2-Intervensi Latihan Regio Shoulder

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Shoulder joint tdd:

• Glenohumeral (GH) joint

• Acromioclavicular (AC) joint
• Sternoclavicular (SC) joint
Sumber umum nyeri menjalar pada regio

Tulang servikal
• Antara vertebra C3-C4 atau C4 dan C5
• Akar saraf C4 atau C5

Nyeri menjalar dari jaringan terkait

• Dermatom C4 di atas trapezius hingga ujung bahu
• Dermatom C5 di atas daerah deltoid dan lateral lengan
• Diafragma: nyeri dirasakan di daerah trapezius atas
• Jantung: nyeri dirasakan di daerah aksila dan pektoralis
• Iritasi kantung empedu: dirasakan di daerah ujung bahu
dan regio posterior skapula
Cedera Saraf
• Area yang umum mengalami kompresi
Plexus brachialis di adalah segitiga skalenus dan ruang
thoracic gate costoclavicula serta di bawah prosesus
korakoideus dan otot pektoralis minor

Saraf supraskapula • Cedera tersebut terjadi akibat kompresi

di notch langsung atau akibat peregangan saraf,
supraskapula seperti saat membawa tas berat pada bahu

Saraf radialis di • Kompresi terjadi akibat penekanan yang

kontinyu seperti saat bersandar pada kruk
aksila aksila
Teknik Latihan Selama Tahap Akut Dan
Subakut Awal Pada Penyembuhan Jaringan

Mobilisasi dini dapat digunakan untuk menghambat nyeri,

meminimalkan muscle guarding, dan mencegah efek buruk imobilisasi

Selama tahap akut dan subakut awal penyembuhan jaringan,

gerakan pada bahu dibatasi untuk memungkinkan jaringan memulai
penyembuhan, tetapi akan bermanfaat apabila terapi diberikan di
daerah sekitarnya seperti pada servikal, torakal, skapula, dan
ekstremitas atas lainnya untuk mengurangi penekanan pada bahu
dan mencegah terjadinya stasis cairan pada ekstremitas.

Tindakan kewaspadaan tergantung pada masing2 patologis pasien

Mobilisasi dini  PROMex dalam lingkup gerak
bebas-nyeri  jika sudah ditoleransi dilanjutkan
dgn A-AROMex  Latihan A-AROMex secara

Latihan A-AROMex secara mandiri:

Ball rolling Wall Latihan Latihan
atau Table (window) pendulum mengganti
top dusting washing (codman) “persneling”
PROMEX Shoulder
AROMEX Shoulder
(Self Assissted)

Wand exercise
• Patient position and procedure: Initiate A-AROM using a
cane, wand, or T-bar in the supine position.
• Motions usually included are flexion, abduction, flexion in
the plane of the scapula and rotation (Fig. 17.21A).
• If it is necessary to relieve stress on the anterior capsule,
such as following surgical repair of the capsule or labrum,
place a folded towel under the humerus to position the
humerus anterior to the midline of the body when the
patient performs internal or external rotation (Fig. 17.21B).
• When treating a shoulder impingement (primary or
secondary), have the patient grasp the wand with the
forearm supinated when flexing and abducting to
emphasize external rotation.
Ball rolling atau Table Top Dusting
• Patient position and procedure: Sitting with
the arm resting on a table and hand placed
on a 15-20 cm ball or towel and the shoulder
in the plane of the scapula.
• Have the patient initiate gentle circular
motions of the shoulder by moving the trunk
forward, backward, and to the side, allowing
the hand to roll the ball or “dust the table.”
• As pain subsides, have the patient use the
shoulder muscles to actively move the ball or
cloth through greater ROMs.
Wall (window) washing
• Patient position and procedure: Standing
with hand placed against a wall
supporting a towel or a ball.
• Instruct the patient to perform clockwise
and counterclockwise circular motions
with the hand moving the towel or rolling
the ball.
• Progress this activity by having the
patient reach upward and outward as
far as tolerated without causing
Pendulum (Codman’s) exercise
• Patient position and procedure: Standing, with the trunk flexed at the hips
about 90. The arm hangs loosely downward in a position between 60 and 90
flexion or scaption (Fig. 17.22).
• A pendulum or swinging motion of the arm is initiated by having the patient
move the trunk slightly back and forth.
• Motions of flexion, extension, and horizontal abduction, adduction, and
circumduction can be done.
• Increase the arc of motion as tolerated. This technique should not cause pain.
• If the patient cannot maintain balance while leaning over, have the patient
hold on to a solid structure or lie prone on a table.
• If the patient experiences back pain from bending over, use the prone
• Adding a weight to the hand or using wrist cuffs causes a greater distraction
force on the GH joint. Weights should be used only when joint stretching
maneuvers are indicated late in the subacute and chronic stages—and then
only if the scapula is stabilized by the therapist or a belt is placed around the
thorax and scapula so the stretch force is directed to the joint, not the soft
tissue of the scapulothoracic region.
Latihan mengganti “persneling”
• Patient position and
procedure: Sitting with
the involved arm at the
side, holding a cane or
wand with the tip resting
on the floor to support
the weight of the arm.
• Instruct the patient to
move the pole forward
and back, diagonally, or
laterally and medially in a
motion similar to shifting
gears in a car with a floor
shift (Fig. 17.23).
Wall climbing Overhead pulleys
Kontrol neuromuskular dini

