Signature Ability:
Jett is a VALORANT agent who specializes in mobility and assassinations. Like a true ninja, this South Korean agent can dash short distances to catch-up enemies or escape dangerous situation, and even propel herself upwards to reach highground places and surprise lurking targets who think they're safe up there. The combination of the Cloudburst ability and the Blade Storm ultimate make Jett a close-combat nightmare, as she can execute enemies who won't even realize what hit them.
Representing her home country of South Korea, Jett's agile and evasive fighting style lets her take risks no one else can. She runs circles around every skirmish, cutting enemies before they even know what hit them.
Ability: Basic
Smoke duration: 2.5s
Cost:  200 Max Charges: 2

Instantly throw your projectile that expands into a brief vision-blocking cloud on impact with a surface. Hold the ability key to curve the smoke in the direction of your crosshair.
Ability: Basic
Cost:  150 Max Charges: 1

Instantly propel Jett high into the air.
Ability: Signature
Cost:  Free Max Charges: 1 (regained by killing 2 players)

ACTIVATE to prepare a gust of wind for a limited time. RE-USE the wind to propel Jett in the direction she is moving. If Jett is standing still, she propels forward.
Blade Storm
Ability: Ultimate
Ultimate Cost: 8 
Equip a set of highly accurate throwing knives that recharge on killing an opponent. Fire to throw a single knife at your target. Alternate fire to throw all remaining daggers at your target. Right-click/Alternate Fire kills no longer recharge Jett’s kunai
Version History[edit]
Balance Changes
- Cloudburst (C)
Can no longer float while suppressed or detained.
- Tailwind (E)
Concuss now slows dashes by 50%
- Blade Storm (X)
Jett's third-person animations while Blade Storm is equipped have been adjusted to help with combat clarity. It should now be easier to understand her movement when she’s running and when she’s throwing knives.
- Tailwind (E)
Dash window decreased 12s >>> 7.5s
- Cloudburst (C)
Duration decreased 4.5s >>> 2.5s
Time to re-equip gun takes slightly longer after using the ability.
- Updraft (Q)
Charges decreased 2 >>> 1
- Blade Storm (X)
Ultimate points increased 7 >>> 8
Leg shot multiplier reduced 1.0 >>> 0.85
Fixed an issue with Jett’s Tailwind (E) where switching weapons in the middle of the dash would cause the weapon pull out animation to take longer than desired.
Fixed a bug where Jett could equip a Weapon during Tailwind (E)
Fixed a bug where Jett could reach very faster than intended speeds by using Tailwind (E) in specific locations (aka. “superdash”)
Progress/Charge bars moved to a consistent location and made a consistent size
Fixed a bug where Jett’s Tailwind (E) would sometimes fail to cast when used immediately after curving a Cloudburst (C) smoke
Fixed a bug where Jett’s ultimate indicator would sometimes stay active after firing all kunai
On first cast, Jett consumes her Tailwind (E) charge and after a .75 second delay, activates a 12-second window where she’s able to dash on next key press
- Charge can still be regained with 2 kills
- These changes also apply to Big Knife rounds in Escalation
Blade Storm (X) Ammo count added to HUD
Fixed a bug where Jett could find herself unable to use abilities or weapons when using Tailwind (E) immediately after depleting Blade Storm's (X) daggers
Blade Storm (X) can now be input-queued to equip after the current action
Fixed bug that displayed Jett’s 1P Updraft (Q) visuals incorrectly
Updraft (Q) Cost increased 150 >>> 200 -> Reverted in a hotfix
Tailwind (E) weapon equip time after casting increased -> Reverted in a hotfix
Jett’s Blade Storm (X) kunai will now recharge after killing a training dummy or defuse practice bot
Cloudburst (C) Charges reduced 3 >>> 2
Bladestorm Right-click/Alternate Fire kills no longer recharge Jett’s kunai
Cloudburst (C) price increased 100 >>> 200
Updraft (Q) price increased 100 >>> 150
Blade Storm (X) ultimate cost changed from 6 to 7 ult points
Tailwind (E) no longer break Cypher Trapwire
Smoke duration decreased 7 >>> 4.5
Jett now can’t use ropes or ziplines to dash lel
Blade Storm (X) time between consecutive Burst Fire use has increased from 0.33 seconds >>> 0.45 seconds
Blade Storm (X) daggers thrown in Burst now have a damage falloff that begins at 12 meters and drops steadily (to 35 damage) at max falloff
Blade Storm (X) headshot multiplier on Burst Fire reduced from 3x >>> 2x
Blade Storm (X) now refreshes when used to kill Phoenix during Run It Back.
Cloud Burst smoke duration increased 4 >>> 7 seconds
Tailwind (E) automatically breaks Cypher’s Trapwires after being briefly revealed
Jett’s Updraft (Q) reduced from 200 to 100 credits
Notable Players[edit]
External Links[edit]