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Ostreae craticula tostae

E Vicipaedia
Ostreae craticula tostae Toba in urbe Iaponiae
Ostreae tostae (chargrilled oysters) in popina Creole House Restaurant Novae Aureliae inlatae

Ostreae craticula tostae simplicissimo modo ab eis qui crudas comedere nolunt parantur. Ostreae aperiuntur, butyro et pipere inspersis furno accenso in craticulam ponuntur, brevissime coquuntur, calidae statim ad convivas distribuuntur. Hoc modo in Anglia Franciaque necnon alibi a saeculo XVII (nisi et antea) fieri solet, ab initio e specie Ostrearum edulium (ita haud falso nuncupata), recentius e Magallanas quae gigantes esse iactitantur. Hae etiam Tobae in Iaponia comedi solent, sed Crassostreae virginicae, sinu Mexicano educatae, Novae Aureliae consumuntur (vide imagines nostras).


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  • 1656 : Pierre de Lune, Le Cuisinier (Lutetiae: David) p. 118 ("Huistres sur le gril")
  • 1673 : William Rabisha, The Whole Body of Cookery Dissected (Londinii: E. Calvert) p. 144 ("How to broyl oysters")
  • 1685 : Robert May, The Accomplisht Cook (5a ed. Londinii) (pp. 391-392) ("To broil Oysters")
  • 1733 : Vincent La Chapelle, The Modern Cook (3 voll. Londinii: Nicolas Prevost) vol. 3 pp. 301-302 ("Broil'd oysters")
  • 1739 : [Menon], Nouveau traité de la cuisine. Lutetiae vol. 1 p. 345 ("huîtres grillées")
  • 1861 : Herbert Byng Hall, The Oyster: where, how, and when to find, breed, cook, and eat it (Londinii: Trübner) p. 58 ("The oyster roasted in its own shell")
  • 1941 : M. F. K. Fisher, Consider the Oyster. Duell, Sloan and Pierce ("grilled oysters")

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