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Solanum (genus)

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Ordo : Solanales 
Familia : Solanaceae 
Genus : Solanum 

Solanum est genus plantarum florentium familiae Solanacearum. Nomen a Carolo Linnaeo anno 1753 statutum est. Quod genus, illius familiae longe maximum, species 1244 anno 2022 continere censebatur[1] quae in omnibus continentibus sponte florent.

Plures species ab hominibus coluntur. Specierum aliarum multae hominibus venenosae aut partim aut omnino sunt. Nonnullae autem aut fructus aut folia utilia sive et grata producunt.


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Hae subdivisiones recentius descriptae sunt:

  • Subgenus Leptostemonum
Si plus cognoscere vis, vide etiam Solanum subg. Leptostemonum.
  • Subgenus Bassovia
  • Subgenus Lyciosolanum
  • Subgenus Solanum (sensu stricto)
  • Sectio Aculeigerum[2]
  • Cladus African Non-Spiny[3]
  • Sectio Allophyllum[4]
  • Cladus Brevantherum[5]
  • Cladus Cyphomandra[6]
  • Sectio Cyphomandropsis[7]
  • Cladus Dulcamaroides[8][9]
  • Sectio Extensum[5]
  • Sectio Geminata[10]
  • Sectio Herpystichum[11]
  • Cladus Morelloides[12]
  • Sectio Pachyphylla
  • subgenus Potatoe, cladus Potato[13]
    • Series Conicibaccata[14]
    • Sectio Lycopersicon[15]
    • Sectio Petota,[16] quae (secundum J. G. Hawkes) series viginti et unam comprehendit inter quas "Cuneoalata, Piurana, Tuberosa, Conicibaccata, Yungasensa, Ingifolia, Olmosiana, Megistacroloba, Bulbocastana, Pinnatisecta, Etuberosa".[17]
    • Series Piurana[18]
    • Sectio Pteroidea[19]
  • Sectio Solanum[20]

Species selectae

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Hoc genus comprehendit specierum fere mille et quingentos inter quas hae propter utilitatem innotescunt:

