is sent abroad by his company
8. A : l think we’re going to be here for a while.”
B : ”But we....in line for almost an hour”
A. Are standing
B. Have stood
C. Stand
D. Have been standing
9. Look!Somebody......the purse from the woman’s bag
A. Picks
B. Pick
C. Is picking
D. Picked
10. l.....since l was at the first grade of senior hig school.
A. Used to swim
B. Am used to swimming
C. Swam
D. Had swam

53 | P a g e
A. S + Have/ has /had+ Orang + infinitive

1. l have someone clean my room
2. He had someone clean my room
3. She has him repair her car

S +Have /has / had + Benda + V3

1. l have my room cleaned by someone
2. He had my room cleaned by someone
3. She has my car repaired by him.

S + Get + orang + to infinitive [ aktif]

1.l get someone to clean my room [ aktif ]
2.She got him to repair her car. [ aktif ]

S + Get + Benda + V3

Example :
1.l get my room cleaned by someone [ Passive ]
2.She gor her car repaired by him. [Passive ]

1. The curtains are dirty,We.....at the dry cleaners
a. must have washed them
b. Have washed them
c. Must have them washed
d. Washing them
2. l don’t know how to arrange these flowers: l’d rather.......
a. Do it
b. Have to do it

54 | P a g e
c. Have it done
d. It has been done
3. The curtains are dirty;We....at the dry cleaner.
a. Must have washed them
b. Have washed them
c. Must have them washed
d. Washing them
4. We are going on a long trip,So we must....
a. Have checked the car
b. Have had the car checked
c. To have the car checked
d. Have the car checked
5. We have our neighbour check our house whenever we go on vacation.
This means;that every time we go on vacation,....
a. We first check the house with our neighbour
b. We don’t let our neighbour check our house
c. Our neighbour comes to check our house
d. We ask someone to check our neighbour’s house
6. The fact that he was put into prison for something that he had not done made
his wife....
a. Cry
b. Crying
c. To cry
d. To be crying
7. Rudi broke his leg in an accident;therefore....drive him to work.
a. He doesn’t have to ask Amir to
b. He won’t have to get anybody
c. Amir has asked Rudi to
d. He will have Amir
8. Andi,Will you close the windows.Please ! l am busy right now”
“l am busy my self,but l...anyhow
a. Will close them
b. Will have to close them
c. Will have them closed
d. Will have closed them
9. ”Do l have to go to the post office to get my package?”
“No ,You can......
a. Have delivered it
b. Deliver it
c. Have it to be delivered

55 | P a g e
d. Have it delivered
10. ”This English text on Biology is too diffcult for me to read.”
“Well ,you ‘d better......
a. Translate it
b. Have it translated
c. Have to translate it
d. Have translated it


 Clause [kalausa ]: bagian kalimat yang memiliki subject: N] dan verb [ kata
 Jenis klausa
 Independent Clause [ klausa independen] atau Main Clause [ klausa
→Klausa yang dapat berdiri sendiri sebagai kalimat utuh dan bermakna.
 Dependent Clause [Klausa dependen ]atau sub –Calause[anak kalimat]
→Klausa yang tidak dapat berdiri sendiri sebagai kalimat.
 Ada tiga jenis dependent clauses [ anak kalimat],yaitu :

 Adjective Clause : Klausa yang memberikan informasi tambahan
mengenai noun [ kata benda].
 Relative pronoun : [ kata ganti ]yang menghubungkan induk kalimat
dan klausa itu sendiri[ who,whom,which,that,whose, and where]
That which Who Whose Whom Where
S + V + O Adjective connector + S
+ V

- He knows a guy whom/that I met last night

- I like a book which / that you recommended.
- I saw a man whose car was stolen
- The place where she lives is far from here
- The book which/that you recommended was interesting
- He meets a girl who/that wears a white skirt.
- The girl who/that wears a white skirt is not here

56 | P a g e
Reduced Adjective Clause
 Menyederhanakan klausa menjadi bentuk frasa
 Hanya adjective clause yang memakai penghubung who,which,atau that

[a] Cls : The man who is talking to john is Korean

Phr : The man who is talking to john is Korean
[b] Cls : The ideas which are presented previously are good
Phr : The ideas which are presented previously are good
[c] Cls :English has an alphabet that consists of 26 letters
Phr : English has an alphabet that consisting of 26 letters
[d] Cls : Paris,which is the capital of France ,is an exciting city.
Phr :Paris,which is the capital of France ,is an exciting city.

1. He is the student...always arrives late.
A. Who
B. Whom
C. Which
D. Whose
2. We visited the building....famous for its unusual design.
A. Who is
B. Which are
C. Which is
D. Whom are
3. There was a story in the paper about the man.....car was stolen
A. Who
B. Whom
C. Which
D. Whose
4. Rina’s marriage has been arranged by her family.She is marrying a man....
A. That she hardly knows him
B. Whom she hardly knows him
C. Who she hardly knows
D. Whom she hardly knows
5. Algebra problems contain letters.....for unknown numbers.
A. Stand
B. Stands
C. Standing
D. Which standing

57 | P a g e
 Adverb Clause digunakan untuk memberi keterangan pada main clause .
keterangan tersebut dapat menunjukan waktu[time], sebab[cause]
kebalikan [contrast], syarat[condition].

[a] When the phone rang,the baby woke up

Adv.Clause Main Clause
 ReducedAdverb Clause
[b]While l was walking to class,l saw an old friend
While walking to class,l saw an old friend.

[c]Before l left for work,l ate breakfast

Before leaving for work,l ate breaskfast

Exercise :
1. John insisted that he didn’t need any help,....l helped him anyway.
A. And
B. So
C. For
D. But
2. ....l get angry and upset,l try to take ten deep breath.
A. Until
B. Whenever
C. Whereas
D. For
3. After seeing the movie Twilight,...
A. The book was read by many people
B. The book made many people want to read it
C. Many people wanted to read the book
D. The reading of the book interested many people
4. Since....to a warmmer and less humid climate,I’ve had no trouble with my
A. Moved
B. Move
C. Moving
D. I moving
5. ......to be on –time,Rio drove his motorcycle fast.
A. He has
B. He having
C. Having

58 | P a g e
D. Because

 Noun Clause mempunyai fungsi seperti kata benda[noun] dalam sebuah
 Klausa ini dapat berfungsi sebagai subject, object, maupun complement


 What,where,  Whatever,  Whether,if  That

when,why,how whenever
 I know what you did
 I think that he is a good actor
 She does not know where l live
 The girls do not know whether/if they would come to party.

Exercise :

1. Do you know...?l myself have no idea

A. Where does she work
B. Where she does work
C. Where she works
D. Where she work does?
2. .....he will go or stay is his own choice.
A. What
B. Where
C. Who
D. Whether
3. ....do not study is bad news for the teachers
A. That most students
B. Most students
C. Whether most students
D. If most students
4. The Consumer Price Index lists....
A. How much costs every car
B. How much does every car cost
C. How much every car costs
D. How much are every car costs
59 | P a g e
5. Most botanist have observed....a period of dormancy,even when conditions
may be favorable for growth.
A. That seeds exhibiting
B. That seeds exhibit
C. Seeds that exhibiting
D. Seeds that they exhibit
6. We sometimes miss the neighbourhood......we grew up.
A. In which
B. In where
C. That
D. Which
7. ”That woman over there looks confused.”
“Why don’t you ask her.......?
A. Does she need help
B. She needed help
C. Whether she needs help
D. She needs help or not
8. ”How could Juli afford to go abroad at least twice a year?”
“l am also wondering........
A. That she has earned her living
B. Why does she earn her living
C. Does she earn a living
D. How she earns her living
9. ”Has mother finally decided what to buy for herself?”
“l don’t know ,let’s ask her what.......”
A. Does she want to buy
B. To buy
C. Is buying
D. She wants to buy
10. ”Did you tell your parents that you failed in two subjects this semester?”
“Well,of course.l even told them....
A. Why l failed
B. l failed
C. Did l fail
D. Why did l fail?

60 | P a g e

No Tense Rumus Passive Contoh Passive Voice

1 Simple Present am/is/are + pp is created
2 Simple Past was/were + pp was created
3 Present Perfect has/have been + pp has been created
4 Simple Future will be + pp will be created
5 Future Perfect will be + pp will have been created
am/is/are being +
6 Present Continuous is being created
7 Past Continuous was/were being + pp was being created


1. "Have you been informed about the exact number of victims of the airplane
"Yes, ....... to the headquarters of Garuda."
A. they are faxed
B. has faxed
C. the victims fax
D. it has been faxed
E. was fax it
2. "The hotel is suffering a great loss."
"Yes, only ten perfect of their rooms ......
A. being occupied
B. occupied
C. is occupied
D. are occupied
E. they are occupied
3. “Why aren't you driving your own car?"
“It ..... “
A. has sold
B. has to sell
C. has been selling
D. has been sold
E. has to be sold
4. "Why can't I find the file on the annual report in the computer?"
"Because it .... in the hard disk."
61 | P a g e
A. was not saving
B. not saved
C. did not saved
D. not being saved
E. was not saved
5. "There was no longer a rule for the youth to enter millitary service in Britain.
Really, when .... ?"
A. was It abolishing
B. did it abolish
C. was it abolished
D. was it to be abolished
E. to be abolished
6. They had just been living in that house for two years when ..... by fire.
A. destroyed
B. had destroyed
C. was destroyed
D. be destroyed
E. was destroying
7. "Bambang looks very happy today."
"Don't you know he ..... to General Manager."
A. has promoted
B. to be promoted
C. being promoted
D. has to promoted
E. has been promoted
8. "Why does the baby next door keep crying ?"
"As usual, it .... by the babysitter."
A. is neglected
B. is neglecting
C. neglect
D. is to be neglected
E. is to neglect
9. Why are the students staying outside ?
Their classroom ....
A. is being cleaned
B. being cleaned
C. was cleaned
D. is cleaning
E. Cleans

62 | P a g e
10. The play I am reading ....
A. has never performed
B. never performed
C. never being performed
D. has never been performed
E. never performs

63 | P a g e


Present/active Past active

V-ING[yang V-ed[ yang

me-ber] di/ter-]

Fungsi Participles
Kata Sifat Kata Kerja
Tanpa Be Be +V-ing = Continous
She is doing her homework now.
The boy standing there is my little KK
brother. I am having my lunch alone.
They are discussing their group
The dancing girl is from Bali. assignment.
Be + V-ed= Passive
The book published that year are I am invited to Bob’s birthday party.
expensive KK
KS Mike was hit by a car yesterday.
The sung song is our national anthem. KK

64 | P a g e
1. The boy is......on the corner.
A. Eats
B. Eating
C. Was eating
D. Ate
2. The pizza......in this restaurant is the tastiest in the country.
A. Served
B. Is serving
C. Serving
D. Serves
3. The child.....playing in the yard is my son.
A. Is
B. He
C. Was
D. Now
4. You should not wake up the.....baby
A. Sleep
B. Sleeps
C. Sleeping
D. Slept
5. The......treasure has not been found yet.
A. Hidden
B. Hiding
C. Hide
D. Hid
6. The companies.......the lowest prices will have the most customers.
A. Offer
B. Offering
C. Offered
D. Will offer
7. The poem....by Paul appeared in the magazine.
A. Was written
B. Writing
C. Written
D. Was writing
8. The artisans.....various handicrafts at booths throughout the fair
A. Were demonstrating
B. Were demonstrated
C. Demonstrating

65 | P a g e
D. Demonstrates

9. The ports.......by the sailors were under the control of a foreign nation.
A. Were reached
B. Reached
C. Reaching
D. Which reached
10. Simple sails were made from canvas......over a frame.
A. A stretch
B. Strecthed
C. Was stretched
D. It was stretched
11. The picture painting by Karen is now in a museum.
12. The car was listed in the advertisement had already stalled.
13. The first team won four games is awarded the championship.
14. The speaker was trying to make his point was often interrupted vociferously.
15. The advertisements were announcing the half –day sale received a lot of

66 | P a g e
Ada beberapa jenis pronouns
1. Personal Pronoun
Personal pronoun adalah kata ganti perseorangan. Pronoun ini terdiri dari:

Subject: I you we they she he it

Object: Me you us them her him it


CORRECT: John and I will go to school. (subject)

INCORRECT: John and me will go to school.

CORRECT: The teacher gave him a bad grade. (object)

INCORRECT: The teacher gave he a bad grade.

CORRECT: George with her has live here for ten years. (object of preposition)
INCORRECT: George with she has live here for ten years.

CORRECT: It was she who called you. (subjective complement)

INCORRECT: It was her who called you.
2. Possessive Pronoun
Possessive pronoun adalah kata ganti kepemilikan yang tidak diikuti oleh noun.

Mine milikku
Yours milikmu/ milik kalian
Ours milik kita
Theirs milik mereka
Hers miliknya (perempuan)
His miliknya (laki-laki)
– –

Contoh :
The book on the table is hers.
I’m yours.
David is a friend of mine.

67 | P a g e
3. Demonstrative Pronoun
Demonstrative pronoun adalah kata tunjuk yang tidak diikuti oleh kata benda.

This ini, untuk singular atau uncountable

That itu, untuk singular atau uncountable
These ini, untuk plural
Those itu, untuk plural

This is my house. (house: singular)

That is plain water. (water: uncountable)
These are the movies I want most to see. (movies: plural)
Those are the people who helped me yesterday. (people: plural)
4. Reflexive Pronoun
Reflexive pronoun adalah kata ganti yang dihasilkan dari pantulan pronoun itu

Myself diriku
Yourself dirimu
Yourselves diri kalian
Ourselves diri kita
Themselves diri mereka
Herself dirinya (perempuan)
Himself dirinya (laki-laki)
Itself dirinya (hewan/benda)

I see myself in the mirror.

