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Water softener controls showing adjustment pins (C) Daniel FriedmanWater Softener Manuals

Water Softener Controls, Adjustments & Installation, Maintenance & Service or Repair

Water Softener Operating & Maintenance Manuals & Guides or where to find and download them are listed alphabetically here.

Where to find the manual for your water conditioner or water softener.

Direct links to free, download-able water softener manuals or water conditioner manuals for many water softener brands & models.

Select the correct installation or operation & repair manual for your water softener brand and model to be sure that you have exactly the right instructions for installing, maintaining, or troubleshooting your water conditioner.

Page top photo: an older Culligan water softener control head, perhaps in the Mark10-series.

InspectAPedia tolerates no conflicts of interest. We have no relationship with advertisers, products, or services discussed at this website.

- Daniel Friedman, Publisher/Editor/Author - See WHO ARE WE?

Water Softener Installation, Operation & Service / Repair Manuals

Water conditioner control valve (C) D Friedman B B Water conditioner or water softener manuals and instructions for programming their controls as well as for their service and repair are listed here alphabetically.


The following list of water softener or water conditioner manuals is alphabetical;

or use your browser's on-page search feature to find the name of your water softener in this article.

[Command-F on a Mac or Ctrl-F on a PC]


0-9  -  A  -  B  -  C  -  D  -  E  -  F  -  G  -  H  -  I  -  J  -  K  -  L  -  M  -  N  -  O  -  P  -  Q  -  R  -  S  -  T  -  U  -  V  -  W  -  X  -  Y  -  Z



in this list under U  - 

0-9 Water Softener Companies - 3M


Abacus Water Softeners & Conditioners

Abundant flow systems water softeners

Angel Water Softeners

Aggressive Water Technologies Softener Manual

Al Plus Water Softeners, APlus, Alpha Plus

A Plus eliminator pro water softener control head cited & discussed at

AlkaViva Water Conditioners

AquaViva water conditioner cited & discussed at

Angel Water Softeners

Angel A-100 Water Softener (C) MG

A.O. Smith Water Softeners & Manuals

Aqua Water Softener Manuals

Aqua Water Softener Manuals

At AQUA WATER SOFTENER MANUALS we provide contact information and manuals for all water softeners whose brand or name includes "Aqua" including at least

AquaAmerica water softeners, Aqua Cera water softeners, Aqua Logic water softeners, Aqua Magic water softeners, Aqua Maid water softeners, Aqua Pure water softeners, Aqua Rena water softeners, AquaSoft water softeners, Aqua Systems water softeners, Aqua Sana water softeners. 

That page also provides contact information and manuals for Hellenbrand Water Softeners

Artesian Water Softener Company

Artesian Inc., water treatment technologies, including water softeners.

Artesian brand water softener data tag (C)

Photo: data tag from an Artesian water softener - courtesy of reader Tony posted originally


There are several "Artesian" water treatment company and equipment brands but keep in mind that inf your water softer is an old one it may have been produced or labeled by another company.

Autotrol Pentair Water Softeners & Water Conditioner Manuals, Logix™ Controllers

Avoca Water Softener Manuals



Brand X water softeners

Bruner Water Co. Water Softeners & Manuals

Question: Bruner clock motor repair

I have a Bruner water softener that was installed in 1992. The clock motor seems to have failed but I cannot figure out how to remove the clock motor.

Hopefully a manual would help me to figure out how to remove the clock motor. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Attached is a photo of the valve head. Anonymous by private email, 2019/11/29

Moderator reply:

I'll be glad to help look for a manual for your water heater. If you can attach a photo of the heater and a part of the data tag that would be most helpful.

Meanwhile I have provided contact info for Bruner Water Co., (above).

Bruner control valves are also sold by water softener parts distributors who may have a parts explosion that can show you just how the clock motor is mounted.


