To search by multiple tags…

Aaaah, tumblr.

Technically you can’t search by multiple tags - at least, not while using the tag system. So you can’t natively search for ‘Bombalurina in the 2016 revival’ by asking tumblr to return only the posts that are tagged with both ‘c: bombalurina’ and ‘2016 broadway’.

What you can do, however, is enter the text of both tags into the search box (or by adding /search/text on the end of the blog’s url). This will search the whole text of the post, including tags; but since the tag text is (e.g.) ‘c: munkustrap’ rather than just ‘munkustrap’, that particular string  won’t turn up very often in the body text. Use + between the different tags. Here’s some examples:

- If I want to see lots of Michael Gruber’s lovely face, I’d enter the munkustrap+1998.

- If I want to find all instances of Tumblebrutus doing his flippy bow, I’d use /search/c: tumblebrutus+s: bows.

- For the ‘Bustopher Jones’ song in the Moscow production, search/2005 moscow+s: bustopher jones.

- And for art by the lovely rainbowrat -