You will help yourself by doing that.
They should care for themselves.

Reflexive pronoun biasa digunakan jika subjek dan objek kalimat merupakan
orang yang sama seperti pada contoh di atas. Selain itu, reflexive pronoun juga
dapat dipakai untuk menyatakan penekanan atau penegasan (emphasis),
seperti: He himself wrote the letter (Dia sendiri yang menulis surat itu.) atau
68 | P a g e
menyatakan kesendirian jika didahului dengan by, seperti: Anna lives by
herself (Anna tinggal seorang diri).

5. Reciprocal Pronoun

Reciprocal pronoun adalah kata ganti yang menyatakan hubungan timbal balik
(saling hubungan) antara individu-individu baik dua atau lebih dari dua.

Each other untuk 2 orang

One another untuk lebih dari 2 orang

Ali and Rahmad are talking to each other.

(Ali dan Rahmad sedang berbicara satu sama lain.)

We should encourage one another to keep going.

(Kita seharusnya saling mendorong satu sama lain untuk terus maju.)
Ada yang mengatakan bahwa each other dan one another dapat saling
menggantikan satu sama lain, tanpa menimbulkan perbedaan arti. Namun,
penutur jati (native speakers) banyak menggunakannya dengan membedakan
jumlah partisipan yang terlibat seperti di atas.

6. Definite Pronoun
Definite pronoun adalah kata ganti yang sudah jelas. Dikatakan sudah jelas
karena pronoun tersebut telah mengandung nilai tertentu.

The other untuk 1 orang atau benda

The others untuk lebih dari 1 orang atau benda

Ani has two dictionaries. One is English-Indonesian. And the other is Indonesian-
(Kita tahu bahwa the other di sini berjumlah 1.)

The university has four colleges. One of them is in this city. And the others are

69 | P a g e
(The others di sini mempunyai nilai 3.)
7. Indefinite Pronoun
Indefinite pronoun adalah kata ganti yang tidak jelas. Mereka tidak mempunyai
ancedent (kata rujukan). Anggota :

a. Yang diperlakukan sebagai kata tunggal (singular word)

someone somebody something
(seseorang) (seseorang) (sesuatu)

anyone anybody anything

(siapa saja) (siapa saja) (apa saja/pun)

everyone everybody
(setiap orang) (setiap orang) everything (semuanya)

no one nobody nothing

(tak satu pun) (tak seorang pun) (tak ada)

another each much

(yang lain) (masing-masing) (banyak)

one either neither

(seseorang, hal) (salah satu dari dua) (tak satu pun dari dua)
Pola :

Singular word + singular verb (is, was, has, does, takes, … )


Someone is waiting for you.

Something is better than nothing.
b. Yang bisa diperlakukan sebagai kata tunggal (singular word) atau
kata jamak (plural word)
all none any
(semua) (tak satu pun) (yang mana saja)

most some

70 | P a g e
(kebanyakan) (sebagian, beberapa)

Plural word + plural verb (are, were, have, do, take, … )


Most of the gasoline is finished. (Sebagian besar bensin sudah habis.)

Most of the cars are new. (Kebanyakan mobil itu baru.)

8. Interrogative Pronoun
Interrogative pronoun adalah kata tanya yang digunakan untuk menanyakan
noun dan pronoun.

Who menanyakan subjek berupa person (orang)

Whom menanyakan objek berupa person (orang)
What menanyakan subjek dan objek non-person (bukan orang)
Which menanyakan pilihan
Whose menanyakan kepemilikan


Statement : Someone takes my book.

Question : Who takes my book?

Statement : She called her mother.

Question : Who(m) did she call?

Statement : The question is quite difficult.

Question : What is quite difficult?

Statement : The man is reading a magazine.

Question : What is the man reading?

Statement : Your book is the red one.

Question : Which is your book?

Statement : This pen is hers.

Question : Whose is this pen?

71 | P a g e
9. Relative Pronoun
Relative pronoun adalah kata ganti yang sekaligus menjadi conjuction.

Who person + who + V + (O)

Whom person + whom + S + V
Which non-person + which + V + (O) atau S + V
That person/ non-person + that + V + (O) atau S + V

I thanked to the woman who/ that helped me.

The man who(m)/ that I saw was Mr. Jones.
The book which/ that is on the table is mine.

Fungsi Pronoun
Secara garis besar, fungsi pronoun dalam bahasa Inggris adalah sebagai

1. Subject
He is my math teacher.
2. Object
No one could call her yesterday.
3. Object of preposition (objek preposisi)
I am afraid of them being offended.
4. Subjective complement (penjelas subjek)
It is me who texted you via WA.
5. Objective complement (penjelas objek)
They simply made it hers.
6. Question word (kata tanya)
What is this?
7. Conjunction (kata sambung)
The software that he used in the research was SDL Trados.

72 | P a g e

1. Who are those people? Where are…from?

a. You
b. They
c. She
d. It

2. Mom is a doctor. … works in a hospital.

a. You
b. They
c. She
d. It

3. The sky is getting dark. … is going to rain.

a. You
b. They
c. She
d. It

4. … just left ten minutes ago.

a. He
b. His
c. Him
d. Me

5. My brother told me not to touch … when he wasn’t at home.

a. He
b. His
c. Him
d. Me

6. Reny and … are going to visit a new born baby this weekend.

a. Me
b. Mine
c. I

73 | P a g e
d. His

7. … is the cheapest watch ever sold at the store.

a. Your
b. Yours
c. You
d. Me

8. This pink laptop case is …

a. She
b. Hers
c. Her
d. His

9. You shouldn’t be angry with … since you’re the one who was curious.

a. Them
b. They
c. Their
d. Hers

10. The interviewer asked … why I am interested in the position.

a. Me
b. Mine
c. I
d. His

74 | P a g e

A.Kata kerja bantu yang langsung diikuti V1

The pattern of Modal: Modal + V1

Modals Sentence
Will She will go to Medan tomorrow.
Would Kate would do the exercise
Can The teacher can explain the lesson
Could Michael Jackson could sing very well.
May Alan may not come to the class today.
Might They might never understand the
Must Students must learn hard to finish
their study.
Should I should go to dentist tomorrow.
Ought to You ought to drive carefully in bad
Has /have to/had to We have to come early before the
class start.


Selain modal yang telah disebutkan sebelumnya,terdapat beberapa ekspresi

yang dapat digunakan sebagai kata kerja bantu,seperti be going to,be able
to,used to,had better,be supposed to,have to,have got to.

Ekspresi ini digunakan untuk contoh

Be going to untuk kepastian The train is going to be here at 5.
Be able to untuk kemampuan I am able to handle this problem.
Used to untuk keadaan di masa I used to live in Beijing.Now l live in
lampau yang sudah tidak diulang Jakarta.
Had better untuk sesuatu yang You had better be on time.

75 | P a g e
Be supposed to untuk harapan She is supposed to be here soon.
Have to untuk keperluan I have to attend a meeting
Have got to untuk keperluan I have got to go to class today.


1. Drinking water containing excessive amount fluorides........a stained or mottled

effect on the enamel of teeth.
A. To leave
B. Be leaving
C. May leave
D. May be left
2. Lichens grow extremely well in very cold parts of the world where few other
A. Can survive
B. Can be survive
C. Can survival
D. To survive
3. Simple photographic lenses cannot......sharp,undistortedimages overa wide field.
A. To form
B. Are formed
C. Forming
D. Form
4. The setting of Eudora Welty’s stories....rather limited,but what she exposes about
human nature is quite broad.
A. May been
B. May be
C. To may be
D. May being
5. Critical thinkers are.....main issues,recognize underlying assumptions,and
evaluate evidence.
A. Able to identify
B. Able in identify
C. To be able to
D. Enable to identify
6. Cinderella....long hours all alone talking to the cat.
A. Used to spent
B. Used to spending
C. Used to spend
D. To spend

76 | P a g e
7. The picture is not here any more;it must have......
A. Being taken away
B. Took away
C. Taken away
D. Been taking away.
8. He told me a lot about the Philippines.
He.......there for a long time.
A. Must have lived
B. Might be living
C. Ought to have lived
D. Should be living
9. My brother is in the intensive care unit now.l....him to the doctor earlier before
he got worse.
A. May have taken
B. Should have taken
C. Might have taken
D. Must have taken
10. ”look at all those broken street lamps.They....a long time ago.”
A. Should repair
B. Should have been repaired
C. Ought to repair
D. Must have been repaired

77 | P a g e

Inversion merupakan suatu pola kalimat dimana subjeck terletak dibelakang kata
kerja ,dengan syarat tertentu.Ada tiga jenis :

A. Inverted Subject with Adverb of place

Apabila keterangan tempat mengawali sebuah kalimat,maka pola penulisan
inversinya adalah:

Keterangan tempat +kata kerja+ subjek

Contoh : Here come the cops!

There goes another Suv.

Contoh keterangan tempat yang sering dipakai :

Here, there, now here, down the hill, around the corner, and located at.

Exercise :
1.There is many good reasons to study language.
2.Around the corner are several small shop.
3.Located at the edge of the Hill Country are Austin,Texas.
4.Here come the most beautiful girl in the world.
5.A long the beach was several small boats that had been washed ashore.

B. Inverted Subject With Negative Expressions

Apabila ungkapan negatif mengawali sebuah kalimat ,maka pola penulisan
inversinya adalah:

Ungkapan Negatif + Kata Kerja Bantu +S +Kata Kerja

Contoh :
[a] Never will l do that again [Tidak akan lagi saya melakukannya]
[b] Rarely have l eaten delicious food.[ Jarang sekali saya makan makanan
Contoh ungkapan negatif yang sering dipakai :
Never, not only, seldom, hardly, barely, scarcely, not only, neither, nor, no, dan so.

78 | P a g e
1. Hardly ever has.......to the class on time.
A. He come
B. He came
C. Come he
D. He
2. On no occasion......that to me.
A. Did they say
B. That they say
C. Said they
D. Said they
3. Steve did not win the prize,nor......to do so.
A. He did not expect
B. Did he expect
C. Does he expect
D. Expect he did
4. Only for a short period of time.....run at top speed.
A. Cheetahs
B. Do cheetahs
C. That a cheetah can
D. Can
5. ......unhappy with his behaviour,but l frankly just do not understand it.
A. Not only l am
B. Not only am l
C. A m l not only
D. Not only

C. Inverted Subject with Conditional Sentences

Kalimat inversi bisa juga ditemukan pada kalimat bersyarat yaitu
menghilangkankata if pada kalimat bersyarat yang mengandung
should,were,dan had.

Kata Kerja Bantu + Subjek + Kata Kerja,Subjek + Kata


If l should leave for only a minute to attend something,l

would be fired
should l leave for only a minute to attend something,l

79 | P a g e
would be fired

If l were in a position to help,l would help you

Were l in a position to help,l would help you

If he had taken more time,the result would have been

had he taken more time,the result would have been better


1. ......of the decision,we might have had something to say abou it.
A. If had we been informed
B. If had been we informed
C. Had we been informed
D. That we had been informed
2. .......busy ,l would accompany you.
A. Was l not
B. Were l not
C. If l was not
D. If were l not
3. Should.......her,she might be here.
A. I invited
B. I invite
C. Invite l
D. If l invite
4. Were....,they would visit her
A. Was she at home
B. If she at home
C. Should she at home
D. She at home
5. ....visit this town again.l would be delighted to show you arround.
A. Should would you ever
B. Should you ever
C. If should you
D. If you
6. At the end of tube.....,one which gathers light and one which magnifies the image.
A. Are two lenses there
B. Two lenses are

80 | P a g e
C. Are two lenses
D. Two lenses there
7. ....live another 30 years,l would be 55.
A. Were l
B. If were l to
C. If l to
D. Were l to

8. Not until 1865......the first antiseptic treatment on a compound fracture.

A. Did Joseph Lister tried
B. Did Joseph Lister try
C. Joseph Lister tried
D. Joseph Lister try
9. ......been for your foolishness,we wouldn’t have got lost.
A. Had it not
B. Had not
C. It had not
D. It not had
10. ......the article mention the names of people involved.
A. Nowhere do
B. Nowhere does
C. Nowhere
D. Does nowhere

81 | P a g e

So, Too, Neither dan Either digunakan untuk menyatakan setuju atau kesamaan
pendapat dengan orang lain. Adapun perbedaannya adalah:

 So dan Too digunakan dalam kalimat positif.

 Neither dan Either digunakan dalam kalimat negatif.


Pola Contoh

So So + Auxiliary + Subject (Pronoun) So do I.

Too Subject (pronoun) + Auxiliary + Too I do too.

Neither Neither + Auxiliary + Subject (Pronoun) Neither do I.

Either Subject (pronoun) + Auxiliary + NOT+ Either I don't


Auxiliary diantaranya: is, am, are, was, were, do, does, did, has, have, will, can,
Contoh dalam kalimat:

 So : I like orange juice. So do I.

 Too : I need Math book. I do too.
 Neither : I don’t like coffee. Neither do I.
 Either : I don’t need Math book. I don’t either.

82 | P a g e

 Kalimat positif (menggunakan So atau Too)

Auxuliary Orang pertama Orang kedua

is/am/are Heni is at school. So am I.

I am tired. I am too.

do/does Rani likes tea. So does Rudi.

I want to go to Bali. I do too.

did I wrote some essays last night. So did I.