Cal Technologies water softeners

Canature Water Group Water Softeners

Chandler Systems Water Softeners (CSI)

Charger Water Treatment Products Water Softeners

Clack Corporation Water Softeners & Control Valves & Manuals

Cleaver Brooks Water Conditioners

Clean Water Systems & Aeration Systems

Coral Water Softeners

Coral Ion Exchange Water Softner manuals cited & discussed at

Crane Water Softeners

Crown Water Softeners

Crystal Water Softeners


CSI Water Softeners

Culligan Water Softener Manuals

Cuno Water Softener Manuals

Below our illustration shows water softener control head details including the brine tank line, injector location (eductor), the water softener control head piston location, the brine valve assembly, and a mounting back plate on which the timer and controls are secured.

Fleck 2150 Water Softener control head at

Cygna Water Softeners, Equipment, Manuals

A  water softener offered for sale used at k-bid dot com auctions in 2019 - cited and discussed at

Typical Cygna water softener models sold in Europe including Spain, also by some U.S. distributors: YD32EZ-1B-40T CYGNA WATER SOFT, 562004, In Stock. YD32EZ-1B-40T CYGNA WATER SOFT. YD48EZ-1B-40T CYGNA WATER SOFT.

The YD32EZ-1B-40T CYGNA water softener is still available and sold by some U.S. distributors such as



Dayliff Water Softener Manuals

Dow Water Solutions Manuals

DVA De Vecchi Water Softeners

DVA DeVecchi Water Softener Manuals at

Duro Soft Water softeners from Watergroup Companies

DWC Duff Water Softener Manuals, Parts, Supplies


EcoWater Softeners

Question: Ecowater Softener and Filter system large backwash quantities

I have an Ecowater Softener and Filter system. Both units use an incredible amount of water to backwash. I am on a very undependable well and every gallon counts. Can you collect and use backwash water rather than wasting it? Is the backwash water contaminated or salinated to the point where it could damage crops or flowers? - Ed 10/10/2012



I suspect it's a bad idea and that the salt level will be a bit high for watering plants, but I will research the question and update this Q&A. Meanwhile check your water hardness against the water conditioner regen settings to be sure you ar not wasting water unnecessarily.

Electr-o-Matic Water Softeners

On 2018-12-27 by (mod) -


I've searched our files, and have to say sorry, no. I'm still looking. Often a generic control heat is used and can be identified by photos on this page or by noting label details and stickers on or inside the control head cover of your water softener.

Perhaps you can post some photos to help our research. Also tell me the country and city where the water softener is installed and the age of its building.

On 2018-12-26 1 by Karl Wolf

Do you have manual for Electr-O-Matic model 162 water softener control unit?

Elite Water Softeners

EMS EMC Water Softeners & Manuals

EMC 10 water softener from EMS - cited & discussed at

EMC 10 water softener from EMS - cited & discussed at Goyal

EMC 10 water softener photos courtesy of reader Sherad, posted along with discussion

EMC 10 water softener from EMS - cited & discussed at Goyal


EMC 10 water softener from EMS - cited & discussed at Goyal

Erie Water Softener Manuals

EverPure Water Softener Manuals

Evolve Water Softeners & Manuals

Excalibur Water Softeners & Manuals



First Sales FS Water Softener Manuals & Contact Information


Fleck / Pentair, water conditioner & Control Valve Manuals

For all Fleck water softener manuals


Fleet Farm Water Softener Manuals & Contact



GE General Electric Water Conditioners, Water Softener & Control Manuals

Greenway Water Technologies Water Softener



Hans Water Softeners

Hans Premium 2 / 2R Water Softener - cited & discussed at

Harvey Water Softeners & Manuals - UK - Crown Water Softeners

Hellenbrand Water Softeners

Hydroflow Water Softeners & Manuals

On 2022-01-12 by Jim Dowd

We have a Hydroflo TTT320MP water softener. Is there a user /diagnostic manual available for this model?

