Heating System Control Installation, Diagnosis & Repair Guides:
Index to free downloadable guides to diagnostic troubleshooting for heating boiler or furnace controls.
This page provides links to installation & troubleshooting manuals for heating system controls such as heating boiler aquastats and furnace fan limit controls.
We also provide contact information for heating control manufacturers & suppliers and links to installation & repair manuals for heating systems themselves.
InspectAPedia tolerates no conflicts of interest. We have no relationship with advertisers, products, or services discussed at this website.
- Daniel Friedman, Publisher/Editor/Author - See WHO ARE WE?
Heating System Control Installation & Repair Manuals
This page provides links to installation, operation, and repair manuals and guides for controls used on heating equipment.
Separately we also provide this MANUALS & PARTS GUIDES - HVAC that includes installation & operation & repair manuals for air conditioners, boilers, furnaces, heat pumps, etc. sorted by brand name.
To find your recommended cross reference simply turn to the appropriate product section, locate your product manufacturer and their part number and follow the row to the Honeywell part number.
Boiler Controls - hot water (hydronic) heating systems
Air Bleeders for Hot Water Heating Systems
Air bleeders or automatic air vents are installed at key points at heating boilers, piping, baseboards and radiators because without such vents, air trapped in the system piping or devices can block hot water flow. Above and below we illustrate just a sample of the wide variety of these devices.
See details about air vents and air bleeders as well as sources and manufacturers of these devices
AIR-BOUND HEATING SYSTEMS - home provides details of diagnosis and repair for air-bound heating systems.
Aquastats & Limit Switch Repair Guides & Manuals
Below you will find first a series of detailed setting, diagnosis & repair articles for heating boiler aquastats, followed by links to installation & repair guides for various heating boiler aquastat controller models as free PDF files that can be downloaded right here or also from the heating control manufacturer's website.
ARMSTRONG 24-HOUR TIME AND AQUASTAT CONTROL ACCESSORY: provides on/off pump control according to preset operating times, designed only for use with specified Armstrong Astro series wet roto circulators installed in indoor hot water re circulation applications.
Typical timer applications will cycle the pump at preset times, allowing the user to select
operation of the circulating pump during high peak usage periods in order to decrease the
delivery time to outlet fixtures and reduce wasted water, also available at www.honeywell.com
Emerson 1127-2 Hot Water Control: see these controls listed in the list below under White Rodgers.
HONEYWELL L4006A,B,E, H HIGH LIMIT CONTROL MANUAL [PDF] (2005) Honeywell International Inc. Honeywell Limited-Honeywell Limitée
1985 Douglas Drive North 35 Dynamic Drive
Golden Valley, MN 55422 USA or
HONEYWELL L6006 AND L6007 AQUASTAT CONTROLLERS, installation instructions for the trained service technician, these controls combine low or high limit and circulator control, with or without an immersion well depending on the control model A,B, C etc., also available at www.honeywell.com
HONEYWELL L6006 AND L6007 AQUASTAT CONTROLLERS [PDF] installation instructions for the trained service technician, these controls combine low or high limit and circulator control, with or without an immersion well depending on the control model A,B, C etc., also available at www.honeywell.com
HONEYWELL L7224 AQUASTAT CONTROLLER [PDF] oil electronic controls allowing high limit, high limit differential, low limit, and separate low limit differential settings - set to the specifications of your oil heating equipment manufacturer - 69-1957-1 L7224 Series controls, also available at www.honeywell.com
HONEYWELL L8124A,B,C,E,G,LO,M AQUASTAT RELAYS [PDF] immersion type controllers for forced hydronic heating systems that include domestic hot water service (such as a tankless coil), also available at www.honeywell.com
White Rodgers sells both immersion-well type temperature limit controls and surface mount ("strap on") controls in at least nine different models; these temperature limit controls often used on domestic hot water heaters and on some hydronic heating boilers.