She went to Yogyakarta last month. I did too.

was/were Cindy was at post office. So was Nuri.

You were at library. They were too.

has/have Meli has been in Jakarta since two So has my

years ago. brother.

They have visited Bandung Zoo. We have too.

will I will go to USA next month. So will I.

can/could, must, She can do it. I can too.

should, etc.

83 | P a g e
 Kalimat negatif (menggunakan neither atau either)

Auxuliary Orang pertama Orang kedua

is/am/are Heni is not at school. Neither am I.

I am not tired. I am not either.

do/does Rani doesn't like tea. Neither does Rudi.

I don't want to go to Bali. I don't either.

did I didn't write essay last night. Neither did I.

She didn't go to Yogyakarta last I didn't either.


was/were Cindy wasn't at post office. Neither was Nuri.

You weren't at library. They weren't either.

has/have Meli hasn't been here since two Neither has my

years ago. brother.

They haven't visited Bandung We haven't either.


will I won't go to USA next month. Neither will I.

can/could, must, She can't do it. I can't either.

should, etc.

84 | P a g e
1. X : Is John a smart student in this school ?
Y : Yes, she is John is a smart student and ————-
a. Andi is too
b. Andi so
c. so do Andi
d. so is Andi

2. X : What do you think about Bali and Lombok ?

Y : I think Bali is a beautiful island and —————–
a. Lombok is too
b. Lombok is so
c. Lombok is either
d. Lombok is not too

3. X : John and Joni always get marks on the English tests.

Y : John always studies had and ————–
a. so do Joni
b. so does Joni
c. Joni does so
d. Joni is so

4. Teacher : All female students have to clean the class room.

Student : How about the male students , sir ?
Teacher : ————————
a. They have too
b. He does too
c. So they do
d. So do they

5. Nana : Do you remember about our picnic to Bali ? We were so happy and
enjoyful over there.
Dewa : Right. Some boys played the sand at Sanur beach.
Nana : And ———— ?
a. So do the girls
b. So did the girls
c. The girls aren’t either
d. Neither did the girls

85 | P a g e
6. Mom : Do you want to take an English private lesson or join in English Club ?
Cahya : I will join in English Club, Mom.
Mom : How about you, Lina ?
Lina : ——————–
a. I will too
b. So I will
c. I will either
d. I do too

7. Doni : Do you agree with the plan that our basketball team will take part in
the next tournament ?
Dewa : Most of the members have agreed about it, —————
a. I do too
b. I have so
c. So have I
d. So I have

8. Dito : My parents have just bought a new car.

Fina : What a coincidence ! ———————-
a. My father has too
b. Also my father
c. So does my father
d. My father does too

9. Anti :”—————–.” What about Ani ?

Anto : “So does she.”
a. Ina doesn’t go to Bali
b. My sister is going to Bali
c. Siska will pass her study soon
d. Sari always helps her parents

10. Budi : Where are you going, Andi ?

Andi : Oh, I’m going to meet Mr. Herman
Budi : ——————. Let’s ask him.
a. Neither do I
b. I have too
c. I don’t have any
d. So do I

86 | P a g e

1. Sebab akibat
A. Karena, sebab [ Because, Because of, as result of, due to ]
= The days were short, as/for/since it was not Desember/The days were short
because of not December.

B. Makanya, oleh karena itu, jadi [ So,therefore,thus,consequently,hence ]

= There is fog at Cijoho;therefore,the place has been diverted.

C. Begitu...Sehingga [so......that...atau such....that]

= He gave such a good advice that l passed the test easily.

2. Tambahan Informasi

A. Selain itu,Lagipula,Terlebih-lebih Besides,in addition,futhermore,moreover

= Besides doing the cooking,l look after the garden.

B. Tidak hanya...tapi juga Not only...but also

C. Baik...maupun Either...or....untuk ungkapan positif dan neither...nor untuk

ungkapan negatif
= Either She or l will go to Bandung this afternoon 1. risya is not only
clever,but also she is rich
Both rivada and veni are brilliant.
= Neither she nor l will go Bandung this afternoon.

3. Prasyarat
A. Jika,Bila,Andaikan [If provided that,as long as ]
= If /provided that/As long as you come with me for a joyride,you will have a
great fun.

B. Jika tidak [Unless,Otherwise ]

= Unless l had decided to hurriedly get married six years ago,l wouldn’t have
had such regrets
= l am married already and have children,Otherwise,l would marry you.

87 | P a g e
4. Pertentangan
A. Kalaupun[Even if]
B. Kontra harap,Walaupun,kendatipun[though/although,even though

In spite of,despite
= Despite /in spite of the wind,he continued the cruise
= Although she is wrong,l will help you

C. Namun demikian [however,Nevertheless ]

= l’d like to go,however,l don’t have time.
= l want to buy the luxurious furniture,nevertheless,l don’t have enough
money for it

D. Padahal [whereas]
= She can’t travel whereas she has a lot of money.

E. Sementara[ while]
= Mother was cooking while/as father was fixing the car.

F. Ketika,pada saat[when,As]
= My father came when/as l was studying.

G. Akhirnya [Finally,at last,after all]

= Finally,at last,after all,She comes.

1. I am going to go to the river _____ lake tomorrow morning.
a. or
b. but
c. and
d. so
2. I am hungry _____ I eat.
a. so
b. but
c. and
d. or

88 | P a g e
3. You have to study hard _____ you cannot pass the examination.
a. or
b. so
c. and
d. But
4. Let’s watching a movie _____ going outside! I am bored.
a. or
b. but
c. and
d. so
5. Do you like pizza _____ hamburger?
a. or
b. but
c. so
d. and
6. Learning to play a musical instrument often motivates a child to be disciplined
and focused, ______ it can impart a feeling of social worth.
a. Because
b. And
c. So
d. Moreover
7. ______ the bad weather, he still chooses to go by air plane.
a. Although
b. However
c. Despite
d. While
8. The play performed by Theater EMWE was good, _____ it could have been
improved by adding the sound effects.
a. Thus
b. And
c. but if
d. or
9. Yosi continued playing game ______ he heard his mother calling.
a. Although
b. as soon as
c. After

89 | P a g e
d. Because
10. The farmers exterminate rodents in their farmland ______ they damage the
a. If
b. Though
c. However
d. as

90 | P a g e

Kalimat pengandaian (conditional sentence) adalah kalimat untuk

mengandaikan suatu hal yang belum terjadi, tidak terjadi, atau sudah terjadi.
Kalimat ini terdiri dari dua bagian, yaitu klausa bebas (independent clause) yang
menjadi induk kalimat dan klausa if (anak kalimat) yang memiliki peryataan

Klausa bebas adalah klausa yang berdiri sendiri karena mempunyai arti
lengkap, sedangkan klausa if adalah klausa yang tidak dapat berdiri sendiri karena
artinya tidak lengkap (dependent clause) yang diawali if. Jika Anda masih bingung
dengan kedua klausa ini, perhatikan contoh kalimat berikut.
If I were Jokowi, I will select honest ministers. [Jika saya Jokowi, saya akan memilih
menteri-menteri yang jujur.]
 If I were Jokowi = klausa if
 I will select honest ministers = klausa bebas/induk kalimat
Dalam bahasa Inggris, ada 3 tipe kalimat pengandaian, yaitu:
1. Kalimat pengandaian tipe I
Kalimat pengandaian tipe I menyatakan pengandaian yang mungkin terjadi.
Pola kalimat pengandaian tipe ini: klausa if dalam waktu sekarang (simple
present, present continuous, dan present perfect) dan klausa bebas dalam
bentuk simple present atau simple future.

1. If you are ready, we can begin the test. [Jika Anda siap, kita dapat mulai
ujian ini.]
2. If I have much spare time, I will watch the Mahabarata series. [Jika saya
punya banyak waktu luang, saya akan menonton serial Mahabarata.]
3. If he has received my email, he will come to work early tomorrow. [Jika dia
telah menerima email saya, dia besok akan datang bekerja lebih awal.]
4. If she is cooking dinner now, she won’t want to go out to dinner with us.
[Jika dia sedang memasak makan malam sekarang, dia tidak akan mau
keluar makan malam bersama kita.]
5. If my car doesn’t start, I will call a tow truck man. [Jika mobil saya tidak
hidup, saya akan menelepon seorang petugas truk derek.]
6. If I pass the exam, my mother will be very happy. [Jika saya lulus ujian,
ibuku akan sangat senang.]

91 | P a g e
 Contoh a): klausa if = simple present, klausa bebas= simple present
 Contoh b): klausa if = simple present, klausa bebas = simple future
 Contoh c): klausa if = present perfect tense, klausa bebas = simple future
 Contoh d): klausa if = present continuous, klausa bebas = simple future
 Contoh e): klausa if = simple present, klausa bebas = simple future
 Contoh f): klausa if = simple present, klausa bebas = simple future

2. Kalimat pengandaian tipe II

Kalimat pengandaian tipe II menyatakan pengandaian yang tidak mungkin
terjadi karena bertentangan dengan kenyataan sekarang. Tipe kalimat
pengandaian ini memiliki pola: klausa if dalam waktu lampau dan klausa
bebas mengandung would atau could.
 If I were a Spiderman, I would protect the world. [Jika saya Spiderman,
saya akan melindungi dunia.]
 If I had a million dollars, I would use the money to buy luxury cars. [Jika
saya punya satu juta dolar, saya akan menggunakan uang itu untuk
membeli mobil-mobil mewah.]
 If I were you, I would stop smoking. [Jika saya kamu, saya akan berhenti
 If your car was working, you could pick up Maya at airport. [Jika mobil
Anda sedang baik, Anda dapat menjemput Maya di bandara.]

3. Kalimat pengandaian tipe III

Kalimat pengandaian tipe III menyatakan pengandaian yang tidak mungkin
terjadi karena waktunya sudah berlalu (menyatakan penyesalan). Pola kalimat
pengandaian tipe ini adalah klausa if dalam bentuk past perfect dan klausa
bebas mengandung would + have + verb 3.
 If you had called me earlier, I would have attended your party first. [Jika
Anda menghubungiku lebih awal, saya akan menghadiri pesta Anda
terlebih dahulu.]
 If Maya had met Andri at that concert, she would have confessed her love.
[Jika Maya bertemu Andri di konser itu, dia akan mengakui cintanya.]
 If I had finished high school, I would have gotten a better job. [Jika saya
tamat SMU, saya akan mendapatkan pekerjaan yang lebih baik.]
 If we had left home earlier, we would have arrived on time. [Jika kita
meninggalkan rumah lebih awal, kita akan tiba tepat waktu.]

92 | P a g e
 If you had paid attention to the traffic, you would not have had an
accident. [Jika Anda memperhatikan lalu lintas, Anda tidak akan
mengalami kecelakaan.]
Klausa bebas/induk kalimat dalam kalimat pengandaian dapat ditempatkan
sebelum klausa if. Perhatikan contoh kalimat berikut.
 If I pass the exam, my mother will be very happy. [Jika saya lulus ujian,
ibuku akan sangat senang.]
 My mother will be very happy if I pass the exam. [Ibuku akan sangat senang
jika saya lulus ujian.]

1. If I passed the final examination, I (continue) to Gunadarma University.
a. will continue c. would continue
b. continue d. continued
2. If I had been a millionaire, I (travel) around the world.
a. will travel c. traveled
b. would travel d. would have traveled
3. If I (to be) you, I would take that chance.
a. was c. is
b. were d. am
4. If I (to be) a TV reporter, I will interview Mr. President.
a. is c. are
b. am d. was
5. If I have much money, I (travel) to Bali and Lombok.
a. travel c. will travel
b. traveled d. travels
6. If he (study) harder, he would pass in his examination.
a. study c. would study
b. studying d. studied
7. Jenny isn’t here. If she (to be) here, we will continue discussing what to do.
a. am c. is
b. are d. were
8. If Rina were still alive, she (be) seventeen.
a. will be c. would be
b. were be d. being
9. You will be sick if you (not) eat.

93 | P a g e
a. does not c. can not
b. do not d. will not
10. If Rose continued her study, she (become) a doctor.
a. becomes c. would become
b. became d. will become
11. If she had come to the meeting yesterday afternoon, she ... involved in decision
A. were
B. would be
C. had been
D. would have been
12. The truth implied by the sentence in problem no. 1 is ....
A. She isn't coming to the meeting.
B. She came to the meeting.
C. She didn't come to the meeting.
D. She had come to the meeting.
13. If you had invited her to your party, I ... with her.
A. had come
B. would come
C. would have come
D. will come
14. The truth implied by the sentence in problem no. 3 is ....
A. She came to the party to your party.
B. You invited her to your party.
C. You didn't invite her to your party.
D. You had invited her to your party.
15. There would be a risk of accident if you ... that cable on the floor.
A. would leave
B. left
C. were left
D. would have left

94 | P a g e

Sebagian besar kata dalam bahasa Inggris adalah bentuk yang paling
sederhana atau hanya terdiri dari single root, sehingga tidak dapat diuraikan lagi.
Contoh dari bentuk tersebut adalah house, study, fast, type, write, inform, hard, dll.
Adapun sebagian kata lainnya merupakan turunan atau hasil derivation.
Derivation adalah suatu proses pembentukan kata melalui penambahan imbuhan
(affix), yang dapat berupa awalan (preffix) dan/atau akhiran (suffix). Kata baru yang
dihasilkan akan memiliki makna yang berbeda dari kata dasarnya.


