본문으로 이동


위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전.

Aster amellus
Aster amellus
생물 분류ℹ️
계: 식물계
(미분류): 속씨식물군
(미분류): 진정쌍떡잎식물군
(미분류): 국화군
목: 국화목
과: 국화과
아과: 국화아과
족: 참취족
Cass., 1819
참취속(Aster L.)
[출처 필요]

참취족(--族, 학명: Astereae 아스테레아이[*])은 국화아과이다.[1] 약 170속에 2,800여 종을 포함하고 있다.

하위 분류

그랑게아아족(Grangeinae Benth. & Hook.f.)[2]
  • Akeassia J.-P.Lebrun & Stork
  • Ceruana Forssk.
  • Colobanthera Humbert
  • Cyathocline Cass.
  • Dacryotrichia Wild
  • Dichrocephala L'Hér. ex DC.
  • Egletes Cass.
  • Erodiophyllum F.Muell.
  • Eschenbachia Moench
  • Grangea Adans.
  • Grangeopsis Humbert
  • Grauanthus Fayed
  • Gyrodoma Wild
  • Heteromma Benth.
  • Mtonia Beentje
  • Nidorella Cass.
  • Pilbara Lander
  • Plagiocheilus Arn. ex DC.
  • Welwitschiella O.Hoffm.
데이지아족(Bellidinae Willk.)[3]
라게노포라아족(Lagenophorinae G.L.Nesom)[4]
  • Keysseria Lauterb.
  • Lagenocypsela Swenson & K.Bremer
  • Lagenophora Cass.
  • Myriactis Less.
  • Novaguinea D.J.N.Hind
  • Pappochroma Raf.
  • Piora J.Kost.
  • Pytinicarpa G.L.Nesom
  • Rhamphogyne S.Moore
  • Sheareria S.Moore
  • Solenogyne Cass.
  • Thespis DC.
마카이란테라아족(Machaerantherinae G.L.Nesom)[5]
  • Arida (R.L.Hartm.) D.R.Morgan & R.L.Hartm.
  • Benitoa D.D.Keck
  • Corethrogyne DC.
  • Dieteria Nutt.
  • Grindelia Willd.
  • Haplopappus Cass.
  • Hazardia Greene
  • Isocoma Nutt.
  • Lessingia Cham.
  • Leucosyris Greene
  • Machaeranthera Nees
  • Olivaea Sch.Bip. ex Benth.
  • Oonopsis (Nutt.) Greene
  • Pyrrocoma Hook.
  • Rayjacksonia R.L.Hartm. & M.A.Lane
  • Stephanodoria Greene
  • Xanthisma DC.
  • Xanthocephalum Willd.
  • Xylorhiza Nutt.
망초아족(Conyzinae Sch.Bip.)[6]
  • 개망초속(Erigeron L.)
  • Aphanostephus DC.
  • Apopyros G.L.Nesom
  • Darwiniothamnus Harling
  • Hysterionica Willd.
  • Leptostelma D.Don
  • Neja D.Don
미국쑥부쟁이아족(Symphyotrichinae G.L.Nesom)[7]
  • 미국쑥부쟁이속(Symphyotrichum Nees)
  • Almutaster Á.Löve & D.Löve
  • Ampelaster G.L.Nesom
  • Canadanthus G.L.Nesom
  • Psilactis A.Gray
미역취아족(Solidagininae O.Hoffm.)[8]
  • 미역취속(Solidago L.)
  • 미역취아재비속(Euthamia (Nutt.) Cass.)
  • Acamptopappus A.Gray
  • Amphiachyris (DC.) Nutt.
  • Amphipappus Torr. & A.Gray
  • Bigelowia DC.
  • Brintonia Greene
  • Chihuahuana Urbatsch & R.P.Roberts
  • Chrysoma Nutt.
  • Chrysothamnus Nutt.
  • Columbiadoria G.L.Nesom
  • Cuniculotinus Urbatsch, R.P.Roberts & Neubig
  • Eastwoodia Brandegee
  • Gundlachia A.Gray
  • Gutierrezia Lag.
  • Gymnosperma Less.
  • Lorandersonia Urbatsch, R.P.Roberts & Neubig
  • Medranoa Urbatsch & R.P.Roberts
  • Neonesomia Urbatsch & R.P.Roberts
  • Nestotus R.P.Roberts, Urbatsch & Neubig
  • Oligoneuron Small
  • Oreochrysum Rydb.
  • Petradoria Greene
  • Sericocarpus Nees
  • Stenotus Nutt.
  • Thurovia Rose
  • Xylovirgata Urbatsch & R.P.Roberts
바카리스아족(Baccharidinae Less.)[9]
  • Archibaccharis Heering
  • Baccharis L.
  • Commidendrum Burch. ex DC.
  • Melanodendron DC.
  • Microglossa DC.
  • Psiadia Jacq.
  • Psiadiella Humbert
볼토니아아족(Boltoniinae G.L.Nesom)[10]
  • Batopilasia G.L.Nesom & R.D.Noyes
  • Boltonia L'Hér.
  • Chloracantha G.L.Nesom, Y.B.Suh, D.R.Morgan, S.D.Sundb. & B.B.S
브라키스코메아족(Brachyscominae G.L.Nesom)[11]
  • Brachyscome Cass.
  • Calotis R.Br.
  • Ceratogyne Turcz.
아스트란티움아족(Astranthiinae G.L.Nesom)[12]
  • Astranthium Nutt.
  • Dichaetophora A.Gray