The temperature range handledvaries by control so be sure you're looking at the right model for your application. Examples:
White Rodgers 1127-2 Surface Mount Hydronic Temperature Control (Strap-On), Range:100 Degrees to 240 Degrees F,
Fixed 10 Degrees F Differential
White Rodgers 1131-102 Well Immersion Control w/ 100-240°F Range and 7-45°F Differential
White Rodgers 1145-33 Fast Response Control w/ 100-240°F Range and 5-45°F Differential
White Rodgers 11A79-2 Fast Response Direct Immersion Control w/ 100-240°F Range and 7-45°F Differential - manual listed above
White Rodgers 11B02-1 Strap-On Hydronic Temperature Control w/ 10 Degree Fixed Differential
White Rodgers 11B06-1 Remote Bulb Control w/ 5-45°F Adjustable Differential
White Rodgers 11B18-101 Well Immersion Control w/ 100-240°F Range (Open On Rise)
White Rodgers 11B18-153 Well Immersion Control w/ 35 to 110°F Range (Open On Rise)
White Rodgers 11D18-1 Well Immersion Control w/ 100-240°F and Adjustable Differential (Open On Rise)
Individual Heating System Control Manuals
Photo: The Heat-Timer EPU model heating system controller from Heat-Timer Co., courtesy of InspectApedia reader Vas. The Heat-Timer user manual is given below as a PDF.
Heat-Timer® Corporation
20 New Dutch Lane
Fairfield, NJ 07004 USA
Phone: 973 575 4004
Fax: 973 575 4052
Web: www.heat-timer.com/technical-support/
HEAT TIMER CONTROL Model EPU INSTRUCTION MANUAL [PDF] Heat Timer Corp., - retrieved 2023/01/01 original source: heat-timer [dot] com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/EPU_Manual [dot] pdf
Honeywell Corporation, control installation guides for Honeywell aquastats and other heating and cooling controls: see http://customer.honeywell.com
Describes control circuits, thermostats, limit controls on air, hot water & steam heating systems, low water cutoffs, oil burner controls, gas burner controls, solenoid valves, motorized gas valves, LP gas controls, and transformers.
Honeywell L4008E Aquastat high limit,manual reset, aquastat controller instructions
Watch out: we consider strap on controls an out-dated safety device that is less accurate and reliable than immersion type sensor controls;
Strap-on aquastats were commonly found on older heating boilers including the GE series downfired boilers
Honeywell L4026B Aquastat control instructions (contact Honeywell Corporation) Here is some basic description of the Honeywell L4026B control, also available at www.honeywell.com
HONEYWELL L6006 AND L6007 AQUASTAT CONTROLLERS, [PDF] installation instructions for the trained service technician, these controls combine low or high limit and circulator control, with or without an immersion well depending on the control model A,B, C etc., also available at www.honeywell.com
Honeywell L6191 Dual aquastat immersion thermostat, also available at www.honeywell.com
L7148F Aquastat, Gas: immersion thype hydronic controller, HI limit protection, controls circluator, gas valve, & optionally, vent damper equipment
HONEYWELL L7224 AQUASTAT CONTROLLER, oil electronic controls allowing high limit, high limit differential, low limit, and separate low limit differential settings - set to the specifications of your oil heating equipment manufacturer - 69-1957-1 L7224 Series controls, also available at www.honeywell.com
HONEYWELL L7224U OIL ELECTRONIC AQUASTAT CONTROLLER - 69-1720-2 series instructions. These newer"Universal" aquastat controllers are often used to replace the older Honeywell L8124A series that was and remains widely used, also available at www.honeywell.com.
L7224U1002- is a universal electronic aquastat (replacing over 40 other aquastat models) that provides circulator, burner and boiler temperature control with electronic temperature sensing. The L7224U1002 provides status and diagnostic information through an LED display to enhance the diagnostic process.
In "Run" mode the LED displays the boiler temperature followed by the ambient temperature. Buttons inside the control permit the service tech to scan through the control's settings as well as to change them, much like the functions on a programmable room thermostat.
Using the "I" button, the LED display can be cycled through: boiler temperature, high limit, low limit, high differential, low differential, local thermostat status, EnviraCOM thermostat status, Burner status, Circulator status, Zone control, Zone request, Error code, °F/degC.
Five diagnostic LEDs inside the control provide additional diagnostic features, indicating (counterclockwise from upper left) EnviraCOM network active, Thermostat calling for heat, Burner on, Power to zone circulator interrupted (lockout), Circulator powered.
This is a "triple aquastat" providing High, Low, and circulator controls, as well as advanced features permitting electronic configuration and an LED display for diagnostics. This aquastat can provide multiple zone control as well.
