Search by actor or other artist

Tags are simply the actor’s name, though without accents (since tumblr doesn’t handle them well), and with hyphens replaced with spaces.

For example:

Artist name
alexander aulerchelsea nicole mitchell
fletcher dobinsonfergus logan
gillian lynnegeorgina pazcoguin
jacob brentjack rebaldi
john partridgejose raul mangual
mark john richardsonmukeni nel
marlene daniellemichael gruber
rosemarie fordtimothy scott
ricky ubedazach bravo
See also these two special tags:
swings loveartist focus
(focussing on appreciation for swings)(dedicated to a single artist across multiple productions or characters)

Where there’s more than one way to write their name (e.g., they have used different versions of their name professionally, or there are variant spellings) I usually follow the wiki’s usage. If tumblr tells you a tag doesn’t exist, try using the search function instead, or doing a combo search for the production they were in and the character they played most often.

For example, if you were to look for the tag ‘taylor rosenberger’ you’d find that it doesn’t exist - which would be surprising, as he’s Coricopat in the 2021 US tour! However, if you searched for the words ’taylor rosenberger’, or for ’2021 us tour+c: coricopat’, you’d find plenty of posts with him in them, and you’d find that they are tagged with ’taylor james rosenberger’: the tag includes his middle name.