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기독교 시온주의

위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전.

1841년 발행된 Colonial Times에서 로드 사프테스버리(Lord Shaftesbury)가 쓴 기사 "유대인들이 팔레스타인으로 회복하기 위한 유럽의 기독교 군주에 보낸 양해각서"

기독교 시온주의(基督敎Zion主義, Christian Zionism)란 세대주의자들과 같은 어떤 그리스도인들 가운데서는 유대인들이 거룩한 땅으로 돌아와서 이스라엘을 1948년에 설립하는 것이 성경 예언과 일치하는 것이라고 믿는 것이다. 이 용어는 20세기 중엽부터 기독교 회복주의(Christian Restorationism) 대신 사용된다.[1][2]


  1. Christian Perspectives on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, p. 131, Wesley Haddon Brown, Peter F. Penner, 2008, 11, "Western Restorationism and Christian Zionism: Germany as a Case Study
  2. Proceedings of the ... World Congress of Jewish Studies: World Union of Jewish Studies, 1993

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참고 문헌

  • Mikael Knighton, Christians Standing with Israel, Copyright 2007 - The Theological Background of Christian Zionism
  • Mark Dunman. Has God Really Finished with Israel? New Wine Press 2013. ISBN 978-1-905991-87-7
  • Paul Richard Wilkinson. For Zion's Sake: Christian Zionism and the Role of John Nelson Darby ISBN 978-1-84227-569-6, Paternoster Press, Authentic, Carlisle 2008.
  • Zev Chafets. A Match Made in Heaven: American Jews, Christian Zionists, and One Man's Exploration of the Weird and Wonderful Judeo-Evangelical Alliance. HarperCollins, 2007.
  • Victoria Clark. Allies for Armageddon: The Rise of Christian Zionism. Yale University Press, 2007.
  • Grace Halsell. Prophecy and Politics: Militant Evangelists on the Road to Nuclear War. Lawrence Hill & Co., 1986. ISBN 0-88208-210-8.
  • Donald M. Lewis. "The Origins of Christian Zionism: Lord Shaftesbury and Evangelical Support for a Jewish Homeland" Cambridge University Press. 2009. ISBN 978-0-521-51518-4
  • Rammy Haija. "The Armageddon Lobby: Dispensationalist Christian Zionism and the Shaping of US Policy Towards Israel-Palestine." Holy Land Studies 5(1): 75–95. 2006. The Armageddon Lobby
  • Irvine Anderson. Biblical interpretation and Middle East policy: the promised land, America, and Israel, 1917-2002. University Press of Florida. 2005. ISBN 0-8130-2798-5.
  • Tony Campolo. "The Ideological Roots of Christian Zionism." Tikkun. January–February 2005.
  • Stephen Sizer. Christian Zionism: Road map to Armageddon? InterVarsity Press. 2004. ISBN 0-8308-5368-5. Review
  • Gershom Gorenberg. The End of Days: Fundamentalism and the Struggle for the Temple Mount. Oxford University Press. 2002. ISBN 0-19-515205-0
  • Paul Charles Merkley. The Politics of Christian Zionism 1891–1948. Frank Cass. 1998. ISBN 0-7146-4850-7
  • Paul Merkley, Christian Attitudes Towards the State of Israel, Mcgill Queens Univ Press, Montreal, Sep 2001. ISBN 978-0773521889
  • Lawrence Jeffrey Epstein. Zion’s Call: Christian Contributions to the Origins and Development of Israel. University Press of America. 1984.
  • Michael Oren. Power, Faith and Fantasy: America in the Middle East, 1776–Present. New York, 2007.
  • Barbara W. Tuchman. Bible and Sword. New York, 1956.
  • David Pawson. Defending Christian Zionism Terra Nova Publications, 2008. ISBN 978-1-901949-62-9
  • Iain Murray, The Puritan Hope. Banner of Truth, June 1971. ISBN 978-0851512471.

외부 링크

  • Christian Zionists - Bridges for Peace
  • Christian Zionist Support Israel Jewish and Christian Zionists - SAZ - Support Association for Zionism
  • Christian Zionism and Its Religious Arguments to Create Conflict, Strategic Outlook
  • Christians Standing with Israel: Support Israel, What is a Christian Zionist? Stand Against Anti-Semitism
  • Rabbi Eliezer Melamed, Christians Who Love Israel on Arutz Sheva.