  • Geissolepis B.L.Rob.
  • Townsendia Hook.
참취아족(Asterinae (Cass.) Dumort.)[13]
  • 과꽃속(Callistephus Cass.)
  • 참취속(Aster L.)
  • Arctogeron DC.
  • Asterothamnus Novopokr.
  • Crinitaria Cass.
  • Galatella Cass.
  • Iranoaster Kaz.Osaloo, Farhani & Mozaff.
  • Kemulariella Tamamsch.
  • Miyamayomena Kitam.
  • Novopokrovskia Tzvelev
  • Psychrogeton Boiss.
  • Rhinactinidia Novopokr.
  • 갯개미취속(Tripolium) Nees
카이토파파아족(Chaetopappinae G.L.Nesom)[14]
  • Chaetopappa DC.
  • Monoptilon Torr. & A.Gray
크리솝시스아족(Chrysopsidinae G.L.Nesom)[15]
  • Bradburia Torr. & A.Gray
  • Chrysopsis (Nutt.) Elliott
  • Croptilon Raf.
  • Heterotheca Cass.
  • Noticastrum DC.
  • Osbertia Greene
  • Pityopsis Nutt.
  • Tomentaurum G.L.Nesom
펜타카이타아족(Pentachaetinae G.L.Nesom)[16]
  • Pentachaeta Nutt.
  • Rigiopappus A.Gray
  • Tracyina S.F.Blake
포도코마아족(Podocominae G.L.Nesom)[17]
  • Asteropsis Less.
  • Camptacra N.T.Burb.
  • Dichromochlamys Dunlop
  • Dimorphocoma F.Muell. & Tate
  • Elachanthus F.Muell.
  • Exostigma G.Sancho
  • Inulopsis O.Hoffm.
  • Iotasperma G.L.Nesom
  • Isoetopsis Turcz.
  • Ixiochlamys F.Muell. & Sond.
  • Kippistia F.Muell.
  • Laennecia Cass.
  • Microgyne Cass.
  • Microgynella Grau
  • Minuria DC.
  • Peripleura (N.T.Burb.) G.L.Nesom
  • Podocoma Cass.
  • Sommerfeltia Less.
  • Tetramolopium Nees
  • Vittadinia A.Rich.
호모크로마아족(Homochrominae Benth. & Hook.f.)[18]
  • Amellus L.
  • Chamaegeron Schrenk.
  • Chrysocoma L.
  • Engleria O.Hoffm.
  • Felicia Cass.
  • Gymnostephium Less.
  • Jeffreya Cabrera
  • Lachnophyllum Bunge
  • Nolletia Cass.
  • Poecilolepis Grau
  • Polyarrhena Cass.
  • Roodebergia B.Nord.
  • Zyrphelis Cass.
힌테루베라아족(Hinterhuberinae Cuatrec.)[19]
  • Achnophora F.Muell.
  • Aztecaster G.L.Nesom
  • Blakiella Cuatrec.
  • Cabreraea Bonif.
  • Celmisia Cass.
  • Chiliophyllum Phil.
  • Chiliotrichiopsis Cabrera
  • Chiliotrichum Cass.
  • Damnamenia Given
  • Diplostephium Kunth
  • Dysaster H.Rob. & V.A.Funk
  • Floscaldasia Cuatrec.
  • Flosmutisia Cuatrec.
  • Guynesomia Bonif. & G.Sancho
  • Haroldia Bonif.
  • Hinterhubera Sch.Bip.
  • Katinasia Bonif.
  • Laestadia Kunth ex Less.
  • Lepidophyllum Cass.
  • Llerasia Triana
  • Nardophyllum Hook. & Arn.
  • Novenia S.E.Freire
  • Ocyroe Phil.
  • Olearia Moench
  • Oritrophium (Kunth) Cuatrec.
  • Pachystegia Cheeseman
  • Pacifigeron G.L.Nesom
  • Parastrephia Nutt.
  • Pleurophyllum Hook.f.
  • Pteronia L.
  • Remya Hillebr. ex Benth. & Hook.f.
  • Rochonia DC.
  • Westoniella Cuatrec.
분류 불확실(incertae sedis)
  • Afroaster J.C.Manning & Goldblatt
  • Allittia P.S.Short
  • Apodocephala Baker
  • Aylacophora Cabrera
  • Doellingeria Nees
  • Ericameria Nutt.
  • Eucephalus Nutt.
  • Eurybia (Cass.) Cass.
  • Formania W.W.Sm. & J.Small
  • Hesperodoria Greene
  • Heteroplexis C.C.Chang
  • Heterothalamus Less.
  • Hullsia P.S.Short
  • Ionactis Greene
  • Madagaster G.L.Nesom
  • Mairia Nees
  • Nannoglottis Maxim.
  • Neobrachyactis Brouillet
  • Notopappus Klingenb.
  • Oclemena Greene
  • Oreostemma Greene
  • Pembertonia P.S.Short
  • Pseudobaccharis Cabrera
  • Rhynchospermum Reinw.
  • Roebuckiella P.S.Short
  • Sarcanthemum Cass.
  • Talamancaster Pruski
  • Toiyabea R.P.Roberts, Urbatsch & Neubig
  • Tonestus A.Nelson
  • Turczaninovia DC.
  • Vanclevea Greene
  • Vernoniopsis Dusén