The L7224U1002 supports Honeywell's EnviraCOM™ communications that permits remote diagnosis as well as OnWatch diagnostics. The low-limit can be disabled for "cold-start" boiler applications such as where no tankless coil is in use.
Eight error codes:
1=sensor fault (check sensor),
2=ECOM fault, check EnviraCOM wiring,
3=Hardware fault, replace the control,
4=B1 fault, check B1 wiring/voltage,
5=Low line voltage, check L1/L2 110VAC,
6=Fuse, check ECOM wires, replace fuse,
7=EEPROM limit and differential settings, restore to desired settings,
8=Repeated B1 fault, (voltage present at B1 when output is turned off); check B1 wiring/voltage
Honeywell link for a powerpoint training session on this aquastat: http://customer.honeywell.com/NR/rdonlyres/5C67D10A-631C-4404-9149-25BA61F5D8BB/4041/L7224UUNIVERSALAQUASTATTrainingModule.ppt
Note: Honeywell provides at least 15 different wiring instructions for using the L7224U Universal Controller including versions in both English and Spanish
HONEYWELL L8124A,B,C,E,G,LO,M AQUASTAT RELAYS [PDF] immersion type controllers for forced hydronic heating systems that include domestic hot water service (such as a tankless coil), also available at www.honeywell.com
HONEYWELL R7284U TRAINING MANUAL [Power Point] https://customer.honeywell.com/Documents/R7284U1004UniversalOilPrimaryTrainingModule.ppt
Excerpt: The R7795 Flame Safeguard Primary Control provides flameout protection plus automatic control of commercial and industrial gas and oil burners. Models provide intermittent pilot or interrupted pilot with delayed main valve.
Excerpt: The [Honeywell] RA890F Protectorelay™ is a nonprogramming, amplifying relay that provides solid state electronic flame safeguard protection for industrial and commercial gas, oil, or combination gas-oil burners.
In addition to citations & references found in this article, see the research citations given at the end of the related articles found at our suggested
B&G / ITT Reducing Valves, Instruction Manual V55999: REDUCING VALVES INSTALLATION, OPERATION, & SERVICE INSTRUCTIONS, Bell & Gossett Air Separators and other heating system components, Bell & Gossett, 8200 N. Austin Ave., Morton Grove IL 60053, USA - Tel 847 966-3700 Fax 847 965-8379. Original source www.bellgossett.com/literature/files/610.pdf
Hydrolevel Company, "VXT™ Programmable Water Feeder", [product literature brochure], Hydrolevel Co., PO Box 1847, New Haven CT 06508 USA, Tel: 203-776-0473, Tel: 800-654-0768, Website www.hydrolevel.com, retrieved 1/25/2014, original source: http://www.hydrolevel.com/new/images/literature/ sales_sheets/VXT_sales_sheet.pdf
"Hydrolevel VXT Failures", HeatingHelp.com, retrieved 1/25/2014, original source: heatinghelp.com/forum-thread/139729/Hydrolevel-VXT-Failures
Kenny, Steve, Dave Pope, "BASIC WATER TREATMENT of STEAM BOILERS", [PDF] Chemco Water Technology, Vancouver WA, Western Dry Kiln Association (2000), retrieved 4/23/2017, original source: http://ir.library.oregonstate.edu/xmlui/bitstream/handle/1957/5199/Basic_Water_ocr.pdf
McDonnell & Miller Controls - XYLEM Global Headquarters,
1133 Westchester Avenue,
White Plains, NY 10604,
Tel: +1-914-323-5700,
Fax: +1-914-323-5800
H2 PRO THERMAL EXPANSION TANKS INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS [PDF] (2004), Flexcon Industries, 300 Pond St., Randolph MA 02368 USA, Tel: 781-986-2424 retrieved 2017/11/02, original source: https://www.flexconind.com/pdf/wh-whv_install.pdf
Washington State DOH, TROUBLESHOOTING BLADDER PRESSURE TANKS, [PDF], DOH 331-342, retrieved 2017/11/02, original source: https://www.doh.wa.gov/portals/1/Documents/pubs/331-342.pdf
WATTS® POTABLE HOT WATER EXPANSION TANK MANUAL, [PDF] Models: DET-5-M1, DET-12-M1, DET-20-M1, Water Safety & Flow Control Products,
USA: 815 Chestnut St., No. Andover, MA 01845-6098; www.watts.com
Canada: 5435 North Service Rd., Burlington, ONT. L7L 5H7; www.wattscanada.ca retrieved 2017/11/02, original source: http://media3.wattswater.com/1915323.pdf
ZILMET USA Corp. , 400 Frenchtown Rd. | East Greenwich, RI 02818 USA Tel. 401-884-4943 | Fax 401-287-4951 (p) 401 884 4943 Websote: http://zilmetusa.com/
Email: [email protected]
Describes control circuits, thermostats, limit controls on air, hot water & steam heating systems, low water cutoffs, oil burner controls, gas burner controls, solenoid valves, motorized gas valves, LP gas controls, and transformers.