- Postgraduate (pasca sarjana) = post (prefix) + graduate (root)

- Activity (aktivitas) = active (root) + ity (suffix)
- Interchangeable (dapat bertukar tempat) = inter (prefix)
+ change (root) + able(suffix)


Berikut contoh kata turunan dari kata inform (menginformasikan) (kata kerja/ verb)
dan active (aktif) (kata sifat/ adjective) :

 + ‘-ation’ = Information (informasi) menjelaskan (noun)

 + ‘-ative’ = Informative (informatif) menjelaskan (adjective)
 + ‘--ative’ dan ‘-ly’ = Informatively (secara informatif) menjelaskan (adverb)
 + ‘--ate’ = Activate (mengaktifkan) menjelaskan (verb)
 + ‘-ation’ = Activation (aktivasi) menjelaskan (noun)
 + ‘-ly’ = Actively (secara aktif) menjelaskan (adverb)

Derivation memiliki empat macam pada part of speech, yaitu :
1. Noun derivation , contohnya :
- Freedom (kebebasan) = free (root) + dom (suffix)
- Imagination (imajinasi/ khayalan) = imagine (root) + ation (suffix)

2. Adjective derivation, contohnya :

- Talkative (senang berbicara) = talk (root) + ative (suffix)
- Friendly (bersahabat) = friend (root) + ly (suffix)
95 | P a g e
3. Verb derivation, contohnya :
- Endanger (membahayakan) = en (prefix) + danger (root)
- Validate (mensahkan) = valid (root) + ate (suffix)

4. Adverb derivation, contohnya :

- Away (pergi) = a (prefix) + way (root)
- Backward (mundur) = back (root) + ward (suffix)


1. This flower can be _____ grouped into type depending upon how often they
A. convenient
B. convenience
C. conveniently
D. Conveniences
2. A list of key beliefs of world class performers is the important material in
coaching mental ______.
A. tough
B. toughful
C. toughment
D. Toughness
3. The little girl is taking care of the puppy with ______.
A. patient
B. patience
C. patiently
D. Patients
4. _____ angles of any triangle always add up to 180 degrees.
A. If three
B. The three
C. Three of
D. Three are
5. The bodies of living creatures are organized into many different systems, each
of which has _____ function.
A. Certainly
B. A certain
C. It is certainly
D. To be certain
6. _____, Carl Sandburg is also well-known for his multi volume biography of

96 | P a g e
A. An eminent American poet
B. He is an eminent American poet
C. An eminent American poet who is
D. Despite an eminent American poet
7. The Hawthorne studies, _____ the monotonous working conditions of
factory personnel, were a major contribution to industrial psychology.
A. In which the investigation of
B. Were they investigated
C.Which were investigation
D. An investigation of
8. Vaporization in connection with general _____ has a marked effect on long-
term climate.
A. Atmospheric conditions that
B. Conditions are atmospheric
C. Are atmospheric conditions
D. Atmospheric conditions
9. _____ discussion of group personality would be complete without a
consideration of national character.
A. None
B. Not
C. No
D. Nothing
10. The javelin used in competition must be between 260 and 270 centimeters
A. In length
B. It is long
C. Whose length
D. Lengthily
11. The statement will be spoken just one time; therefore, you must listen very
careful in order to understand what the speaker has said.
12. Quality control studies show that employees work the most efficient when
they are involved in the total operation rather than in only one part of it.
13. Although the “Lake Poets” Wordsworth, Coleridge, and Southney were
friends, they did not really form a group since Southney’s style
differed wide from that of the other two
14. Nutritionists recommend that foods from each of the four basic groups are
eaten on a regularly daily basis.
15. Clare Boothe Luce wrote and productioned her first play while she was in high

97 | P a g e
Degree of comparison

Macam-Macam Degree of Comparison

Degree of comparison dalam bahasa Inggris dibagi menjadi 3 jenis tingkatan:

Positive, Comparative dan Superlative.
1. Positive adalah membandingkan dua atau lebih orang atau sesuatu yang
mempunyai kualitas kerja atau sifat yang sama.
– Tono walks as fast as Toni (adverb).
– Tini is as tall as Tina (adjective).

2. Comparative adalah membandingkan dua atau lebih orang atau sesuatu

yang mempunyai kualitas kerja atau sifat yang tidak sama, dimana salah
satunya lebih jika dibanding yang lainnya.
– he is taller than me (adjective)
– Jono plays piano as well as Joni (adverb)

3. Superlative untuk membandingkan seseorang atau sesuatu dengan group

atau kelompoknya.
– I am the most handsome in Gembiraloka zoo (adjective)
– Captain America runs the slowest super hero I ever see (adverb)

Peraturan Degree of Comparison

1. Penggunaan comparative dan superlative tergantung dari jumlah suku kata

adjective-nya (kata sifatnya). e.g: Tall (1 suku kata), Famous (2 suku kata),
Beautiful (3 suku kata)
o 1 suku kata: tinggal nambahi -est/-er di belakangnya.
Contoh: I am slimer than you. My father is oldest in my family.
o 2 suku kata. Ada yang menggunakan more ada yang menggunakan -er untuk
comparative. Untuk superlative ada yang menggunakan -est ada yang
menggunakan most.
Contoh: Tukul more famous than Gogon atau boleh juga Tukul cleverer than
Gogon; We are the cleverest/most clever creation of God.
o 3 atau lebih. Musti wajib bin harus pake Most dan More.
Contoh: She is the most beautiful girl in my life.

98 | P a g e
2. Pengecualian:

o beberapa kata sifat dalam comparative dan superlative akan mengalami pen-
double-an huruf terakhir. seperti: big>bigger dan biggest; sad> sadder dan
o Kalau kata sifat diakhiri dengan huruf “y”, maka diganti dengan “i”. Seperti:
Happy>Happiest dan Happier
o Pengecualian alias khusus kata-kata di bawah ini perubahannya adalah
sebagai berikut:

1. The speed of light is _______ the speed of sound.
(A) faster
(B) much faster than
(C) the fastest
(D) as fast

2. The use of detail is _______ method of developing a controlling idea, and almost
all students employ this method.
(A) more common
(B) common
(C) most common
(D) the most common

99 | P a g e

Main Idea Questions

Setiap bacaan pada TOEFL berisi pertanyaan tentang ide pokok.Jenis
pertanyaan ini berkisar 10% dari 50 pertanyaan Reading skill.Pertanyaan tersebut
dapat ditampilkan dalam beberapa istilah,misalnya Anda diminta untuk
mengidentifikasi topik,subjek,judul,gagasan utama,atau ide pokok.Pertanyaan-
Pertanyaan tersebut pada dasarnya menanyakan gagasan/ide yang ingin penulis
jabarkan.Letak ide pokok suatu bacaan terdapat diawal,diakhir ataupun
menyimpulkan dari bacaan.

Perhatikan contoh berikut ini :

Passage :
In the Philosophyof John Dewey,a sharp distinction is made between intelligence
and reasoning.According to Dewey,intelegence is the only absolute way to achieve a
balance between realism and idealism,between practicality and wisdom of
life.intelligence involves “interacting with other things and knowing them”while
reasoning is merely the act of an observer”,..a mind that beholds or grasps objects
outside the world of things.....”wih reasoning,a level of mental certainty can be
achieved,but it is through intelligence that control is taken of events that shape on’s


What is the topic of the passage?

A.The intelligence of John Dewey
B.Distinctions made by John Dewey
C.Dewey’s idea on the ability to reason
D.How intelligence differs from reasoning in Dewey’s works

Analisa Jawaban berikut ini:

 Pilihan jawaban A,terlalu luas karena hanya menyebutkan intelligence,jadi
bukan merupakan topik
 Pilihan jawaban B juga terlalu luas karena menyebutkan perbedaan yang
dibuat oleh John Dewey,tetapi tidak menyebutkan secara rinci jenis
 Pilihan jawaban C terlalu spesifik karna hanya menyebutkan reasoning,oleh
karena itu jawabanya tidak lengkap.
 Pilihan jawaban D merupakan jawaban yang benar karena telah disebutkan
dikalimat pertama.
100 | P a g e
Main Idea Questions

a.What is the main topic of

b.What is the main idea of
a.Pahami jenis pertanyaan
c.What is the main purpose of
d.What is the author’s main point
Jawaban untuk pertanyaan jenis ini
b.Temukan letak jawabanya pada umumnya dapat melihat kalimat
pertama setiap paragraf.
1.Baca kalimat pertama dan terakhir
dari setiap paragraf
2.Carilah tema umum atau tema utama
c.Tentukan langkah dalam dalam baris tersebut
menjawab pertanyaan 3.Bacalah dengan cepat sisa bagian
bacaan untuk memeriksa bahwa
Anda benar –benar telah
menemukan kalimat topik.

Stated Detail Questions

Pertanyaan rinci tersurat atau Stated detail questions adalah sebuah pertanyaan
yang menanyakan informasi yang ada atau yang terstera dalam bacaan .Jenis
pertanyaan ini berkisar 25% dari 50% pertanyaan Reading Skill.

Jawaban untuk pertanyaan jenis ini biasanya dapat ditemukan secara berurutan
didalm bacaan dan jawaban yang benar biasanya merupakan pertanyaan ulang dari
informasi yang ada dalam bacaan .Hal ini mengandung arti bahwa jawaban yang
benar adalah jawaban yang menyatakan ide atau gagasan yang sama dengan yang
tertera dalam bacaan,tetapi menggunakan pilihan kata yang berbeda.Berikut ini
adalah beberapa contoh pertanyaan rinci tersurat.Perhatikan contoh dibawah ini :

The Passage:
Flutes have been around for quite some time,In all sorts of shapes and sizes
and made from a variety of materials.The oldest known flutes are about 20,000
years old;they were made from hollowed –out bones cut in them.In addition to
bone,older flutes were constructed from bamboo or hollowed out wood.
Today’s flutes are generally made of metal,and in addition to the holes they
have a complicated system of keys,levers,and pads.The instruments belonging to
well known flautist James Galway is not just made any metal;it is made of gold.

101 | P a g e
The questions:
1. According to the passage,the oldest flutes......
A. Had holes cut in them
B. Were made of metal
C. Were made 200,000 years ago
D. Had a complicated set of levers and pads.
2. The passage indicates that James Galway’s flute is made of.......
A. Bones
B. Bamboo
C. Wood
D. Gold

Jawaban untuk pertanyaan pada Reading Skill section dapat ditemukan secara
berurutan pada bacaan.Oleh karena itu,Anda harus mencari jawaban untuk
pertanyaan pertama pada bagian awal bacaan.Pertanyaan pertama menanyakan
tentang the oldest flutes,Anda dapat melihat bahwa jawaban untuk pertanyaan ini
dapat ditemukan pada kalimat kedua.Dalam bacaan tersebut disebutkan bahwa
seruling pada masa dahulu terbuat dari tulang dengan lubang-lubang
didalamnya[they were made from hollowed –out bones with holes cut in them],maka
jawaban yang tepat untuk pertanyaan pertama adalah pilihan [A]had holes cut in
Jawaban untuk pertanyaan kedua kemungkinan besar terdapat pada bacaan setelah
jawaban untuk pertanyaan pertama ditemukan.Karena pertanyaan kedua
menanyakan tentang James Galways’s flute,maka Anda harus membaca cepat
bacaan untuk menemukan bagian dari bacaan yang membahas topik ini[James
Galway’s flute].Jawaban untuk pertanyaan ini dapat ditemukan pada pertanyaan The
instrument belonging to well known flautist James Galway is not just made of any
metal;it is made of gold ,oleh karena itu,jawaban yang tepat untuk pertanyaan ini
adalah pilihan [D] gold.

102 | P a g e

a. Pahami jenis-jenis pertanyaan
 According to the passage.....
 It is stated in the passage that.....
 The passage indicates that......
 The author mentions that.....
Which of the following is true...?
b. Cara menemukan jawaban
 Tentukan kata kunci yang berupa lexical words seperti kata benda,kata
kerja,kata sifat ,atau kata keterangan dari pertanyaan yang ada.
 Baca dengan cepat bacaan dan temukan bagian dari bacaan yang
mengandung kata kunci yang ada dalam pertanyaan.
 Baca secara lebih mendalam kalimat yang mengandung kata kunci tersebut.
 Carilah diantara pilihan jawaban yang menyatakan ulang gagasan yang ada
dalam bacaan mengenai kata kunci tersebut.
Keluarkan jawaban-jawaban yang salah dan pilih jawaban yang paling tepat
dari pilihan –pilihan yang masih tersisa.

Pertanyaan pengecualian atau negative Questions adalah pertanyaan yang
menuntut Anda untuk menentukan jawaban mana diantara mana diantara pilihan
jawaban yang ada yang merupakan pertanyaan yang tidak tercantum atau tidak ada
dalam bacaan. Jenis pertanyaan ini berkisar 10% dari 50% pertanyaan Reading Skill.
Pertanyaan ini mengunakan kosakata seperti: NOT,EXCEPT atau LEAST yang
biasanya ditulis dengan huruf besar. Berikut beberapa contoh pertanyaan

103 | P a g e
The passage

The Florida keys are a beautiful chain of almost 1,000 coral and
limestone islands. These islands form an are that heads first southwest
and then west from the mainland U.S.Highway 1, called the Overseas
Highway, connects the main islands in the chain . On this highway ,it is
necessary to cross 42 bridges over the ocean to cover the 159 miles from
Miami. On this Miami.On the mainland,to key west,the farthest island on
the highway and the southern most city in the United States.

The Questions:
1.Which of the following is not mentioned about the Florida Keys
A. The Florida keys are a chain of islands
B. The Florida keys contain coral and limestone
C. The Florida Keys are in the shape of an are
D. The Florid Keys are not all inhabited.

2.Which of the following is NOT true about U.S.Highway 1?

