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LARGER IMAGE: having a general idea of what septic components are helps you find where they may be locatedHow to Measure the Distance from House to Septic Tank - Find the Septic Tank Location

Measurements used to find the septic tank:

This article tells us how use measurements to locate a septic tank when it's placement is not already known or when the location of the septic tank is not visually obvious.. This document provides procedures for using measurements to find the septic tank.

When the septic tank needs to be pumped, a regular maintenance task, the cost of that service will be less if the property owner found the septic tank location and perhaps even uncovered the septic tank pumping access cover. Other reasons to find the septic tank include inspecting and testing septic systems when buying a home or for safety, to assure that the septic tank cover is in good condition.

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DISTANCE TO TANK - How To Measure The Possible Distance From House to Tank

Sketch shows how to find the septic tank and seepage pitsVideos showing how to find the septic system, septic tank, & septic drainfield are at SEPTIC VIDEOS.

Also see SEPTIC DRAINFIELD LOCATION - how to find the leach fields.

Find the distance between the septic tank and the building: in our sketch at left we marked the location of waste lines leaving the building and then made measurements accurate to one inch, locating the septic tank center and the onsite seepage pits, by measuring from the center of each of these to prominent site features.

Making these measurements at the time of installation of the septic tank and seepage pits made life easier for the next owner.

The steps below address measuring the septic tank location after it has already been installed.

  • Here is the exact septic tank location:
    • By Distance: The septic tank will be located outside the building on an arc formed with its radius distance from the building equal to the length of snake fed into the house drain until it was stopped by an obstruction.

      Often the septic tank is about ten feet from the building.
    • By Electronic Sensor: The septic tank can be located exactly electronically: Some plumbing contractors can at this point find the exact septic tank location by using a special plumbing snake fed into the main house drain line.

      An electronic signal is fed into the metal plumbing snake. From outside, a receiver can sense the signal from the plumbing snake. By passing the receiver, a sort of electronic metal detector, over the property surface, the exact path of the snake in the buried drain line can be followed right to the tank.
    • Septic Tank Locating Equipment also

      see SEPTIC TANK LOCATING EQUIPMENT in this article.

    In cases where this special electronic plumbing snake equipment is not available, we rely on visual clues indoors, at the site, and outdoors in probable septic tank locations, combined with some judicious digging. No we don't need to dig up the entire property. The visual and excavation approach to finding the septic tank continue below.



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    Question: maximum distance requirement for a septic system away from the house?

    (Apr 11, 2015) seth said:
    Can a sewer pipe from the house to the septic tank be more than 150 feet? Is there a max distance requirement for a septic system away from the house? Thank you


    Yes but you will need to pay attention to pipe slope, avoid unnecessary bends, use the proper connectors (not 90's), and you would be smart to add inspection and cleanout ports every 50-75 feet enroute.

    On 2019-05-16 by (mod) - How far is the septic tank from the vent?


    Which vent - rooftop vent? building? or a vent in a foundation wall? Or a vent line sticking up in your yard?

    Presuming the latter, the tank still could be anywhere the site permits - usually it's as close to the building as the builder could fit - often just 10 ft -

    In other words, sorry no one knows without looking, on-site.

    Take a look at SEPTIC TANK, HOW TO FIND

    for using easy visual clues or as last resort, a sewer line camera and some digging.

    Watch out: when nobody knows the septic tank location we can guess that nobody has pumped the tank in a long time: that's a condition making us pessimistic about the remaining drainfield life.

    Watch out: too that when the septic tank location is unknown we don't know the condition of the tank nor its cover. Walking over a rotting home made wood cover or rusted out steel cover risks a fatal fall-in to a septic tank.

    On 2019-05-15 by Doris

    How far is the septic tank from the vent

    On 2019-02-18 by (mod) - piping requirements for Secoh air pumps:

    Here is what Secoh says about the piping requirements for their air pumps:


    Select tube size, lengths and accessories to keep pressure loss as small as possible.


    Straight piping and as short as possible

    Tubing, which diameter is bigger than the port of the unit (inside diameter min. 19mm).