Jim: Please see your question and our answer now reposted on the Fleck brand page at


Hydrotech Water Softeners & Hydrotech Manuals



IBC Water Softeners

Industrial Filtration Softeners & Water Treatment

Inter-City Manufacturing Co. - InterCity Water Softeners

Ionics Water Softener Manuals (Puronics)

On 2022-01-28 by Inspectapedia Com Moderator - General Ionics water softener manual

@steve shonk,

We do not have the manual for your model but JUST above on this page, you will find the contact information for the company:

Try giving them a call for them to send you the appropriate manual. They may also be able to connect you with one of their technicians to help answer your questions on the phone.


In case you meant to type a Q but typed an O - then

this Ionics Manual is what you need:


On 2022-01-28 by steve shonk

i have a General Ionics water softener, model# IO 0820B, i need a manual & it's not using salt.

Isobar Water Softener Controls (WaterSoft)


Sorry we don't have manuals for water softener brands beginning with J. If you have such a machine, use the page top or bottom CONTACT link to send us email and we'll research further.


Kenmore Water Softeners (Sears) Water Softener Manuals

Sears Kenmore water softener (C) Daniel Friedman at

Keman Water Softener Manuals

Keman water softener at

Kinetico Water Softener Manuals

Kisco Water Softener Manuals



Lancaster Water Softeners, Manuals, Contact Info

LWTS Lakeside Water Treatment Systems Water Softeners, Manuals Contact Info

Lakeside Water Treatment Inc LWTS Industrial Water Softener - cited & discussed at



Marlo Inc. Water Softeners & Water Treatment Equipment

Master Water Conditioners / Water Softeners

Master Water Conditioner No. 155 control head (C) DG

On 2022-11-09 by InspectApedia (mod)


The Master manuals we have available can be found at


The model number you give does not match the typical model names we've found. Can you confirm the model number vs. a serial number or data tag? You can attach a photo as well to help identify your model.

Barring that, on that same page I give you above, the contact information is listed for the Master company and you could contact them directly to request a manual.

About those white deposits, usually that means that too much salt is in the building's water Downstream of the water softener. It would make sense to run an extra region cycle to try to clean out the unit.

On 2022-11-09 by wayne

Master water softener model 80203 . I don't think my brine tank is using salt . Someone told me to add water to brine tank,I did . Now waterlevel is higher than salt and I have a problem with white residue (lime ?) on all my fixtures And tiles in bathrooms.

I asked but never received an owners or operating manual for my unit . Can you help ? need English not Thai

Maytag Water Softeners

May Tech Water Softeners MAYTEC Softeners, Parts, Manuals

also contact

On 2022-11-11 by InspectApedia (Editor)


It would help to see a photo of the water softener control head and another photo (in a subsequent comment) if its data tag.

What we have on that softener is at


On 2022-11-11 by Maria

Model No: MTPN515
Year: 2006

Is there a manual somewhere for this head? I've only found similar ones and the programming is fairly different. Trying to figure out the cycle times and which cycles is which. The display is red and there's a decimal too.

Monarch Water Softeners U.K.

Morton Brand Water Softener Manuals

Myers Water Softener Manuals



Nationspure Water Softener Manuals

Nationspure Water Systems distributes their Panamax water treatment equipment described by the company as having a wide range of water treatment capabilities including scale deposits (hard water), iron in water, dirt, and combinations of water problems.

The company's website, as of 7/13/2018, does not offer water softener nor other water treatment equipment installation, operation, service, or repair manual downloads for their products.

OPINION: as it is not likely that an individual or state-level water treatment equipment vendor is designing and manufacturing unique water treatment equipment, if you can't obtain a manual from the company (call them first), then you might find help and suitable water softener manuals from a manufacturer of similar equipment or from the generic water treatment and water softeners whose manuals are given


Nelsen Corporation Water Softener Manual

North Star Water Softener Manuals

North Star water softener (C) Amy

Novatek Water Softeners

Nugen Water Softener

Nuwave Water Softeners, Zephyr


Oh So Soft Water Softeners

Meanwhile this alternative water softener manual may be helpful:

Question: Oh So Soft Water Softener identification

(Oct 12, 2016) Cassidy said:
Can you please help me identify the brand of water softener I have? I've tried searching by everything I can find on the unit and it's not coming back to anything.