A. It is also known as the overseas Highway.
B. It joins all of the islands in the Florida Keys
C. It has more than 40 bridges
D. It connects Miami and Key West.

Today’ s readers look for knowledge and information through more
than just an encyclopedia.Knowledge,information,data,and images race
around the world in every increasing speed.With a quick press of a key on
the computer keyboard,data from some of the great libraries in the world
can be called onto a screen for immediate perusal.

104 | P a g e
The question:
1.The author mentions all of the following means of accessing information
A. Encyclopedia
B. Television
C. Computers
D. Libraries

Pertanyaan pertama menanyakan jawaban yang TIDAK DISEBUTKAN tentang

The Florida Keys.Dalam bacaan diatas disebutkan bahwa Florida Keys adalah
sebuah rentetan(A) pulau karang dan batu gamping[coral and limestone]( answer
B) berbentuk sebuah busur(answer C),Sehingga jawaban-jawaban tersebut
bukanlah jawaban yang benar(karena jawaban tersebut tertera atau disebutkan
dalam bacaan).Jawaban yang tepat adalah pilihan(D) the Florida Keys are not all

105 | P a g e

Strategi  Accordiing to the passage ,all of the

a.pahami jenis-jenis pertanyaan following are true EXCEPT.....
 Which of the following is NOT
mentioned in the passage?
 Which of the following is the LEAST
b.Cara menemukan jawaban  Pilihlah sebuah kata kunci dalam soal
yang ada.
 Bacalah bacaan untuk menemukan
bagian dalam bacaan yang membahas
tentang kata kunci tersebut.
 Bacalah kalimat yang mengandung
kata kunci secara mendalam.
 Carilah jawaban-jawaban yang
mengandung pertanyaan yang benar
atau sesuai dengan bacaan dan abaikan
jawaban –jawaban tersebut.
 Pilihlah jawaban yang berisi
pernyataan yang salah(NOT TRUE)
(NOTDISCUSSED ) dalam bacaan)

Jenis Pertanyaan INFERENCE meminta anda menjawab pertanyaan dengan
membuat sebuah kesimpulan berdasarkan informas
informasi rinci dalam bacaan.Jenis pertanyaan berkisar 10%DARI 50 PERTANYAAN
Reading Skill.Ciri-ciri pertanyaan ini biasanya menggunakan kata –kata seperti :
implied,infered,likely,atau probably yang menyatakan bahwa jawaban dari
pertanyaan tersebut tidak tersurat dalam bacaan.Untuk Menjawabnya,Anda harus
memahami informasi yan tercantum dalam bacaan,dan kemudian mengambil
kesimpulan dari informasi tersebut.

The Passage
The number of rings in a tree can be used to determine how old a tree really
is.Each year a tree produces a ring that is composed of one light colored wide
band and one dark colored narrowed band.The wider band is produced during
the spring and early summer,when tree stem cells grow rapidly and become

106 | P a g e
larger.The narrower band is produced in fall and early winter when cell growth is
much slower and cells do not get very large.No cells are produced during the
harsh winter and summer months.

The questions:
1. It is implied in the passage that if a tree has 100 wide bands and 100 narrow
bands then it is....
A. A century old
B. Two centuries old
C. Fifty years old
D. Two hundred years old
2. It can be infered from the passage that cells do not grow....
A. When the tree is ill
B. During extreme heat or cold
C. When it rains too much
D. If there are more light colored bands than dark colored bands

Pertanyaan pertama menanyakan tentang umur sebuah pohon dengan 100

lingkaran yang lebar [100 wide bands) dan 100 lingkaran sempit (100 narrow
bands). Bacaan tersebut tidak menyebutkan secara langsung usia pohon dengan ciri
tersebut, tapi diindikasikan bahwa satu lingkaran lebar dan satu lingkaran sempit
dihasilkan dalam satu tahun, Jadi anda menyimpulkan bahwa usia pohon tersebut
100 tahun atau satu abad. Jawaban yang paling tepat adalah (A)
Pertanyaan yang kedua menanyakan kapan sel-sel batang tidak tumbuh. Bacaan
menyatakan bahwa tidak ada sel batang yang tumbuh selama musim dingin yang
ekstrim [ hars winter] dan selama bulan bulan musim panas[summer months]. Jadi ,
Anda bisa menyimpulkan bahwa sel batang tidak tumbuh karena panas dan dingin
yang ekstrim selama musim panas dan musim dingin. Jawaban yang paling tepat
adalah pilihan(B).

107 | P a g e

Strategi  Which of the following can be

infered from the passage?
 The author implies that.....
 The author suggests that.....
a.Pahami jenis-jenis pertanyaan  It is implied in the passage that....
 It can be infered from the passage
 It is most likely that....
 What probably happened....?
Jawaban dari pertanyaan tersebut
b.Tentukan letak jawaban dapat dijumpai dalam bacaan secara
 Tentukan kata kunci yang
dimaksud dalam pertanyaan
 Temukan lokasi kata kunci yang
tepat dalam bacaan.
 Bacalah kalimat yang mengandung
c.Tentukan langkah dalam kata kunci atau ide dengan teliti.
menjawab pertanyaan  Carilah jawaban yang sudah pasti
benar sesuai bacaan .Abaikan
jawaban tersebut.
 Pilihlah jawaban yang tidak benar
atau yang tidak dibahas dalam


Ketika Anda mengerjakan tes TOEFL, Anda terkadang diminta untuk menentukan
arti suatu ungkapan yang sulit,bisa juga kata atau ekspresi yang tidak anda ketahui.
Jenis pertanyaan tentang kosakata ini berkisar 25%dari 50 pertanyaan Reading Skill.
Dalam hal ini , Teks/bacaan tersebut sering memberikan indikasi yang jelas
mengenai apa arti kata atau ungkapan tersebut.

Example : A line in the passage:

.......She has a large geranium growing in a pot in the corner of her
The question : A geranium is probably the same as........
A. A sofa

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B. A chair
C. A fish
D. A plant

Jenis pertanyaan diatas,Anda tidak harus mengetahui arti kata geranium.

Sebagai gantinya, Anda harus memahaminya dari konteks bahwa jika geranium
itu tumbuh dalam pot, Maka mungkin geranium itu adalah sebuah tanaman.
Oleh karena itu,jawaban (D) adalah jawaban yang tepat. Dibawah ini tabel
sebagai langkah yang penting untuk Anda ingat dalam menjawab pertanyaan
vocabulary pada tes TOEFL.

Strategi  What is the meaning of......?

 Which of the following is closest in
a. Pahami jenis-jenis pertanyaan meaning to.....?
 ....could best be replaced by which
of the following?
Dalam soal biasanya diberitahukan
pada baris ke berapa kata-kata atau
b.Tentukan letak jawaban
ungkapan tersebut dapat Anda
 Temukan kata atau ungkapan yang
dimaksud dalam bacaan.
 Bacalah kalimat yang berisi kata
yang dimaksud dengan saksama
c.Tentukan langkah dalam
 Temukan petunjuk dalam konteks
menjawab pertanyaan
yang membantu Anda memahami
kata yang dimaksud.
 Pilihlah jawaban yang dimaksud
dalam konteks.


Pada saat menjawab pertanyaan mengenai kata ganti (referents),perlu Anda pahami
bahwa dalam sebuah bacaan sebua kata benda[noun]biasanya digunakan terlebih
dahulu,dan baru kemudian muncul kata ganti(pronoun) yang mengacu pada kata
benda tersebut.Jenis pertanyaan ini berkisar 10% dari 50% pertanyaan Reading
The Passage:
Carnivorous plants,such as the sundew and the Venus-Fly trap,are generally

109 | P a g e
found in humid areas where there is an adequate supply of nitrogen in the
soil.Inorder to survive,These plants have developed mechanism to trap insects
within their folliage.They have digestive fluids to obtain the necessary from the

The questions:
The pronoun They in line 5 refers to........
A. Humid areas
B. These plants
C. Insects
D. Digestive fluids

Jawaban (D) digestive fluids muncul setelah kata ganti they, maka kemungkinan
jawaban (D) bukanlah jawaban yang benar. Untuk menemukan jawaban yang
benar, cobalah untuk menganti kata ganti they, dengan tiga pilihanThese plants
have digestive fluids. Oleh karena itu,jawaban yang benar adalah pilihan (B)

Pahami Jenis –jenis pertanyaan
 The pronoun .....in line X refers to.....
 The pronoun.....in line X refers to which of the following?
Tentukan letak jawaban
 Letak kata ganti yang dimaksud ditunjukan dalam soal.Kata benda yang
diwakili oleh kata ganti biasanya dapat ditemukan sebelum kata ganti
tersebut muncul.
Tentukan langkah dalam menjawab pertanyaan
 Tentukan kata ganti(pronoun) yang dimaksud dalam bacaan.
 Carilah kata benda (noun) yang sesuai untuk kata ganti yang dimaksud
sebelum kata ganti tersebut muncul.
 Coba masukkan kata benda tersebut kedalam konteks kata ganti yang
 Abaikan pilihan jawaban yang salah dan pilih jawaban yang benar.

110 | P a g e

Questions 1-10
In the early 1800’s, over 80 percent of the United States labor force was
engaged in agriculture. Sophisticated technology and machinery were virtually
nonexistent. People who lived in the cities and were not directly involved in trade
often participated in small cottage industries making handcrafted goods. Others
cured meats, silversmiths, candle 5) or otherwise produced needed goods and
commodities. Blacksmiths, silversmiths, candle makers, and other artisans worked in
their homes or barns, relying on help of family.

Perhaps no single phenomenon brought more widespread and lasting change to

the United States society than the rise of industrialization. Industrial growth hinged
on several 10)economic factors. First, industry requires an abundance of natural
resources, especially coal, iron ore, water, petroleum, and timber-all readily available
on the North American continent. Second, factories demand a large labor supply.
Between the 1870’s and the First World War (1914-1918), approximately 23 million
immigrants streamed to the United States, settled in cities, and went to work in
factories and mines. They also helped 15)build the vast network of canals and
railroads that crisscrossed the continent and linked important trade centers essential
to industrial growth.

Factories also offered a reprieve from the backbreaking work and financial
unpredictability associated with farming. Many adults, poor and disillusioned with
farm life, were lured to the cities by promises of steady employment, regular
paychecks, 20) increased access to goods and services, and expanded social
opportunities. Others were pushed there when new technologies made their labor
cheap or expendable; inventions such as steel plows and mechanized harvesters
allowed one farmhand to perform work that previously had required several, thus
making farming capital-intensive rather than labor-intens.

States economy underwent a massive transition and the nature of work was
permanently altered. Whereas cottage industries relied on a few highly skilled craft
workers who slowly and carefully converted raw materials into finished products
from start to finish, factories relied on specialization. While factory work was less
creative and more monotonous, it was also more efficient and allowed mass
production of goods at less expense.

111 | P a g e
1. What aspect of life in the United States does the passage mainly discuss?
(A) The transition from an agricultural to an industrial economy
(B) The inventions that transformed life in the nineteenth century
(C) The problems associated with the earliest factories
(D) The difficulty of farm life in the nineteenth century

2. Blacksmiths, silversmiths, and candle makers are mentioned in lines 5-6 as

examples of artisans who
(A) maintained their businesses at home
(B) were eventually able to use sophisticated technology
(C) produced unusual goods and commodities
(D) would employ only family members

3. The phrase “hinged on” in line 9 is closest in 8. It can be inferred from the passage
that meaning to
(A) recovered from
(B) depended on
(C) started on
(D) contributed

4. Which of the following is mentioned in the passage as a reason for the industrial
growth that occurred in the United States before 1914?
(A) The availability of natural resources found only in the United States
(B) The decrease in number of farms resulting from technological advances
(C) The replacement of canals and railroads by other forms of transportation
(D) The availability of a large immigrant work force

5. The word “lured” in line 19 is closest in meaning to

(A) attracted
(B) assigned
(C) restricted
(D) restricted

6. The word “Others” in line 20 refers to other

(A) adults
(B) promises
(C) goods and services
(D) social opportunities

7. The word “expendable” in line 21 is closest in meaning to

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(A) nonproductive
(B) unacceptable
(C) nonessential
(D) unprofitable

8. Industrialization affected farming in that industrialization

(A) increased the price of farm products
(B) limited the need for new farm machinery
(C) created new and interesting jobs on farms
(D) reduced the number of people willing to do farm work

9. What does the author mean when stating that certain inventions made farming
“capital-intensive rather than labor-intensive” (lines 23-24)?
(A) Workers had to be trained to operate the new machines.
(B) Mechanized farming required more capital and fewer laborers.
(C) The new inventions were not helpful for all farming activities.
(D) Human labor could still accomplish as much work as the first machines.

10. According to the passage, factory workers differed from craft workers in that
factory workers
(A) were required to be more creative
(B) worked extensively with raw materials
(C) changed jobs frequently
(D) specialized in one aspect of the finished product only

Question 11-20

Molting is one of the most involved processes of a bird’s annual life cycle. Upon
close observation, one can recognize the frayed, ragged appearance of feathers that
are nearing the end of their useful life. Two distinct processes are involved in
molting. The first step is when the old, worn feather is dropped, or shed. The second
is when a new feather grows in its place. When each feather has been shed and
replaced, then the molt can be said to be complete. This, however, is an abstraction
that often does not happen: incomplete, overlapping, and arrested molts are quite
Molt requires that a bird find and process enough protein to rebuild
approximately one-third of its body weight. It is not surprising that a bird in heavy
molt often seems listless and unwell. But far from being random, molt is controlled
by strong evolutionary forces that have established an optimal time and duration.
Generally, molt occurs at the time of least stress on the bird. Many songbirds, for
instance, molt in late summer, when the hard work of breeding is done but the
113 | P a g e
weather is still warm and food still plentiful. This is why the woods in late summer
often seem so quiet, when compared with the Exuberant choruses of spring.