Fans, Fan Controls, Blower Control Manuals & Product Sources
OEM HEATING CONTROL REPLACEMENTS FOR CAMSTAT CONTROLS: [PDF] L59 Series Limit, FALT Series Fan Controls, F47 & F214 Fan Control, F47TS Fan Control, S106 Time Delay Relay, PR Pilot Igniters, BC6060 F7070 Blower Control, CIVA5 Brown Out Delay Timer, AFC01T110204 Attic Fan Control, from Supco Sealed Parts Co., Inc., Allenwood NJ, Tel:L 800-333-9125, Website: www.supco.com
Fan Limit Switch Controls
FAN LIMIT SWITCH - topic home, complete list of diagnostic articles and more lists of installation and wiring guides
Product description: This fan limit switch is also referred to as a Cam-Stat control or a time-delay relay because it allows setting a timed delay in fan-on or fan-off cycles.
This Time Delay Relay replaces the following: BC-7070-A/M, AZ2100-1A-24DEF, 4033500, 026-32588-014, L44-495
Watch out: most suppliers warn that Gas valves, circuit boards, and replacement parts in general should be installed by a licensed professional. Failure to read and follow all instructions carefully before installing or operating this control could cause injury, fire, damage, death.
Contact A-1 Components Corporation
625 West 18th Street
Hialeah FL 33010
USA Tel. 1-800-759-2872
Fax. 1-800-759-9299
Website: www.a-1components.com
A-1 Components, founded as Wagner Tool Co. in 1946, provides HVACR components in the U.S. including the following brand names:
Cam-Stat® RF (Z-QWave), Magni-Chek™, Cam-Stat, Line Backer™, Allin Liquid Eye™,a A1, A2, & A3 Line Tap Valves, and other brands names used by HVACR technicians.
Goodman Manufacturing Company, L.P., 2550 North Loop West, Suite 400, Houston, TX 77092, www.goodmanmfg.com
See Goodman Mfg Gas Fired Central Furnaces INSTALLATION & OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS GAS FIRED WARM AIR FURNACE AMV8 at http://www.goodmanmfg.com
HONEYWELL L4064B UNIVERSAL COMBINATION FAN & LIMIT CONTROLLERS, [PDF] Honeywell Corporation, Minneapolis, MN 55408. Honeywell has sales offices in all principal cities in the world and has manufacturing facilities in Australia, Canada, Finland, France, Germany, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, Spain, Taiwan, United Kingdom, U.S.A. Honeywell Form Number 60-0450 7-75, residential division. Honeywell's latest product data for this type of control can be found in English at http://customer.honeywell.com/Techlit/Pdf/69-0000s/69-0117.pdf
HONEYWELL R8285A-G,J,K CONTROL CENTER WIRING - isolation relay [PDF] or transformer relay, retrieved 2016/09/16, original source:
The R8285 Control Center provides low voltage control of line voltage fan motors and auxiliary circuits in heating, cooling, or air-conditioning systems.
Audels Oil Burner Guide, Installation, Servicing, Repairing, Frank D. Graham, 1947 edition (obsolete, out of print). See Brumbaugh, James E. Audel HVAC Fundamentals, Volume 2: Heating or see various versions of this guide available in editions from 1947, 1950, 1955, 1958, 1959, 1962, 1965, 1967, and at prices from around $3.00 to nearly $70.00 - useful for simple, clear, but not current, explanation of how heating equipment works. The original retail price was $1.00. Used copies are available
Graham, Frank D. & Theo Audel, AUDELS OIL BURNER GUIDE, INSTALLING, SERVICING, REPAIRING, [PDF online copy of this book] Frank D. Graham, Theo. Audel & Co., New York 1946, 1947, 1955 (out of print, copies occasionally available from antique book dealers and on EBay). Use THIS LINK to read a free online copy of this helpful classic textbook.
