Podgorica is the capital of Montenegro, located in the very center of the country. It is the main economic, trade and university center with the largest number of inhabitants of any city in the country, with over 200 thousand inhabitants. Podgorica is situated at the foot of Mount Gorica, and the local people also call it “the old lady”.
Podgorica is situated in the Zetsko-bjelopavlićka basin, characteristic for its favorable climate brought about thanks to the proximity to the Shkodra Lake, the Adriatic Sea and the rivers that flow through the city. The neighborhoods in the area where Podgorica sits today existed even in prehistoric times. These basins were home to two Illyrian tribes, the Labeats and Dokleats. The Labeats lived between the Shkodra Lake and modern-day Podgorica, they had their own fortress, Medun, and were characteristic for their developed and well-organized lifestyle. The Dokleats lived in the Zeta river basin and experienced a very swift economic development thanks to the fertile land where they lived.