Molt of the flight feathers is the most highly organized part of the process. Some
species, for example, begin by dropping the outermost primary feathers on each side
(to retain balance in the air) and wait until the replacement feathers are about one-
third grown before shedding the next outermost, and so on. Others always start with
the innermost primary feathers and work outward. Yet other species begin in the
middle and work outward on both weeks while the replacement feathers grow.

11. The passage mainly discusses how

(A) birds prepare for breeding
(B) bird feathers differ from species
(C) birds shed and replace their feathers
(D) birds are affected by seasonal changes

12. The word “Notwithstanding” in line 2 is closest in meaning to

(A) despite
(B) because of
(C) instead of
(D) regarding

13. The word “intricate” in line 2 is closest in meaning to

(A) regular
(B) complex
(C) interesting
(D) important

14. The word “random” in line 12 is closest in meaning to

(A) unfortunate
(B) unusual
(C) unobservable
(D) unpredictable

15. The word “optimal” in line 13 is closest in meaning to

(A) slow
(B) frequent
(C) best
(D) early

114 | P a g e
16. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a reason that songbirds molt in the
late summer?
(A) Fewer predators are in the woods.
(B) The weathers is still warm.
(C) The songbirds have finished breeding.
(D) Food is still available.

17. Some birds that are molting maintain balance during flight by
(A) constantly preening and caring for their remaining feathers
(B) dropping flight feathers on both sides at the same time
(C) adjusting the angle of their flight to compensate for lost feathers
(D) only losing one-third of their feathers

18. The word “Others” in line 21 refers to

(A) ducks
(B) sides
(C) species
(D) flight feathers

19. The author discusses ducks in order to provide an example of birds that
(A) grow replacement feathers that are very long
(B) shed all their wing feathers at one time
(C) keep their innermost feathers
(D) shed their outermost feathers first

20. It can inferred from the discussion about ducks that the molting of their flight
feathers takes.
(A) a year
(B) a season
(C) several months
(D) a few weeks

Question 21-30

The Harlem Renaissance, a movement of the 1920’s, marked the twentieth

century’s first period of intense activity by African Americans in the field of
literature, art, and music in the United States. The philosophy of the movement
combined realism, ethnic Line consciousness, and Americanism. Encouraged by the
example of certain Americans 5) of European descent such as Thomas Eakins,
Robert Henri, and George Luks, who had included persons of African descent in their
paintings as serious studies rather than as trivial or sentimental stereotypes, African
115 | P a g e
American artists of this period set about creating a new portrayal of themselves and
their lives in the United States. As they began to strive for social and cultural
independence. Their attitudes toward themselves changed, 10) and, to some extent,
other segments of American society began to change their attitudes toward them.
Thus, thought the Harlem Renaissance was a short-lived movement, its impact on
American art and culture continues to the present.

The district in New York City know as Harlem was the capital of the
movement. In 1925 an issue of Survey Graphic magazine devoted exclusively to
Harlem and edited 15) by philosopher Alain Locke became the manifesto of the
African American artistic movement. Locke strongly suggested that individuals,
while accepting their Americanism, take pride in their African ancestral arts and
urged artists to look to Africa for substance and inspiration. Far from advocating a
withdrawal from American culture, as did some of his contemporaries, Locke
recommended a cultural pluralism through which artists could 20) enrich the culture
of America. African Americans were urged by Locke to be collaborators and
participators with other Americans in art, literature, and music; and at the same time
to preserve, enhance, and promote their own cultural heritage.

Artists and intellectuals from many parts of the United States and the
Caribbean had Been attracted to Harlem by the pulse and beat of its unique and
dynamic culture. From 25) this unity created by the convergence of artists from
various social and geographical backgrounds came a new spirit, which, particularly
in densely populated Harlem, was to result in greater group awareness and self-
determination. African American graphic artists took their place beside the poets and
writers of the Harlem Renaissance and carried on efforts to increase and promote the

21. What does the passage mainly discusse

(A) African American paintings in the 1920’s
(B) An arts movement of the 1920’s
(C) The influence of Alain Locke on African American art
(D) Some ways in which African culture inspired American literature, art and

22. According to the passage, Tomas Eakins, Robert Henri, and George Luks were
important because of
(A) the philosophical contributions they made to the Harlem Renaissance
(B) their development of a new style of African American art
(C) they way in which they depicted African Americans in their paintings
(D) their independence from European artistic Traditions
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23. The word “them” in line 11 refers to
(A) Americans of European descent
(B) paintings
(C) African American artists
(D) attitudes

24. According to the passage, African American artists of the 1920’s differed from
earlier African American artists in terms of their feelings about
(A) themselves
(B) other artists
(C) their impact on American art
(D) stereotypes

25. The word “urged” in line 17 is closest in meaning to

(A) prepared
(B) defined
(C) permitted
(D) encouraged

26. Alain Locke believed all of the following to be important to the African
American artistic movement, EXCEPT
(A) pride in African art
(B) cultural pluralism
(C) collaboration with other artists
(D) withdrawal from American culture

27. In mentioning “the pulse and beat” (line24) of Harlem during the 1920’s, the
author is characterizing the district as one that
(A) depended greatly on its interaction with other parts of the city
(B) grew economically in a short period of time
(C) was an exciting place to be
(D) was in danger of losing population

28. The word “convergence” in line 25 is closest in meaning to

(A) gathering
(B) promotion
(C) expression
(D) influence

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29. According to the passage, all of the following were true of Harlem in the
1920’s EXCEPT:
(A) Some Caribbean artists and intellectuals lived there.
(B) It attracted people from various regions of United States.
(C) It was one of the most expensive
(D) It was a unique cultural center.

30. The phrase “carried on” in line 29 is closest in meaning to

(A) continued
(B) praised
(C) transformed
(D) connected

Questions 31-40

There are only a few clues in the rock record about climate in the Proterozoic
con. Much of our information about climate in the more recent periods of geologic
history comes from the fossil record, because we have a reasonably good
understanding of Line the types of environment in which many fossil organisms
flourished. The scarce fossils 5) of the Proterozoic, mostly single-celled bacteria,
provide little evidence in this regard. However, the rocks themselves do include the
earliest evidence for glaciation, probably a global ice age.

The inference that some types of sedimentary rocks are the result of glacial
activity is based on the principle of uniformitarianism, which posits that natural
processes now 10) at work on and within the Earth operated in the same manner in
the distant past. The deposits associated with present-day glaciers have been well
studied, and some of their characteristics are quite distinctive. In 2.3-billion-year-old
rocks in Canada near Lake Huron (dating from the early part of the Proterozoic age),
there are thin laminae of fine-grained sediments that resemble varves, the annual
layers of sediment deposited in 15) glacial lakes. Typically, present-day varves show
two-layered annual cycle, one layer corresponding to the rapid ice melting and
sediment transport of the summer season, and the other, finer-grained, layer
corresponding to slower winter deposition. Although it is not easy to discern such
details in the Proterozoic examples, they are almost certainly glacial varves. These
fine-grained, layered sediments even contain occasional large 20) pebbles or
“dropstones,” a characteristic feature of glacial environments where coarse material
is sometimes carried on floating ice and dropped far from its source, into otherwise

118 | P a g e
very fine grained sediment. Glacial sediments of about the same age as those in
Canada have been found in other parts of North America and in Africa, India, and
Europe. This indicates that the glaciation was global, and that for a period of time in
25) the early Proterozoic the Earth was gripped in an ice age.

Following the early Proterozoic glaciation, however, the climate appears to

have Been fairly benign for a very long time. There is no evidence for glaciation for
the Next 1.5 billion years or so. Then, suddenly, the rock record indicates a series of
Glacial episodes between about 850 and 600 million year ago, near the end of the
Proterozoic con.

31. Which of the following does the passage mainly discuss?

(A) How patterns in rock layers have been used to construct theories about
the climate of the Proterozoic age
(B) What some rare fossils indicate about glacial conditions during the late
Proterozoic age
(C) The varying characteristics of Proterozoic glacial varves in different parts
of the world
(D) The number of glacial episodes that the Earth has experienced since the
Proterozoic age

32. According to the passage, the fossil record of the Proterozoic con is
(A) highly regarded because it preserves the remains of many kinds of
(B) less informative than the fossil record of more recent periods
(C) very difficult to interpret due to damage from bacteria
(D) more useful to researchers than other aspects of the rock record

33. The word “scarce” in line 4 is closest in meaning to

(A) ancient
(B) tiny
(C) available
(D) rare

34. It can be inferred from the passage that the principle of uniformitarianism
indicates that
(A) similar conditions produce similar rock formations
(B) rock layers in a given region remain undisturbed over time
(C) different kinds of sedimentary rocks may
(D) each continent has its own distinctive pattern of sediment layers

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35. The word “resemble” in line 14 is closest in meaning to
(A) result from
(B) penetrate
(C) look like
(D) replace have similar origins

36. According to the passage, the layers in varves are primarily formed by
(A) fossilized bacteria
(B) pieces of ancient dropstones
(C) a combination of ancient and recent sediments
(D) annual cycles of sediment transport and deposition

37. The phrase “the other” in line 17 refers to another

(A) annual cycle
(B) glacial lake
(C) layer of sediment
(D) season

38. According to the passage, the presence of dropstones indicates that

(A) the glacial environment has been unusually server
(B) the fine-grained sediment has built up very slowly
(C) there has been a global ice age
(D) coarse rock material has been carried great distances

39. Why does the author mention Canada, North America, Africa, India, and
Europe in lines 23-24?
(A) To demonstrate the global spread of dropstones
(B) To explain the principles of varve formation
(C) To provide evidence for the theory that there was a global ice age in the
early Proterozoic eon
(D) To illustrate the varied climatic changes of the Proterozoic con in different
parts the globe

40. Which of the following terms is defined in the passage?

(A) fossil record (line 3)
(B) laminae (line 13)
(C) varves (line14)
(D) glacial episodes (line 29)

120 | P a g e

Question 1-15 are incomplete sentences. Beneath each sentence you will see four
words or phrases, marked A, B, C and D. choose the one word or phrase that best
completes the sentence. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question
and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen. Fill
in the space so that the letter inside the oval cannot be seen.
1. Fingerprints form an unchangeable signature, and _____ for identification,
despite changes in the individual’s appearance or age.
A. The use of fingerprint records
B. With the use of fingerprint records
C. When fingerprint record are used
D. Fingerprint records can be used

2. Animal obtain their energy from ____

A. Eat their food
B. Their food to eat
C. The food they eat
D. They eat the food

3. Liquid water has fewer hydrogen bonds then ice, so more molecules can
accupy the same space, making liquid water _____ than ice.
A. More dense
B. Is more dense
C. More than dense
D. As more dense

4. It is difficult for present-day readers _____ Sister Carrie was withdrawn from
circulation at the turn of the century.
A. To understand the no
B. Why to understand the novel
C. The novel to understand why
D. To understand why the novel

5. Historical linguists study _____ over time.

A. Languages evolve
B. Whether language evolution
C. How languages evolve

121 | P a g e
D. Evolution that languages
6. Tennis star Chris Event, who retired from the game after eighteen years,
perhaps _____ more than anyone to make women’s professional tennis a
widely respected career.
A. Who did
B. Has done
C. And doing
D. To do

7. The day time _____ bright because the Earth’s atmosphere scatters sunlight.
A. While sky is
B. Has a sky
C. Sky is
D. For the sky

8. Edward hopper’s painting portray the loneliness and isolation of the

individual _____
A. Is in an urbanized society
B. In society is urbanized
C. Who in an urbanized society
D. In an urbanized society

9. Braille, _____ printing reading material for use by people who are blind,
consist of a system of raised points or dots thet are read by touch.
A. Is a method of
B. A method of
C. Which a method of
D. A method is of

10. The art of landscape architecture is almost as old _____ of architecture itself.
A. As that
B. That
C. As
D. Than that

11. The development of synthetic fiber after 1940 led to the production of new
type of fabrics _____ more durable and easier to care for.
A. That they were
B. That were
C. Were

122 | P a g e
D. And were

12. Until the eighteenth century, charcoal was _____ used in blast furnaces, as
well as in glassmaking, blacksmithing, and metalworking.
A. What the chief fuel
B. The chief fuel that
C. The chief fuel was
D. The chief fuel

13. Pure iron cannot be hardened by heating and cooling, as _____, because iron
lacks the necessary carbon.
A. Steel it can
B. Can steel
C. With steel can
D. So can steel

14. Rapids and waterfalls, _____ along virtually all Massachusetts waterways,
provided power in colonial time for grist and saw mills and later for textile
A. Common
B. Were common
C. Which, being common
D. Being common, were

15. Airsickness is produced by a disturbance of the inner car, _____ psychogenic

factors, such as fear, also play a part.
A. In spite of
B. Neither
C. Nor
D. Although

123 | P a g e

In question 16 – 40 each sentence has for underlined words or phrases. The four
underlined part of the sentence are marked A, B, C and D. identify the one
underlined word or phrase thet must be changed in order for the sentence to be
correct. Then on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and fill in the
space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen.
16. A large collections of material focused on Louisiana’s history and culture is
provided by the Williams Research Center in New Orleans.
17. Mary Austin’s first book, the land of little Rain, a description of desert life in
western United States, won she immediate fame in 1903.
18. The most abundant phosphate mineral, appetite, includes several type that
in their content of fluorine, chlorine, or hydroxyl ions.