계통 분류


다음은 2002년 파네로와 펑크(Panero & Funk)의 연구에 기초하고[20] 2014년 갱신된 국화과의 계통 분류이다.[21][22][23]
























  1. Cassini, Alexandre Henri Gabriel de. Journal de Physique, de Chimie, d'Histoire Naturelle et des Arts 88: 195–196. 1819.
  2. Bentham, George & Hooker, Joseph Dalton. Genera Plantarum 2(1): 166, 176. 1873.
  3. Willkomm, Heinrich. Prodromus Florae Hispanicae 2: 30. 1870.
  4. Nesom, Guy Lane. Phytologia 76(3): 207. 1994.
  5. Nesom, Guy Lane. Phytologia 76(3): 208. 1994.
  6. Schultz, Carl Heinrich "Bipontinus". In: Webb, Philip Barker & Berthelot, Sabin. Histoire Naturelle des Îles Canaries 3(2.2): 217. 1844.
  7. Nesom, Guy Lane. Phytologia 76(3): 211. 1994.
  8. Hoffmann, Karl August Otto. Die Natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien 4(5): 144, 145. 1890.
  9. Lessing, Christian Friedrich. Linnaea 5: 145. 1830.
  10. Nesom, Guy Lane. Sida 19(2): 266. 2000.
  11. Nesom, Guy Lane. Phytologia 76(3): 203. 1994.
  12. Nesom, Guy Lane. Sida 19(2): 265. 2000.
  13. Dumortier, Barthélemy Charles Joseph. Florula belgica, opera majoris prodromus, auctore ... 66. 1827.
  14. Nesom, Guy Lane. Sida 19(2): 264. 2000.
  15. Nesom, Guy Lane. Phytologia 76(3): 203. 1994.
  16. Nesom, Guy Lane. Sida 19(2): 264–265. 2000.
  17. Nesom, Guy Lane. Phytologia 76(3): 209–210. 1994.
  18. Bentham, George & Hooker, Joseph Dalton. Genera Plantarum 2(1): 165, 174. 1873.
  19. Cuatrecasas, José. Webbia 24: 5. 1969.
  20. Panero, J.L.; Funk, V.A. (2002). “Toward a phylogenetic subfamilial classification for the Compositae (Asteraceae)”. 《Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash.》 115: 909–922. 
  21. Panéro, José J.; Freire, Susana E.; Ariza Espinar, Luis; Crozier, Bonnie S.; Barboza, Gloria E.; Cantero, Juan J. (2014). “Resolution of deep nodes yields an improved backbone phylogeny and a new basal lineage to study early evolution of Asteraceae”. 《Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution》 80 (1): 43–53. doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2014.07.012. 2017년 1월 3일에 확인함. 
  22. Zhi-Xi Fu; Bo-Han Jiao; Bao Nie; Tiangang Gao (2016). “A comprehensive generic‐level phylogeny of the sunflower family: Implications for the systematics of Chinese Asteraceae”. 《Journal of Systematics and Evolution》 54 (4): 416–437. doi:10.1111/jse.12216. 2017년 1월 23일에 확인함. 
  23. Funk, Vicki A.; Fragman-Sapir, Ori (2009). 〈22. Gymnarrheneae (Gymnarrhenoideae)〉. V.A. Funk; A. Susanna; T. Stuessy; R. Bayer. 《Systematics, Evolution, and Biogeography of Compositae》 (PDF). Vienna: International Association for Plant Taxonomy. 327–332쪽. 2016년 12월 27일에 확인함.