I can't get any pictures to attach but there's a sticker that says serial number-143775-001.000-0036C00 and there is a model number OAS32T. The cover also says OH SO SOFT. If you could provide any guidance I would appreciate it

On 2020-03-19 - by (mod) - Oh So Soft water softener timer settings


I'm guessing that the 19 14 etc. is a salt dose dial in pounds of salt per regeneration cycle and that the digital display can be put into a mode to select the regeneration time.

If you can post a photo of the control head and (one photo per comment) photos of any tags or labels or patent numbers appearing on the softener I can see if I can find the manual for your specific Oh-So-Soft water softener.

On 2020-03-19 by Ann

We have an Oh So Soft water softener that is about 14 years old. It doesn't have a clock time. Only a dial that has 19, 14, 5, 3 on it and then the digital display of hours. How do we set it to run only 1x at 2:00 AM?


Osmonics, Inc., Aquat Water Softener Control Manuals



Pentair Water Softener Manuals

Pentex Water Treatment Equipment Manuals

Petwa Inc. water softeners

Petwa Water Treatment Systems - at

Pro Aqua Water Filtration Systems Water Softeners

Pro Flow Eliminator Series Water Softeners

Pro-Tec Water Softener Manuals

Pure-Tel Water Softener Manuals

Purawater Water Softener Manuals

Puronics Water Softener Manuals & Contact



Sorry we don't have manuals for water softener brands beginning with Q. If you have such a machine use the page top or bottom CONTACT link to send us email and we'll research further.


Rainfresh Water Softener Manuals

Rain Soft Water Softener Manuals

Reliance Water Softener Manuals

On 2022-03-16 by Inspectapedia Com Moderator - Reliance water softener manual needed


I have not found an OEM Reliance-brand water softener - do post a photo of the data tag and another (by another comment) of the water softener's control head showing its markings.

It's possible that you're using a re-branded water-softener distributed by

Reliance Home Comfort Company as that "Reliance" company does sell some water softeners.

I'll keep looking but can do more when we see more about your specific softener.

On 2022-03-15 by Barry LEDERACH

I have a Reliance water softener ModleVWC25 MP is there a manual for it?



Safeway Water Softeners

Sears Water Softeners

Siata Water Treatment Equipment

Siemens Water Softeners

Sof-Tek Water Softener Manuals

Structural Brand Water Softener Manuals & Guides

Supreme brand water softeners & water treatment equipment

Several companies distributing water equipment use the word "supreme" such as



TGI Topway Global Water Softeners

Loking for information on a WST water conditioner made by TGI Pure (Topway Global, Inc)

Topway Global Water Softener (C) Inspectapedia Harold

- On 2021-12-29 by Harold Taylor

Reply by Inspectapedia Com Moderator

@Harold Taylor,

It's likely that the control head on your water softener is one of those made by one of the major manufacturers described above on this page.

You might also try calling Topway Global, Inc., to see if they have a manual for the WST water conditioner in your photo - I looked but didn't find a manual for that system.

Let us know if Topway is helpful;

I'll keep looking, too.




Ultima Water Softeners

I have Ultima Whole House Filter and Water Softner, but I do not have the Model # , Users Guide or Manuals.
Any help anyone can provide would be appreciated!

Ultima water softener data tag (C) Eva

- On 2020-07-23 by Eva Medeiros


Un-Branded or Generic Water Softener Controls & Manuals

These are sold under a variety of water softener brands or names, often with the same model numbers as given below

Model 9000 Water Softener at

Un branded water softener - manuals and help at

Above: an "un-branded" water softener, courtesy of reader Ryan.