19. Having gained a reputation as a daring, intrepid journalist, Nellie Bly became
the A

first female report assigned to the Eastern front during the first World War.
20. In 1862 Abraham Lincoln signed the homestead Act, allows settlers 160 acres
of A B
free land after they had worked it for five years.
21. Along with the other physical sciences, meteorology has developed in the past
three centuries from myth and folklore to rigorous observation, computation,

124 | P a g e
22. In 1973 United States armed forces were placed on an all-volunteer basis for a
first time since 1948.

23. Because lions do not have exceptional speedy, they must rely on the element

surprise for the hunt.

24. The position of the earth’s magnetic poles is not constant but shown an
appreciable change after year to year.
25. Grassland vegetation reduces competition for water among species by
Concentrates roots at different levels.
26. Like the giant reptile, most lineage’s of organism have eventually become
still, some exist that have changed very little in millions of year.
27. Demonstrations public are an effective means by which advocacy groups can
bring inequalities to the attention of local, state, and federal officials.
28. Methods used in preparing articles for an encyclopedia differs, depending on

length of the article.

29. Since the advent of rock music in the 1950’s, the popular music of the United
States has become a significant musical influence around world.

125 | P a g e
30. Could droplets and ice crystal first from on certain types of small particles of
or another airborne materials.
31. Male fiddler crabs have huge claws that move back and forth similar violinists
move their arms when playing the violin.
32. Daylight saving time came into useful in the United Stated in an effort to
conserve electricity by having business hours correspond to the hours of
33. Almost every fruits and vegetables contain riboflavin, the richest sources are
green vegetables such as spinach, kale, or turnip greens.
34. Gold lend itself to the making of decorative articles because of its great
to corrosion and tarnish and its ease of working.
35. Ethics is the branch of philosophy that deals with the values of life in a
systematic, and science manner.
36. Indiscriminately dumping of waste materials and inadequate sewage
are two serious causes of environmental pollution
37. The builders of the variety ancient cliff ruins scattered throughout the canyons
And mesas of the arid Southwest of the United States are known as the cliff

126 | P a g e
38. A fragrant plan has tiny sacs that makes and stores the substances that

give it a pleasant odor.

39. Nomadic hunter and gatherer societies have access to only a limited amount

food in an area and moved on when they have exhausted each locality.
40. Collagen, a strong rubbery protein, supports the ear flaps and the tip of nose


In this section you will read several passages. Each one is followed by several
question about it, for this section, you are to choose the one best answer, A. B, C or D.
to each question. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and
fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen.
Question 1 – 10

Potash (the old name for potassium carbonate) is one of the two alkalis (the other
being soda, sodium carbonate) that were used from remote antiquity in the making of
glass and from the early Middle Ages in the making of soap : the former being the
product of heating a mixture of alkali and sand, the letter a product of alkali and
Line vegetable oil. Their importance in the communities of colonial North America need
(5) hardly be stressed.
Potash and soda are not interchangeable for all purposes, but for glass-or soap-
making either would do. Soda was obtained largely from the ashes of certain
Mediterranean sea plants, potash from those of inland vegetation. Hence potash was
(10) more familiar to the early European settlers of the North American Continent.
The settlement at Jamestown in Virginia was in many ways a microcosm of the
economy of colonial North America, and potash was one of its first concerns. It was
127 | P a g e
required for the glassworks, the first factory in the British colonies, and was produced in
sufficient quantity to permit the inclusion of potash in the first cargo shipped out of
Jamestown. The second ship to arrive in the settlement from England Included among its
passengers experts in potash making.
The method of making potash was simple enough. Logs was piled up and burner
in the open, and the ashes collected. The ashes were placed in a barrel with holes in the
bottom, and water was poured over them. The solution draining from the barrel was 204
boiled down in iron kettles. The resulting mass was further heated to fuse the mass into


1. What aspect of potash does the passage mainly discuss?
A. How it was made
B. Its value as a product for export
C. How it differs from other alkalis
D. Its importance in colonial North America

2. All of the following statements are true of both potash and soda EXPECT :
A. They are alkalis
B. They are made from sea plants
C. They are used in making soap
D. They are used in making glass

3. They phrase “the letter” in line 4 refer to

A. Alkali
B. Glass
C. Sand
D. Soap

4. The word “stressed” in line 5 is closest in meaning to

A. Defined
B. Emphasized
C. Adjusted
D. Mentioned

5. The word “ interchangeable” in line 6 closest in meaning to

A. Convenient

128 | P a g e
B. Identifiable
C. Equivalent
D. Advantageous

6. It can be inferred from the passage that potash was more common than soda
in colonial North American because
A. The materials needed for making soda were not readily available
B. Making potash required less time than making soda
C. Potash was better than soda for making glass and soap
D. The colonial glassworks found soda more difficult to use

7. According to paragraph 4, all of the following were needed for making potash
A. Wood
B. Fire
C. Sand
D. Water

8. The word “adjunct” in line 21 in closest in meaning to

A. Addition
B. Answer
C. Problem
D. Possibility

9. According to the passage, a major benefit of making potash was that

A. It could be exported to Europe in exchange for other goods
B. It helped finance the creation of farms
C. It could be made with a variety of materials
D. Stimulated the development of new ways of glassmaking

10. According to paragraph 5, the softwoods in the South posed which of the
following problems for southern settles?
A. The softwood were not very plentiful
B. The softwood could not be used to build houses
C. The softwood were not very marketable
D. The softwood were not very useful for making potash

129 | P a g e
Question 11 - 21

The first flying vertebrates were true reptiles in which one of the finger of the front
limbs became very elongated, providing support for a flap of stretched skin that served as
a wing. These were the pterosaurs, literally the “winged lizards”. The earliest pterosaurs
Line arose near the end of the Triassic period of the Mesozoic Era, some 70 million years
(5) before the first known fossils of true birds occur, and they presumably dominated the
skies until they were eventually displaced by birds. Like the dinosaurs, some the
pterosaurs became gigantic, the largest fossil discovered is of an individual that had a
wingspan of 50 feet or more , larger than many airplanes. These flying reptiles had large,
tooth-filled jaws, but their bodies were small and probably without the necessary powerful
(10) muscles for sustained wing movement. They must have been expert gliders, not skillful
fliers, relying on wind power for their locomotion.
Birds, despite sharing common reptilian ancestors with pterosaurs, evolved quite
separately and have been much more successful in their dominance of the air. They are an
example of a common theme in evolution, the more or less parallel development of
different types of body structure and function for the same reason-in this case, for flight.
Although the fossil record, as always, is not complete enough to determine definitively the
evolutionary lineage of the birds or in as much detail as one would like, it is better in this
case than for many other animal groups. That is because of the unusual preservation in a
(20) limestone quarry in southern Germany of Archaeopteryx, a fossil that many have called
the link between dinosaurs and birds. Indeed, had it not been for the superb preservation
of these fossil, they might well have been classified as dinosaurs. They have the skull and
teeth of a reptile as well as a bony tail, but in the line-grained limestone in which these
fossil occur there are delicate impressions of 206 feather and fine detail of bone structure
that make it clear that Archaeopteryx was a bird. All birds living today, from the great
condors of the Andes to the tiniest wrens, race their origin back to the Mesozoic

11. What does the passage mainly discuss ?

A. Characteristics of pterosaurs wings
B. The discovery of fossil remains of Archaeopteryx
C. Reasons for the extinction of early flying vertebrates
D. The development of flight in reptile and birds

12. Which of the following is true of early reptile wings ?

A. They evolved from strong limb muscles
B. They consisted of an extension of skin
C. They connected the front and back limbs
D. They required fingers of equal length

130 | P a g e
13. The word “literally” in line 3 is closest in meaning to
A. Creating
B. Meaning
C. Related to
D. Simplified

14. It can be inferred from the passage that birds were probably dominant in the
A. In the early Triassic period
B. Before the appearance of pterosaurs
C. After the decline of pterosaurs
D. Before dinosaurs could be found on land

15. The author mention airplanes in line 8 in order to

A. Illustrate the size of wingspans in some pterosaurs
B. Compare the energy needs of dinosaurs with those of modern machines
C. Demonstrate the difference between mechanized flight and animal flight
D. Establish the practical applications of the study of fossil

16. The word “they” in line 10 refers to

A. Powerful muscles
B. Bodies
C. Jaws
D. Flying reptiles

17. According to the passage, pterosaurs were probably “not skillful fliers”
(line10) because
A. Of their limited wingspan
B. Of their disproportionately large bodies
C. They lacked muscles needed for extended flight
D. Climate conditions of the time provided insufficient wind power

18. In paragraph 2, the author discusses the development of flight in birds as

resulting from
A. A similarity in body structure to pterosaurs
B. An evolution from pterosaurs
C. The dominance of birds and pterosaurs over land animal
D. A separate but parallel development process to that of pterosaurs

131 | P a g e
19. The word “classified” in line 21 is closest in meaning to
A. Perfected
B. Replaced
C. Categorized
D. Protected

20. Which of the following helped researchers determine that Archaeopteryx was
not a dinosaurs?
A. Its tail
B. Its teeth
C. The shape of its skull
D. Detail of its significance of its bone structure

21. What is the significances of the discovery that was made in southern Germany
A. It is thought to demonstrate that birds evolved from dinosaurs
B. It is proof that the climate and soils of Europe have changed over time
C. It suggests that dinosaurs were dominant in areas rich in limestone
D. It supports the theory that Archaeopteryx was a powerful dinosaur

Questions 22 – 31

In July of 1994, an astounding series of events took place. The word anxiously
watched as, every few hours, a hurtling chunk of comet plunged into the atmosphere of
Jupiter. All of the twenty-odd fragments, collectively called comet shoemaker-Levy 9
Line after its discoverers, were once part of the same object, now dismembered and strung out
(5) along the same orbit. This cometary train, glistening like a string of pearls, had been first
glimpsed only a few months before its fateful impact with Jupiter, and rather quickly
scientist had predicted that the fragments were on a collision course with the giant planet.
The impact caused an explosion clearly visible from earth, a bright flaming fire that
(10) quickly expended as each icy mass incinerated it self. When each fragment slammed at
60 kilometers per second into the dense atmosphere, its immense kinetic energy was
transformed into heat, producing a superheated fireball that was ejected back through the
tunnel the fragment had made a few seconds earlier.
The residues from these explosions left huge back marks on the face of Jupiter,
(15) some of which have stretched out to form dark ribbons. Although this impact event was
of considerable scientific import, it especially piqued public curiosity and interest.
Photographs of each collision made the evening television newscast and were posted on
the internet. This was possibly the most open scientific endeavor in history. The face of
largest planet. In the solar system was changed before our very eyes. And for the very
first time, most of humanity came to fully appreciate the fact that we ourselves live on a
similar target a word subject to catastrophe by random assaults from celestial bodies.
That realization was a surprise to many, but it should not have been. One of the great
truths revealed by the last few decades of planetary exploration is that collisions between
bodies of all size are relatively commonplace, at least in geologic terms, 132
more frequent in the early solar system.
22. The passage mention which of the following with respect to the fragments of
comet Shoemaker-Levy 9?
A. They were once combine in a large body
B. Some of them burned up before entering
C. Some of them are still orbiting Jupiter
D. They have an unusual orbit

23. The word “collectively” in line 3 is closest in meaning to

A. Respectively
B. Popularly
C. Also
D. Together

24. The author compares the fragment of comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 to all of the
following except
A. A dismembered body
B. A train
C. A pearl necklace
D. A giant planet
25. Before the comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 hit Jupiter in July 1994 , scientists
A. had been unaware of its existence
B. had been tracking it for only a few months
C. had observed its breakup into twenty-odd fragment
D. had decided it would not collide with the planet

26. Before the comet fragment entered the atmosphere of Jupiter, they were most
A. invisible
B. black
C. frozen
D. exploding

27. Superheated fireballs were produced as soon as the fragments of comet

Shoemaker-Levy 9
A. Hit the surface of Jupiter
B. Were pulled into Jupiter’s orbit the atmosphere of Jupiter
133 | P a g e
C. Were ejected back through the tunnel
D. Entered the atmosphere of Jupiter

28. The phrase “incinerated it self” in line 9 is closest in meaning to

A. Burned up
B. Broke into smaller pieces
C. Increased its speed
D. Grew in size

29. Which of the following is mentioned as evidence of the explosions that is still
visible on Jupiter ?
A. Fireball
B. Ice masses
C. Black marks
D. Tunnels

30. Paragraph 2 discusses the impact of the comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 primarily in

terms of
A. Its importance as an event of-great scientific significance
B. Its effect on public awareness of the possibility of damage to earth
C. The changes it made to the surface of Jupiter
D. The effect it had on television broadcasting

31. The “ target” in line 19 most probably referred to

A. Earth
B. Jupiter
C. The solar system
D. A comet

134 | P a g e
Question 32 – 42
The year 1850 may be considered the beginning of a new epoch in America art,
with respect to the development of watercolor painting. In December of that year, a group
of thirty artists gathered in the studio of John Falconer in New York City and drafted both
line a constitution and bylaws, establishing the society for the promotion of painting in water
(5) color. In addition to securing an exhibition space in the library Society building in lower
Manhattan, the society founded a small school for the instruction of watercolor painting
periodic exhibitions of the number’s painting also included works by noted English artists
of the day, borrowed from embryonic private collections in the city. The society’s
activities also included organized sketching excursions along the Hudson River. Its major
(10) public exposure came in 1853, when the society presented works by its members in the
“Industry of All Nations” section of the crystal palace exposition in New York.
The society did not prosper, however, and by the time of its annual meeting in
1854 membership had fallen to twenty-one. The group gave up its quarters in the library
(15) society building and returned to Falconer’s studio, where it broke up amid dissension. No
further attempt to formally organize the growing numbers of watercolor painters in New
York City was made for more than a decade. During that decade, though, Henry Warren’s
painting in water color was published in New York City in 1856-the book was a
considerable improvement over the only other manual of instruction existing at the time,
elements of graphic art, by Archibald Roberson, published in 1802 and by the 1850’s
(20) long out of print.
In 1866 the national Academy of design was host to an exhibition of watercolor
painting its elaborate neo-Venetian Gothic building on twenty-third Street in New York
City. The exhibit was sponsored by an independent group called The Artists Fund Society.
Within a few months of this event, forty-two prominent artists living in and near New
York City founded the American society of Painters in Water Color.

