Indulge in the extraordinary craftsmanship of this 3D model, a celebration of athleticism and realism. Centered around a young, dark-skinned athlete donned in striped boxer shorts, the piece captures the perfect equilibrium between strength and slenderness. Standing at approximately 25 years old, the athlete emanates a serious demeanor, heightening the model's narrative depth.
Every nuance is meticulously rendered, from the texture of the boxer shorts to the lifelike representation of the athlete's dark skin. The addition of dreadlocks introduces a cultural dimension, enhancing the character's uniqueness. The facial features exude a handsome, realistic expression, establishing a profound connection between the viewer and the virtual subject. The interplay of light and shadow accentuates the athlete's skin, creating a level of realism that is both striking and immersive.
Frozen in a moment of dynamic poise, the model encapsulates the essence of athleticism. Whether you are an enthusiast of 3D art, a sports aficionado, or simply appreciate the beauty of realistic digital modeling, this masterpiece is designed to captivate your imagination and leave an enduring impression. Stampa Pronta: No
Hai bisogno di ulteriori formati? Se hai bisogno di diversi formati, aprire un nuovo Ticket i Supporto e una richiesta per questo. Convertiamo modelli 3D a: .stl, .c4d, .obj, .fbx, .ma/.mb, .3ds, .3dm, .dxf/.dwg, .max. .blend, .skp, .glb. Non convertiamo scene 3d e formati come .step, .iges, .stp, .sldprt.!
On-demand products/services
(e.g. “made to order” or “create your own” apps)
Business social media account owned and managed by the licensee
Physical advertisements for local, national, and global markets
Digital paid advertisements impressions
One native app, web app, or game downloaded or sold times, physical or digital end products
250 000
Use in a single (free and paid) end product
(more than one end user allowed)
Royalty-Free Usage
The Extended License for an item is two (2) times as expensive as the Basic License for the same item. For example, if you can obtain some 3D model under a Basic License for $20, the same model under an Extended License will cost you $40.
You cannot redistribute or resell items purchased under any type of license (Basic or Extended), whether separately or included in some kind of collection of 3D model resources. Leggi ulteriori
Yes, If the model is under Royalty Free license , you can use it as long as it is incorporated into the product and as long as the 3rd party cannot retrieve it on its own in both digital and physical form.
No AI Training License
Licenses marked with the "no AI" designation do not grant permission for utilizing the product in tasks related to machine learning or the training of neural network models, including generative AI models.
These conditions terms specified by dvigalet for the Realistic of a Young Dark-Skinned Athlete. Leggi ulteriori
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