• Muscle setting exc

– Lakukan kontraksi isometrik yang ringan di
berbagai sudut pada internal dan
eksternal rotator dalam posisi fleksi
humerus atau elevasi bidang skapula
yang bebas nyeri
• Protected weight bearing
– Dalam posisi duduk, minta pasien
bersandar pada tangan atau sikunya dan
secara perlahan bergerak dari sisi ke sisi.
Teknik Latihan Untuk Meningkatan
Flesibilitas dan Lingkup Gerak Sendi

Passive (self)
Stretching stretching

Meningkatkan flexi shoulder = stretch shoulder ekstensors
• Meningkatkan hyperekstensi
= mengulur shoulder
• Meningkatkan abduksi
= stretch otot2 adductor

Meningkatkan abduksi horizontal pd

=mengulur muskulus pectoralis
Meningkatkan external
rotasi shoulder
=stretch otot2 internal rotator

Meningkatkan internal rotasi shoulder

= =stretch otot2 internal rotator
Self Stretching
• Ajarkan pasien peregangan lama
berintensitas rendah. Tekankan
pentingnya untuktidak menggerakkan
bagian tubuh ke akhir LGS secara
Meningkatkan fleksi dan horizontal
adduksi: peregangan menyilang-dada
Meningkatkan fleksi dan elevasi lengan
Meningkatkan eksternal (lateral) rotasi
Meningkatkan internal rotasi
Meningkatkan abduksi dan elevasi
Meningkatkan ekstensi
Meningkatkan internal rotasi,
ekstensi, dan kemiringan skapula
Stretching m. Latissimus dorsi
Stretching M. Pectoralis Mayor
Stretching M. Pectoralis Minor
Stretching M. Levator Scapulae
Latihan Untuk Membentuk dan Meningkatkan
Performa dan Kontrol Fungsional Otot

Latihan Latihan Dinamic Latihan

Isometrik stabilisasi Strengthening fungsional
Latihan isometrik
• Latihan isometrik diaplikasikan bersamaan
dengan rangkaian kontraksi dari yang ringan
sampai maksimum, dan keduanya
diaplikasikan pada berbagai panjang otot
dengan mengubah sudut sendi.
• Pilihan intensitas, panjang otot, atau sudut
sendi serta jumlah repetisi berdasarkan pada
kekuatan saat ini, tahap pemulihan setelah
cedera atau pembedahan, dan/atau
patomekanika daerah tersebut
Patient position and procedure: Side-lying, prone-lying,
or sitting, with the arm supported if necessary. Resist
elevation, depression, protraction, or retraction with
pressure directly on the scapula in the direction
opposite the motion (Fig. 17.36).

Depression (lower trapezius). Activation of the lower

trapezius is emphasized when there is forward tipping
and delayed upward rotation of the scapula often
seen with impingement syndromes. Apply resistance
against the inferior angle of the scapula (Fig. 17.36A).

Protraction (serratus anterior). Activation of the serratus

anterior is emphasized when there is scapular winging
or when there is delayed or incomplete upward
rotation of the scapula with GH elevation. Apply
resistance against the axillary border of the scapula or
coracoid process or indirectly against the humerus
positioned in the plane of the scapula (Fig. 17.36B).
Latihan stabilisasi
Dinamic Strengthening
(penguatan dinamis)
Latihan aktivitas

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