Model 9100 Water Softener at

Model 9200 Water Softener at

US Filter Water Softener Manuals

US Water Systems Water Softener Manuals


Sorry we don't have manuals for water softener brands beginning with V. If you have such a machine use the page top or bottom CONTACT link to send us email and we'll research further.


Wards Water Softeners

Water Boss Water Softener Manuals

WaterCare Water Softener Manuals

WaterCare WS series manual - WS1 Softener Control Manual

WS1 Water Softener control head or valve, used on AquaSoft and some other softners - manual at InspectApedia - cited & discussed there


See if this water softener control matches yours:

WS1 WATER SOFTENER CONTROL VALVE INSTRUCTION MANUAL [PDF] from Aqua Soft (illustrated above to help in identification of the WS1 softener control head)

If not, in fact, there is a WaterCare section JUST above on this page where we have at least one water softener manual as well as contact information for the company.

Although the manual is not a WS series, depending on your need and/or question, it may have information that will be helpful for you. Otherwise, you can contact the company and ask for specific information for your model.

If we are able to locate the manual for your specific model, we will add it to this page.

We haven't found a manual for the WaterCare WS910 but you might try contacting the company directly to see if they have older manuals on file.

WaterCare has offices in the U.S. and the U.K.

WaterCare Corporation, 1900 Prospect Court, Appleton WI 54914 USA, Tel: 920-682-6823, Website:

WaterCare UK Contact: Email: [email protected] Tel: 01279 780250 Web:

On 2022-06-13 by Terrence

There are no WaterCare WS series User Manuals. I have a WS910em and cannot locate a manual.


WaterGroup Water Softeners

Waterco Water Softener Manuals - Australia

WaterProcess Water Softener Manuals

Water Right Water Softener Manuals

Water Specialist Water Softener Manuals

WaterSoft Water Softener Manuals

WaterSource Water Softener Manuals

Water Tec & Water Tech Water Softener Manuals

Here we give contact information and manuals for both Water Tec (of Tucson) and Water Tech (Water Technologies) softeners and conditioners.

Water Tec 2510 Softener / Economizer cited & discussed at

Water Tec of Tucson WS1 Water Conditioner - cited & discussed at

On 2020-02-16 - by (mod) - sources of Water Technologies Water Softener manuals & parts are on this page

Water Technologies Water Softeners - circuit board at InspectApedia.comMatt:

I'm not certain but there are a couple of companies using "Water Technologies" in their water softener product line, including Watts Water Technologies and Cal Technologies.

Use your browser's "search" function (such as ctrl-F) to find the word "technologies" on this page to find links to those companies.

On 2019-12-16 by Matt - bad circuit board on Water Technologies water softener

My email is [email protected]

Looks the circuit board has gone bad on this softener. The name on the side is Water Technologies.

I can’t find the company anywhere online, not can I find an identical circuit board. Anyone know where I can this circuit board? .

Water Technologies Water Softener Manuals WTC Softener Manuals

Watts Water Softener Manuals

WellMate Water Equipment

Western Water Products Water Softeners & Manuals

Whirlpool Water Softener Manuals & Guides

Wirth Water Softener Manuals

WSM Water Softener Manuals

WSM softeners are an older model / brand for which we seek company history and manuals; use our page top or bottom CONTACT link if you can help.

The company is almost certainly using other mainstream water softener manufacturer control heads and parts so check the control on your water softener against the ones shown on this page and


Watch out: In searching for MSM water softener manuals as PDF downloads we found one website that says it has an MSM manual but wants the visitor to provide credit card information. We avoid credit card traps that promise to deliver "free manual downloads" but require that you provide a credit card and then have to fight to contact the company to "un-subscribe".

At all PDF downloads are provided at no cost and no reader information is asked nor collected.


WTF Water Softener Manuals


Sorry we don't have manuals for water softener brands beginning with X, or Y. If you have such a machine use the page top or bottom CONTACT link to send us email and we'll research further.



