Crayola Ultra-Clean Washable Markers Color MAX: What's Inside the Box

In 2014 Crayola came out with the Ultra-Clean Washable Markers ColorMAX.  I love washable markers and would recommend them all day.  My son usually colors with them and when he is done I grab a wet paper towel and wipe it up.  That easy.  I like all the different assortments of colors in the Bold, Bright, Classic and Tropical colors.  The best time of year to get these is during the Back to School sales.  They are so much cheaper.

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Ultra Clean Washable Crayons: What's Inside the Box

The first type of Washable Crayons from CRAYOLA that I have personally seen is from 1958, there was were a couple boxes before that. I do not know if they used the same formula and ideas for later washable crayon boxes, but it is quite possible. The patent for washable crayons was published in 1999, about the same time as they published the patent for washable markers. According to the patent there are certain additives mixed with the crayons that cause them to fleck less, and they become more washable. Numerous products have been made with these "washable" crayons, but mostly geared at the very young artists.  In 2011 Crayola added washiblity to their mainstream 24 count box and then added it to many other lines in 2013.  They added Ultra-Clean and ColorMAX (both trademark) to the name, and supposedly these crayons are even brighter than normal crayons.

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