ICM is a manufacturer of electronic controls for HVACR equipment, including defrost controls, furnace controls, and motor protectors/surge protectors, distributing products world-wide.
Outdoor Reset Module Boiler Aquastat Adjustment for Outdoor Temperature
This topic and our list of techincal manuals and studies of ORMs and boiler temperature or aquastat adustment devices has moved
to OUTDOOR RESET MODULE AQUASTAT ADJUSTER where we discuss the heating cost savings from these devices and where we provide PDF copies of the manuals for them.
CALEFFI ZONE VALVE INSTALLATION GUIDE [PDF] (2017) for Caleffi Z-One Zone Valves, Caleffi North America, Inc., . 3883 W. Milwaukee Road Milwaukee, WI 53208 USA
Tel. 414-238-2360 Fax 414-238-2366 Email:
[email protected] Web: www.caleffi.com
CALEFFI ZONE VALVE WIRING - [PDF] installation, wiring and multi-zone control set-up instructions from the manufacturer
HONEYWELL V8043D ZONE VALVE [PDF installation instructions], Honeywell Corporation, 2985 Douglas Drive North, Golden Valley MN 55433, retrieved 2/3/14 original source: https://customer.honeywell.com/resources/techlit/ TechLitDocuments/95c-00000s/95C-10938B.pdf
STEAM HEATING SYSTEMS & CONTROLS - home, article series with complete list of all steam heat controls, installation, operation, inspection, troubleshooting, repair
Thermostats for Heating & Cooling, Installation, Wiring, Instruction Manuals
Master Index to Manuals, Guides, by HVAC product Brand: see MANUALS & PARTS GUIDES - HVAC where we list all manufacturers brands of HVAC equipment.
THERMOSTAT WIRE CONNECTIONS - includes thermostat hook-up or wiring instructions by wire color code and function, and at the end of that page you will find an index to
Master Index to room thermostats: see
this ARTICLE INDEX to HVAC THERMOSTATS for a complete list of thermostat instructions by brand and type of room thermostat
Thermostat Wiring help: If you need help figuring out the wiring for your thermostat see the instructions that came with your unit, or if you can't find the instructions (the dog ate the thermostat installation guide), see our detailed thermostat wiring guides at
THERMOSTAT WIRE CONNECTIONS - low-voltage thermostat installation & wiring guide for each heating or cooling system type and each thermostat wiring specification, from the simple 2-wire thermostat through 3, 9 and 9-wire thermostat hookups
- instructions for wiring a room thermostat based on number of control wires present
3M customer help line: 1-888-607-5824 for the Filtrete thermostat .
Watch out: the Filtrete™ 3M-22 is a battery-operated thermostat. If the batteries fail the thermostat may fail to provide heating or cooling and the building may suffer accordingly.
Chromalox Advanced Thermal Technologies, customer service telephone: 1-800-443-2640
Emerson Technologies (White-Rodgers products): http://www.emersonclimate.com (they don't seem to want you to call)
Honeywell customer help line: 1-800-468-1502
Robertshaw customer help line: 1-800-304-656
Reader Comments, Questions & Answers About The Article Above
Below you will find questions and answers previously posted on this page at its page bottom reader comment box.
Code says high limit switch..on GKS90904CXAD..Can't find high limit switch anywhere.. On 2020-12-31 by David M Williams
Reply by (mod) -
It sounds as if we're discussing a heating furnace blower unit high limit control - It may be a small snap disc sensor rather than a relay switch.
See https://inspectapedia.com/heat/Fan_Limit_Switch_Guide.php FAN LIMIT SWITCH
where we give wiring diagrams and also where you can identify the type of limit controls used on your heater.
Question: need wiring diagrams & parts for the Danfoss 57F394 Oil Burner Control Relay
Does anyone have old written material concerning about old Danfoss 57F394 Oil Burner Control Relay, as seen in attachments?