  1. Xavier Aubriot, Sandra Knapp, "A revision of the “spiny solanums” of Tropical Asia (Solanum, the Leptostemonum Clade, Solanaceae)" in PhytoKeys vol. 198 (2022) pp. 1-270 ad initium
  2. John L. Clark, Michael Nee, Lynn Bohs, Sandra Knapp, "A Revision of Solanum Section Aculeigerum (the Solanum wendlandii Group, Solanaceae)" in Systematic Botany vol. 40 (2015) pp. 1102-1136 JSTOR
  3. Knapp et Vorontsova (2016)
  4. Lynn Bohs, "The Systematics of Solanum Section Allophyllum (Solanaceae)" in Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden vol. 77 (1990) pp. 398–409
  5. 5.0 5.1 Lacerda Giacomin (2015)
  6. Lynn Bohs, "Phylogeny of the Cyphomandra Clade of the Genus Solanum (Solanaceae) Based on ITS Sequence Data" in Taxon vol. 56 (2007) pp. 1012-1026 JSTOR
  7. Lynn Bohs, Revision of Solanum Section Cyphomandropsis (Solanaceae) (Systematic Botany Monographs vol. 61. 2001) JSTOR
  8. Sandra Knapp, A revision of the Dulcamaroid Clade of Solanum L. (Solanaceae) (PhytoKeys, no. 22. 2013) Textus (Textus)
  9. Inter species: S. aspersum, S. luculentum, S. sanchez-vegae, S. sousae. Vide: Sandra Knapp, "Four New Vining Species of Solanum (Dulcamaroid Clade) from Montane Habitats in Tropical America" in PLoS One (5 Maii 2010)
  10. Sandra Knapp, Solanum Section Geminata (Solanaceae) (Flora Neotropica Monographs vol. 84. 2002); Sandra Knapp, Joao Renato Stehmann, Leandro L. Giacomin, "New species, additions and a key to the Brazilian species of the Geminata clade of Solanum L. (Solanaceae) in Brazil" in PhytoKeys vol. 47 (2015) pp. 1–48; Sandra Knapp, "A Revision of the Solanum havanense Species Group and New Taxonomic Additions to the Geminata Clade (Solanum, Solanaceae)" in Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden vol. 95 (2008) pp. 405-458 JSTOR
  11. Lynn Bohs, E. J. Tepe, "A Revision of Solanum Section Herpystichum" in Systematic Botany vol. 36 (2011) pp. 1068–1087 JSTOR
  12. Tiina Särkinen, Gloria E. Barboza, Sandra Knapp, "True Black nightshades: Phylogeny and delimitation of the Morelloid clade of Solanum" in Taxon vol. 64 (2015) pp. 945-958 JSTOR; Sandra Knapp, Lynn Bohs, Gloria E. Barboza, Tiina Särkinen, "A revision of the Morelloid Clade of Solanum L. (Solanaceae) in North and Central America and the Caribbean" in PhytoKeys vol. 123 (2019) pp. 1–144
  13. David M. Spooner, Gregory J. Anderson, Robert K. Jansen, "Chloroplast DNA Evidence for the Interrelationships of Tomatoes, Potatoes, and Pepinos (Solanaceae)" in American Journal of Botany vol. 80 (1993) pp. 676-688 JSTOR; Eric J. Tepe, Gregory J. Anderson, David M. Spooner, Lynn Bohs, "Relationships among wild relatives of the tomato, potato, and pepino" in Taxon vol. 65 (2016) pp. 262-276 JSTOR
  14. Diego Fajardo, David M. Spooner, "Phylogenetic Relationships of Solanum Series Conicibaccata and Related Species in Solanum Section Petota Inferred from Five Conserved Ortholog Sequences" in Systematic Botany vol. 36 (2011) pp. 163-170 JSTOR
  15. Nataliya Y. Komarova et al., "Molecular evolution of 35S rDNA and taxonomic status of Lycopersicon within Solanum sect. Petota" in Plant Systematics and Evolution vol. 276 (2008) pp. 59-71 JSTOR
  16. David M. Spooner et al., Wild Potatoes (Solanum section Petota; Solanaceae) of North and Central America (Systematic Botany Monographs, 68. 2004) JSTOR
  17. J. G. Hawkes, The Potato: evolution, biodiversity and genetic resources. Londinii: Belhaven Press, 1990
  18. Mercedes Ames, David M. Spooner, "Phylogeny of Solanum series Piurana and related species in Solanum section Petota based on five conserved ortholog sequences" in Taxon vol. 59 (2010) pp. 1091-1101 JSTOR
  19. Eric J. Tepe, Lynn Bohs, "A molecular phylogeny of Solanum sect. Pteroidea (Solanaceae) and the utility of COSII markers in resolving relationships among closely related species" in Taxon vol. 59 (2010) pp. 733-743 JSTOR
  20. Jennifer M. Edmonds, "A Synopsis of the Taxonomy of Solanum Sect. Solanum (Maurella) in South America" in Kew Bulletin vol. 27 (1972) pp. 95-114 JSTOR; Jennifer M. Edmonds, "Taxonomic studies on Solanum section Solanum (Maurella)" in Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society vol. 75 (1977) pp. 141–178
  21. 21.0 21.1 21.2 Z. O. Gbile, S. K. Adesina, "Nigerian Solanum Species of Economic Importance" in Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden vol. 75 (1988) pp. 862-865 JSTOR
  22. 22.0 22.1 Iris E. Peralta, Sandra Knapp, David M. Spooner, "New Species of Wild Tomatoes (Solanum Section Lycopersicon: Solanaceae) from Northern Peru" in Systematic Botany vol. 30 (2005) pp. 424–434
  23. 23.0 23.1 Fruit-bearing Forest Trees: technical notes (FAO Forestry Paper, 34). Romae: Food and Agriculture Organization, 1982. Textus
  24. Sophie D. Coe, America's First Cuisines (Austinopoli: University of Texas Press, 1994) p. 189
  25. Charles B. Heiser, Of Plants and People (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1985) pp. 136-141 (Paginae selectae apud Google Books) Exemplar mutuabile
  26. 26.0 26.1 Charles B. Heiser, "Ethnobotany of the Naranjilla (Solanum quitoense) and Its Relatives" in Economic Botany vol. 39 (1985) pp. 4-11 JSTOR
  27. "Little Oranges from Quito" in Charles B. Heiser, Of Plants and People (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1985) (Paginae selectae apud Google Books)


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De cladis singulis
Si plus cognoscere vis, vide etiam Solanum subg. Leptostemonum#Bibliographia.

Nexus externi

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Situs scientifici: Tropicos • Tela Botanica • GRIN • ITIS • NCBI • Biodiversity • Encyclopedia of Life • Plant Name Index • Fossilworks • Plantes d'Afrique • Flora of China • Flora of North America • USDA Plants Database


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