Zephyr Water Treatment Services, Ltd


Zeropoint Water Treatment Equipment

Zeropoint Water Treatment, a Milwaukee Wisconsin company, provides water softeners, iron filters and reverse osmosis systems

Water Standards & Research





Reader Comments, Questions & Answers About The Article Above

Below you will find questions and answers previously posted on this page at its page bottom reader comment box.


On 2022-12-20 by InspectApedia (Editor)


To use less salt - or better - to use no more salt than is necessary for your home's water softener system,

1. Test the hardness of your water



2. Armed with the actual hardness measure of your water - (a number on the hardness scale we explain in the article cited above)

adjust the salt dose on your water softener for that hardness number, based on instructions that will be in the water softener manual (what is the model of your Myers water softener - do you have the manual?)

3. Review in the manual the proper setting for your guess at how much water you use in your home per week, and that will also let you adjust the water softener regeneration cycle frequency

4. If the softener still seems to be using too much salt (water tastes salty and leaves a white deposit on fixtures), the softener needs repair or further adjustment.

If you don't have the manual for your Myers water softener, (is yours a Myers M120 water softener?), you'll probably find a free PDF download in our collection of PENTAIR WATER SOFTENER MANUALS

On 2022-12-20 by Crlmelderis

How do I get my Myers water softener to not use so much salt?

On 2022-11-15 by InspectApedia (Editor)

@Jaymie Ryan,

Your photograph shows a water conditioner or softener that's intended to remove minerals such as calcium and magnesium from hard water. If your well water is red, there are several possible causes including iron which is most common, and bacteria.

A water softener can remove a small amount of iron from water but not treat water that's high in iron content and a water softener would not remove a bacteria problem from water.

I can't tell you how to get the water softener working because I don't know what's wrong with it or even whether or not it is working. But other softener companies would be thrilled to come to your house, examine the system, and tell you about it's working condition because of course they hope to sell you new equipment.

I recommend that you have your water tested to find out what's in it so that you know what treatment is actually needed.

On 2022-11-15 by Jaymie Ryan

How do i get this to work? We have orange well water and we need this to work again.

Old water conditioner (C) Jaymie

On 2022-11-06 by InspectApedia (mod)

@Roger Wimmer,

If you can post a photo of the data tag or any other markings, that may help us. Also a photo of the water softener itself to give added reference.

Particularly a photo of the control head would be helpful.

You can only post one photo per comment but can post as many comments as you like.

On 2022-11-06 by Roger Wimmer

I have never received an operational manual with my water softner, the installer has twice said he would provide one but has failed to do so. I have a model no.: 4FL-1040-56ml and serial no.: 239149, however I can not find a brand name or any markings indicating the maker. How can I acquire an instruction manual

On 2022-10-24 by InspectApedia (Editor)

@Sandra Sibley,

Best bet is to identify the brand and, if possible, model of your water softener and then download a manual for it from our collection of free pdf downloads found in this article series.

On 2022-10-24 by Sandra Sibley

Water softener comes on every day, I can set timer but can't see how to adjust how often it comes on

On 2022-08-25 by InspectApedia-911 (mod)


I've not found an exact manual match for your Legacy View Model G9LFMN-3

This CHANDLER SYSTEMS WATER SOFTENER USER MANUAL MODEL: EVB-019-BLE [PDF] from CSI Water Systems was the closest match we found - take a look


WaterSoft offers this:

WATERSOFT ISOBARIII WATER SOFTENER IO MANUAL [PDF] which is for a newer water softener but might be helpful

But you might try contacting
710 Orange Street
Ashland, Ohio 44805 USA
Toll Free: 800-462-3790
Phone: 419-289-1500
Fax: 419-289-1515
Email: [email protected]

On 2022-08-22 by Phil

Trying to get an ops manual for my water sofner mode Legacy View Model G9LFMN-3, is this possable ?