32. This passage is mainly about

A. The most influential watercolor painters in the mid-1800’s
B. Efforts to organize watercolor painters in New York City during the mid-
C. A famous exhibition of watercolor paintings in New York City in the mid-
D. Styles of watercolor painting in New York City during the mid-1800;s

33. The year 1850 was significant in the history of watercolor painting mainly
A. A group of artists established a watercolor painting society
B. Watercolor painting was first introduced to New York City
C. John Falconer established hits studio for watercolor painters
D. The first book on watercolor painting was published
135 | P a g e
34. The word “securing” in line 5 is closest in meaning to
A. Locking
B. Creating
C. Constructing
D. Acquiring

35. All of the following can be inferred about the society for the promotion of
painting in water color Except :
A. The society exhibited paintings in lower Manhattan
B. Instruction in watercolor painting was offered by members of the society
C. The society exhibited only the paintings of its members
D. Scenes of the Hudson River appeared often in the work of society members
36. The exhibition at the Crystal Palace of the works of the society for the
promotion of painting in water color was significant for which of the following
reasons ?
A. It resulted in a dramatic increase in the popularity of painting with
B. It was the first time an exhibition was funded by a private source
C. It was the first important exhibition of the society’s work
D. It resulted in a large increase in the membership of the society

37. The word “it” in line 14 refers to

A. Time
B. Group
C. Building
D. Studio

38. Which of the following is true of watercolor painters in New York City in the
late 1850’s ?
A. They increased in number despite a lack of formal organization
B. They were unable to exhibit their paintings because of the luck of
exhibition space
C. The Artists Society helped them to from the American Society of painters
in water colors
D. They formed a new society because they were not allowed to join groups
run by other kinds of artists

39. Henry Warren’s painting in water color important to artists because it

A. Received an important reward
B. Was the only textbook published that taught painting

136 | P a g e
C. Was much better than an earlier published
D. Attractive the interest of art collectors

40. The word “considerable” in line 17 is closest in meaning to

A. Sensitive
B. Great
C. Thoughtful
D. Planned

41. The year 1866 was significant for watercolor painting for which of the
following reasons ?
A. Element of graphic art was republished
B. Private collections of watercolor were first publicly
C. The neo-Venetian gothic building on twenty-third street in New York City
was built.
D. The National academy of design held an exhibition of watercolor painting.

42. The word “prominent” in line 24 is closest in meaning to

A. Wealthy
B. Local
C. Famous
D. Organized

137 | P a g e
Question 43 – 50

Pennsylvania’s colonial ironmasters forget iron and a revolution that had both industrial and
line political implications. The colonists in North America wanted the right to the profits gained from
(5) their manufacturing. However, England wanted all of the colonies’ rich ores and raw materials to
feed its own factories, and also wanted the colonies to be market for its finished goods. England
passed legislation in 1750 to prohibit colonists from making finished iron products, but by 1771,
(10) when entrepreneur Mark Bird established the Hopewell blast furnace in Pennsylvania, iron making
had become the backbone of American industry. It also had become one of the major issues that
fomented the revolutionary break between England and the British colonies. By the time the war of
independence broke out in 1776, bird, angered and determined, was manufacturing cannons and
shot at Hopewell to be used by the Continental Army.
After the war, Hopewell, along with hundreds of other “iron plantations”. Continued to from
the new nation’s industrial foundation well into the nineteenth century. The rural landscape became
dotted with tall stone pyramids that breathed flames and smoke, charcoal-fueled iron furnaces that
produced the versatile metal so crucial to the nation’s growth. Generations of ironmasters,
craftspeople, and works produced goods during war and peace-ranging from cannons and shot to
domestic items such as cast-iron stoves, pots, and sash weights for windows.
The region around Hopewell had everything needed for iron production, a wealth of iron
(20) one near the surface, limestone for removing impurities from the iron, , hardwood forests to supply
the charcoal used for fuel, rushing water to power the bellow that pumped blasts of air into the
furnace fires, and workers to supply the labor. By the 1830’s, Hopewell had developed a reputation
for producing high quality cast-iron stoves. For which there was a steady market. As Pennsylvania
added more links to its transportation system of roads, canals and railroads, it became easier to ship
(25) parts made by Hopewell workers to sites all over the east coast. There they were assembled into
stoves and sold from Rhode Island to Maryland as the “Hopewell Stove” . by the time the last fires
burned out at Hopewell ironworks in 1883, the community had produced some 80,000 cast-iron

43. The word “implications” in line 2 closest in meaning to

A. Significance
B. motives
C. Foundations
D. Progress

44. It can be inferred that the purpose of the legislation passed by England in 1750
was to
138 | P a g e
A. Reduce the price of English-made iron goods sold in the colonies
B. Prevent the outbreak of the war of independence
C. Require colonists to by manufactured
D. Keep the colonies from establishing new markets for their raw materials
45. The author compares iron furnaces to which of the following
A. Cannons
B. Pyramids
C. Pots
D. Windows

46. The word “rushing” in line 21 is closest in meaning to

A. Reliable
B. Fresh
C. Appealing
D. Rapid

47. Pennsylvania was an ideal location for the Hopewell ironworks for all of the
following reasons Except
A. Many workers were available in the area
B. The center of operations of the army was nearby
C. The metal ore was easy to acquire
D. There was an abundance of wood

48. The passage mentions “roads, canals, and railroad” in line 25 in order to
explain that
A. Improvement in transportation benefited the Hopewell ironworks
B. Iron was used in the construction of various types of transportation
C. The transportation system of Pennsylvania was superior to that of other
D. Hopewell never became a major transportation center

49. The word “ they” in line 26 refers to

A. Links
B. Parts
C. Workers
D. Sites

50. The word “some” in line 28 is closest in meaning to

A. Only
B. A maximum of

139 | P a g e
C. Approximately
D. A variety of

Section 1 Section 2 Section 3
1 A 26 C 1 C 21 C 1 D 26 D
2 B 27 B 2 A 22 D 2 A 27 D
3 A 28 D 3 C 23 C 3 A 28 B
4 D 29 A 4 C 24 D 4 B 29 A
5 B 30 C 5 B 25 C 5 A 30 A
6 C 31 D 6 C 26 B 6 D 31 D
7 C 32 A 7 D 27 D 7 D 32 D
8 C 33 C 8 B 28 C 8 B 33 A
9 B 34 B 9 C 29 D 9 A 34 B
10 A 35 A 10 B 30 C 10 B 35 C
11 B 36 B 11 D 31 B 11 C 36 D
12 D 37 A 12 A 32 C 12 D 37 C
13 D 38 B 13 C 33 D 13 B 38 B
14 C 39 D 14 C 34 D 14 C 39 B
15 B 40 C 15 C 35 C 15 B 40 A
16 D 41 B 16 A 36 D 16 D 41 D
17 C 42 D 17 B 37 B 17 C 42 C
18 D 43 A 18 C 38 A 18 B 43 D
19 B 44 A 19 D 39 C 19 B 44 B
20 A 45 D 20 A 40 B 20 A 45 C
21 D 46 C 21 B 46 C
22 A 47 D 22 D 47 A
23 C 48 A 23 A 48 D
24 C 49 B 24 C 49 C
25 B 50 A 25 B 50 B

140 | P a g e
Section 1 Section 2 Section 3
1 B 26 A 1 D 21 C 1 D 26 D
2 C 27 D 2 B 22 A 2 A 27 A
3 D 28 C 3 C 23 C 3 C 28 B
4 B 29 B 4 B 24 C 4 D 29 A
5 A 30 C 5 C 25 A 5 B 30 A
6 B 31 C 6 B 26 D 6 D 31 C
7 D 32 D 7 A 27 A 7 A 32 C
8 C 33 A 8 C 28 D 8 C 33 A
9 D 34 B 9 A 29 B 9 C 34 D
10 C 35 A 10 B 30 D 10 A 35 B
11 C 36 C 11 C 31 B 11 B 36 C
12 A 37 D 12 D 32 D 12 C 37 A
13 C 38 B 13 A 33 A 13 D 38 C
14 C 39 B 14 B 34 D 14 C 39 C
15 B 40 D 15 A 35 B 15 B 40 B
16 D 41 A 16 C 36 A 16 A 41 A
17 C 42 B 17 B 37 D 17 D 42 A
18 D 43 C 18 D 38 B 18 A 43 C
19 C 44 A 19 C 39 D 19 D 44 D
20 A 45 B 20 B 40 D 20 B 45 D
21 B 46 B 21 C 46 B
22 D 47 D 22 A 47 C
23 A 48 B 23 D 48 D
24 A 49 D 24 B 49 A
25 B 50 D 25 A 50 C

141 | P a g e
A bag of bones :kurus kering
all over :semua telah selesai
all the same :sama saja
arm in arm :bergandeng tangan
as if : seolah olah
as usual : seperti biasa
as you please : sesukamu
at all : sama sekali
at first :mula mula
at last :akhirnya
at least :setidak tidaknya
by chance : secara kebetulan
by the way : ngomong ngomong
in advance : dimuka
in and out :sering datang dan pergi
in general :umumnya
just now :tadi
let bygones be bygones:yang lalu biarlah berlalu jangan diingat lagi
no doubt :tidak sangsi lagi
off duty : sedang bertugas
on purpose :sengaja
on sale :diobral
on the side street : diujung jalan
open secret : bukan rahasia lagi
on the spot : di tempat kejadian
out of order : rusak
on trial : dalam percobaan
142 | P a g e
running out of gasoline : kehabisan bensin
safe and sound :selamat tak kurang satupun
slip of tougue:salah ngomong
take it easy: tenanglah
side by side: berdampingan
take over ; ambil alih
to and from :mondar mandir
break down :mogok
get lost :tersesat
get on :naik
get off: turun
keep dark: merahasiakan
learn by heart:menghafal
give birth: melahirkan
look forward to:mengharap-harap
look into:menyelidiki
make eyes at: bermain mata
look back: merenungkan
look after : menjaga
pick up: menjemput
plays up : kambuh lagi
put out: memadamkan
run away:melarikan diri
run out: habis
set up: menyusun
over come: mengatasi
sign up:mendaftar
slow down:memperlambat jalan
143 | P a g e
stay up: bergadang
take a seat :mempersilahkan duduk
take a walk: jalan jalan
turn on : menghidupkan
turn over:serah terima
tug of war:tarik tambang
over age:ketuaan
under age;kemudaan
pretend: berpura pura
not firm: tidak tegas
disobey:tidak taat
prevent :mencegah
give up:menyerah
explode :meledak
gaudy: mencolok
purposeless:tanpa tujuan
turn round; berpaling
abusive; melecehkan
toss ; terombang ambing
144 | P a g e
sigh :menghela napas
citation: surat tilang
authoritative: berwibawa
spice rack: tempat bumbu
suggest: menyarankan
annoyed: jengkel
attentive: penuh perhatian
sneak :menyelundupkan
dash :bergegas
couch :sofa
gnaw on ; mengrogoti
couldn’t bear :tidak tahan
wrap :membungkus
condemn: terdakwa
accumulated junk : barang barang bekas
consist of ;terdiri dari
flat tire :ban kempes
tap : menepuk
offer :menawari
convince :menyakinkan
rummage: menggeledah
whisper :berbisik
fine :mendenda
contempt : penghinaan
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squash : jeruk peras
overheard : mendengar tanpa sengaja
elegant: anggun
persuade :mendesak
approach :mendekati
attendant : petugas
nodd : mengangguk
stamp : menghentak-hentak
fold : melipat
complain: mengeluh
extend: memperpanjang
lean back : bersandar
wipe : mengusap
tranquility :ketenangan
chase : mengejar
inmate : tahanan
dig : mengali
grow : menanam
scratch :menggaruk
awake : terbangun
miserable : sengsara
knit: merajut
enrich :memperkaya
beam : tersenyum lebar
groan : menggeram
tremble: gemetar
litter : membuang sampah sembarangan
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regret : menyesali
remind : mengingat

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Tom Paulson (2002),TOEFL Secrets your key to TOEFL Success,MO Media
Pamela.Sharpe(2007) Practice Exercises for the TOEFL,Barron’s Educational Series,inc.
Hauppauge,New york,USA.
Pyle, Michael A and Page, Mary Ellen Munoz 1995 TOEFL Preparation Guide, CLIFFs
Notes Incorporates, Lincoln, Nebraska
Hinkel,Eli (2004) TOEFL Test Strategies,Barron’s Educational Series,inc.,
Hauppauge,New york,USA
ETS (2003) TOEFL Practice Test, Volume 1 ,Educationaltesting Service,Ets,USA
Lin Lougheed (2003) ,600 Essential Words fot TOEIC Test,Barrons’s Educational Series,inc

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