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School Startup Program

School students have enormous potential, and iStart Rajasthan believes immensely in that potential and endeavors to tap it. Accelerating this effort to promote the spirit of entrepreneurship in students, Hon’ble Chief Minister, Rajasthan, has announced the launch of the iStart School Startup program in his budget speech for the financial year 2021-22.
iStart has extended to include School Startup initiative with the aim to imbibe entrepreneurial mindset in the school students of Rajasthan and provide them a solid foundation in their journey as a future entrepreneur.
School Startup program endeavours by handholding and providing exposure to students with the help of supportive teachers, engaging entrepreneurs, community shapers and innovative companies to ignite their young minds and prepare them for the real world.
Through this program, the students and schools can avail the learning materials, competitions, and working spaces for activities related to entrepreneurship, innovation, emerging technologies, and prototyping.

School Startup Program

Who Should Attend?

Students : All students, attending Class 8th to 12th from state-run schools (Government, state-aided and private schools including students from colleges from Rajasthan.

Schools / Colleges : All schools in the state of Rajasthan (Government, state-aided and private schools & colleges) will be able to register.


  • Infrastructural Support : The state envisages the establishment and the running of incubation centers in the nine academic zones in the state.
  • Mentoring : The mentoring will be done through dedicated mentors at the 9 educational divisions of the state through hub and spoke model and trained mentor teachers across 33 districts.
  • Intellectual Support : Mentoring and handholding students regarding their business or innovative ideas
  • Events : Capacity building, pitching events, Connect with the networking & marketing platforms, Corporate Round Tables, Exposure Visits etc.
  • Networking and Linkages Support : Opportunity to participate in different start-up forums, Co-incubation with incubation partners, Access to Govt. & industry associations