On 2022-01-03 by Christie W Monahan

@Inspectapedia Com Moderator, Thank you. As it turns out I have a flapper that is apparently leaking water. I will replace tomorrow and see if the issue corrects itself.

On 2022-01-03 by Inspectapedia Com Moderator - a leak somewhere else can cause condensation at water purifier

@Christie W Monahan,

The condensation itself is of course not likely to be a leak

but more likely you are seeing g moisture from the surrounding air condensing on cool surfaces of the equipment or it's piping.

However if you have a leak somewhere in your building such as a running toilet then water is being used continuously and that may in turn cause the surfaces of the water pipes and water treatment equipment to be colder than usual,

and that may explain the condensation.

So the first thing to do is to check for leaks or a running toilet. Keep us posted.

On 2022-01-02 by Christie W Monahan

Our water purifier that came with the house suddenly has condensation on the pipes and system. I have been trying to find an owner's manual to see if there is maintenance that needs to be done or if it leaking somewhere. The tank is a Enpress LLC 1054 and the computer part is Advance Flow from MayTech. Any idea where I can get more information?

Condensation on Enpress LLC1054 water purifier (C) Christie WM

On 2021-12-30 by Inspectapedia Com Moderator

@Ryan Betts,

If you find a sticker with patent numbers you can use Google Scholar to research the patent and see what company is named.

On 2021-12-29 by Ryan Betts

Can’t find a manual to this! There’s no brand on it anywhere

On 2020-09-18 by Moderator


Above at the article suggested at the more reading link you will see water softener adjustments that will include the salt dose setting. The specific setting method will depend of course on the brand and model of your water softener. So if you don't have the manual you'll want to download that here

On 2020-09-18 by Russell

Setting up my water softener, there is a setting for salt level. What should I set that for?

On 2020-09-26 - by (mod) - which way to push the pins on a water softener control head time

Thanks for the comment Neil.

A quick way to do the test you describe - pushing all the pins in or pulling them all out, is to follow that step by rotating the timer or dial - if the next "click" of the dial starts a regen cycle and the pins are pushed "IN" then you know that an "IN" pin starts a cycle.

Usually pins that are pushed "down" or "in" are the active ones that start a regen cycle but as we've warned, water softener, clock timer and other products vary in how these pins are used.

On 2020-09-26 by Neil Iddison

@Anonymous, Hi, if you have not worked out which way to pull or push the pins. The answer is simple. Either pull them all out or push them all in. If the softeners regenerates every day, or does not, you now know the answer.

On 2020-09-11 - by (mod) -

Great question, Anon, and with apology, there's not one "always right" answer. Typically the pin is pushed in but some softener controls may work the opposite way.

On a Culligan, pushing the pin IN activates that interval or recharge day and pulling the pin OUT skips that day.

On 2020-09-11 by Anonymous

I have a 25 year old softener and need to reset the day wheel pin. Does it get pushed in or pulled out

On 2020-07-22 by Natasha

Hi, can anyone help me with finding out the correct manual and or the type of model this is. I've been in my home a few months and I'm unsure of how to use it. The former owner didn't leave behind a manual. I'm not sure what to do, what to press, or how to work it. Thanks

Natasha: Please see your question and our answer now reposted on the Fleck brand page at


Fleck water softener identification & data tags (C) Natasha


Continue reading  at WATER SOFTENER ADJUSTMENT & CONTROLS or select a topic from closely-related articles below, or select a topic from the closely-related articles below, or see the complete ARTICLE INDEX.

Or see WATER CONDITIONER / SOFTENER MANUALS FAQs - questions and replies posted originally at the bottom of this page.

Or see these

Recommended Articles

Suggested citation for this web page

WATER CONDITIONER / SOFTENER MANUALS at - online encyclopedia of building & environmental inspection, testing, diagnosis, repair, & problem prevention advice.

Or see this


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