    Large radius bends and no elbows

    Valves of bigger diameter than the blower’s connector port

    Smooth-running valves that provide the lowest pressure drop

    Low air loss diffusers for aeration

    - Source: Secoh EasyPump, 50 West Drive, Melbourne, Florida 32904 United States Tel: 321-253-1999 1-800-225-4498 Email:
    [email protected] Website: or store: retrieved 2019/02/18 original source:

    On 2019-02-18 16 by (mod) - effect of distance on aerobic septic tank aerator pumps?


    Thank you for asking an interesting question:

    What is the effect of distance on aerobic septic tank aerator pumps? or What is the permitted tubing length or distance for an aerobic septic aerator pump?

    The Secoh EL-80 septic pump is sold in several models and ranges in CFM or LPM of air delivery rated as Air Flow: 80LPM or 2.83 CFM 4.23 CFM Open Flow.

    The Secoh aerator pump performance curves shown below (extracted from the company's sales literature) makes clear that as the pump "PSI" increases the flow rate decreases. The pump ratings are given as "open flow" rate.

    That "open flow" is critical to understand. Open flow is measured right at the outlet of the pump with no resistance on the pump.

    Increases in tubing length, number of elbows, bends or fittings, as well as any increase in depth to which the pump has to push air all will decrease the actual measured air delivery volume at the aerator in the aerobic septic tank.

    septicsolutions a vendor of septic aerators sums up the problem nicely as:

    The air pump size is normally determined by the volume capacity of the tank, the style of air diffusers in the tank, and how many GPD (Gallons Per Day) the system is designed to treat. -

    What that means is that IF we can assume that your septic aerator pump was properly sized and installed in the first place, you should not move it 50 feet away before consulting with Secoh or with the company who designed and installed your aerobic septic system. You may need to use larger diameter tubing or a higher capacity septic pump to assure adequate delivery of air into your aerobic septic tank.

    Watch out: if the air flow rate, volume, duration, or CFM / LPM in an aerobic septic tank is inadequate the cost can be ruinous: failure to adequately treat the septic waste risks early failure of the septic drainfield and contamination of the nearby environment.

    I'm sorry I can't give a more specific answer like - yeah ok if you go to 3/4" tubing - because like Secoh, from my distant perch here in central Mexico I can't see your aerobic septic installation and have no other details about it.

    The supplier septicsolutions can be reached at 1-877-925-5132 or [email protected]
    Septic Solutions, 314 Center St., Dieterih IL 62424 USA

    IMAGE LOST by older version of Comments code - now fixed. Please re-post the image if you can. Sorry. Mod.

    On 2019-02-18 by Bill Grambsch

    I want to move my Aeration air pump 50 feet away from my septic tank. I have 50 ft of 1/2 PVC tubing and power to run the air pump.
    I want to move the air pump to the back of my house and place it in a vented soundproof enclosure.
    Any issues or concerns? I have an EL-80 air pump producing 3.6 PSI. Any reason I can not add 50 ft of air hose to get rid of the noise.

    On 2018-10-20 by (mod) - Is there a maximum distance from the septic tank to the leach field?

    No, Drew, there is not a maximum distance of septic tank to leach field, however there are practical distance limitations such as the requirement to slope effluent lines to drain from tank to field by gravity; beyond that limit one would have to use an effluent pumping system.

    On 2018-10-20 by Drew

    Is there a maximum distance from the septic tank to the leach field?

    On 2018-05-20 by (mod) -

    Glad to hear it, we also welcome questions critique and suggestions.

    On 2018-05-20 by saudah


    On 2018-05-20 by Anonymous

    hi i had a project to do on septic tanks and this info was very helpful

    On 2016-11-09 by (mod) - How far can I put the septic tank from the house?

    Distance from house to septic tank is limited by your site size, dimensions, local setback laws, and by the slope or relative elevations of the land (or use of a septic pump). But for long distances you'll want to provide access points for cleanout or inspection of the drain line.

    On 2016-11-09 by Bob

    How far can I put the septic tank from the house?


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