[Click to enlarge any image]
Electrical drawing, service manuals, functional descriptions etc. is needed.
I have such relay controlling oil burner operation in truck garage over 40 years.
Now a small lamp T6.8mm HIVAC 36L has burner black and the relay does not start oil burner at all and I need to find out what is the nominal voltage, current and purpose of this burned lamp.
Might it be a glimmer lamp based on bimetallic switch inside lamp getting warm based on ionisation current of high electric field intensity and making contacts to bend and make contact?
OR has there been an ordinary incandescent lamp with resistive contact about 1000 ohms?
Last failure was 17 years ago - I had to change CdS-tube ORP90, and now I am facing troubles again!
I HOPE You could:
* send me electrical drawing about that relay
* tell me what is the lamp in pictures
* send me service information about bimetal relays inside control relay - maximum and minimum current levels, tripping times, etc. - regards M.P. 2019/11/03
I'm not expert on this Danfoss oil burner control, but
at DANFOSS MANUALS we include a Danfoss control service manual that gives general Danfoss oil burner control wiring and troubleshooting and repair advice and some wiring diagrams.
You'll find the Danfoss 57F series listed therein, and at that link we also include information on how to contact Danfoss directly by phone or mail or email to ask for more-detailed assistance.
Let us know how the company responds to you as that'll help other readers.
Proper Time ON-OFF Setting on a Zettler Gas Furnace Control BC-7070-A/M
where should this timer ON/OFF be set on? should they be at 12 oclock and 3 ? On 2019-06-25 by Jay
On 2019-06-26 by (mod) - Setting the A-1 Components Camstdat gas valve controller by Zettler
There is not a single "right answer to the A-1 Components Camstdat gas valve controller by Zettler.
You're setting the blower on-[off times and a time delay between 0-240 seconds - and adjust it for what's comfortable.
We discuss the Zettler BC-7070 fan limit control and how to set it at
(Found by searching InspectApedia.com for ZETTLER)
Please take a look there where I also include a link to the manual that you can download.
Take a look and if you have further questions don't hesttate to ask and we'll take it from there.
an Camper-Trailer gas furnace burner won't ignite
Gas furnace issues in my camp trailer, won't light past the pilot, why not - On 2019-01-23 by D
Reply by (mod) - camp trailer gas furnace won't light past the pilot
If the pilot light stays lit but the main gas burner will not ignite the problem is probably in your gas valve itself not opening, or less likely a poor connection between the thermocouple and the gas valve - if the thermocouple doesn't sense the flame because it's not properly positioned it will shut the system down;
If the thermocouple is not securely connected at the gas valve that can look the same as a "no pilot" signal.
Details about fixing or installing thermocouples start
Continue reading at MANUALS & PARTS GUIDES - HVAC for a list of heating & air conditioner manuals sorted by brand, or select a topic from the closely-related articles below, or see the complete ARTICLE INDEX.
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Citations & References
In addition to any citations in the article above, a full list is available on request.
Thanks to Bottini Fuel service manager Ron Thomas for discussing aquastat functions, low limit controls, oil burner short cycling causes, and boiler maintenance, reliability, and service contracts 4/13/2010. Bottini Fuel is a residential and commercial heating oil distributor and oil heat service company in Wappingers Falls, NY and with offices in other New York locations. Bottini Fuel, 2785 W Main St,
Wappingers Falls NY, 12590-1576
(845) 297-5580 more contact information for Bottini Fuel
The ABC's of Retention Head Oil Burners, National Association of Oil Heat Service Managers, TM 115, National Old Timers' Association of the Energy Industry, PO Box 168, Mineola, NY 11501. (Excellent tips on spotting problems on oil-fired heating equipment. Booklet.)
In addition to citations & references found in this article, see the research citations given at the end of the related articles found at our suggested
Carson, Dunlop & Associates Ltd., 120 Carlton Street Suite 407, Toronto ON M5A 4K2. Tel: (416) 964-9415 1-800-268-7070 Email: [email protected]. Alan Carson is a past president of ASHI, the American Society of Home Inspectors.
Carson Dunlop Associates provides extensive home inspection education and report writing material. In gratitude we provide links to tsome Carson Dunlop Associates products and services.